Effect of A High-Protein Diet On Maintenance of Blood Pressure Levels Achieved After Initial Weight Loss: The Diogenes Randomized Study

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Journal of Human Hypertension (2014), 1–6

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Effect of a high-protein diet on maintenance of blood
pressure levels achieved after initial weight loss: the DiOGenes
randomized study
MF Engberink1,2, JM Geleijnse1,2, SJL Bakker1,3, TM Larsen4, T Handjieva-Darlesnka5, A Kafatos6, JA Martinez7, AFH Pfeiffer8,
M Kunešová9, SA Jebb10, C Holst11, A Astrup12, WHM Saris13, EJ Brink1 and MA van Baak1,13

Randomized trials have shown significant blood pressure (BP) reductions after increased protein compared with carbohydrate
intake, but the effect on BP maintenance after initial weight loss is unclear. We examined the effect of a high-protein diet on the
maintenance of reduced BP after weight loss in 420 overweight adults from the Diet, Obesity and Genes study. After an 8-week
weight-loss period (48% BW), subjects (42±6 years) were randomized to either a high-protein diet (23–28 en% protein) or a lower-
protein control diet (10–15 en% protein) for 26 weeks. BMI after weight loss was 30.3±4.3 kg m  2, BP was 118/73 mm Hg and 28
subjects (6.5%) used antihypertensive agents. Systolic BP during 26 weeks of weight maintenance dietary intervention increased in
both treatment groups, but it was 2.2 mm Hg less (95% CI:  4.6 to 0.2 mm Hg, P ¼ 0.08) in the high-protein group than in the
lower-protein control group. In 191 (pre)hypertensive subjects (baseline systolic BPX120 mm Hg), a larger difference was observed
(  4.2 mm Hg (  7.7,  0.7), P ¼ 0.02). The effect was attenuated after adjustment for initial BP (  3.4 mm Hg (  6.9,  0.03),
P ¼ 0.048), and after additional adjustment for weight change (  2.7 mm Hg (  6.1, 0.4), P ¼ 0.11). Adjustment for 24-h urinary
excretion of sodium and potassium did not change the results. Diastolic BP yielded similar results. These findings suggest that a BP
reduction after weight loss is better maintained when the intake of protein is increased at the expense of carbohydrates. This effect
is partly mediated by body weight.

Journal of Human Hypertension advance online publication, 24 April 2014; doi:10.1038/jhh.2014.30

INTRODUCTION for (imbalances in) baseline BP, other potential confounding

Hypertension is the leading risk factor worldwide for total factors or change in body weight, which may partly explain the
and cardiovascular mortality.1 Diet and lifestyle have an variable findings.
important role in blood pressure (BP) control. Established dietary In the pan-European Diet, Obesity and Genes (DiOGenes) study,
measures to lower BP are weight reduction in overweight the effect of diets differing in protein content and glycaemic
and obese individuals, reduced sodium intake, moderation of index on body weight was studied in 773 overweight adults aged
alcohol intake (among those who drink) and an increased o65 years.10,11 Within the DiOGenes study, Gogebakan et al.12
potassium intake.2,3 More recently, interest has grown in diet explored whether weight-loss-induced improvements in
composition and macronutrient intake, including protein. In the cardiovascular risk factors were subsequently affected by ad
OmniHeart study, a randomized cross-over trial among 164 US libitum diets differing in protein content and glycaemic index.
adults with untreated (pre)hypertension, a 6-week protein-rich They showed a beneficial effect of a low-glycaemic index diet and/
diet reduced BP by 1.6/1.4 mm Hg when compared with a or low-protein diet on high-sensitive C-reactive protein, whereas
carbohydrate-rich diet.4 When compared with a diet rich in lipid profiles and BP were not differentially affected. Initial BP
monounsaturated fat, however, no effect of dietary protein on BP levels and weight change, however, were not taken into account
was observed.4 Subsequent randomized controlled trials that in their analysis, and no adjustments were made for salt intake.
investigated the BP-lowering effect of diets with a higher protein We therefore examined the effect of the high-protein diet on
content at the expense of carbohydrates showed inconsistent maintenance of reduced BP after weight loss in the DiOGenes
results.5–9 These trials primarily focussed on weight loss8,9 or study, with stratification for (pre)hypertensive status and
weight maintenance after initial weight loss.5–7 In these trials, adjustment for potential confounders such as body weight
sample size was relatively small, and no adjustments were made changes.

Top Institute Food and Nutrition, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 2Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 3Lifestyle Medicine
Program, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands; 4Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), Faculty of Science,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 5Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, National Transport Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria; 6Department of
Social Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Clinic, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; 7Department of Physiology and Nutrition, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain;
Department of Clinical Nutrition, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Nuthetal, Germany; 9Obesity Management Center, Institute of Endocrinology,
Prague, Czech Republic; 10Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research, Elsie Widdowson Laboratory, Cambridge, UK; 11Institute of Preventive Medicine, Centre for Health
and Society, Copenhagen, Denmark; 12Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark and 13Department of Human
Biology, NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, The
Netherlands. Correspondence: Professor MA van Baak, Department of Human Biology, NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism, Faculty of Health, Medicine and
Life Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Centre, PO Box 616, Maastricht 6200 MD, The Netherlands.
E-mail: m.vanbaak@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Received 9 October 2013; revised 17 March 2014; accepted 21 March 2014
Dietary protein and maintaining blood pressure
MF Engberink et al
SUBJECTS AND METHODS on macronutrient intake (and glycaemic index) every two weeks up to
The DiOGenes study design week 6, and once a month thereafter. In addition to dietary guidance,
participants from The Netherlands and Denmark could choose free foods
The present analysis used data from the pan-European DiOGenes study, a
with prespecified protein content from a shop, resulting in a more
randomized controlled trial on the effects of diets varying in protein
content and glycaemic index on weight-loss maintenance conducted controlled intervention (that is, ‘trial shop’ intervention).10
between November 2005 and April 2007 (http://www.diogenes-eu.org). The target protein content was 23–28 energy percent (en%) for the
The DiOGenes study was approved by the local ethics committees of each high-protein diet and 10–15 en% for the lower-protein control group. The
European centre, and has been described in more detail elsewhere.10 In study was ad libitum for total energy intake, but was carefully controlled for
macronutrient composition based on a points system.13
brief, the design of the multicentre DiOGenes study imposed an initial low
calorie diet-induced weight loss of at least 8% of body weight in
overweight and obese subjects, followed by a 26-week dietary intervention Body weight and BP
period serving as a weight maintenance phase. During this weight Height was measured using a stadiometer to the nearest 0.5 cm. Body
maintenance phase, four different ad libitum diets were compared with weight was measured at randomization, after 4 weeks of intervention and
either high or low glycaemic index and/or protein content for the after 26 weeks of intervention using a calibrated digital balance to the
maintenance of body weight.11 BP was also monitored during this nearest 0.1 kg. BMI was calculated by dividing the subject’s weight (in kg)
intervention period. by the square of height (in m). Systolic and diastolic BP were measured
three times at randomization and after 26 weeks of intervention by the
same trained research staff in the morning after an overnight fast with an
Study population automatic device after at least 5 min while resting in a supine position
The population of the present analysis included overweight and obese according to WHO criteria. The mean value of the last two measurements
adults from eight European countries (that is, The Netherlands, Denmark, was recorded. All measurements were performed according to the same
United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria and the Czech standardized operating procedures in all participating centres. Hyperten-
Republic) who successfully lost weight. Mean reduction in body weight sion was defined as systolic BPX140 mm Hg or diastolic BPX90 mm Hg or
during 8 weeks was 11.0±3.3 kg, which was accompanied by a BP use of antihypertensive agents.
decrease of 7.8±11.1 mm Hg systolic and 5.0±8.0 mm Hg diastolic (all
Po0.001). In the present analysis, we examined the effect of dietary
protein on maintaining a reduced BP during 26 weeks of follow-up. Other measurements
Changes in glycaemic index were not taken into account because there Information on current health status, medical history, medication use and
was no significant interaction with protein intake in relation to BP lifestyle factors was obtained by questionnaires. Participants were
(P interaction ¼ 0.61). Of the 773 adults who were randomized, 619 classified as current smokers, former smokers or never smokers. Alcohol
subjects were assigned to either a high-protein diet or a diet with a lower intake was assessed in grams of ethanol per day. Physical activity was
protein content (that is, lower-protein control diet). The original DiOGenes assessed with the Baecke questionnaire14 consisting of 16 items from
study also included a group of 154 subjects who consumed a regular which three indexes were calculated: work index referring to physical
‘background diet’, but this group was not included in the present analysis. activity at work, sport index referring to sports participation during leisure
In addition, 185 subjects (30%) dropped out during the 26-week dietary time and leisure-time index referring to physical activity during leisure time
intervention period, and 13 subjects were excluded because of missing BP excluding sport activities.
data, leaving 420 subjects for the present analysis (Figure 1). A 24-h urine collection was performed after 4, 14 and 26 weeks of
intervention. Completeness of urinary collection was checked by recovery
rate of para amino benzoic acid, which was determined by spectro-
Dietary intervention photometry (Stasar, Gilford Instruments Laboratories, Oberlin, OH, USA).
Subjects were advised to maintain their achieved weight during the Urinary nitrogen to assess adherence to the diet was determined by
intervention. All subjects completed a 3-day dietary record at weeks 4 and Dumas combustion methodology using a VarioMax CN analyzer (Elemen-
26 of the dietary intervention period. During the intervention period, tar, Hanau, Germany). In addition, 24-h urine samples were used for
subjects received careful and intensive dietary and behavioural guidance analysis of sodium and potassium (Roche Modular, Roche, Germany).

773 adults succeeded the criteria for successful

weight loss and were randomized for the
maintenance intervention
(represents baseline)

154 assigned to
control diet of original
DiOGenes study and not
included in the present

305 assigned to 314 assigned to

Lower-protein control diet high protein diet

102 dropped out (33.4 %) 83 dropped out (26.4 %)

8 with missing BP data 6 with missing BP data

195 adults included in the 225 adults included in the

primary analysis primary analysis

Figure 1. Flow diagram of subjects from the DiOGenes randomized study included in the present analyses on the effect of dietary protein
content on maintaining achieved blood pressure level. BP denotes blood pressure.

Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 1 – 6 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

Dietary protein and maintaining blood pressure
MF Engberink et al
Statistical analysis
Table 1. Characteristics of 420 subjects from the DiOGenes study in
All analyses were performed with the SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
the high-protein diet group and the lower-protein control group after
USA). Two-sided P-values o0.05 were considered statistically significant.
initial weight loss
Values in text and tables are reported as means±s.d. or as means (95% CI),
unless stated otherwise. Diet composition was tested with an independent
sample t-test for between-group differences. Response to treatment was Lower-protein High-protein
defined as change in BP from randomization. BP values were not available for control diet diet (n ¼ 225)
subjects who dropped out during the intervention period (that is, 185 (n ¼ 195)
subjects (30%)). Between-group differences were analysed using analysis of
Age, years 42.1±5.8 42.0±6.1
variance based on the completers-only population. The analyses were
Sex, n male/female 63/132 84/141
repeated with adjustment for baseline BP. To examine a potential
intermediary role for body weight, we additionally adjusted our analyses
Study centre, n (%)
for change in body weight. In addition, we examined a potential intermediary
Denmark 38 (18.5) 44 (19.6)
role for excretion of sodium and potassium by including 24-h urinary
The Netherlands 36 (19.5) 40 (17.8)
excretion during intervention (mean of week 4, 14 and 26) as covariates.
UK 15 (7.7) 26 (11.6)
In an additional analysis, we classified subjects in two strata on the
Germany 25 (12.8) 26 (11.6)
basis of their systolic BP level (treated or untreated) X120 mm Hg or
Spain 20 (10.2) 23 (10.2)
o120 mm Hg. The analyses were also repeated in the subgroup of
Greece 10 (5.1) 19 (8.4)
participants from Denmark and The Netherlands who had followed the
Bulgaria 23 (11.7) 25 (11.1)
‘trial shop’ intervention that was more controlled, which resulted in larger
Czech Republic 28 (14.3) 22 (9.8)
contrasts in protein intake.
Current smoking, n (%) 47 (26) 50 (23.4)
Alcohol drinking, n (%) 130 (66.7) 158 (70.2)
RESULTS Intake among users, 6.7 (3.9;15.8) 9.5 (4.5;17.8)
Baseline characteristics g per daya
Participants’ characteristics at the start of the intervention period
(that is, baseline) according to diet are shown in Table 1. Mean age Physical activity, Baecke activity scoreb
Work 2.7±0.4 2.7±0.4
of the study population was 42±6 years and mean BMI was
Sport 2.7±0.4 2.6±0.4
30.3±4.3 kg m  2. Mean BP was 118.0±13.6 mm Hg systolic and Leisure 3.0±0.6 3.0±0.6
72.9±9.6 mm Hg diastolic (including subjects using antihyperten-
sive agents), and 13.6% of the participants were hypertensive. Body mass index (BMI)
There were no significant differences between groups. There were Mean BMI, kg m  2 b 30.2±4.2 30.5±4.4
also no significant differences with subjects who dropped out BMIo25.0, n (%) 14 (7.2) 14 (6.2)
during intervention (that is, mean BP 118.2/72.0 mm Hg, mean age BMI 25.0–29.9, n (%) 92 (46.9) 111 (49.3)
40±6 years and mean BMI was 31.3±4.4 kg m  2). BMIX30.0, n (%) 89 (45.4) 100 (44.4)

Systolic BP, mm Hg 117.0±13.5 119.0±13.6

Protein intake Diastolic BP, mm Hg 72.8±9.6 73.1±9.7
Self-reported mean dietary intakes during intervention are presented
in Table 2. Mean (±s.d.) dietary protein intake was 3.2±0.5 en% BP category, n (%)c
(15.7±2.6 g per day) higher in the high-protein diet group compared Optimal 97 (49.7) 112 (49.8)
with the lower-protein control group (Po0.001), which originated Normal 42 (21.5) 50 (22.2)
mainly from animal sources. This difference in self-reported protein High normal 34 (17.4) 28 (12.4)
Hypertension 22 (11.3) 35 (15.6)
intake was confirmed by a 2.1±0.5 g higher 24-h urinary excretion of
Use of antihypertensive 12 (6.2) 16 (7.1)
nitrogen in the high-protein diet group (Po0.001). The proportion of agents, n (%)
total energy consumed from carbohydrates was 5.9±0.8% lower in
the high-protein diet group (Po0.001), whereas glycaemic index was Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure. Data are presented as mean±s.d. or as
similar for the two diets (P ¼ 0.30). n (%). aPresented as median with interquartile range because of skewed
In participants with a BPX120 mm Hg (n ¼ 191), self-reported distribution. bData available for 142 subjects (low protein) and 180 subjects
(high protein), respectively. cDefined as follows: optimal, systolic BPo120
protein intake was 2.6±0.7 en% (13.7±3.7 g per day) higher in the
mm Hg and diastolic BPo80 mm Hg; normal, 120–129 mm Hg for systolic
high-protein diet group compared with the lower-protein control BP or 80–84 for diastolic BP; high normal, 130–139 mm Hg for systolic BP or
group (Po0.001). The difference in 24-h urinary nitrogen excretion 85–89 mm Hg for diastolic BP; hypertension, systolic BPX140 mm Hg or
was 1.9±0.7 g per day (Po0.001). Detailed data on self-reported diastolic BPX90 mm Hg or use of antihypertensive agents.
dietary intake and urinary markers of this subgroup are tabulated
in the online supplement to this paper (Supplementary Table 1).
In participants from Denmark and The Netherlands (n ¼ 158) and  0.9 (  2.5, 0.6) mm Hg for diastolic BP (P ¼ 0.24). After
who had followed the ‘trial shop’ intervention that was more adjustment for baseline BP, the treatment effect for systolic BP
controlled, we observed a larger contrast in protein intake. Self- was attenuated to  1.3 (  3.8, 0.8) mm Hg (P ¼ 0.22).
reported protein intake was 6.1±0.6 en% (23.1±3.7 g per day) Mean change in body weight was 0.02±0.4 kg in the high-
higher in the high-protein group, which was confirmed by a protein diet group versus 1.0±0.4 kg in the lower-protein control
2.9±0.6 g higher 24-h urinary nitrogen excretion (all Po0.001). group (P ¼ 0.07). The difference in systolic BP response (adjusted
Detailed data on self-reported dietary intake and urinary markers for initial systolic BP) independent of weight change was  0.9
of this subgroup are tabulated in the online supplement to this (  3.1, 1.2) mm Hg. Mean 24-h urinary excretion of sodium during
paper (Supplementary Table 2). intervention did not significantly differ between the high-protein
diet and lower-protein control diet (182.3 versus 173.7 mmol per
Effects of protein intake on BP 24 h, respectively, P ¼ 0.30, Table 2), whereas potassium excretion
BP increased in both groups during the weight maintenance was significantly higher in the high-protein group (82.3 versus
dietary intervention, but less in the high-protein diet group than in 76.5 mmol per 24 h, respectively, P ¼ 0.03). Adjusting our analysis
the lower-protein control group (Table 3). The treatment effect for sodium and potassium excretion did not change the results
was  2.2 (95% CI:  4.6, 0.2) mm Hg for systolic BP (P ¼ 0.08) (that is, BP effect:  1.1 (  3.3, 1.1) mm Hg systolic).

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 1 – 6

Dietary protein and maintaining blood pressure
MF Engberink et al
Table 2. Dietary intake and urinary markers during intervention in Table 4. Blood pressure during intervention in subjects from the
420 subjects of the DiOGenes study, according to high-protein and DiOGenes study, stratified by initial blood pressure levela
lower-protein control diet
Lower- High-
Lower- High-protein P-valuea protein protein
protein control diet control diet control diet
control diet
Subgroup with systolic n ¼ 105 n ¼ 124
Dietary intakeb n ¼ 169 n ¼ 203 BPo120 mm Hg
Total energy, kJ per day 6386±2151 6601±2032 0.32 Systolic BP, mm Hg
Fat, en% 28.9±8.1 31.1±6.9 o0.01 Baseline 106.8±0.8 109.3±0.6
Carbohydrates, en% 51.5±9.3 45.6±6.7 o0.001 Week 26 116.0 1.1 117.8±1.1
Glycaemic index, % 58.4±4.9 58.9±5.2 0.30 Change from baseline 9.2±1.0 8.5±1.1
Protein, en% 18.2±4.5 21.5±4.3 o0.001 Treatment effect, adjustedb 0.4 (  2.5, 3.2), P ¼ 0.79
Protein, g per day 65.2±23.5 80.8±25.3 o0.001
Animal protein, 38.7±21.0 54.7±20.5 o0.001 Diastolic BP, mm Hg
g per day Baseline 67.2±0.7 68.1±0.7
Plant protein, g per 26.5±10.1 26.1±8.8 0.68 Week 26 70.7±0.9 71.3±0.8
day Change from baseline 3.5±0.8 3.1±0.7
Fiber, g per day 21.2±9.7 19.2±7.6 0.03 Treatment effect, adjustedb  0.05 (  2.1, 2.0), P ¼ 0.96

Urinary markersc n ¼ 180 n ¼ 215 Subgroup with systolic n ¼ 90 n ¼ 101

Nitrogen, g per 24 h 12.5±4.3 14.6±4.8 o0.001 BPX120 mm Hg
Sodium, mmol per 24 h 173.6±76.1 182.3±88.9 0.30 Systolic BP, mm Hg
Potassium, mmol per 76.2±28.7 82.3±29.2 0.03 Baseline 128.8±0.8 130.9±1.0
24 h Week 26 130.3±1.3 128.1±1.3
Calcium, mmol per 24 h 4.6±2.4 4.4±2.1 0.48 Change from baseline 1.5±1.3  2.7±1.3
Magnesium, mmol 4.2±1.6 4.1±1.5 0.72 Treatment effect, adjustedb  3.4 (  6.9, 0.03),
per 24 h P ¼ 0.048

Values are presented as mean±s.d. aDifferences between groups were Diastolic BP, mm Hg
tested with an independent Student’s t-test (two-sided P-value). bBased on Baseline 79.2±0.8 79.1±0.8
two 3-day dietary records during the intervention period, that is, week 4 and Week 26 80.3±0.9 78.5±1.0
week 26. If information on one occasion was missing, data are based on one Change from baseline 1.1±0.9  0.7±0.8
measurement. cBased on three 24-h urine collections during the interven- Treatment effect, adjustedb  1.8 (  4.0, 0.9), P ¼ 0.11
tion period, that is, week 4, week 14 and week 26. If information on one or
two occasions was missing, data are based on the other measurement(s). Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure. Values are mean±s.d.; treatment effects
are presented as mean (95% CI). Differences between groups were tested
with analysis of covariance (two-sided P-values). aBoth groups (systolic
BPo120 mm Hg and systolic BPX120 mm Hg) included participants using
antihypertensive medication. bAdjusted for baseline systolic or diastolic BP,
Table 3.
Blood pressure during intervention in 420 subjects from the respectively.
DiOGenes study, according to high-protein and lower-protein control
to  3.4 (  6.9,  0.03) mm Hg (P ¼ 0.048). Further adjustment for
Lower-protein High-protein
control diet control diet change in body weight (that is, 0.7±5.1 kg for the lower-protein
(n ¼ 195) (n ¼ 225) group and  1.1±7.1 kg for the high-protein group, P ¼ 0.045)
resulted in a BP response of  2.7 (  6.1, 0.6) mm Hg (P ¼ 0.11),
Systolic BP, mm Hg whereas adjustment for sodium and potassium excretion (in
Baseline 117.0±0.9 119.0±1.0 addition to baseline BP) resulted in a BP response of  3.1 (  6.5,
Week 26 122.6±1.0 122.4±0.9 0.4) mm Hg systolic (P ¼ 0.08). We observed no significant effect of
Change from baseline 5.7±0.8 3.4±0.9 protein intake on BP in subjects with systolic BPo120 mm Hg
Treatment effect, crude  2.2 (  4.6, 0.2), P ¼ 0.08 (Table 4). Diastolic BP showed similar results (Table 4).
Treatment effect, adjusteda  1.3 (  3.5, 0.8), P ¼ 0.22
In participants from Denmark and The Netherlands (n ¼ 158),
Diastolic BP, mm Hg the treatment effect was  3.3 (  7.0, 0.4) mm Hg for systolic BP
Baseline 72.8±0.7 73.1±0.6 (P ¼ 0.08). After adjustment for initial BP, the treatment effect was
Week 26 75.1±0.7 74.5±0.7 attenuated to  2.5 (  6.0, 0.9) mm Hg (P ¼ 0.15). Adjustment for
Change from baseline 2.4±0.6 1.4±0.5 both systolic BP and weight change (that is, 2.5±3.7 kg for the
Treatment effect, crude  0.9 (  2.5, 0.6), P ¼ 0.24 lower-protein group and 0.7±5.2 kg for the high-protein group,
Treatment effect, adjusteda  0.9 (  2.3, 0.6), P ¼ 0.26 Po0.05) yielded a systolic BP effect of  1.6 mm Hg (P ¼ 0.40),
Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure. Values are mean±s.d.; treatment effects whereas adjustment for sodium and potassium excretion did not
are presented as mean (95% CI). Differences between groups were tested change the results, that is, treatment effect  2.5 (  6.0, 1.0)
with AN(C)OVA (2-sided P-values). aAdjusted for baseline systolic or mm Hg systolic. Diastolic BP showed similar results (data not
diastolic BP, respectively. shown).

Subgroup analysis In the present study, based on data from the DiOGenes study, we
In subjects with a systolic BPX120 mm Hg (n ¼ 191), the treatment examined the effect of protein intake on maintaining a reduced
effect was  4.2 (  7.7,  0.7) mm Hg systolic (P ¼ 0.02, Table 4). BP after 8 weeks of energy restriction. During the 26 weeks of
After adjustment for initial BP, the treatment effect was attenuated intervention (aiming at maintaining body weight), BP increased in

Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 1 – 6 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

Dietary protein and maintaining blood pressure
MF Engberink et al
most participants, but this increase was 2.2 mm Hg less in also in agreement with findings from two recently published
(pre)hypertensive participants who increased protein intake to isoenergetic trials on the effect of protein supplementation on
B22 en% at the expense of carbohydrates. The effect of protein BP.16,17 In a 4-week randomized, double-blind study in 94 Dutch
on BP was attenuated and was no longer statistically significant adults with elevated BP (mean systolic BPB149 mm Hg), systolic
after adjustment for weight change, suggesting that the effect BP was 4.9 mm Hg (Po0.01) lower after supplementation with 60 g
was partly mediated by body weight. per day protein (20% pea, 20% soy, 30% egg and 30% milk-protein
Strengths of the DiOGenes study include its prospective large- isolate) compared with 60 g per day maltodextrin.17 Another
scale, randomized controlled design. BP was measured according large randomized, double-blind cross-over trial in 352 adults
to strict and standardized protocols in all participating centers. with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension (mean systolic
Compliance to the protein manipulation was confirmed by urinary BPB126 mm Hg) that was recently published indicated that 8
excretion of nitrogen. Body weight, an important BP determinant, weeks of supplementation with 40 g per day soy protein or milk
was carefully monitored because it was the primary outcome of protein reduced systolic BP (  2.0 mm Hg for soy protein and
the DiOGenes study. We were able to examine the effect of  2.3 mm Hg for milk protein) compared with carbohydrates.16
protein intake on the BP response independent of changes in The mechanism through which protein might reduce BP
body weight, in contrast to other studies of protein intake and BP remains unclear. Several hypotheses have been put forward. First,
after weight loss.6,11 Moreover, we examined a potential protein content of the diet has been suggested to favourably
intermediary role for salt intake and performed stratification by influence body weight (maintenance).18,19 Body weight is a well-
(pre)hypertensive status. established BP determinant, that is, 1 kg reduction in body weight
The present study also had limitations. First, because of missing results in a 1 mm Hg lower systolic BP.20 When we adjusted our
BP values, we excluded subjects who dropped out during the analysis for change in body weight, the BP effect was attenuated
intervention (30%). However, baseline characteristics were similar (with B0.6 mm Hg) and no longer statistically significant. This
to those subjects included in the analysis, making it unlikely that suggests that the effect of protein on BP may (at least partly) be
this non-differential drop-out has influenced our findings. Second, explained by its effect on body weight. Second, dietary protein
the difference in protein intake was lower (B3.3 en%) than has been proposed to increase renal sodium excretion.21 Cirillo
targeted (12.0 en%11), which may partly explain why the observed et al.21 examined urea excretion in an overnight urine sample in
overall BP response was relatively small and non-significant. We 3705 Italians, and found an inverse association with BP only in
observed larger BP effects in subgroups with a larger contrast in subjects with a high sodium excretion. They hypothesized that a
protein intake, that is,  3.3 mm Hg systolic in participants who high-protein intake could counteract the sodium-dependent BP
followed the ‘trial shop’ intervention (protein difference B6 en%). rise via stimulation of renal sodium excretion. In the present study,
Third, initial BP (B118 mm Hg systolic) may have been too low to protein intake did not affect urinary sodium excretion during
find a significant effect. The effect was larger and statistically intervention. This makes a potential intermediary role for renal
significant in participants with BPX120 mm Hg. Finally, sodium excretion unlikely, although the sodium content of the
participants in the high-protein group increased their intake of diet was not available to confirm this finding. Finally, it cannot be
protein-rich foods and reduced their intake of carbohydrate-rich excluded that a reduced intake of carbohydrates instead, rather
foods. Because dietary intakes were not fully controlled, other than a higher intake of protein, is responsible for a beneficial
nutrients that could influence BP may also have changed, effect on BP.
including fiber, fatty acids and polyphenols. We adjusted our In conclusion, the present analyses within the multicentre
analyses for sodium and potassium excretion during intervention, DiOGenes study shows that reduced BP after initial weight loss
but we cannot exclude residual confounding by unmeasured may be better maintained by increasing the protein content of the
nutrients (for example, polyphenols). diet at the expense of carbohydrates, especially in (pre)hyperten-
Previous BP trials in which protein intake was increased (at sive subjects. This effect may be partly mediated via body weight.
the expense of carbohydrates) during weight loss or weight
maintenance showed conflicting results.5–9 Our results in
(pre)hypertensive participants were in line with those from
Delbridge et al.6 who showed that a high-protein diet was more What is known about this topic
 Dietary prevention strategies are important for maintaining a healthy
successful compared with a carbohydrate-rich diet in maintaining blood pressure (BP).
BP in participants with systolic BPX130 mm Hg (that is,  Weight reduction is, amongst others, an established measure to lower
 6.6 mm Hg, Po0.05). Larssen et al.7 reported a 4.3 mm Hg BP of overweight and obese individuals.
lower systolic BP for participants on a high-protein diet, which was  In addition, diet composition and macronutrient intake may have a
borderline significant (P ¼ 0.05). In both studies, despite role in BP control.
randomization, baseline BP was 4–5 mm Hg higher in the
intervention group than in the control group.6,7 This difference What this study adds
was not accounted for in the analyses and, as a result, BP effects  The present analysis within the pan-European Diet and Obesity, and
may have been overestimated. Other weight loss8,9 or weight Genes (DiOGenes) study, including 420 overweight adults, showed
that a BP reduction after weight loss is better maintained when intake
maintenance5 studies found no significant effect for BP in favour of protein is increased at the expense of carbohydrates, especially in
of a high-protein diet. In these trials,5,8,9 BP was not the primary hypertensive individuals.
outcome, sample size was relatively small (no20 per intervention  This effect is only partly mediated by body weight.
group)5,9 or baseline BP was low (B110 mm Hg systolic),8 which
may (partly) explain the absence of an effect on BP. Finally, the BP
effect in these trials was not adjusted for weight change.
The BP effect of protein without (initial) weight loss has also
been investigated in observational studies and several trials, CONFLICT OF INTEREST
suggesting a small beneficial effect of protein on BP.15 In the The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Omniheart trial, the modest reduction in BP that was observed
for the high-protein diet compared with the diet high in
carbohydrates was more pronounced in hypertensives ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
compared with prehypertensives (  3.5 versus  0.9 mm Hg for The DiOGenes project (http://www.diogenes-eu.org) is funded by a grant from the
systolic BP),4 which is comparable to our findings. Our results are European Union Food Quality and Safety Priority of the Sixth Framework Program

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 1 – 6

Dietary protein and maintaining blood pressure
MF Engberink et al
(contract no. FP6-2005-513946). DiOGenes is supported by the European Community 10 Larsen TM, Dalskov S, van Baak M, Jebb S, Kafatos A, Pfeiffer A et al. The
(contract no. FOOD-CT-2005-513946). The writing of this report and the determina- diet, obesity and genes (Diogenes) dietary study in eight European
tion of 24-h urinary sodium and potassium excretion was funded by Top Institute (TI) countries—a comprehensive design for long-term intervention. Obes Rev 2010;
Food and Nutrition (project number A-1003), Wageningen, The Netherlands. TI Food 11: 76–91.
and Nutrition is a public/private partnership that generates vision on scientific 11 Larsen TM, Dalskov SM, van Baak M, Jebb SA, Papadaki A, Pfeiffer AF et al.
breakthroughs in food and nutrition, resulting in the development of innovative Diet, Obesity, and Genes (Diogenes) Project. Diets with high or low protein
products and technologies (www.tifn.nl). Partners are major food companies and content and glycemic index for weight-loss maintenance. New Engl J Med 2010;
Dutch research organizations. 363: 2102–2113.
12 Gogebakan O, Kohl A, Osterhoff MA, van Baak MA, Jebb SA, Papadaki A et al.
DiOGenes. Effects of weight loss and long-term weight maintenance with diets
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Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on the Journal of Human Hypertension website (http://www.nature.com/jhh)

Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 1 – 6 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

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