TM Preface PDF
TM Preface PDF
TM Preface PDF
Power Transformer is very vital equipment in our Transmission System, High Voltage AC and DC transmission to supply
bulk power from generation source to load points is successful only through effectively and efficiently designed Power
Transformers, Converter Transformer and Reactors.
It is heartening to note that India has put up enough manufacturing capacity to the order of 300000 MVA to meet
market demand of power transformers. Indian companies are capable of designing and supplying transformers up
to 1200 kV.
Transformer Industry has undergone many changes and transformations in terms of design philosophy, selection of
materials and field applications.
While suppliers have focused on cost competitive product by optimizing designs, Utilities and customers choice and
demand has been reliable and defect free product. The wide fluctuating raw material cost dominates the design
process. However, IT has supplemented designers to implement their innovative design ideas. Customer feed back
and field data on transformer performance played vital role in design improvement.
Concept of Asset Management has not picked up well among Utilities in India, but realization has come to assess the
health of power transformer through condition monitoring.
There is always concern and keen interest from all stakeholders to have Power Transformers, which does not fail
before its expected life. It is not simple to get answer to this wish, because many aspects from procurement to
commissioning are required to be carefully and rightly addressed. Role of Utility / Customer is very important to
address The need and actual application of power transformer with proper data. Many a times, a bulky document
with multiple and superlative requirements is given. It ultimately leads to contractual dispute and delay in delivery.
In many occasions, power transformers remain at site without erection & commissioning for long time. The storage
and preservation are important. Erection and commissioning has to be done with utmost care duly following erection
manual of suppliers.
There are several interface points with switchyard layout, which need to be accounted from day one.
In commercial front, Utilities assign importance to transformer losses and therefore loss capitalisation exercise is
done at tender evaluation stage. Whereas designers are constrained to satisfy the loss figures once bid is awarded,
Utility is equally compelled to accept unit with penalty. It is not a desirable practice.
Under the above background, Technical Committee of TRAFOTECH-2010 decided to review, discuss & finalize the
standardisation process through committee. Accordingly, during closing meeting on 18th February, 2010, it was
decided to commence the process of standardization as early as possible.
The task was assigned to Mr S.K. Negi, MD, GETCO, as Chairman of standardisation committee under the aegis of
IEEMA. It was an open invitation to participate and contribute, however technical experts and designers from leading
companies, Institutions and utilities would be permanent members.
It was decided in first meeting that emphasis will be to standardize design & engineering specification, drawings,
quality plans, erection, testing and commissioning in the form of data and figures as far possible to understand quickly
and facilitate the process of procurement and commissioning.
Further, Steering Committee on “Power Transformer Standardisation manual” was constituted as below:
The task was divided into various chapters and allocated to team of domain experts. The chapter was thoroughly
debated to standardize design requirements in the simplest form of data which can be implemented universally
according to rating and voltage class of power transformer and leave no scope of subjectivity between supplier and
customer for commercial and technical parameters.
In the above standardization process, idea of adding chapters on Design Review and Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) emerged for inclusion in the manual. It will greatly help practicing engineers to take key decisions and sharpen
their skills in the entire value chain of transformer business.
Transmission system in India is becoming large and complex with a highest system voltage of 765 kV. We cannot
afford break-downs and outages of any kind. It is essential that continuous customer feed back system is in place to
gauge the design and manufacturing quality of each and every unit installed, in Utilities. This Standardisation Manual
will definitely help Utilities in procurement to commissioning process of power transformer, for defect free service
beyond its design life.
Design and Engineering 284
Erection and Commissioning 285
Design and Engineering 286
Erection and Commissioning 286