The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 18th century due to several contributing factors: an agricultural revolution increased the food supply and freed up a labor force for factories; new technologies like the steam engine increased factory productivity; and Britain had a ready supply of capital, natural resources like coal and iron, and global markets to sell manufactured goods. The cotton industry grew rapidly as new machines automated spinning and weaving, leading to the rise of large cotton mills powered by steam engines. The growth of coal, iron, and railroads further accelerated industrialization. By the mid-19th century, Britain had become the world's first industrial nation and a model that spread to other parts of Europe and the United
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 18th century due to several contributing factors: an agricultural revolution increased the food supply and freed up a labor force for factories; new technologies like the steam engine increased factory productivity; and Britain had a ready supply of capital, natural resources like coal and iron, and global markets to sell manufactured goods. The cotton industry grew rapidly as new machines automated spinning and weaving, leading to the rise of large cotton mills powered by steam engines. The growth of coal, iron, and railroads further accelerated industrialization. By the mid-19th century, Britain had become the world's first industrial nation and a model that spread to other parts of Europe and the United
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McGraw-Hill World History & Geography Chapter 23 Lesson 1 Notes The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 18th century due to several contributing factors: an agricultural revolution increased the food supply and freed up a labor force for factories; new technologies like the steam engine increased factory productivity; and Britain had a ready supply of capital, natural resources like coal and iron, and global markets to sell manufactured goods. The cotton industry grew rapidly as new machines automated spinning and weaving, leading to the rise of large cotton mills powered by steam engines. The growth of coal, iron, and railroads further accelerated industrialization. By the mid-19th century, Britain had become the world's first industrial nation and a model that spread to other parts of Europe and the United
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 18th century due to several contributing factors: an agricultural revolution increased the food supply and freed up a labor force for factories; new technologies like the steam engine increased factory productivity; and Britain had a ready supply of capital, natural resources like coal and iron, and global markets to sell manufactured goods. The cotton industry grew rapidly as new machines automated spinning and weaving, leading to the rise of large cotton mills powered by steam engines. The growth of coal, iron, and railroads further accelerated industrialization. By the mid-19th century, Britain had become the world's first industrial nation and a model that spread to other parts of Europe and the United
THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN - Began in great Britain in 1780s - Contributing Factors: - Agricultural Revolution - Changed agricultural practices in the 18th century - Expansion of farmland + good weather + improved transportation + new crops (potato) = increased food supply - More people could be fed at lower cost + less labor - Many can buy manufactured goods - Increased Food Supply - Population grew - Parliament passed enclosure movement laws (landowners fence off common land) -> peasants move to town -> created labor supply for factories - Ready supply of money (capital) to Invest in new Machines & Factories - Entrepreneurs found new business opportunities & ways to profit - Plentiful Natural Resources - Rivers -> water power for new factories & transporting raw materials and finished products - Abundant in coal and iron ore - Supply of Markets gave Manufacturers a ready outlet for their goods - Vast colonial empire & British ships could transport goods anywhere - Population growth + cheaper food = increased domestic markets - Growing demand for cotton -> British manufacturers had to look for ways to increase production COTTON PRODUCTION AND NEW FACTORIES - Manufacture of Cotton Goods = 2 step process: - Spinners made cotton thread from raw cotton - Weavers wove the cotton thread into cloth on looms - This production was a cottage industry (rural) -> made inefficient by a series of technological advancements: - Spinning Jenny - (1764)James Hargreaves - Made spinning process much faster than weavers could even use it - Water-powered Loom - (1787)Edmund Cartwright - Made it possible for the weaving to catch up with the spinning - More efficient to bring new workers to new machines & work in factories near streams & rivers (power source) - Steam Engine - (1760 & 1782)James Watt - Cotton industry became even more productive - Enabled to drive machinery -> steam power used to spin and weave - Cotton mills using steam popularized in Britain - Needn’t be located near rivers (powered by coal) - 1760: Britain imported 2.5 mil pounds of raw cotton to produce cloth -> 366 mil pounds in 1840 - Cotton cloth was Britain’s most valuable product, sold around the world, and produced in factories - Important Element = Factory - Created new labor system - Workers work in shifts to produce at steady rate - Discipline for regular hours and repetitive tasks COAL,IRON, AND RAILROADS - Steam Engine was crucial to Britain’s Industrial Revolution - Depended on coal for fuel which seemed to be unlimited -> led to expansion in coal production and iron industry - Iron Ore - Large in natural resources - Better quality in 1780 from Henry Cort using puddling (burn away impurities using coke from coal in crude or pig iron to make it higher quality) - Iron industry boomed - High quality iron was used to build machines especially trains - Railroads - More efficient means of moving goods and resources - Important to the success of the Industial Revolution - 1st steam Locomotive created by Richard Trevithick in 1804 - Rocket was used on the 1st public railway line from cotton-manufacturing town Manchester to thriving port of Liverpool - Building railroads created new jobs for farm laborers and peasants - Less expensive transportation ->lower priced goods -> larger markets - More sales = more demand = more factories = more machinery - Owners could reinvest in new equipment adding to the growth of the economy - Regular ongoing economic growth = industrial economy SPREAD OF INDUSTRIALIZATION - (mid 19th century) Britain had become the richest and world’s 1st industrial nation = it produced half of the world’s coal and manufactured goods - Spread to rest of Europe at different times and speed - Belgium, France, and German States - 1st to be industrialized in continental Europe - Governments encouraged development and provided funds to build roads, canals, and railroads - (1850) Network of iron rails spread across Europe - United States - First half of 19th century - Most were farmers but they moved to the cities and only half stayed farmers - Needed good transportation system to move goods across the nation - Roads and canals were built from east to west - (1807)1st paddle-wheel steamboat, Clermont, made transportation easier on waterways of US - Railroad - Was most important - Turned country into a single massive market for manufactured goods produced in the Northeast - Labor came from farmers - Females were majority in cotton and wool factories SOCIAL IMPACT OF INDUSTRIALIZATION - Cities grew & 2 new social classes: industrial middle class & industrial working class POPULATION GROWTH AND URBANIZATION - Growth was due to decline in death rates, wars, & major epidemic diseases (smallpox & plague) - Increase in food = better fed people with more resistance to disease - Famine (Irish potato) and poverty spurred migration to the US - Industrialization = move from country to city for factory work - Britain had 1 major city : London in 1800; more than half of population lived in cities - Rapid growth of cities led to pitiful living conditions -> urban reformers called for local government to clean up city NEW SOCIAL CLASSES - Rise of Commercial Capitalism : based on trade - Rise of Industrial Capitalism : based on industrial production -> produced industrial middle class - Bourgeois(Middle Class) : town dweller, merchants, officials, artisans, lawyers, intellectuals, teachers, doctors, bankers -> people who built factories, bought machines, and developed markets (initiative, ambition, greed) - Industrial Working Class had bad working condition: 12-16 work hours for 6 days, no job security, no minimum wage - Harsh and dangerous coal mine conditions led to workers’ deformed bodies and ruined lungs - Worst condition in cotton mills: dirty, dusty, dangerous, and unhealthy - Mostly women and children -> Factory Act of 1833 -> women were half of all labor in textile & paid half or less than what men received - Men earn more for family by working outside home & women take care of family, have low paying jobs that can be done at home EARLY SOCIALISM - Pitiful conditions of Industrial Revolution -> Socialism = government owns and controls means of production (factories & utilities) - Robert Owen, british cotton manufacturer, was a utopian socialist = humans show their natural goodness if they live in a cooperative environment - Transformed New Lanark, Scotland - New Harmony, Indiana US failed