Antifatigue Effect of Fresh Royal Jelly in Mice: J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 47, 394-401, 2001
Antifatigue Effect of Fresh Royal Jelly in Mice: J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 47, 394-401, 2001
Antifatigue Effect of Fresh Royal Jelly in Mice: J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 47, 394-401, 2001
* Nobu MITANI,Toshiyuki FUKUDA
and Makoto FUKUSHIMA
Summary We investigated the antifatigue effect of royal jelly (RJ), which had been stored
at -20•Ž from immediately after collection, in male Std ddY mice. The mice were accus
swimming five times during 2wk, and the total swimming period until exhaustion was
measured. They were separated into three groups with equal swimming capacity , which
were administered RJ, RJ stored at 40•Ž for 7d (40-7d RJ), or the control solution including
casein, cornstarch, and soybean oil before swimming. All mice were forced to swim for
15min once; then the maximum swimming time to fatigue was measured after a rest pe
riod. The swimming endurance of the RJ group significantly increased compared with those
of the other groups. The mice in the RJ group showed significantly decreased accumulation
of serum lactate and serum ammonia and decreased depletion of muscle glycogen after
swimming compared with the other groups, whereas there was no significant difference be
tween the 40-7d RJ group and the control group in these parameters after swimming . A
for 7d, whereas the contents of various vitamins, 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid , and other
fatty acids in RJ were unchanged. These findings suggest that RJ can ameliorate the physical
fatigue after exercise, and this antifatigue effect of RJ in mice seems to be associated with the
Key Words royal jelly, swimming endurance, antifatigue effect, 57-kDa protein, freshness
Royal jelly (RJ) is the exclusive food of the queen (10). Although a deterioration of the physical proper
honey bee (Apis mellifera) larva and is secreted from the ties and a change of chemical composition of RJ during
hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of the worker inappropriate storage are known to decrease the physi
honey bees mainly between the sixth and twelfth days ological activity of RJ, there has been no report on the
of their life (1, 2). The chemical composition of RJ was relationship between the freshness of RJ and its physio
reported to be mainly proteins, sugars, lipids, and vita logical activity.
mins (3-5), together with many bioactive substances So far, RJ has been demonstrated to have several
such as 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (6), antibacterial physiological activities in experimental animals, includ
protein (7), and a stimulating factor for the develop ing vasodilative and hypotensive activities (11), in
ment of genital organs in male mice (8). The storage crease in growth rate (12), disinfectant action (13), an
of RJ at high temperature causes various changes such titumor activity (14-17), antihypercholesterolemic ac
as acceleration of the Maillard reaction and increases tivity (18), and antiinflammatory activity (19). Also, RJ
of viscosity, acidity, and protein degradation (9). We has been clinically reported to relieve chronic fatigue
previously investigated the compositional changes of syndrome (20) and has been widely used as a nutri
RJ during storage under various conditions (from 4•Ž tional tonic in commercial medical products and health
to 50•Ž for up to 7d), seeking a factor that could be uti foods in many countries. However, no detailed studies
lized as a marker for freshness of RJ, and found that 57 have ever been performed to test whether RJ improves
- kDa protein in RJ was specifically degraded in propor fatigue in vivo.
tion to both storage temperature and storage period, Recently, Matsumoto et al. developed a swimming
whereas the contents of other constituents in RJ did not pool with a pump that generates waterflow and creates
change during storage under the conditions examined currents to evaluate the exercise capacity of mice after
various treatments involving diet and drugs (21). A
* To whom correspondence should be addressed treadmill has often been used to evaluate the exercise
Alleviation of Fatigue after Exercise by Fresh Royal Jelly 395
added to the chest or tail of mice, has the problem that (FC-A20, Flow Meter Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan). The
it is difficult to measure the swimming times of mice distribution of the surface-current speed is measured
with sufficient reproducibility (24-27). However, the with a digital current meter (type SPC-5, Sanko In
swimming test with an adjustable-current water pool dustry, Tokyo, Japan) at 12 surface points spaced at reg
resolves various issues in the other exercise tests and al ular intervals. The temperature of the water is main
lows reliable and reproducible evaluation of the physi tained at 34•Ž with a water heater and thermostat.
cal work capacity of mice. High reproducibility and sensitivity of this apparatus for
In this study, we used an apparatus with an ad evaluating the maximum endurance of mice have been
justable-current water pool to evaluate the effect of RJ reported (21, 28, 29).
administration on the endurance capacity of mice. We Measurement of the maximum swimming time in the ad
investigated whether RJ can relieve the exhaustion of justable-current pool. To avoid circadian variations in
mice after exercise, and we studied the relationship be physical activity, the experiments were done from 13:
tween the antifatigue effect on mice and the freshness 00 to 17:00, a period in which the minimal variation
Animals. Five-week-old male Std ddY mice (a closed maximum swimming time (endurance) was measured
colony from Japan Shizuoka Laboratory Center, at a flow rate of 8L/min five times during 2wk for the
Hamamatsu, Japan) were used and housed in cages division of mice into appropriate groups. The mice were
(20•~32•~14cm; 5mice per cage) under controlled assessed to be fatigued when they failed to rise to the
conditions of temperature (23•}3•Ž), humidity (55 surface of water to breathe within a 7-s period. A period
•} 15%), and lighting (light from 07:00 to 19:00). They of longer than 7s resulted in frequent drowning, and
were given free access to water and a commercial diet less than 5s reduced the reproducibility of the test (21).
(type MF; Oriental Yeast, Tokyo, Japan). The care and Experimental design. In this study, the mice were
treatment of experimental animals conformed to the forced to swim again after swimming once, and the
guidelines for the ethical treatment of laboratory ani maximum swimming times and metabolic parameters
Administration of samples. RJ produced by honey were measured to evaluate the antifatigue effect of
bees (Apis mellifera) fed with nectar and pollen from preadministered samples on the mice. Eighty mice were
rape (Brassica napus) was used in this study. RJ samples made to swim for 15min during a 1-wk preliminary pe
were harvested, immediately frozen, and stored at riod to become accustomed to swimming; then they
-20•Ž . RJ that had been stored at 40•Ž for 7d was also were subjected to forced swimming until exhausted.
used as a sample. The mice were orally administered The maximum swimming time (endurance) was meas
500ƒÊL of 16% (w/v) RJ solution (2g/kg body weight) ured five times during 2wk. The mice were separated
or a solution containing 16% (w/v) RJ stored at 40•Ž into four groups (Groups 1-4), and the mice in each
for 7d (40-7d RJ, 2g/kg body weight). RJ used in the group were divided into three subgroups with equal
present study consisted of 65% water, 13.2% protein, swimming capacity and body weight. The three sub
12.1% sugar, and 4.1% lipid. Therefore, a control group groups in each group were administered RJ, 40-7d RJ,
was orally administered 500ƒÊL of the control solution, or the control solution at 48h, 24h, and 0.5h before
including 21mg/mL casein, 19mg/mL cornstarch, and swimming. After administration, blood samples of mice
6.6mg/mL soybean oil (264mg casein, 242mg corn in Group 1(n=19) were immediately collected from the
starch, and 82mg soybean oil/kg body weight), which jugular veins, and the concentrations of lactate, ammo
provides the same total energy as RJ. The control solu nia, and glucose in the blood were determined. The gas
tion was used to ensure that any observed effect of RJ trocnemius muscles were also removed and stored at
was not simply because of the nutritive value of RJ as an - 80•Ž, and the glycogen concentration in muscle was
energy source. measured. The mice in Group 2 (n=14) were then sub
Adjustable-current swimming pool. An adjustable jected to forced swimming for 15min, blood samples
current water pool was used to determine swimming and gastrocnemius muscles were collected, and the
capacity. The details have been described elsewhere same parameters as before were measured. Further
(21). We used an acrylic plastic pool (90•~45•~45cm; more, the mice in Group 3 (n=24) were forced to swim
Anitec Co., Otsu, Japan) filled with water to a depth of for 15min and were made to take a rest for 30min.
38cm. The inner surface of the pool is flat and smooth They were again subjected to forced swimming for
to prevent an animal from supporting itself while swim 15min, following the oral administration of RJ, 40-7d
ming. The current in the pool is generated by circulat RJ, or the control solution at 10min after the start of
ing water with a pump (type C-P60J, Hitachi, Tokyo, the rest period. Thereafter blood samples and gastroc
Japan). Water is returned to the pump through a nar nemius muscles were collected, and the same parame
row slit in a plastic pipe set at the bottom of the pool. ters as before were measured. The three subgroups in
The strength of the current can be adjusted by chang Group 4 (n=23) were forced to swim for 15min and
ing the water flow, which is regulated by opening or made to take a rest for 30min; then the maximum
closing a valve, and is monitored by a water flow meter swimming time to fatigue was measured following the
M et al.
oral administration of RJ, 40-7d RJ, or the control solu protein as a standard.
tion at 10min after the start of the rest period. Materials. MiniPlateTM 100 and MiniPlateTM 30
Muscle glycogen analysis. Immediately after the were purchased from Millipore Co. (Bedford, USA).
blood had been collected, the gastrocnemius muscles DEAE-Toyopearl 650M and TSK-gel G3000SW col
were removed, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and kept at umns were purchased from Tosoh Co. (Tokyo, Japan).
-80•Ž until analysis for glycogen concentration . The HiLoadTM 16/10 Superdex 200 column and LMW
determined with a commercial kit (Glucose CII Test Chemical Evaluation Research Institute (Tokyo, Japan).
Wako, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan). DB-23 column was from J & W Scientific Inc. (Folsom,
Analysis of serum L-lactic acid, glucose, and ammonia. CA). All other chemicals were of guaranteed reagent
trifuged, and the serum lactate concentration was statistical analysis was done by using one-way analysis
determined with an L-lactic acid commercial kit of variance (ANOVA). Statistical data were calculated
kit (Ammonia-Test Wako, Wako Pure Chemical In used as the criterion of statistical significance.
acid, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, and biotin in RJ glycogen and serum glucose after 15min of swimming,
were quantitatively analyzed as described previously following administration of control solution, RJ, or 40
RJ (5g) was dissolved in 50mL of 1M NaOH-ethanol so swimming showed no significant differences among the
lution. Thereafter, 150mL of distilled water, 7mL of three groups, suggesting that RJ administration did not
30% sulfuric acid, and 100mL of diethylether were affect the metabolic parameters related to carbohydrate
added in the suspension, and free fatty acids were ex metabolism during exercise. After 15min of swimming,
tracted from RJ. Free fatty acids were transmethylated the serum lactate concentration in the RJ group was
with boron trifluoride methanol at 100•Ž for 7min. significantly lower than those in the other groups (rela
The fatty acid methyl esters were separated and meas tive to the control group, p<0.01; relative to the 40-7d
ured on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Shimadzu RJ group, p<0.05). The amount of muscle glycogen re
GC-17A, Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) maining in the RJ group and the 40-7d RJ group tended
equipped with flame ionization detector and DB-23 col to be higher than that in the control group. The serum
umn (0.25mm i. d.•~30m). A temperature gradient glucose concentration after 15min of swimming in the
RJ group was significantly higher than that in the 40
program was used with an initial temperature of
170•Ž, increasing at a rate of 10•Ž/min to 250•Ž. - 7d RJ group (p<0.05), whereas no significant differ
Identification of fatty acid methyl esters was made by ence between the 40-7d RJ group and the control group
dards. The content of 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10 It is common knowledge that blood ammonia accu
HDA) in RJ was determined by the method of Yamazaki mulates during exercise (33-35). Since excess ammo
et al. (30) with some modification. nia has a toxic effect on the central nervous system, ex
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Native ercise-induced ammonia accumulation may contribute
PAGE was run with a 5-20% gradient polyacrylamide to the induction of central fatigue (36). Therefore the
Purification of 57-kDa protein. The purification of cantly lower than that in the control group (p<0.01),
57-kDa protein was conducted as described previously whereas no significant difference between the 40-7d RJ
(10), with monitoring by the use of native PAGE. The group and the control group was apparent (Fig. 2).
These results indicated that RJ administration before
purified 57-kDa protein was dialyzed against distilled
water and lyophilized. swimming could alleviate the fatigue of mice during ex
For the quantification of protein constituents in RJ, the Effect of RJ on swimming endurance capacity
results of native PAGE of RJ proteins were analyzed by The mice were forced to swim for 15min and made
NIH image Ver. 1. 62 (NIH, USA), using purified 57-kDa to take a rest for 30min. Thereafter they were subjected
Alleviation of Fatigue after Exercise by Fresh Royal Jelly 397
glycogen concentration, and blood glucose concentra RJ, 40-7d RJ, or the control solution at 48h, 24h, and
tion after swimming for 15min once. Mice were ad
0.5h before swimming. All mice were forced to swim
ministered RJ, 40-7d RJ, or the control solution at
for 15min and made to take a rest for 30min. The
48h, 24h, and 0.5h before swimming, then were
maximum swimming time to fatigue was then meas
subjected to forced swimming for 15min. Blood sam
ured. Each value represents the mean•}SE for 7-8
ples and gastrocnemius muscles were immediately col mice. 40-7d RJ, RJ stored at 40•Ž for 7d. Values signif
lected before or after swimming for 15min. The con
icantly different from the control group are indicated
centrations of lactate and glucose in the blood were de
by * p<0.05. Values significantly different from the 40
termined. The gastrocnemius muscles were also re
- 7d RJ group are indicated by •õ p<0.05.
moved and stored at -80•Ž, and the glycogen concen
ming period
to forced swimming until fatigue, and the swimming Mice were forced to swim again for 15min after
capacity was measured. As shown in Fig. 3, the swim swimming once, followed by a rest period, and meta
ming capacities of the control group, the RJ group and bolic parameters after swimming again were measured.
398 KAMAKURAM et al.
Fig. 4. Changes of blood lactate concentration, muscle was significantly lower than that in the control group
glycogen concentration, and blood glucose concentra (p<0.05), whereas no significant difference between
tion after a 15-min swim following a first swimming the 40-7d RJ group and the control group was apparent
session, followed by a rest period. The mice were ad
(Fig. 5). These results and the result of experiment 2
ministered RJ, 40-7d RJ, or the control solution at
suggest that RJ improved the physical fatigue induced
48h, 24h, and 0.5h before swimming. All mice were
by further exercise after the mice had been exhausted
forced to swim for 15min and made to take a rest for
by an initial exercise, followed by a rest.
30min. They were again subjected to forced swim
Comparison of the contents of various fatty acids in RJ
ming for 15min. The details of the methods for the
stored at -20•Ž and in RJ stored at 40•Ž for 7d
measurement of metabolic parameters are given in
Materials and Methods. (A) blood L-lactic acid concen We previously reported that the contents of various
tration, (B) muscle glycogen concentration, (C) blood vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6,
glucose concentration. Each value represents the folic acid, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, and biotin in
mean•}SE for 8mice. 40-7d RJ, RJ stored at 40•Ž for RJ did not change during storage at 40•Ž for 7d (10).
7d. Values significantly different from the control The same results were observed in RJ samples used in
group are indicated by ** p<0.01. Values significantly this study (data not shown). Furthermore, the contents
different from the 40-7d RJ group are indicated by
of fatty acids in RJ stored at -20•Ž and 40•Ž for 7d
•õ p<0.05 and •õ•õ tp<0.01.
were measured. RJ stored at -20•Ž contained caprylic
. As shown in Fig. 4, the serum lactate concentration in palmitic acid (10.0mg/100g RJ), oleic acid (13.0mg/
the RJ group was significantly lower than those in the 100g RJ), and linolenic acid (21.0mg/100g RJ),
other groups (relative to the control group, p<0.01; rel whereas RJ stored at 40•Ž for 7d contained caprylic
ative to the 40-7d RJ group, p<0.05). The concentra acid (7.0mg/100g RJ), 10-HDA (1.70g/100g RJ),
tion of muscle glycogen remaining in the RJ group was palmitic acid (11.0mg/100g RJ), oleic acid (14.0mg/
Alleviation of Fatigue after Exercise by Fresh Royal Jelly 399
100g RJ), and linolenic acid (20.0mg/100g RJ). No longed swimming endurance capacity. However, mice
significant differences between the two RJ samples were given RJ stored at 40•Ž for 7d, in which a deterioration
observed in the contents of these fatty acids in RJ sam of physical properties and an increase of viscosity were
Analysis of protein in RJ stored at -20•Ž and in RJ stored capacity, and their accumulation of serum lactate after
To investigate whether compositional changes of pro similar to those of the control group. These results sug
teins in RJ occurred during storage, proteins in RJ gest that the active component in RJ is degraded during
stored at -20•Ž and at 40•Ž for 7d were analyzed by the storage of RJ at a high temperature for a long pe
of RJ proteins stored at -20•Ž for 7d was almost identi Physical exercise or movement accelerates the pro
cal to that of RJ proteins stored at 40•Ž for 7d on SDS duction of ammonia in the muscle purine-nucleotide
PAGE, and the results of native PAGE showed that 57 cycle (37), increasing the ammonia concentration in
kDa protein, which we previously identified as a possi blood (33-35). The predominant source of ammonia
ble freshness marker of RJ (10), and royal jelly protein-2 production during exercise seems to be due to the
(RJP-2) were specifically degraded when RJ samples deamination of AMP in muscle by adenylate deaminase
were stored at 40•Ž (data not shown). The concentra (37-39). Although glutamine dehydrogenase is mainly
tions of 57-kDa protein and RJP-2 in the two RJ samples responsible for the liberation of ammonia from amino
were calculated by the use of the purified 57-kDa pro acids, the activity of this enzyme is reported to be absent
tein as a standard, from the results of native PAGE of RJ in skeletal muscle (37). Heald demonstrated that am
proteins. 57-kDa protein concentration accounted for monia may interfere directly with the mechanical and
1.6% of the weight of RJ stored at 20•Ž, whereas the electrophysiological responses of skeletal muscle (40). It
RJP-2 content was 0.1% by weight. The amount of 57 has also been suggested that the ammonia released
kDa protein in fresh RJ was about 16-fold higher than from muscle during exercise may have direct access to
that of RJP-2. The 57-kDa protein was degraded to brain tissue, via the circulation, and it could cause toxic
9.4% of the initial content during storage at 40•Ž for effects in the central nervous system (41). Interestingly,
7d. However, the residual amount of RJP-2 was 40% of we found that the administration of RJ significantly
the initial content under the same storage conditions. suppressed the increase of serum ammonia concentra
ratus for measuring the maximum swimming time found a significant correlation between the concentra
(21). This apparatus has many advantages for evaluat tion of peripheral venous ammonia and the concomi
ing the endurance capacity of mice, including higher tant concentrations of venous lactic acid both during
reproducibility than treadmill running or forced swim and after treadmill exercise in humans. Similarly, a sig
ming with a weight attached to the tail (21). We found nificant correlation between blood ammonia and blood
that RJ administration before swimming enhanced the lactate levels was found in mice after swimming in the
swimming endurance of mice in repeated swimming, present study (r=0.651, p<0.001) (data not shown).
and the blood lactate accumulation and the consump Ammonium ions increase glycolysis by directly increas
tion of muscle glycogen in the RJ group were signifi ing the activity of phosphofructokinase, one of the rate
cantly lower than those in the other groups. Little dif limiting enzymes of glycolysis (37). Furthermore, pyru
ference was found between the concentrations of lac vate carboxylation (43), which is the first reaction
tate in blood and muscle glycogen remaining after the of glyconeogenesis, and isocitrate dehydrogenase and
first swim and those after the second swim. Therefore it pyruvate dehydrogenase (44, 45), which are enzymes
was considered that RJ administered before swimming of the TCA cycle, are also inhibited in the presence of
made mice resistant to the physical fatigue after the first ammonia. These changes in glycolytic and TCA cycle
swim, and the antifatigue effect was maintained in the metabolism that result from increased ammonia con
second forced swim. Mice in the RJ group showed a centrations may lead to lactate accumulation (46).
lower depletion of muscle glycogen and blood glucose Ammonia production during exercise seems to be
and a reduced formation of blood lactate after swim closely associated with the accumulation of lactate dur
the ratio of carbohydrate utilization during exercise, de We next analyzed the constituents in RJ stored at
-20•Ž and 40•Ž for 7d to elucidate why RJ stored at
laying the onset of fatigue. These findings suggest that
-20•Ž exhibited the antifatigue effect
the oxidative systems producing energy for exercise, , while RJ stored
such as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and mi at 40•Ž for 7d did not. Takenaka et al. (9) have previ
tochondrial oxidation, were promoted in the RJ group ously examined the influence of storage conditions on
without dependency on glycolysis as a fuel source dur the composition of RJ and reported that the concentra
ing exercise. Consequently, mice given RJ have a pro tions of amino acids and sugars in RJ did not change
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