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The Impact of Skipping Breakfast to the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students 2018-2019


A Research

Presented to

The faculty of the Senior High School


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Quantitative Research



Marisa B. Inso

Christian M. Locloc

Norvic S. Todiano
Approval Sheet

This research entitled “The Impact of Skipping Breakfast to the

Academic Performance of Senior High School Students” prepared and

submitted by Marisa B. Inso, Christian M. Locloc and Norvic S. Todiano in

partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Quantitative Research, has been

examined and is hereby recommended for approval and acceptance for Oral


This research have succeeded because of the help and support of the

important persons who gave their support. To the people who served as an

inspiration to the researchers I accomplishing this research work. The

researchers sincerely express their greatest gratitude.

First, the researchers gives the adoration and honor to our Almighty

God, for the blessings, guidance, wisdom, and love he has given.

To our teacher Maam Agustina M. Padinay for her kindness, patience,

comments, and analysis, these contributed so much to the fulfilment of the


To the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School students of TSHI,

for their cooperation for without them this study would not have been possible.

The researchers would like to express their gratitude and love to their

parents, friends, and schoolmates for their moral, spiritual, and financial



PANEL OF EXAMINERS………………………………………….. 1

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………….. 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………….. 3

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………….. 4

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………. 5

Background of the study…………………………………. 6

Conceptual framework…………………………………… 7

Statement of the problem………………………………..

Hypothesis of the study………………………………….


Research design………………………………………….

Population and Locale of the Study…………………….

Data collection instrument……………………………….

Statistical treatment of the data…………………………




LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………


Appendix 1

Letter to the Respondents…………………………………

Appendix 2

Letter to the Panels………………………………………...

Appendix 3

Survey Questionnaire………………………………………

Appendix 4

Researchers Profile…………………………………………

Appendix 5

Tables of raw computed values……………………………

Appendix 6

Computation of per table…………………………………..




Food is important part of human life, it is where we get the energy to start

our day. It is the same with breakfast that plays important role in one’s life.

Breakfast is an important meal because it is beneficial to growth, cognition, and

weight (Nicklaus et a.l,1993; Kleinman et al., 2002; Kawafha, 2013; Kawafhe et

al., 2014). According to Frantzen et al., (2013), breakfast makes a large

contribution to daily micronutrient intake. Starting the day with breakfast is a

healthy habit wherein it is very essential to health.

However, nowadays many students are skipping their breakfast not

knowing the consequences of their action. NCHST (1997), stated that due to

missing breakfast a state of hunger creates that influence by diminishing the

ability to learn from new experiences. It is also found that the students who are

often skipping their breakfast are with low recall memory and often forget the

things (Pollitt et al, 1998). Breakfast is important that provide nutrition that is

needed in the body especially students in learning, need more and more energy

(CLF, 1997).The researchers observe that student are encountering dizziness

because of not eating breakfast. Some of the researchers stated that lack of

fuel such as glucose to the brain will lead to decrease in the functioning of the

brain cells which is why students may experience headaches and dizziness

when haven' t eaten in a while.

This study is conducted to provide information in the impacts of

skipping breakfast and to broaden the knowledge of students on the importance

and benefits of breakfast in our daily life. This study will serves to change the

habit of students on skipping breakfast.

Background of the Study

The word “breakfast” is derived from the phrase “breaking the fast”.

We fast while we sleep, and breaking that fast should make breakfast the most

joyful meal of the day. Breakfast is an opportunity for new beginning that sets

the stage and sets the table for the day (Hall,2016). Some of the researchers

stated that breakfasts acknowledged to be the most important meal of the day,

providing energy and it does sustenance for whatever activities lay ahead.

According to the Netherlands Nutrition Centre (NNC), a healthy breakfast

should be eaten every day. It should provide about 15% age specific daily

recommended energy intake. As mentioned by Sifferlin (2013), nutritionist

Adelle Davis famously put it back in the 1960’s: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch

like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” In addition, according to Rubin (2003),

the proper breakfast is a "nutrition" that is wealthy in carbohydrate as well as

string reasonable in protein. Student Wellness Office averred that a good

breakfast considered fruits, whole grains, milk, meat or eggs or chicken, whole

grains, cereals, or breeds.

Skipping breakfast is a world phenomenon among school students with

many studies highlighting the issue and raising concerns. It is associated with

many health problems and change in various aspects of children’s and

adolescents lives, including psychosocial functions, cognitive functions,

academic achievement and school attendance (Rampersand et al.,

2015;Hoyland et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2010; Kawafheh et al.,2014). In a recent

study conducted on 612 fourth year students, a significant amount (27%)

reported they skipped breakfast three or more times per week (Gross, Bronner,

Welch, Dewberry-Moore, & Paige, 2004).

In a different study one in five adolescents were found to skip

breakfast (Videon& Manning, 2003). Nevertheless, breakfast is the most

frequently skipped meal between 20–30% of children and adolescents skip

breakfast in the developed world (Deshmukh-Taskar et al., 2010; Corder et al.,

2011). A study from Harvard University found that the men who skipped

breakfast had a 25% risk of the heart attack or heart disease than those who

dug in while women who are regularly didn’t eat breakfast had a 20% increase

risk of developing two types of diabetes.

Looking closely at the breakfast habits of consumers in the Philippines,

the survey found that 84 percent of respondents do make it a priority to eat their

first and most important meal of the day at home, with 67 percent doing so

within one to two hours of waking. The rest would just grab their breakfast either

at work (10 percent) or on the way to work (4 percent). Only 2 percent of Pinoys

do not eat breakfast (Pascual, 2018). However, the study of Saint Louise

University of Medical School found that the survey results indicated that

26.24% almost never skip breakfast; 33.42% skip breakfast sometimes;

21.29% skip breakfast often; and 19.06% almost always skip breakfast. For

those students who skip breakfast, 20.79% chose lack of time as the main

reason for skipping breakfast; 14.85% said they get up late; and 13.37% said

they don’t want to eat in the morning (Al-hasan et al.,2014).

Adolescent who go to bed later and want to get up later may not have

enough time or be hungry enough to eat breakfast (Alexy, Wicher,

&Kerstig,2010). Moreover, school performance is affected by lack of sleep, poor

sleep quality, and sleepiness (Dewald, Meijer, Oort, Kerkhof, & Bogels,2010).

According to King (2017), academic performance is the measure of how well

you do in an educational setting. You’re report card, for example, is an

indication of your academic performances in school. In a recent study

conducted on 612 fourth.

As children go to their adolescent years they are slowly acquiring a

sense of autonomy, especially when it comes to their choices of food (Radcliffe,

Ogden, Coyne, & Craig, (2004). According to Videon and Manning (2003), that

one study found that adolescent who made their own decision about the foods

they consumed were more likely to skip breakfast. Pocket money was received

mostly, more by breakfast skippers than non-skippers. Breakfast skipping is

largely seen in higher in case if both parents are working, due to lack of time,

breakfast is not prepared at all, or may be monotonous. To compensate for the

loss of food, parents tend to give money to the kids, so that they can purchase

some food items and eat (Garg, Rajesh, & Kumar,2014). Khamaiseh and

Albashtway (2013) found in their study entitled "Exploring the Reasons Why

School Students Skip Breakfast" that during adolescence most girls are

concerned about their appearance and are independent in their behaviors and

students with higher family incomes were more likely to skip breakfast.

As stated by Arshad and Ahmed (2014), previous studies also exposed

that the students , who didn’t take proper breakfast due to getting up late,

laziness or losing body weight, are unfavorably exaggerated in terms of

education performance and alertness. In contrast, Pediatria, Giovannini,

Agustonia, Shamir (2010) distinguished that students who eat breakfast

confirmed enhanced analytic, immediate memory, concentration, and

intermittent recall.

In the study of Albashtawy,( 2016) the main source of information about

breakfast habits were families, friends and peer groups, emphasizing the

unique role of school nurses in conducting a health education programmed for

school children, teachers, parents and the whole community, covering the

important issues about healthy food habits.

There are many researchers about the impact of skipping breakfast in

regards to the academic performance and the important of eating breakfast in

other countries. So far there has been little research in the Philippines in

regards to the impact and the reason of students in skipping breakfast. The aim

of this study is to determine the impact, reasons and possible solutions to

address skipping breakfast.

Conceptual Framework
In order to reduce unhealthy breakfast habits, one needs to learn which

breakfast habits are present in children and the reasons behind these habits.

Nowadays, children have a lot of unhealthy habits (Elsenburg et al., 2014). An

unhealthy habit is breakfast skipping. Different reasons exist for skipping

breakfast such as lack of time in the morning (Bruening, Larson, Story,

Neumark-Sztainer, &Hannan, 2011), prefer sleep above breakfast and not

feeling hungry (Rampersaud, 2005; Van Kleef, Vingerhoeds, Vrijhof, & Van

Trijp, n.d.). Girls skip their breakfast even more, because girls think it makes

them skinny (Raaijmakers et al., 2010; Rampersaud, Pereira, Girard, Adams,

&Metzl, 2005; Vereecken et al., 2009).

In assessing the impact on academic performance, previous studies

have looked atwhat happens to glucose levels and psychological testing when

children omit breakfast (Cromer et al., 1990).

1. Impact of skipping 1. The extent of 1. To determine the

breakfast to the effect of skipping impact of skipping
academic breakfast to the breakfast of SHS to
performance of SHS academic the academic
students of TSHI- performance. performance.
2. Rank of the 2. To be able to
2. Reasons reasons students in identify the main
ofstudents in skipping breakfast. reasons if students
skipping breakfast. in skipping
3. The degree of
3. Possible solution the solution to
to address the address the 3. To know the best
reason of students in reasons of students solution to be
skipping breakfast. in skipping addressed the
breakfast. reasons of students
in skipping

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The independent variables are the impact of skipping breakfast to the

academic performance of Senior High School, reasons of students and the

possible solution to address the reasons of students in skipping breakfast. Then

the dependent variables are the extent of impact of skipping breakfast that

determine what mostly impact the SHS students, ranking of the reasons of

students, it is used to determine what is the main reasons that the students

most perceived and the degree of the possible solution in addressing the

reasons of student in skipping breakfast. Lastly, the expected outcomes would

be the most selected impact of skipping breakfast of Senior High School, the
main reasons of students and the best solution to address the problems in

skipping breakfast.

Statement of the Problem

1.) What is the extent of impact of skipping breakfast to the academic

performance of Senior High School students ?

1a. Is there a significant difference in the perception of learners staying

in their house and learners staying in a boarding house as regards to the extent

of impact of skipping breakfast to the academic performances?

2.) What are the reasons of student in skipping breakfast?

2a. Is there a correlation between the ranking of learners staying in their

house and learners staying in a boarding house as regards to the reasons of

student in skipping breakfast?

3.) What is the degree in the possible solution to address the reason of

students in skipping breakfast?

3a. Is there a significant difference in the perception of learners staying

in their house and learners staying in a boarding house to the possible solution

to address the reasons of skipping breakfast?

Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference in the perception of learners staying

in their house and learners staying in a boarding house as regards to the extent

of impact of skipping breakfast to the academic performances?

2. There is no correlation between the ranking of learners staying in their

house and learners staying in a boarding house as regards to the reasons of

student in skipping breakfast?

3. There is no significant difference in the perception of learners staying

in their house and learners staying in a boarding house to the possible solution

to address the reasons of skipping breakfast?


Research Design

This study is a quantitative research wherein the descriptive -

correlational research design is used under the descriptive design. The

researchers determine the difference on the perceptions of students on the

extent of the impact of skipping breakfast and the possible solution to address

the reasons of students. On the other hand, the correlational design is used to

determine the correlation between the ranking of the reasons of student in

skipping breakfast.

Population and Locale of the Study

The research respondents are the Senior High School students of

enrolled in the school year 2018-2019. A total of 788, grade 11 are 447 and

grade 12 are 341. Through the slovins Formula the calculated respondents are

265, however we make it 274.

Respondents Population n=N/(1+Ne2)

Grade 11 154 n=788/ [1+(788) (0.05)2]

Grade 12 120 n=788/2.97

Total 274 n=265

The respondents are composed of 154 grade 11 and 120 students having a

total population of 274. Students staying in their house have a total of 137 as

well as the students staying in a boarding house.

Data collection Instrument

The researchers used the survey questionnaire as its tool. The

questionnaires composed of three components. first part was the perception of

the extent of impact of skipping breakfast to Senior High School. Then, the

second part deals with the reasons of students in skipping breakfast. Lastly, the

possible solution on the reasons of students. The researchers cited in books,

journals, and internet in making the was validated by the

school nurse and the researcher’s adviser.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical methods used in this study for data analysis were

descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics that was

used are t-test and Spearman’s Rank Correlation. T-test was used to identify

the extent of impact of skipping breakfast to the academic performance and the

degree of the possible solution to address the reasons of students in skipping

breakfast. The t-test formula is 𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = 𝑠𝑠1+𝑠𝑠2 1 1
while the Spearman’s
√( )( + )
𝑛1+𝑛2 𝑛1 𝑛2

6 ∑ 𝑑𝑖 2
Rank Correlation formulais 𝑠 = 1 − 𝑛(𝑛2 −1) . In T-test the 𝑥̅ is the total weighted

mean and n refers to the total number of variables. If the t comp is greater than

the table values, accept the null hypothesis. Then, if the t comp is less than the

table values the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, the Spearman’s

Rank Correlation ∑ 𝑑𝑖 is the summation of 𝑑2 values and n is the number of

cases. If the Rs is greater than t critical, reject the null hypothesis while if the

Rs is less than the t critical therefore the null hypothesis will be accepted.
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Remond, V.V., &Wriler, S. (2018) Skipping Meals Affects Academic. Retrieved


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Breakfast on Academic Performance and Behavior in School Children
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Spencer, C. (2017). Breakfast: The most important meal of the day?

International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, Volume 8, 1-6.
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Sun, J., Yi, H., Liu., Z., Wu. Y., Bian, J., Eshita, Y., Li, G., Zhang, Q., Yang, Y.,
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Letter to the Respondents:


Dear respondents,

We, the Grade 12, Senior High School students, is conducting a

research for requirements in our subject Practical Research II entitled “The

Impact of Skipping Breakfast to the Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students” your honest answers to the questions will be highly

appreciated for data accuracy, rest assured that your responses will outmost


Thank you and God bless.

Truly yours,

The researchers,

Inso, Marisa B.

Locloc, Christian M.

Todiano. Norvic S.

Name (optional): Grade & Section:

Student staying in their house. Student staying in a boarding

I. The Impact of Skipping Breakfast to the Academic Performance.

Instruction: Please evaluate the impact of skipping breakfast to the academic

performance by checking the corresponding column.

4- Great Impact

3-Moderate Impact

2-Less Impact

1-No Impact

The impact of skipping 4(GI) 3(MI) 2(LI) 1(NI)

breakfast to the academic
Dizziness and body
weakness due to nutrients
Decreased the ability to listen
and process information.
Can make students become
less active in participating
clubs and activities.
Lack of concentration
increases absenteeism
will result to low grades
Average Weighted Mean

II. Reasons of Student in Skipping Breakfast.

Instruction: Please rank the reasons of student in skipping breakfast in

skipping breakfast. (Rank from 1-6, 1 is the highest and 6 is the lowest.)

1.____ Students are more concern on body figure.

2.____ Lack of time in preparing breakfast.

3.____ Lesser appetite in the morning.

4.____ Lazy to cook for breakfast.

5. ____Late to wake up in the morning.

6. ____Limited budget for food allowance.

III. Possible Solution to Address the Reasons of Student in

Skipping Breakfast.

Instruction: Please evaluate the possible solution to address the reasons of

students in skipping breakfast by checking the corresponding column.

4-Very Effective

3-Moderate Effective

2-Less Effective

1-Not Effective

Possible solution to address the 4(VE) 3(ME) 2(LE) 1(NE)

reasons of students in skipping

Be aware on the health effect of

skipping breakfast

Set an alarm clock to wake up early.

Parents should encourage their

children to eat their meals.

The school nurse should give more

emphasis on the health outcome of
learners skipping breakfast.

Be conscious on the time

Learn to cook nutritious and explore
different and simple menu for

Table 1: The Extent of Impact of Skipping Breakfast to the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students Staying in their House and
Staying in a Boarding House.
The impact of skipping breakfast Student Student
to the academic performance. staying in staying X12 X22
their in a
house boarding
(x1) house
Dizziness and body weakness due 3.13 3.19 9.80 10.18
to nutrients deficiency.
Decreased the ability to listen and 3.16 3.04 9.99 9.24
process information.
Can make students become less 3.12 3.03 9.73 9.18
active in participating clubs and
Lack of concentration 3.23 3.05 10.43 9.30
increases absenteeism 2.50 2.54 6.25 6.45
will result to low grades 2.73 2.69 7.45 7.24
Average Weighted Mean 2.97 2.92 8.94 8.60

Table 2. Rank on the Reasons of Students in Skipping Breakfast as

Perceived by Senior High School Staying in their House and Students
Staying in a Boarding House
Reasons of students Students Students Combinati Solution
in skipping breakfast staying staying in a on
In their boarding
house house
WM R WM R WM R d1 d2

Students are more 3.24 4 4.16 5 3.7 2 1 1

concern on body
Lack of time in 2.94 1 2.95 2 2.94 5 1 1
preparing breakfast. 5
Lesser appetite in the 2.98 2 3.63 4 3.30 3 2 4
morning. 5
Lazy to cook for 3.34 4 3.07 6 3.20 4 5 4
breakfast 5
Late to wake up in the 3.01 3 2.77 1 2.89 6 3 4
Limited budget for food 4.34 1 4.31 6 4.3 1 6 0
Average weighted 3.31 6 3.48 3.40

Table3. Possible Solution to address the Reasons of Students in

Skipping Breakfast as Perceived by the Senior High School Students .
Possible solution to Students Students X12 X22
address the reasons of staying staying in
students in skipping In their a boarding
house house
(x1) (x2)
Be aware on the health 3.55 3.50 12.60 12.25
effect of skipping breakfast
Set an alarm clock to wake 3.28 3.27 10.76 10.69
up early.
Parents should encourage 3.47 3.32 12.04 11.02
their children to eat their
The school nurse should 3.15 3.13 9.92 9.80
give more emphasis on the
health outcome of learners
skipping breakfast.
Be conscious on the time 3.44 3.29 11.83 10.82
Learn to cook nutritious and 3.61 3.47 13.03 12.04
explore different and simple
menu for breakfast.
Average Weighted Mean 3.42 3.33 13.03 66.62

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