1.2 About The System
1.2 About The System
1.2 About The System
Station module deals with processing of complaints, creating FIR, entering victim & witness details etc. All the basic processing of a station will be done in this module. Citizen module is for the public user, who has a complaint to register. Crime module is used for entering all details about the crime. It contains the date, police station where it is recorded, place, Nature of Crime etc. Search module is for searching crime in station wise, nature of crime. Avocation Module deals with the Law part of every Crime. 1.3 System Specification
The hardware for the project should be selected in such a way that it should give the maximum optimal result .Hardware requirements are as follows:
Processor Intel Pentium (II) or higher 128 MB RAM 2 GB Hard Disk or more SVGA Color Monitor
Client Side
Processor Intel Pentium (II) or higher 128 MB RAM 2 GB Hard Disk or more SVGA Color Monitor 104 Keyboard Any Mouse Any Modem 1.3.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS The Crime Automation Reporting System must use Microsoft SQL server 2000 as its database component.
Software Requirements
The software requirements include the software that is required for working. Software requirements are as follows: Developments Tools ASP .NET uses the new ADO .NET. ASP .NET supports full Visual Basic, not VBScript. ASP .NET supports C# (C sharp) and C++. Database
Application Server
Sun Microsystems
System Analysis works with users to identify goals and build systems to achieve them. System analysis is an important phase of any system development process. The system is studied to the minutest details and analyzed. The system analyst plays the role of an interrogator and dwells deep in to the working of the present system. In analysis, a detailed study of these operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system is done. A key question considered here is, what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not the candidate system should be considered. The system is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. The outputs from the system are traced through the various processing that the input phases through in the organization. During analysis, data are collected on available files, decision points, and transaction handled by present system. Once analysis is completed the analyst has
In the existing Crime Automation System, most of the operations are done manually like send complaints, taking actions against crimes, view status etc. So with the existing system if anybody wants to complaint against crimes he must do it through the police. If we are doing the system manually, so many minor errors will occur. Error detection in the previous entries made and data cross verification is another important function. These are done manually, and it would take time.
2.2.1 Drawbacks of the existing system can be concluded as follows: The existing system is time consuming and not very user friendly. The FIR brought by a person hailing from a family beyond poverty, the existing system shows ignorance for the same The officer dealing with a particular case cannot take decision by himself even when he is having the first hand knowledge/information about the case and he can expect obstructions from higher authorities/officials. Even an efficient officer cannot/may not able to handle more than one case at a time. As we all know, a covered truth, Bribery plays an important role in the existing system. Many cases are pilled up in the corners, which are not proved, due to lack of commitment in the job. In most of the cases, the innocent are accused in the existing system. As per our jurisdiction, Let thousand criminals escape-not a single innocent be punished . As a result of this and other factors that influence investigation, such as bribery, the innocent becomes accused in several situations in the eyes of Justice. The existing system could provide only investigation and there is no Advocating, Counseling facilities etc. hence no contact or control or co-ordination on these cell. They criticized it for being inefficient, time consuming, poorly managed, disparate and lacking flexibility. Evaluation requires monitoring crime before, during and after the initiative.
Facts other than these initiatives may also impact on crime levels which makes evaluation particularly difficult. Because of the amount of serious crime, lesser crime goes unchecked. Many crimes become regarded as antisocial activities.
2.3 PROPOSED SYSTEM Our mission statement directs us to promote the public interest while balancing the Law. Obviously well not rush to judgment, but will look at the facts and render a thoughtful decision based on these facts. Organization is an independent statutory body which was created to maintain an effective an effective and efficient police service for the public. Its primary task includes securing continuous needs of the public in an efficient manner. As part of the responsibility, our committee is responsible for performance monitoring (performance planning and review formerly professional standards and performance monitoring) decided to look at the contribution and effectiveness of the organization within the public. We need the whole hearted support of each and every individual member of the site and cooperation of the users. The administrator, along with the investigators, lawyers, counselors, and other authorities statutory partners in our organization. Given their key role in these partnerships, we felt that an overview of strength and Weakness of the organization is needed. The aim of the project is to bring about improvement to the organizations contributions; this report necessarily concentrates on overcoming weakness and raising standards. To avoid conducting and unfair evaluation efforts which are made to put this contribution into this context. It believes that partnership work is highly beneficial to the organization and that partnership work is the way forward to reduce crime and disorder.
2.3.1 Advantages of the Proposed System: The scrutiny was carried out through the collection of written and oral evidence.
Better communication, better leadership, better training, and more defined roles in terms of
contribution to the society. Working with partners. Reducing crime and disorder. Confidently and anonymity issues.
The proposed system has control over all its cells and is perfectly coordinated. Also the cells can act individually. To take our organization to heights we need the wholehearted co-operation of the public.
In the fast moving world, if people lack something, it is time. All are busy in their world. It will be welcomed if services are provided at their will. So the main objective of our product is better communication, better leadership, reducing crime and disorder etc. The product provides a framework within which a user can easily work with. That was out next objective. We know users are of many categories, like users from who know working with computers very well to users who didnt know about computers. So all the category can use the software. So it should be user friendly. The product provides a framework, which is error free. We know a crime management system is actually a critical process having many calculations and operations. So each simple error laid to big problem. So it should be error free and our objective is to build error free software.
A feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. Apart from these, an initial investigation is launched to study the present system, evaluate the possible application of computer based of methods. Selecting a tentative system, evaluate the cost and effectiveness of the proposed system, evaluate the impact of the proposed system, existing personal and ascertain the need of new personal. To define an improved information system, the study group must understand the information requirements of the organization. This understanding may be obtained by determining what is currently being done and of investigating through interviews and analysis what information is needed to be provided that is not being furnished by the existing system . Data on the cost of operating the current system needs to be collected in order to make a cost benefit for a new system. The objective of feasibility study is not to solve the problem, but to acquire a sense of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined, consequently costs and benefits are estimated with greater detail at this stage. The result of the feasibility study is a system formal proposal. This is a simply a form of documenting or detailing the nature and scope of proposed solutions. The proposal summarizes what is known and what is going to be done. Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis:
In the existing system, many people are involved in the process but in the proposed system, number of persons involved be reduced drastically. So the proposed system is economic. In the existing system, storage of all these records should be arranged and security should be provided for the records. In the proposed system, separate security arrangement is not needed since the software provides security and maintenance is simply and hardly needs one or two person to operate the system.
2.4.2 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY: The feasibility center on the existing computer system (software, hardware) and to what extend it can support the proposed addition. In the proposed system, data can be easily stored and managed in database management system software. The results for various queries can be generated easily. Therefore, the system is technically feasible
2.4.3BEHAVIORAL FEASIBILITY: People are inherently resistant to change and computer has known to facilitate change. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user staff likely to have towards the developments of computerized system. In the existing system more manpower is required and time factor is more but in the proposed system, manpower and time factors are reduced .So, the remaining numbers are engaged with some other important works.
An SRS is basically an organization's understanding (in writing) of a customer or potential client's system requirements and dependencies at a particular point in time (usually) prior to any actual design or development work. It's a two-way insurance policy that assures that both the client and the organization understand the others requirements from that perspective at a given point in time.
3.1 INTRODUCTON The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical specifications that will be applied in implementing the proposed system. It also includes the construction of program and designing of output, input, menu, code, database and process of the system. System output may be report, document or a message. In on-line applications, information is displayed on the screen. The layout sheet for displayed output is similar to the layout chart used for designing output. On-line data entry makes use of processor that accepts commands and data from the operator through a keyboard or a device such as touch screen or voice input.
Designing the code depends on the programming language chosen and mostly they are not specified while outlining the design of the system. The goal of coding is to translate the design of the system in to code in a programming language. The aim of the code design is to implement the system in best possible manner. Database design is used to define and specify the structure of objects used in the system. A wide array of design information must be developed during the database design. A database is the collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective of data base design is to make information access easy, quick, inexpensive, and flexible for the user.
a) Program Structure The product entitled Crime Reporting System follows bottom up program structure. Description about bottom up approach:In a bottom-up approach the individual base elements of the system are first specified in great detail. These elements are then linked together to form larger subsystems, which then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top-level system is formed. This strategy often resembles a "seed" model, whereby the beginnings are small, but eventually grow in complexity and completeness. However, "organic strategies", may result in a tangle of elements and subsystems, developed in isolation, and subject to local optimization as opposed to meeting a global purpose. 3.3 PROCEDURAL DESIGN Procedural design occurs after data, architectural, and interface designs must be translated in to operational software. The procedural design for each component, represented in graphical, tabular or text based notation, is the primary work product produced during component level design. Begin If ((User name is valid)) and corresponding password is correct) then The user is an authorized person & can access the system Else Display invalid user End If
External machine interface:- We need a high quality modem to connect to the internet. NIC i.e. network interface card is also required to access the internet.TCP/IP and http are the protocols used. If we want some hard copy of any receipts, we need a printer for that.
External system interface:- Since Crime Reporting System requires a database and is working as online, the client machines requires proper connection with the server machine.
Human interface:- In project work entitled Crime Reporting System the user will interacts with product through Graphical User Interface (GUI) which will be developed in front pages. Since GUIs are the interface, workings with GUIs are very simple and not at all complicated. So any user who had no knowledge about softwares and computers can use this Crime Reporting System very simply.
3.5 CODING Coding in Crime Reporting System was done with ASP.net as front end and SQL Server as back end. A professional coding standard and style is followed to ensure the internationalization of the software code. Different naming conventions are used for the easy evaluation of code for future tome. This makes the code for reuse and easy debugging for a third person. It also enhance to the international style of coding.
know about the practical difficulties the system faces when operated in the true environment. By testing the code of the implemented software, the logic of the program can be examined. A specification test is conducted to check whether the specifications stating the program are performing under various conditions. Apart from these tests, there are some special tests conducted which are given below:
1. Peak Load Tests: This determines whether the new system will handle the volume of
activities when the system is at the peak of its processing demand. The test has revealed that the new software for the agency is capable of handling the demands at the peak time.
2. Storage Testing: This determines the capacity of the new system to store transaction data
on a disk or on other files. The proposed software has the required storage space available, because of the use of a number of hard disks.
3. Performance Time Testing: This test determines the length of the time used by the system
The testing steps performed in Crime Reporting System are given below: Unit testing Integration testing Validation testing
4.1.1 Unit testing In unit testing different modules are tested against the specifications produced during the design of the modules. Unit testing is essential for the verification of the code produced during the coding phase, and hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules.
The testing is carried out during the programming itself. After designing and coding each form they are run to see whether there are any anomalies. Some of the various test cases used to test the system are as follows: Test cases are given for testing against requirements of the unit being tested. Test case for path or branch covering. Test case for data flow coverage. Testing with classes of bad data
In unit testing the program unit that make up the system are tested individually. Unit testing focuses first on the modules, independent of one another to locate errors. Here in Crime Reporting System unit testing contains testing like user registration test, login test, user updating test, agent registration test, policy registration test, customer request test, premium calculation test etc. This enables to detect in coding and the logic with in the module alone. This testing is also used to ensure the integrity of data stored temporarily.
4.1.2 Integration testing Integration testing is systematic technique for constructing the program structure, while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated with interfacing. That is the program is constructed and tested in small segments, which makes it easier to isolate and correct. Invalid modules are invariably related to one another and interact in a total system. Each portion of the system is tested against the entire module with both testing and live data before the entire system is ready to be implemented. When the individual modules were found works satisfactory, the system integration test was carried out. Data was collected in such a way that all program paths could be covered. Using these data a complete test was made. All outputs were generated. Different users were allowed to work on the system to check its performance. So here in Crime Reporting System integration testing contains administrative module, customer module and login with administrative and customer module.
4.1.3 Validation testing At the culmination of the integration testing, the software was completely assembled as package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and a final series of software validation testing began. Here we test the system functions in manner that can be reasonably expected by customer, the system was tested against system requirement specification. Different unusual inputs that the users may use were assumed and the outputs were verified for such unprecedented inputs. Deviation or errors discovered at this step are corrected prior to the completion of this project with the help of user by negotiating to establish a method for resolving deficiencies. Thus the proposed system under consideration has been tested by using validation testing and found to be working satisfactorily.
4.2 TEST RESULTS The primary goal of software implementation is the production of source code that is easy to read and understand. Clarification of source code helps in easier debugging, testing and modification. Source code clarification is enhanced by structural coding techniques, by good coding style, by appropriate supporting documents, by good internal comments and by the features provided in the modern programming language. In our implementation phase, source code contains both global and formal variables. It contains predefined functions as well as the user defined functions. The result of the new system is compared with the old system and supposes the result is wrong the error must be debugged. After the acceptance of the system by the user, the existing system must be replaced by this new system. Any user can work in this package very easily. It does not require any intensive training for the user. Procedures and functions in the system are very simple that any one can understand and correspondingly act to the system with no difficulty.
4.3 IMPLEMENTATION The next stage after testing is implementation. Generally implementation is referred to conversion of a new system design to an operational one. It also deals with the training of operators. An implementation plan is to be made before starting the actual implementation of the system. Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is converted into a working system. The newly proposed system is implemented after the successful testing of the system.
4.3.1 Implementation Methods The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the conversion of a basic application to a complete replacement of a computer system. The procedure, however, is virtually the same. Implementation is used here to mean the process for converting a new or revised system into an operational one. Conversion is one aspect of implementation. The other aspects are the post implementation review and software maintenance. There are three types of implementation: Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system. Implementation of a new computer system to replace an existing one. Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one.
Conversion means changing from one system to another. That is data in the old format is run through a program, or a series of programs, to convert it into the new format. Conversion can also be from one hardware medium to another. The objective is to put the tested system into operation while holding costs, risk and personnel irritation to a minimum. It involves: Creating computer compatible files. Training the operating staff. Installing terminals and hardware.
A problem for management is discovering, at integration time, that pieces of modules simply do not fit together. Such problem will arise when charge is made to only one copy of the design document. When integration is completed, the product as whole is tested, this is termed product testing. When the developers are confident about the correction of every aspect of product, it is handled over to the client for acceptance testing.
4.3.2 Implementation Plan The implementation plan includes a description of all the activities that must occur to implement the new system and to put it into operation. It identifies the personnel responsible for the activities and prepares a time chart for implementing the system. The implementation plan consists of the following steps.
List all files required for implementation. Identify all data required to build new files during the implementation. List all new documents and procedures that go into the new system. The implementation plan should anticipate possible problems and must be able to deal with them. The usual problems may be missing documents; mixed data formats between current and files, errors in data translation, missing data etc.
4.4.1 Security Any system developed should be secured and protected against possible hazards. Security measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the database at various levels. An uninterrupted power supply should be so that the power failure or voltage fluctuations will not erase the data in the files.
4.4.2 Threats to Systems Security The lists of potential threats are: Disgruntled and dishonest users Fire Errors and omissions Natural disasters External attacks
4.4.3 System Security Measurements Identification It is scheme for identifying persons to the system based on something you know such as password. In the Smart College system, the student, staff, and the librarian are given passwords for identification purpose during registration process. Access Control Controlling access to computer databases is essential. In the Smart College system only the administrator has given the access to the tables. Audit Control Auditing must be supported at all levels of management. Audit controls protect system from external security breaches and internal fraud or embezzle men. Various software programs are available to help in the audit function. Integrity This line of defense safeguards the functioning of the hardware, software, physical security and operating procedures. Proper backup of hardware and software are extremely important. Password protection and simple procedures to change the unauthorized access are provided to the users. The system allows the user to enter the system only through login.
We may define Software Maintenance by describing for activities that are undertaken after a program is released for use. 1. Corrective Maintenance The first maintenance activity occurs since it is unreasonable to assume that software testing will uncover all errors in a large software system. 2. Adaptive Maintenance This activity that contributes to the definition of maintenance occurs since rapid change is encountered in every aspect if computing. 3. Perceptive Maintenance This activity involves recommendation for new capability modifications to the existing functions and general enhancements when software is used. 4. Preventive Maintenance This activity occurs when software is changed to improve further maintainability and reliability.
Anything cannot be ended in a single step. It is the fact that nothing permanent in this world. So this utility also has some future enhancements in the evergreen and booming IT industry. Change is inevitable. The project entitled Crime Reporting System was successfully designed developed and tested. The system and the architecture is a compatible one, so addition of new modules can be done without much difficulty. Since this module has its unique properties it can extend further to make this system a complete one.
4.5.1 Scope of further development The various Future Enhancement which shall include in this software are: We look forward to working with the Government in implementing the recommendations and seeing an improvement in the effectiveness of the organization The method of video conferencing can be added to make the project more lively An intercom facility will add a little more flexible communication between the Master and Branch In Charge, Master and Members, etc.
Not withstanding this drive and progress, the Panel believes that more fundamental changes are needed. It hopes that the recommendation made in this report will assist in changing the culture around partnership.
The Software developed is found to be working efficiently and effectively. It results in regular and timely action against crime reported. It can be observed that the information can be obtained easily and accurately.
The Software is made user friendly to the maximum so that any lay man can run the software provided he could access to the system via the login password.
It believes that partnership work is highly beneficial to the organization and that partnership work is the way forward to reduce crime and disorder
Hence, we wish to remind that its culture should fully endorse partnership work; we urge to ensure the attention they require.