Iot Based Home Security Through Image Processing Algorithms: Issn: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
Iot Based Home Security Through Image Processing Algorithms: Issn: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
Iot Based Home Security Through Image Processing Algorithms: Issn: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume 4, Issue 3)
Available online at:
Else if doesn't match the image will be sent to the house owner android application through Google Cloud Messaging. Based on the
Owner command the message will be sent to the door to open or close.
MC2 For Increasing The Lifespan Of A Cellular Device: In fashionable trendy infrastructure emerging new era of computing
to boost up a business firm context application aids are provided through the internet via the technological prototype shift named
cloud computing. Further cloud increases the technological concerns labeled with mobile intensity lifetimes and grants the better
result to save potential energy presence. Cloud plays the fundamental role towards the business auditing resources such as
processing needs, memory usage, and storage space do not exist at the users or client location. The resource management is owned
by a service provider and which is available on the internet for further renewal. For mobile users, energy can be saved potentially
by this way and it provides optimal service.
Door Phone Based System: In the earlier system, recognition of a visitor is done for the most part using direct communication
with the group of the housing domain affected. A ringing up to the sets over the hands- free telephone is made by the framework
at the entry. The visitors will enter inside through the gate by controlling it with the aid of the telephone device. The latest system
video door phone surveillance uses a video camera to identify the visitors, developed by “Chau-Huang Wei et. Al”. The work
used atypical power line communication chip to build up a digital system video door phone.
In the Proposed system, face recognition and face detection are used to get an access to an automatic door access system. Automatic
face detection and recognition are done using Image Processing Techniques using Android. ‘OpenCV face feature reorganization
is used to control the door access system depending on the incoming data sent from the personal computer (PC). The door is
opened immediately after confirming that the person is authenticated. After 2 seconds, the door is closed automatically. However,
in real time, 2 seconds are not enough time to enter a person. So, longer time should be set for the real-time condition. Viola-Jones
face detection method is used to detect the location of the face in an image. Since this detection method can detect only face images
for frontal view correctly, this system has limitations in head orientation. For face identification, RANSAC method is used to
extract the features of facial images. This technique can detect and recognize an image within a second. Hence, this system can be
used in automatic verification of people to upgrade door security for outsides without any aid of security guards.
Steps to Configure Application Development
Install JDK: Go to, Expand choice Java SE and Click on: Java SE (JDK) 6.
Description: This is the page where admin logins with his admin id and password to visit admin page.
Description: This is the page where the admin gets the information about the members in database
Description: This is the page where the admin can enter the details like, member name, the relation with admin, contact number
and email id(optional) of the members he wants to add to the database.
Description: This is the page where the member’s image is captured and is stored in the database.
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