Academic Self Concept and The English Competencies Among English Learners in The University of The Immaculate Conception Maureen D. Aguisando
Academic Self Concept and The English Competencies Among English Learners in The University of The Immaculate Conception Maureen D. Aguisando
Academic Self Concept and The English Competencies Among English Learners in The University of The Immaculate Conception Maureen D. Aguisando
Maureen D. Aguisando
University of the Immaculate Conception
UICUIC Research
Research Journal.2014.20
Journal.2014.20(1):15-26 15
Aguisando Education and Social Science
Language has been considered important for most human beings. It does not
only channel the expression of thoughts, perceptions, values, and characteristics
of a community but it also represents the expression of social identity.
English is the dominant international language in communications,
science, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. It is an important tool
for operating on the world stage. The ability to speak and understand English is
mandatory in certain fields, professions, and occupations. In fact, English is so
widely spoken, it is referred to as the “lingua franca” of the modern era.
The global spread of English becomes a serious economic and political
disadvantage to those who do not possess a reasonable command of the language.
In the future, those mono lingual English graduates will face bleaker economic
prospects as qualified multilingual graduates in the competitive advantage
of global companies and organizations. English has acquired its world-wide
reputation due to large part in globalized power relations, those companies and
governments employing well-trained non-native speakers for their international
business communication needs will obviously see the advantage of hiring non-
native speakers of the English language with multilingual talents.
In the Philippines, it is highly valued not only because it is functional and
practical that washes over Filipinos constantly, but more importantly, because it
is a widely used skill that can be used to increase one’s position, respectability and
marketability. In addition, English is important to the Filipino masses seeking
employment abroad.
According to the report of International English Language Testing System
(IELTS, 2008), the English skills of Filipinos are now a disappointment. In an
article written by Karl Wilson which was published online by The National, in
2008, Filipinos scored an overall mean of 6.69 for listening, writing, reading and
speaking- a very low number based on international standards.
In an article published written by Carlos Conde last October 20, 2006
(Business Herald International Tribune), Davao City is one of the several
areas outside Manila where call-center companies have been venturing to take
advantage of the low labor costs and excess manpower in the provinces. But
there has been concern lately that the industry’s growth may be limited by the
deterioration of its main advantage: the English proficiency of the work force.
According to a study by the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines,
75% of the more than 400,000 Filipino students that graduated from college
each year have “sub-standard English skills.” The Philippine Congress responded
Academic Self-Concept and the English Competencies among ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
English Learners in the University of the Immaculate Conception Aguisando
to this issue directing the Senate Committee of Educations Arts and Culture
to conduct and inquiry into the alleged sub-standard English skills of Filipino
college graduates in order to recommend policy measure in addressing the rapid
decline of Filipino’s English competency.
It was also mentioned on this article a survey in June 2006 by the Business
Processing Association of the Philippines that English proficiency is among the
top three areas the country should seek to improve, behind only the Philippines’
poor international image and political stability. “English proficiency is also an
urgent impediment to growth,” the group said in the study.
Since English remains the primary language used in schools and universities
and majority of educational materials and references are printed in English, learning
to use English is of great importance today because academic communication
tasks relate primarily in the use of English in international context.
In the context of education, academic self-concept is an important
psychological construct because it has to be both a cause and an effect of academic
achievement (Guay, Marsh & Boivin, 2003).
It has been observed that students who are aloof and quite in class have
significant lower academic achievements than those who relate to others. Also,
students who have good grades have established their respective ways of studying
the language.
As a language teacher, the researcher has observed that the use of English
language is deteriorating amidst the different techniques and teaching strategies
that teachers employed. Learning English as a second language is difficult for the
students especially in UIC. Their deteriorating language proficiency is reflected
in their academic achievement in classes.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between
the academic self-concept and the competencies in English among English
learners in the University of Immaculate Conception.
Specifically, this study sought to show the level of the student’s academic
self-concept in terms of effort, dimension, satisfaction with grades, study habit,
peer evaluation of academic ability, self-confidence in academics, satisfaction
with school, and self-doubt about ability; to present the level of competencies
in English of the students of University of Immaculate Conception in terms
of article, prepositions, pronoun– antecedent agreement, tenses, subject-verb
UICUIC Research
Research Journal.2014.20
Journal.2014.20(1):15-26 17
Aguisando Education and Social Science
This study is anchored on the theory of Pajares and Schunk (2001) that
there is a mutual causality between the academic self-concept and the academic
achievement of a student.
On the other hand, Bandura in 1997 mentioned academic self-concept
influenced achievement directly as well as indirectly by raising students’ grade
goals. It means that students who have higher academic self-concept will tend to
increase their grades.
Academic Self-Concept and the English Competencies among ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
English Learners in the University of the Immaculate Conception Aguisando
UICUIC Research
Research Journal.2014.20
Journal.2014.20(1):15-26 19
Aguisando Education and Social Science
Academic Self-Concept and the English Competencies among ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
English Learners in the University of the Immaculate Conception Aguisando
Article 55 Average
Prepositions 71 High
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement 51 Average
Tenses 45 Average
Subject-Verb Agreement 52 Average
Mean 56 Average
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Academic Self-Concept and the English Competencies among ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
English Learners in the University of the Immaculate Conception Aguisando
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Journal.2014.20(1):15-26 23
Aguisando Education and Social Science
and Hodges (1999) which hold that student’s academic self-concept are increased
when they view themselves as more capable than their peers which would result
to higher academic achievement but lowered when others are viewed as more
In the same way, self- confidence in academics as an indicator of academic
self-concept has a significant relationship with the two indicators of competencies
in English and these are prepositions and subject-verb agreement. This means
that there is a significant relationship between self-confidence in academics
and competencies in English. It further implies that the higher the academic
self-concept in terms of self-confidence in academics, the higher the mastery
of competencies in English. This affirms the statement of Lezlee (2005) that
students with low self-confidence and low self-esteem do not excel in academics
and the learning competencies in any subjects are low.
Finally, self-doubt regarding ability in academics as an indicator of academic
self-concept has a significant relationship with one of the indicators in the English
competencies and this is in the Subject-Verb Agreement. This confirms to the
study of Butkowsky and Willows (1996) that students who have self-doubt are
those who have given up. They are convinced that their lack of achievement
reflects their lack of ability. They see little hope for success. At this level, students
feel that they can no longer avoid failure and they take up a helpless, hopeless
position which directly affects their academic standing.
Although the respondents did not obtain low on their level of competency
in English, the school administrators should provide programs like training
and seminars for teachers in order for them to learn new teaching strategies
that would help the learners in mastering the learning competencies in English.
Specifically, based on the result of this study, self-confidence in academics as one
of the indicators of the academic self-concept has a significant relationship with
one of the competencies in English among the respondents. The teachers should
be offered methodological guidance in order to work on this psycho-educational
intervention that may serve as an avenue to improve academic performance.
Based on the result of the study satisfaction with grades as one of the
indicators of the academic self-concept, it has a significant relationship with
one of the competencies in English. The teachers should inform the students
of their progress throughout the semester. Such information can motivate the
Academic Self-Concept and the English Competencies among ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
English Learners in the University of the Immaculate Conception Aguisando
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1986 Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
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1997 Self- efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: Freeman.
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1994 Human motivation (3rd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
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