Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Abstract:- To maintain a discipline and let students grasp play a great role and help in various walks of life where it
utmost knowledge in schools, colleges and universities the could be implemented. The applications of image processing
attendance system was introduced. There are two conventional are vast and can be applied in most scenarios where imaging
techniques to mark attendance of students in a particular class. data could be related to pre-determined algorithms. It was an
One of them is by calling the roll number and the second is to
take students sign on a piece of paper against their roll number.
advanced application of image processing and also is the
Hence there was a need to evolve this system in such a way that core basis for our project. Our facial structure was a typical
it could become user friendly, less time consuming and example of a multidimensional structure and need some
efficient. This is an automated system to assist the faculty in recognition from advanced computational analysis.
taking attendance of the whole class without any disturbance
or time waste. The idea can encompass a large number II. LITERATURE SURVEY
application one of which include face identification, it will help
save time and efficiently identifies and eliminates the chances Plenty of research has been conducted so far on the various
of proxy attendance. The main purpose of this project is to built available methods for implementation of an effective
automated attendance system using Raspberry pi 3B+ with
OpenCV/Python libraries and recognizer algorithm have been
attendance monitoring system. These methods vary in terms
implemented. of the types of input method used, the types of data
The proposed system can be implemented in any field where processing employed and the controllers used to implement
attendance system is present and plays a vital role. In addition, the systems. In this section looking for the various available
as the project objectives and the design criteria all met, it’s solution with the advantages and disadvantages of each
greatest to say this project is an engineering solution for all system. First system, “Attendance System Using NFC
university and colleges to track and manage the attendance. Technology with Embedded Camera on Mobile Device”
(Bhise, Khichi, Korde,Lokare, 2015). Near field
Keywords:- Attendance, face identification, Recognizer, communication is a type of short distance wireless
OpenCV, Raspberry pi3B+.
communication that takes place between two devices, one
I. INTRODUCTION active and the other passive. The two devices are basically
inductor coils which can respond to an electromagnetic
During this era of technology and automation we are still induction. The active device is utilized to produce an
using the same old ways of classroom management. The electromagnetic field of a given radius and strength. Which
most important thing in classroom is attendance which is used to implement an attendance system. In a school setting
directly linked to the academic performance of the students. for example, students can be given NFC tags that are
Recently, some of students are busy with better during uniquely programmed with their unique identification
lectures only when there is massive classroom control numbers. Upon attending the classes, the lecturers bring the
(Research Gate, 2018). The more efficient the attendance NFC readers and a student is required to swipe their NFC
system the more is class participation and learning. In the tags near the reader, say the lecturers’ phone. This
past we were using techniques like roll numbering calling information is then transmitted to the school database to
and signing against a particular roll number. These methods mark the attendance of the student. However this system is
carry a high chance of proxy and are time consuming. We vulnerable to impersonation where one person can sign in
came across the idea of automating this process to through for someone else.
modern day technologies to get a well maintained and The other related systems that use biometrics (Fingerprint
disciplined classroom. Facial recognition system along with recognition RFID, etc) to identify end user are time
suitable hardware and software will help meet the goals of management systems used in many colleges, institutions and
this project. Facial recognition system is a derived schools. However, these system introduce further privacy
innovation of image processing. Image processing deals concerns. These systems are also subject to physical damage
with the extraction of needy data that can be related to digital from their users. Therefore they need additional
image and in technology advancement it plays a unique role. maintenance costs. The idea proposed by us,
Our core focus will be on receiving digital images and then Removes physical access from anyone to the automated
making use of programs and algorithms to get useful system.
Information out of it. As the pictorial information is fed the
image processing work on it and make it useful human
interpretation. That information from image processing will
IJERTV8IS120046 51
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 12, December-2019
III. METHODOLOGY the camera will take an image and starts the process of face
detection using the techniques and methods discussed in the
Based on the literature survey as we have studied various methodology section. After this the program will
topics thoroughly that are directly linked with our project we automatically make a folder in the database having the
are going to design a possible solution to our problem. In students to be recognized. The already placed images of each
this part we will propose a method that will give an overview student is taken and used from database for image
of the approach to our project and the ways it should be done. recognition. The images will be fetched and compared with
As the previous work was not enough which led us to the each of the entry in the database and hence will be checked
development in this project in the most feasible and efficient whether the student is present in the class or not. If there is
way possible. no match the program will move on to the next picture.
The proposed face detection module for this project is Viola
jones algorithm. Also, for face recognition modules which is III. PROPOSED SYSTEM FLOWCHART
proposed for this project is a neural network architecture
with LBPH. The following figure shows the project system flow- chart:
The following figure shows the project system circuit
IJERTV8IS120046 52
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 12, December-2019
OpenCV-Python software:
OpenCV is a software which deals with some programming
languages like Java, python and C++, this all are readable
and useable on different platform including IOS, Android,
OS X, Linux and windows. Interfaces for rapid GPU tasks
dependent on CUDA and OpenCL are likewise under
dynamic advancement. OpenCV-Python is a library of
Python intended to take care of PC vision issues (OpenCV,
Qt Creator software
Qt Creator is a cross-stage C++, JavaScript and QML
incorporated advancement condition which is a piece of the
SDK for the Qt GUI application improvement structure. It
incorporates a visual debugger and a coordinated GUI
format and structures fashioner. The editorial manager's
Figure 4 Flow chart of Implementation of Human Face Detection and
highlights incorporate sentence structure featuring and auto recognition System
finishing of realistic UI.
Step 1: Setting up Raspberry PI
I. IMPLEMENTATION Step 2: Access the Attendance monitoring system GUI
• Firstly, connecting Raspberry pi with required The attendance taking session can be started after the
components as shown in the following figure: lecturer selected the related date and timetable ID for the
current class session
Step 3: Initiate Python script after receiving the button
click action from the lecturer done in the main window, a
python script will be initiated called from a bash file.
Step 4: Load the trained data in the python script, the first
step is to load the trained data (.yml) file which is saved
during the face database creation process.
Step 5: Acquire Faces the system will then start to capture
student’s portraits and then undergo the same pre-processing
routine and face detection process.
Step 6: Recognize the faces valid portraits will then be
compared against the loaded gallery from the recognizer to
Figure 3: The Raspberry project system set-up. identify the captured faces.
Step 7: Mark the attendance after identifying the
The implementation of flowchart of Human face detection appropriate student from the capturing process, a record of
and recognition system using raspberry piB+ showing in the current attendance will be added into the attendance table
figure below. managed by a database.
There two are a variety of research already carried out in two
face recognition and two detection like two Fisherfaces [31],
EigenFace, LBPH and our supposed model which called
MLBPH. We comprehend that Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces
are each two affected two by two mild and two in two real
two life; we cannot guarantee two best two mild two
conditions. LBPH face recognizer is an enhancement to
overcome this framework.
IJERTV8IS120046 53
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 12, December-2019
After testing face detection algorithm for a number of will be using a camera module and pictures of each student
volunteers and the results are within approximately 98.5% registered in a particular class is taken. These pictures are
accuracy. taken and basic image processing technique is used to get
After executing all the step of implementation we get and image processes able and understandable by the
following results computer.
The figure above shows that database of enrolled student is Figure 8: MySQL attendance database
successfully generated and saved in dataset folder.
Face detection of enrolled student Automated attendance monitoring system was the project
The followings are the implementation test and its results chosen by us by keeping in view of the demand’s of day to
produced during the attendance taking process as shown one day needs and wants of the society. The advancements in
student been detected and enrolled as Present and another technology lead us to think out of the box and come up with
student not detected and enrolled as Absent. some idea that could be future changing. Education is the
most important thing which every person should acquire as
it is the basis for a better lifestyle and will surely alleviate
the standard of a living community. What our education
system lacks is the involvement of students in the schools,
colleges and universities. Instead of attending lectures and
studying they prefer staying away from class and keep
engaged in using these gadgets. Low attendance means that
the students and not there to acquire the knowledge which
they are supposed get and is of immense importance for
them and can lead them to a better future.
MySQL Database
The most important step is to create a database. A database
is required where all the data of each and every student in a
particular class is placed. The basic process in creating a
database is to form a system that take images. For that we
IJERTV8IS120046 54
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)