Cepbfo FTR Format 2018
Cepbfo FTR Format 2018
Cepbfo FTR Format 2018
Throughout the field work/training report you must clearly identify where you were involved in
the following processes/activities
o Conducting measurements of performance monitoring data and conduct measurement using
portable equipment.
o Preparing performance monitoring report and presenting it to the bag filter performance
monitoring committee or management
o Making decision on bag filter operation matters
o Initiating efforts to introduce new/improved work or monitoring procedure in bag filter
Please bear in mind that the report examiner is looking for your contribution to the overall
improvement efforts that have been made in the aspect of bag filter performance monitoring and
the overall successful operation of the bag filter in your premise.
If you have any technical questions regarding the field training report preparation, please email
your questions to the following:
For any general questions about CePBFO, please contact Competency & Industry Certification
Centre, EiMAS:
Competency Committee
Environmental Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
1. Introduction
The Director
Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
Department of Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(Attn: Certification Centre)
A substantial component of the field training should comprise hands on experience in operating
and maintaining a bag filter system where the theory and understanding that the candidate has
acquired in the CePBFO course organized by EiMAS are translated into practice at the work place.
The field training report should follow the general specification and format as below:
2.1 Specification
Language of Report
Report may be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia
Every page except the title page must be numbered; PRELIMINARY PAGES are to be numbered
in lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii etc.); and MAIN TEXT pages are to be numbered at the
center of the page (1, 2, 3...) and all pages must be numbered consecutively and continuously.
2.2 Format
The structure of the report is based on standard format which contains the following sections:
A. Preliminary Pages
B. Main Text
C. Appendices
The report should contain a minimum of 15 pages (excluding executive summary, illustrations,
photographs, appendices, or figures).
1. Name of Candidate:
2. Contact Address:
3. Designation:
4. Nature of Business:
Indicate the type of your organization, whether a consulting company or a manufacturing industry.
If your company is a manufacturing industry, you should provide the following information:
Type of manufacturing:
Others please specify:
5. Date of attending the course on Certified Environmental Professional in Bag Filter Operation
conducted by the Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS):
6. Name and address of the premise where you underwent the field training on operating and
maintaining a Filter Bag System.
i) Name:………………………………………………………………
ii) Address:……………………………………………………………
7. Period of Field Training:
8. Contact officer in the above organization who could verify your training experience:
Phone number:…………………………………..……………………
Fax number:…………………………………………………………..
E-mail address:………………………………………………………..
b. Verification (to be filled out by the candidate’s supervisor)
“I declare that the entire report is the product of my own work and all the facts stated in it and
the accompanying information is true and correct and that I have not withheld or distorted any
material facts”
The verification and declaration must be type written using the official letterhead of the
company where the candidate is attached to)
The main text or body of your report shall include at least the following chapters.
In this subchapter you should explain the nature of manufacturing carried out in your
factory and the products manufactured or the nature activity carried out in your
Brief overall process/activities– attach process flowchart – raw material - what product
produced – waste generated – which process/activities generate air pollution control by
bag filter
In this subchapter, you should describe how the APCS - bag filter was being monitored
before you attended the CePBFO course and improvement/changes were made.
In this subchapter, briefly describe budget allocated for proper operation and
maintenance of pollution control systems includes setting up facilities, provision of
personnel and purchase of performance monitoring equipment.
In this subchapter, you should show an organizational structure where you as a CePBFO
are placed. List all other competent person personnel in your industry/company. Provide
a certified copy of your list of duties where it shows the filter bag performance monitoring
function is one of your core duties.
2.4 Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC)
In this subchapter you should show an organizational management structure where you
as a CePBFO would report regularly to Environmental Performance Monitoring
Committee (EPMC) - chaired by a senior official of your company’s/industry’s
organization – which would monitor on a monthly basis on the bag filter performance.
You should also show an organizational management structure of Environmental
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Committee (ERCMC), which chaired by chief
executive officer or chairman of the company’s/industry’s organization – which would
monitor on overall environmental compliance.
Provide building layout showing location of all APCS in the premise. Highlight the bag filter
system which will be more describe detail on this FTR
In this subchapter you should briefly describe and focus on one (1) unit of bag filter
systems on your premise. Explain why this bag filter are selected.
Provide bag filter typical range of operational data (max-min)- pressure drop across bag
filter, inlet gas temperature, cycle of cleaning – ON & OFF time, compressed air pressure,
motor running amp, fan speed, etc.)
In this chapter, you should describe how and what changes were made through your
efforts or intervention to the way how performance monitoring of the bag filter system
is conducted in your premise to be in line with the procedure taught in the CePBFO course
at EiMAS and the Guidance Document on Performance Monitoring of Air Pollution Control
Systems – DOE – APCS – 5, 2006.
You should describe in detail how preventive maintenance and performance monitoring
of the bag filter system is being conducted after the changes you proposed, were
accepted and implemented in your premise.
Provide a copy of preventive maintenance and daily records of bag filter performance
monitoring – must be attached in Appendix 2 & Appendix 3
Briefly describe and show, how bag filter performance report is made to Environmental
Performance Monitoring Committee (EPMC) and how environmental compliance report
is made to Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Committee (ERCMC).
Describe on management response when report is made.
In this subchapter, you should discuss the performance monitoring results obtained within the
training period. You should provide/plot a monthly graph of performance monitoring data
(parameter) and compare with the operating range or recommended design range. (control chart)
It is highly recommended that you also use the techniques in statistical data analysis.
In this chapter you should describe the details of major upset conditions encountered, if any,
during the operation of bag filter system for the duration of this training report. You should
include the date of the occurrence, nature of upset conditions and the corrective actions taken
by you.
In this chapter, you should describe future efforts, if any, to be initiated by you to further ensure
smooth running of the bag filter system on a sustained basis. Also state any improvements that
cannot be made during field training period but are in the planning of the industry
In this chapter, you should make some conclusions on the overall performance of your bag filter
system and discuss how performance monitoring procedure has benefited your company or
Describe advantage, any limitation and also suggestion by doing performance monitoring of bag
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Submitted to
The Director
Environment Institute of Malaysia (EiMAS)
Department of Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus
Locked Bag No 24
43600 BANGI, Selangor
(Name of Candidate)
(Identity Card number)
(Date Submit FTR)
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of industry/company
1.2 Situation before course attendance
Chapter 7: Conclusions