Sci Paper Experiment
Sci Paper Experiment
Sci Paper Experiment
I. Materials
This study used the following materials and equipment:
● Balloons
● Plastic Straw
● Tape
● Yarn
II. Procedure
(Write here a narrative/paragraph of the methods. You may put subtitles to indicate each of the
experimental set ups. The methods should be written in past tense, passive voice.)
1. First, we tied a string from a chair to the doorknob, creating an angle. We made sure the
string is tied properly and securely. Afterwards, we measured some data, like the length
of the string, the height of the string from the floor, and the angle.
2. Then, we blew three (2) balloons in different sizes. We then taped a small piece of a
straw to the balloon so the string we attached earlier could pass through something.
Each straw is the same length.
3. To gather data, we measured the time and distance the balloons covered when we
released them. Each has varying times and distances, however they all followed the
same pattern we predicted. The biggest balloon covered the most distance and lasted
the longest. And the smallest balloon covered the shortest distance with the least
number of time.