Anthropological Origins of Human Civilization: Erectus, Homo Neanderthalensis, and Homo Sapiens

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Anthropological Origins of Human offshoots such as ‘white’ Australia, and

Civilization the North American countries of Canada

 According to fossil record, there are at and USA
least three species of the genus Homo  European Union is therefore a byproduct
that came about between 200 – 100,000 of the continent’s historical evolution
years ago and these were: Homo
erectus, homo neanderthalensis, and dating back 5,000 years ago
Homo sapiens.
 These three species of early humankind
were believed to inhabit Africa and  BABYLON
Eurasia during the Stone Age. o Hammurabi Code – first legal system/
 Homo erectus was the first to become written laws in history, “power need
extinct 100,000 years ago. They are not be based on brute force but thru
believed to have learned how to use and rule of law”
control “fire”. o Tower of Babel – tallest structure in
 Neanderthals – “cave dwellers” emerged the ancient world
200,000 years ago but became extinct
o Hanging Gardens built by
between 35 -25,000 years ago; They
manufactured and used tools (including Nebuchadnezzar
blades, awls, and sharpening o Babylonian captivity (Jewish exile led
instruments), developed a spoken to the creation of Hebrew/Jewish
language, and developed a rich culture identity and the preservation of the old
that involved hearth construction, testament scriptures- Torah which
traditional medicine, and the burial of contained direct influences from
their dead.
Mesopotamian culture)
 Homo Sapiens (Modern Man) –
according to fossil evidence, the earlier  ASSYRIA
homo sapiens appeared in Africa 200- o Brutal warriors that destroyed Israel
100,000 years ago as cave dwellers and resulting to the 10 lost tribes
hunter gatherers o Ashurbanipal built the first library in
 Once agriculture became important, the world
people established villages of permanent o Their vast conquests led to the
houses and found new uses for caves,
mainly as hunting and herding campsites extension of urban lifestyle to many
and for ceremonial activities. In Europe, tribes in Asia minor
Asia, and Africa caves continued to be  SUMER
used as shelters by nomadic groups. o First city states to emerged from the
 Civilizations developed around rivers sedentary communities in the fertile
because their waters provided places to crescent
hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded,
o We could find in Sumer almost every
the lands around them became fertile
first in human technology that rose out
Western World & Western Civilization of necessity
 It is a geographic divide that o Cuneiform – writing on clay tablets
encompasses the continents of Europe o Ziggurat – first major structural
and North America engineering
 The western world is a geo-political and o Polytheistic religion – gods and
socio-cultural divide that refers to cities; priestly class
European civilizations and their direct
 Hittites - established their empire in Asia  Period of Judges- period of conquest to
Minor and were responsible for the reclaim the promised land
contacts with indigenous western people  Joshua – successor of Moses as
from the Greek world. military leader who led the invasion and
 Phoenicians – first maritime traders who retaking of Canaan from the other
traveled across the entire Mediterranean Semite tribes; Moses brother Aaron
world; introduced the concept of letters in started the priesthood in the holy tent
the alphabet which was copied by the that houses the ark of the covent; fall of
Greeks; the modern word phonetics, Jericho
phonics, and phone are references to  Other judges include Gideon and
language. Samson
 Philistines – nemesis of the Hebrew  Period of Kings- period of expansion and
tribes in their territorial dispute in growth
Canaan; known for their boorish  Saul – was the last judge until his
attitude, uncultured, aggressive and anointment as first king of Israel
“faithless” ; in modern language the  David – replaced Saul as king and was
word means ignorant and uncultured. responsible for the golden age of
 Hebrews – these scriptural people from Israel, built Jerusalem as capital and
the bible made a lasting impression in the built the Temple to permanently house
development of western civilization the arc of the covenant, and the abode
particularly in the areas of religion and
morality. of Yahweh on earth; committed
 Period of Patriarchs – formative era of adultery with Bathsheba and built a
the Jewish people shrine for Jezebel because of his love.
•Abraham – Sarah; Hagar and Ishmael –  Solomon – wisest king continued with
contrast the Jewish version from the the economic progress of Israel, but
Islamic version, Abraham’s son being Hebrew conservatives were getting
offered to God for sacrifice wary of his liberal policies toward
•Isaac – Rebecca the faithful servant; foreigners; allowed the Arameans to be
Esau and Jacob’s rivalry. assimilated in their society; Aramaic
 Jacob – becomes Israel who bore 12 became the lingua franca.
sons that became the 12 tribes of  Period of the Prophets – period of
Israel; married three sisters (his decline, anarchy and war
beloved was Rachel) that gave him •Division of the kingdom : North
Joseph and Benjamin (Israel); South (Judah)
•Joseph – became a regent in Egypt; •Conquest of the northern kingdom by
mass migration of his family in Egypt the Assyrians
during the time of the Hyksos rule in •Destruction of the southern kingdom
Egypt by the Babylonians
•Moses – the exodus from Egyptian •The prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel
slavery under the Rameses the Great warned about the coming chaos and
(Egyptian pharaoh responsible for tragedy to befall the north and south.
grandious edifices)  Restoration – end of exile after the fall of
Babylon and Persian Collaboration
•Persians allowed the captured peoples ruled them for almost a hundred
of Babylon to return to their home land; years
they even financed the reconstruction o Egyptian society is largely
of the Temple of Jerusalem patriarchal but Queen Hatshepsut
•Judea becomes a province of the challenged this social order when
Persian empire and Jewish leaders like she became pharaoh
Nehemiah became a Persian regent o Ramses II is considered to the
and all praises for the new conquerors greatest master builder of ancient
 EGYPT Egypt, as he has the distinction of
o Its history began as early as the building the most number of temples
Sumerians in Mesopotamia and monuments honoring him and
o The geography of ancient Egypt his family.
consists of the narrow lands to the
left and right of the great Nile River- PERSIAN EMPIRE
considered to be the richest in the  Medes established dominance in the
region areas of the Iranian plateau and the
o Pharaohs are gods who are Perses were one of the tribes subjected
immortal, hence the pre-occupation to Median rule.
to preserve their bodies through  Cyrus was a Persian prince who rose to
prominence by waging a war of
mummification, the spirits of the
independence from the Medes
pharaohs are reunited with the stars  Lydians identified themselves to be part
and will one day come back to earth of the emerging Greek world; invented
to reclaim their bodies for their coinage
resurrection  Croesus consulted the oracle at Delphi
o Isis, Osiris and Horus—Isis and in Greece. The oracle replied that once he
Osiris, brother and sister, husband did so, he will destroy a great nation. He
did but the nation he destroyed was his
and wife. From this belief made
incestuous marriage acceptable in
 Persians freed the Hebrews who were
ancient Egyptian culture. captives since the time of
o Anubis, the god of mummification Nebuchadnezzar
o Osiris became the god of Death and  Persian Legacy
would rule the underworld to judge o concept of local government, the
all those who die. empire was divided among provinces
o Isis is the fertility goddess who was called satrapy; Provinces were free to
express their native culture and
the inspiration to the Greek
religious practices without interference
Aphrodite and the Roman Venus. from the Persian overlords.
o Hieroglyphs which later evolved o Zoroastrianism: Earliest
into hieratic Monotheism
o Imhotep – is the first pharaoh to  Zoroaster or Zarathustra was
engineer the construction of the step the founder of this religion who
pyramid believed in one supreme spirit
being, Ahura Mazda
o Hyksos (Amorites) who invaded  Their holy book is the Zend
Egypt and assimilated its culture and Avesta; and their priests are
called the magi
 this religion is almost extinct in • Parthenon, where the giant statue of
Iran due to the introduction of Athena once stood was the focal point of
Christianity the Acropolis
 Aegean Civilization • Spartans - specialized in warfare and the
o late 19th century when the sciences of perfection of the hoplite regiment.
archaeology and anthropology were at • Gymnasium (Athenian school); the
their infant stages, Heinrich military training
Schliemann discovered the remains of • Symposium (where the young learners
what was then considered to be the are tutored by distinguished
mythical city of Troy. philosophers).
o Mycenaean Greece- after the mighty • Aristocratic Greek culture was also
kingdom of Mycenae which according extremely patriarchal
to the Iliad was ruled the by great king • Greeks gave us democracy, and politics
Agamenon such the republican system of government
o Trojan war - The love story of Hellene as contained in Plato’s The Republic.
and Paris was the cause of this great • Solon, a statesman—introduced
war. democratic reforms such as abolition of
o ethnic identity: that all of them are slavery
Hellene (Greeks) and their motherland • Ostracism (Ostraka, a process by which
is Hellas (Greece) names of unpopular citizens are voted out
of the assembly)
o Minoan Greece- according to legends,
• Draconian (adjective meaning
king Minos ruled a thalassocracy (sea harsh/arbitrary)—from Draco, an Athenian
empire) in the Mediterranean during the leader who was notorious for his anti-
time of Hammurabi in Babylon, with its democratic policies
locus at the island of Crete. • Philip II of Macedon rose in 4 BCE to
o The destruction of Thera is believed to establish his peasant army into a
be the inspiration for the story of formidable fighting force, the Macedonian
Altantis phalanx
• Alexander who was schooled in the
classical Athenian method of the
gymnasium and symposium
• Based on Greek mythology, the fall of the
• Alexandria - new capital in the
earlier cultures was brought about by the
Clash of Titans, when gods led by
• three trusted generals: Ptolemy,
Hercules went down to engage in an
Seleucus, and Antigonus,
apocalyptic war.
• Antigonus founded the Antigonid
• When gods won the war versus the titans,
dynasty of the Greek lands in Southern
the Olympic games was instituted to
commemorate the great war
• Seleucus founded the Seleucid empire in
• By 1000 BCE, city states or Poleis or
the lands Asia Minor, Southwest Asia, and
Polis began to appear in Greece signaling
Northern India
the start of the Homeric Age, named after
the great Greek Poet Homer
• Polis is ruled by an aristocratic class
headed by a tyrant, soon two Metropolis
will dominate the Greek world: Athens
and Sparta.
• Harmodius & Aristegiton - are
considered to be the liberators of Athens.
ROME  2ND TRIUMVIRATE – started by Mark
 Remus & Romulus – Twins from Anthony, Octavian, and Lepidus to
Etruscan avenge Caesar
 Etruscans – from Asia Minor or the  Caesarian – don of Julius with Cleopatra
 Patricians – Abolished kingship and ruled
the city  Octavian changed his name to Agustus,
 Plebeians – demanded equal rights from and Caesar became tittle to all emperors
the patricians of Rome
 509 BCE Rome became a republic
 Senate – highest organ of government  Agustan Age: PAX ROMANA
 Roman Mind : Legalistic, Structuralistic,  Radical transformation of roman
Hierarchal society
 Roman Laws – all present laws are  Lasted for 200 years, because there
legacies of this laws was no threat
 Codex (Code) – legalistic  Tiberius – step son of Agustus, started
framework/system of laws the Julio-Claudian emperors
 SPQR – Senatus Populusque Romanus;  Cherubs – young boys
The senate and the people of Rome  Caligula – cherub of Tiberius; also the
 Carthage – controlled the maritime trade one who killed him
in the Western Mediterranean  Claudius – heir to Caligula; “When in
 Punic Wars – between Carthage and Rome, do what Romans do”
Romans (Hannibal & Africanus)  Nero – successor of Claudius; burned
 Hannibal – general of Carthage the city and blamed the Christians
 Africanus – general of Romans
 Roman Provinces – created through a RIS OF CHRISTIANITY
law by the Senate, controlled by Prefects Jewish Origins—
 Palestine & Egypt – two roman provinces • After the destruction of the Persian
that were allowed to retain local kings empire by the armies of Alexander, the
forces of Hellenization imposed their
 Consuls – chief ruler
cultural dominance among the
 Pompey – hero of the Punic Wars
conquered peoples of Asia.
 Crassus – general who defeated • Seleucid Kingdom established its
Spartacus (slave who led a revolt against capital in Antioch due to its proximity
Rome) to the Mediterranean
 Julius Ceacar – plotted Pompey’s • Seleucid rulers finally agreed to give
downfall the Jews limited autonomy by
 FIRST TRIUMVIRATE – campaign for installing Hellenist Jews into power,
reforms to weaken the Senate the Hasmonean dynasty.
 “Crossing the Rubicon” – conquering all • Jewish Society in Palestine:
odds • Pharisees – means “the
 “Veni, Vedi, Vici” – I came, I saw, I separated ones”, religious, purist,
conquer • Sadducees – priestly and
 Cleopatra – Ptolemic princess, Julius’ aristocratic
love affair • Essenes – pious ones, authors of
 Mark Anthony – protégé of Julius, had an the dead sea scrolls
affair with Cleopatra • Zealots – marginalized sector,
 Brutus – assassinator of Julius; “ideas of mostly poor and uneducated
 Octavian – nephew of Julius
• Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) – lowly • Christianity was already a dominant
carpenter, began teaching in the religion in the empire; Emperor
coast of galilee Diocletian issued the edict of
• Pauline Christianity - a separate toleration which outlawed all forms
body of believers came into fore of persecution against Christians.
when Saul from Tarsus became • Constantine – sole emperor ;
Paul Christianity as the state theory or
• Paul preached that Jesus is the CHRISTENDOM
Christos (the anointed one), who • DIVINE RITE THEORY- believed that
came for the salvation of all men and power was given by god
not just the redeemer of the Jews. • Emperor became the protector of
• Rome destroyed Jerusalem and church
scattered the Jews all around the • The First Council of Nicea was
Graeco-Roman world, called the convened by Constantine in 325 CE
Diaspora. to address the Arian Heresy: Arius,
• 70 CE, Christianity became a separate a minor bishop in Alexandria taught
religion from Judaism that Jesus as the Son, is not the
• Where ever the apostles preached same substance as of the Father;
and led a community of believers, that Jesus is a human lord but not
this became known as a church, fully God.
and with it a certain hierarchy • In 330 CE, Constantine transferred the
emerged, the apostles anointed their capital in Byzantium in Bosporus
successors who became the region and called it Constantinople-
episcopos (bishops), and under New Rome.
them were the preachers known as • 2nd Council was held in 381 CE in
presbyter (priest in Latin), then the Constantinople-New Rome,
deacons and the lay convened by Emperor Theodosius.
• Antioch, Syria where believers were He declared Christianity as the only
first called Christians official religion of the empire
• Canon of the Old Testament which • 3rd Council was held in Ephesus to
consisted of the 39 books of the resolve the conflict caused by the
Torah (written in Hebrew) teachings of the bishop of
• 7 additional books written in Greek, Constantinople
this is called the Alexandrian • Theotokos—Mary is the Mother of
Canon God
• earliest Christian writings were the • Marcian convened the 4th Council in
epistles or letters of the apostles Chalcedon and overturned the
• first gospel book appeared in 65 CE decision of the previous council
in Egypt • In Christ there are two natures, the
• Mathew’s gospel was standard for the human and divine, which are
Jerusalem Church consubstantial, and indivisible in
• The last gospel book written was one person.
John’s which about 90 CE • Politics, language, geography, and
appeared in Asia Minor. John culture are the factors that led to the
established a church in Ephesus gradual estrangement of the two
• the Dormitio or the Assumption church centers.
• Many Christian converts in the
Hellenist provinces were former
followers of Mitraism and

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