Crime Records Management System: Anu Sharma, Mohd. Shahnawaz
Crime Records Management System: Anu Sharma, Mohd. Shahnawaz
Crime Records Management System: Anu Sharma, Mohd. Shahnawaz
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,TeerthankerMahaveer University , Moradabad
Abstract— The proposed system applies to all Police with the software they can avail the existing
stations across the country and specifically looks into the subject records.
of Crime Records Management. It is well understood that Crime
Prevention, Detection and Conviction of criminals depend on a
highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The 2) Citizen module:
efficiency of the police function and the effectiveness with which
it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can Each of the citizens, who has a complaint to
derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to register, must first register with the Software. For
it. Initially, the system will be implemented across Cities and
Towns and later on, be interlinked so that a Police detective can the registration part each person enter their details
access information across all records in the state thus helping like name, address, phone no., E-Mail ID etc. and
speedy and successful completion to cases. The project has been get a User Id & password from the Software. Once
planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with
centralized storage of the database. The application for the the registration is complete, the citizen can sign-in
storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of to the website & register their complaint.
SQL server and all the user interfaces have been designed using
the DOT Net technologies.
3) Crime module:
Keywords— crime, criminals, investigators, lawyers.
This module is used for entering all details about
The Crime Records Management System applies the crime. It contains the date and time, police
to Police Stations all across the country and station where it is recorded, place, Nature of Crime,
specifically looks into the subject crime prevention,
detection, conviction of criminals depending on a Location of the Crime etc.
highly responsive backbone of Information 4) Search module:
Management [1]. The efficiency of the Police and
In this module we can search the crime in station
the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend
on what quality of information it can derive from its wise, nature of crime.
existing records and how fast it can have access to 5) Administrators Module:
it. [2][3]
The module will be protected by user ID and
A. Modules password. Ordinary users of the software will not
be permitted to enter into this area of the software.
1) Station module:
The module will be focusing on the maintenance
Each of the station must first register with the like Master Data Maintenance, Removal of old and
Software. For the registration part each station enter outdated data from the software etc.
their details like station name, address, phone no,
station in charge etc. and get a User Id from the 6) Avocation Module:
Software. Once the prospective station registers
This Module deals with the Law part of every
Crime. [3]
3rdInternational Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,TeerthankerMahaveer University , Moradabad
II. SYSTEM ANALYSIS In most of the cases, the innocent are accused in the
existing system.
As per our jurisdiction, “Let thousand criminals escape-
System Analysis works with users to identify not a single innocent be punished “. As a result of this and
goals and build systems to achieve them. System other factors that influence investigation, such as bribery,
analysis is an important phase of any system the innocent becomes accused in several situations in the
development process. The system is studied to the eyes of Justice.
minutest details and analyzed. The system analyst The existing system could provide only investigation
and there is no Advocating, Counseling facilities etc. hence
plays the role of an interrogator and dwells deep in no contact or control or co-ordination on these cell. [4]
to the working of the present system. In analysis, a
detailed study of these operations performed by a IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
system and their relationships within and outside of
the system is done. A key question considered here Our mission statement directs us to promote the
is, “what must be done to solve the problem?” One public interest while balancing the Law. Obviously
aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the we’ll not rush to judgment, but will look at the facts
system and determining whether or not the and render a thoughtful decision based on these
candidate system should be considered. The system facts. Organization is an independent statutory body
is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system which was created to maintain an effective an
are identified. The outputs from the system are effective and efficient police service for the public.
traced through the various processing that the input Its primary task includes securing continuous needs
phases through in the organization. During analysis, of the public in an efficient manner. As part of the
data are collected on available files, decision points, responsibility, ‘our committee’ is responsible for
and transaction handled by present system. Once performance monitoring (performance planning and
analysis is completed the analyst has a firm review formerly professional standards and
understanding of what is to be done. performance monitoring) decided to look at the
contribution and effectiveness of the organization
III. EXISTING SYSTEM within the public. We need the whole hearted
In the existing crime management system, most support of each and every individual member of the
of the operations are done manually like send site and cooperation of the users. The administrator,
complaints, taking actions against crimes, view along with the investigators, lawyers, counselors,
status etc. So with the existing system if anybody and other authorities statutory partners in our
wants to complaint against crimes he must do it organization. Given their key role in these
through the police. If we are doing the system partnerships, we felt that an overview of strength
manually, so many minor errors will occur. Error and Weakness of the organization is needed.
detection in the previous entries made and data The aim of the project is to bring about
cross verification is another important function. improvement to the organization’s contributions;
These are done manually, and it would take time. this report necessarily concentrates on overcoming
weakness and raising standards. To avoid
1) Drawbacks of the existing system can be concluded as
conducting and unfair evaluation efforts which are
The existing system is time consuming and not very user made to put this contribution into this context. It
friendly. believes that partnership work is highly beneficial
The officer dealing with a particular case cannot take to the organization and that partnership work is the
decision by himself even when he is having the first hand way forward to reduce crime and disorder.
knowledge/information about the case and he can expect
obstructions from higher authorities/officials. 1) Advantages of the Proposed System:
Even an efficient officer cannot/may not able to handle Better communication, better leadership, better
more than one case at a time. training, more defined roles in terms of contribution to
contribution to the society.
3rdInternational Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,TeerthankerMahaveer University , Moradabad
3rdInternational Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,TeerthankerMahaveer University , Moradabad
The Software developed is found to be working
efficiently and effectively. It results in regular and
timely action against crime reported. It can be
observed that the information can be obtained easily
and accurately. The Software is made user friendly
to the maximum so that any lay man can run the
software provided he could access to the system via
Fig. 4 Show all department the login password. It believes that partnership
work is highly beneficial to the organization and
that partnership work is the way forward to reduce
crime and disorder. Hence, we wish to remind that
its culture should fully endorse partnership work;
we urge to ensure the attention they require.
[3] Anil Jaiswal, Neeta Gunjal, PoojaLondhe, Shikha Singh, Ramesh
Solanki, “Crime Automation & Reporting System” ,International
Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME),Volume-1,
Issue-11, October 2013