112 Hydraulic Booms
112 Hydraulic Booms
112 Hydraulic Booms
BUT series
Hydraulic booms for tunnelling and mine drilling applications
The BUT series of hydraulic booms offer the Main features
excellent stability and accuracy of movement that • With the direct positioning system, the boom can be moved
are needed for precision drilling. This also gives fast straight to the next collaring location.
• Double tripod suspension gives accurate parallel holding in all
positioning, low drill steel costs and straight holes.
They also offer the flexibility needed to serve for • 360 degrees feed roll-over gives full coverage of the tunnel face
different kinds of drilling tasks. without any blind spots and with no change in parallelity.
In addition, BUT booms incorporate features • Feed tilt cylinder rotates the feed into vertical position with the
specially developed to improve ease and speed rock drill facing the operator. This gives fast and simple roof
drilling and good supervision of the drilling sequence.
in manoeuvring, to enable complete rounds to • Boom extensions makes it possible to drill two rows of roof or
be drilled faster. One such feature is the joystick cross-cut holes from the same set-up.
control for lift and swing movements, which • Main boom joints have axial bearings bushings, and boom joints
positions the boom smoothly and swiftly at a for the cylinders are fitted with adjustable expanding shafts all
maintaining the accuracy and operational precision of the boom.
stepless, adjustable speed.
BUT 28 is a heavy duty boom with a coverage
area of 48 m². It is designed for operation
within medium-size drifts and underground
Technical data
Boom type BUT 4B* BUT 28 BUT 32 BUT35G
Weight, boom only, kg 1100 1750 2075 2860
Feed extension, mm 1500 1250 1800 1800 BUT 4B is a heavy duty boom with double
Telescopic boom extension, mm 900 1250 1250 1600 rotation devices, which makes it possible to
Feed roll-over, degrees 360 360 360 360 position the centre-mounted feed vertically on
Coverage area, m2 23 48 41 92** both sides of the feed. Coverage area of 23 m².
Max. weight of feed and rock It is designed for use in small-area drifts.
drill to be mounted, kg 600 700 700 850
*) BUT 4 is also equipped with feed rotation ±114° and feed dump cylinder
18° up, 60º down.
**) Coverage area for BUT 35 with 700 mm fixed boom segment is 112 m².
Visit www.facedrilling.com for more information