4.2 M.A. Ancient India History Culture PDF
4.2 M.A. Ancient India History Culture PDF
4.2 M.A. Ancient India History Culture PDF
Item no. 4.2
Revised Syllabus for the M.A.
Program: M.A.
Course: (Ancient Indian History,
Culture & Archeaology)
Semester I to IV
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2013–2014)
i Sem III
.C I Religion and Philosophy I
CII Language and Literature I
OI Indian Aesthetics
rOII Economic History
eOIII History and Culture of SouthEast
d Asia
iOIV History and Culture of East Asia
Sem IV
C I Religion and Philosophy II
CII Language and Literature II
sO I Cultural Tourism
tOII Cultural History and Archaeology of
OIII Social life in Ancient India2
OIV Science and Technology in Ancient
ructure: I Sem / II Sem - 24 / 24
of Maharashtra History,
Social life in Ancient India M.A. in Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology,
Science and Technology in M.A. in Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology,
Ancient India
Core Course I – ( C I)
Religion and Philosophy
1. To make student aware with the Religion-philosophy.
2. To make student aware of the importance of religious beliefs and philosophical studies
3. To make students aware with the Sociological, ritualistic and philosophical methods of
Epic & Puranic –General tenets, harmony, synthesis, teertha, vratas, Saivism ,
Shaktism ,Vaisnavism.
Recommended Readings
Chakraborty,D.P.-Lokayata and other Sects
Bhandarkar,R.G.1965,Vaisnavism,Shaivism and Minor Religious
Systems(reprint).varanasi:Indological Book House
Sharma,Ckladhara-Systematic Survey of Indian Philosophy
Dasgupta,S.N.-History of Indian Philosophy (Vols.1-5)
Fergussion , J.1971 Tree and Serpent Worship (reprint),Delhi:Oriental
Gonda,J. 1970.Visnuism and Saivism, London:University of London
Gonda J.1985.Change and Continuity in Indian Religion.New
Delhi:Munshiram manoharlal
O’Flaherty,Wendy,D.1973.Asceticism and Eroticism in the mythology of
Siva.Oxford:Oxford University Press
Hirayannna,K.-Outlines of Indian Philosophy
Core Course II ( C II)
Unit II Epics
3. Folk versions of Epics and their nature- Story of Mahisha, Jambhula
Akhyana, Mukteshwara, Rukmini Svayamvara, Renukamahatmya
b) Prose –Kadambari
Historical – Vikramankadevacharita
Reference Books
10. Law, B.C. History of Pali Literature, 2 volumes; Varanasi: Bharatiya
Publishing House, 1974.
11. Davids, T.W. Rhys , Buddhist Birth Stories (Jataka Tales), Indological
Book House, Varanasi, 1973.
12. Cowell E.B., Jataka, , New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers,
13. Kapadia,h.R.1944, Jaina Religion and Literature.Lahore
14. Katre,S.M. 1964.Prakrit and their Contribution to Indian Culture. Poona:
Deccan College
Optional Course- ( O I )
Indian Aesthetics
1. To make student aware with the Indian Aesthetics.
2. To make student aware of the importance of literary studies
3. To make students aware with the Indian and western methods of studying Literature and
Art History
- Natyasahastra(Performing Arts)
1. ( RasaVichara):
- Literary traditions
1. Alankar School
2. Riti School
3. Vakrokti School
4. Auchitya School
5. Dhvani-
Optional Course- ( O II )
Economic History
1. To make student aware with the Economic life.
2. To make student aware of the importance of economics.
3. To make students aware with the different methods of study in economics.
Recommended Readings
Chopra,P.N. ,B.N. Puri, and M.N.Das 1974.Social,Cultural and Economic
History of India. Delhi: Macmillian India.
Ghosh,A. 1973. The City in Early Historical India. Simla:Indian Institute of
advanced Study.
Maity, S. K. 1958. Economic Life in Ancient India in the Gupta
period.Calcutta:World Press Ltd.
Majumdar, R. C. 1922. Corporate Life in Ancient India. Calcutta: Calcutta
Motichandra 1977. Trade and trade Routes in Ancient India New Delhi.
Abhinav Publications.
Rawlinson, H.G.1916.Intercourse between India and the Western World,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sharma R.S. 1987. Urban Decay in India. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
Sharma, R.S. 1985. Material Culture and Social Formation in Ancient India :
New Delhi : Macmillian India
Sharma, R.S. 1966. Light on early Society and Economy.Bombay: Manaktalas.
Sharma , R.S. 1965 Indian feudalism. Calcutta: Calcutta University.
Warmington , E.H. 1928 Commerce between the Roman Empire and
India.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wheeler,R. E.M.1954. Rome beyond the Imperial Frontiers. London: G.Bell
and Sons.Ltd.
Optional Course- ( OIII)
History and Culture of South-East Asia
Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Mainland & Indonesia
Unit I - Trade –
Trade guilds of South India, Trade with Eastern Coast, Material Culture
finds: images, beads, inscriptions, pottery (rouletted wares)
Unit IV-Religion –
Buddhism: Hinayana, Mahayana
Hinduism – Pauranic & Agamic ,Saiva Siddhanta & Pancharatra,other
Tantric cults.
Majumdar R. C. 2008. Champa: History and CUltural of an Indian Colonial
Kingdom in the Far East 2nd - 16th Century A.D.. Reprint. New Delhi: Gyan
Publishing House.
History and Culture of Indian People , Vols 1-6, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Optional Course- ( O IV )
Majumdar R. C. 2008. Champa: History and CUltural of an Indian Colonial
Kingdom in the Far East 2nd - 16th Century A.D.. Reprint. New Delhi: Gyan
Publishing House.
History and Culture of Indian People , Vols 1-6, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Semester IV
Core Course I - CI
Unit I – Jainism
Non Vedic traditions including Lokayata and Jainism, Early Jainism
Shvetambara Jainism
Digambar Jainism
Development of Jainism in Western India in the Medieval Period
Recommended Readings
Chakraborty,D.P.-Lokayata and other Sects
Bhandarkar,R.G.1965,Vaisnavism,Shaivism and Minor Religious
Systems(reprint).varanasi:Indological Book House
Sharma,Ckladhara-Systematic Survey of Indian Philosophy
Dasgupta,S.N.-History of Indian Philosophy (Vols.1-5)
Fergussion , J.1971 Tree and Serpent Worship (reprint),Delhi:Oriental
Gonda,J. 1970.Visnuism and Saivism, London:University of London
Core Course II – C II
Unit I: Buddhism
1. Edicts of Ashoka
2. Dhara Prashasti of Arjunavarman
3. 84 cha lekha at Pandharpur (८४ चा लेख)
Reference Books
5. Winternitz, M.1972 Historyof Sanskrit Literature(3 Vols)New
Delhi:Oriental Book Reprint Corporation.
6. Gawronski, A. (2010.) Studies about the Sanskrit Buddhist Literature.
Charleston, SC: BiblioBazaar,
7. Winternitz, M. (1998 )A History of Indian Literature vol. I-III, Delhi:
Motilal Banarsidass,.
8. Coulson, Michael. ( 1992 )Sanskrit: An Introduction to Classical
Language. Sevenoaks: Hodder & Stoughton.
9. Gonda, J. (1966 )A concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit
language: with exercises, reading selections, and a glossary. Leiden:
E.J. Brill,
10. Law, B.C. History of Pali Literature, 2 volumes; Varanasi: Bharatiya
Publishing House, 1974.
11. Davids, T.W. Rhys , Buddhist Birth Stories (Jataka Tales), Indological
Book House, Varanasi, 1973.
12. Cowell E.B., Jataka, , New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers,
13. Kapadia,h.R.1944, Jaina Religion and Literature.Lahore
14. Katre,S.M. 1964.Prakrit and their Contribution to Indian Culture.
Poona: Deccan College
Optional Course- ( O I )
Cultural Tourism
1. To make student aware with the Cultural Tourism.
2. To make student aware with the importance of Tourism
3. To make students aware with the practical aspects of culture.
1. Tourism
a Definition & Scope.
b. Types of Tourism
Recommended Readings
1) Robert Pockyard, Policy of law in Heritage Conservation, E & FN Spoon.
2) Kernal Balsar, The concept of the common heritage of Mankind, Vol. 30 Martinus Nijhoff.
3) Nicholas Stanley Price (ed), Historical & Philosophical issues in Conservation of cultural
heritage, getty education in the arts.
4) Richard Harrison (ed), Manual of Heritage Management, Butterworth Heineman.
5) Giorge Croci, Conservation & structural restoration of architectural Heritage, Computational
6) Richard Prentice, Tourism & Heritage attractions, Queen Margaret College.
7) Wittlin Alma, The Museum, London, 1949.
8) Nego JMS, Tourism & Travel, Gitanjali Publication house, 1998.
9) Bhatia A, Tourism in Indian history & development, Delhi, 1978.
10) Davide T Herbert (ed), Heritage Tourism & society, Mausell.
Optional Course- ( O II )
1. Sarthavaha : Motichandra
9. Gazetteer of Bombay presidency Vol.I & II
Optional Course- ( O III )
Social life in Ancient India
To make student aware with the social life.
To make student aware of the importance of tribal, social and legal studies
To make students aware with the Sociological and Anthropologically methods
of study.
Unit IV Education
Recommended Readings
Altekar,A.S. 1973.Position of Women in Hindu Civilization.Delhi:Motilala
Altekar,A.S. 1975 .Education in Ancient India.Varanasi:Manohar Prakashan
Banerjea, G. 1923.The hindu Law of Marriage and Stridhana.Calcutta: Calcutta
Horner,D.B. 1930 Women under Primitive Buddhism.London:George
Routledge and sons ltd.
Kane,P.V. 1941.History of Dharmashastra (Vol.II,pt.I)Pune: B.O.R.I.
Kunhan Raja, C.1950 Some Aspects of Education in Ancient India. Adyar:
Mookerjee, Radhakamal: Education in Ancient India
Pandey ,Raja Bali 1966 .Hindu Sanskaras.Varanasi:Chowkhamaba
Sharma ,R.S. and V.Jha (eds.)1974.Indian Society: Historical Probings.New
Delhi:People’s Publishing House.
Optional Course- ( O IV )
Unit I-Sources for the study of science & technology in ancient India.
Unit II-Specific science & technology in ancient India.
Health care & medicine based on Yoga, Ayurveda
Astonomy, Mathematics
Water management
Fine Arts
Unit III-Urbanization & development of crafts & industries
Unit IV-Recent studies & modern investigation of ancient sciences &
Concise history of science in India- D.M. Bose, S.N Sen, B.V. subbarayappa.
Positive sciences of the Ancient hindus- Brajendranatha seal, Motilal
Banrasidas, Delhi 1958.
History of Chemistry in Ancient India & Medieval India, P.Ray- Indian
chemicals society, Calcutta 1956.
Charaka Samhita- a scientific synopsis, P.Ray & H.N Gupta National Institute
of sciences of India, New Delhi 1965.
Macdonnel A.A- History of Sanskrit literature.
Winternitz M- History of Indian literature Vol. I,II & III.
Dasgupta S.N & De S.K- History of Sanskrit literature Vol. I.
Ramkrishna Mission- cultural heritage of India Vol. I,II & III.
Majumdar R. C & Pushalkar A.D- History & culture of the Indian people, Vol.
Keith A.B- History of Sanskrit literature.
Varadachari V- History of Sanskrit literature.
Chaitanya Krishna- A new History of Sanskrit