Ceppome FTR Format
Ceppome FTR Format
Ceppome FTR Format
Throughout the field work/training report you must clearly identify where you were
involved in the following processes/activities:
Please bear in mind that the report examiner is looking for your contribution to the overall
improvement efforts that have been made in the aspect of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment
System performance monitoring and the overall successful operation of the Palm Oil Mill
Effluent Treatment System in your premise.
If you have any technical questions regarding the field training report preparation, please
email your questions to the following:
For any general questions about CePPOME, please contact the following:
Competency Committee
Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
English version
1. Introduction
The Director
Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
Department of Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Locked Bag No. 24
(Attn: Certification Centre)
2.1 Specification
Language of Report
Report may be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia
English version
Text should be: typed one side of the paper only, one and a half spaced, left-right
justified. For captions of figures and tables, single spaces can be used.
Every page except the title page must be numbered; PRELIMINARY PAGES are to be
numbered in lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii etc); and MAIN TEXT pages are to be
numbered at the center of the page (1, 2, 3..) and all pages must be numbers consecutively
and continuously.
2.2 Format
The structure of the report is based on standard format which contains the following
A. Preliminary pages
B. Main Text
C. Appendices
1. Name of trainee:
2. Contact Address:
3. Designation:
4. Nature of Business:
Indicate the type of your organization, whether a consulting company or a manufacturing
industry. If your company is a manufacturing industry, you should provide the following
Type of manufacturing:
6. Name and address of the premise where you underwent the field training on operating
and maintaining a Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System:
i) Name: ……………………………………………………………………
ii) Address:…………………………………………………………………
English version
8. Contact officer in the above organization who could verify your training experience:
Phone number:…………………………………..……………………
Fax number:…………………………………………………………..
E-mail address:……………………………………………………….
“I declare that the entire report is the product of my own work and all the facts stated in it
and the accompanying information is true and correct and that I have not withheld or
distorted any material facts”
(Note: The verification and declaration must be type written using the official
letterhead of the company where the candidate is attached to)
English version
The main text or body of your report shall include at least the following chapters.
2.2 Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System Performance Monitoring Committee
In this subchapter you should show an organizational management structure where you as
a CePPOME would report regularly to a permanent committee which would monitor and
subsequently report to higher management on the Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System
performance. Explain if you were involved in the formation of the committee after
attending the CePPOME course.
In this subchapter, you should describe how the Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment
System was being monitored before you attended the CePPOME course and
improvement/changes were made.
In this subchapter, you should describe how and what changes were made through
your efforts or intervention to the way Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System
performance monitoring is conducted in your premise to be in line with the
procedure taught in the CePPOME.
In this subchapter, you should describe in detail how Palm Oil Mill Effluent
Treatment System performance monitoring is being conducted after the changes
you proposed, were accepted and implemented in your premise.
English version
In this chapter you must provide a thorough discussion of the performance monitoring
data obtained within the training period. You must identify the major unit processes and
unit operations of your Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System and the relevant
performance monitoring parameters for them. You must then compare the performance
monitoring data with the recommended ranges. It is highly recommended that you use the
techniques in statistical data analysis discussed in the Guidance Document and taught in
the CePPOME course.
In this section at the minimum you should prepare, present and discuss the following:
(I) Control charts of the performance monitoring parameters which may include
pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), flow measurement, sludge volume index (SVI),
biological oxygen demand (BOD), oxygen uptake rate (OUR), total suspended
solid or mixed liquor suspended solid (TSS or MLSS), mixed liquor volatile
suspended solid (MLVSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD) or nutrient
measurement (phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen).
(II) Control charts of the final effluent quality represented by the relevant
parameters which may include pH, BOD, SVI, MLVSS or COD.
In this chapter you should describe the details of major upset conditions encountered, if
any, during the operation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System for the duration of
this training report. You should include the date of the occurrence, nature of upset
conditions and the corrective actions taken by you.
In this chapter, you should describe future efforts, if any, to be initiated by you to further
ensure smooth running of the Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System on a sustained basis.
In this chapter, you should make some conclusions on the overall performance of your
Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System and discuss how performance monitoring has
benefited your company or industry.
English version
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
A table showing the locations of sampling point
Appendix 3
A table showing the list of performance monitoring parameters and the sampling
Appendix 4
Submitted to
The Director
Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
Department of Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus
Locked Bag No 24
43600 BANGI, Selangor
Name and address of company that you had field training on Palm Oil Mill Effluent
Treatment System performance monitoring:
Type of manufacturing:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
I hereby verify that ……………………………………. has completed the field training as required
and the information provided in this report is true to my best knowledge.
Name :
I/C NO :
Designation :
Phone no. :
E-mail address :
Signature :
Date :
English version
I declare that the entire report in the product of my own work and all the facts stated in it
and the accompanying information are true and correct and I have not withheld or
distorted any material fact.
Name :
I/C NO. :
Designation :
Signature :
Date :
English version
Table of Contents
General information on the candidate
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of industry/company
1.2 Organization’s environmental commitment
Chapter 6: Conclusions
Appendix 1
List of analytical equipment used
Appendix 2
Table showing the locations of sampling point
Appendix 3
Table showing the list of performance monitoring parameters and the sampling frequency
Appendix IV
An example of a Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System Performance Monitoring Report
submitted to the Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment System Performance Monitoring
Committee as taught in the CePPOME course.