What Is Stakeholder Analysis?
What Is Stakeholder Analysis?
What Is Stakeholder Analysis?
A simple but effective stakeholder analysis technique is stakeholder mapping. Interested parties
(stakeholders) are plotted against two variables, most commonly Interest and Influence. The resulting
stakeholder matrix clearly identifies key players who can have the greatest impact on the success of an
initiative. This map assists with prioritization of resources and provides a foundation for a
communications and engagement plan.
Stakeholder analysis can be done once at the beginning of a project or regularly throughout
implementation to track changes in engagement.
Creates a shared understanding of the key people who can impact on your success.
Provides a foundation for your communications and engagement strategy.
Identifies potential risks from negative stakeholders or those who feel they are not being heard.
Prioritizes stakeholders so the appropriate amount of resources can be assigned and the right
engagement strategy is applied.
Who can use stakeholder analysis?
Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every organization, program, and project.
Stakeholder analysis is useful for:
All industries
All levels of an organization
All departments
Existing businesses
New businesses
Business processes
Use stakeholder mapping:
Facilitation tips
Carefully select participants to provide expert knowledge but also a fresh perspective.
Use technology to involve critical people in different locations rather than miss their contribution.
Be specific rather than broad when defining stakeholders.
Provide adequate time in the session to position and rate stakeholders.
Communicate outcomes and regularly update throughout the project.
Satisfy Manage
High Influence, Low Interest High Influence, High Interest
These stakeholders are highly influential but they don’t have a lot These are your key stakeholders. They have a lot of influence and a
of interest, nor are they actively engaged in your project. Consider strong interest in the outcomes. Manage these stakeholders well to build
their objectives and keep them satisfied to ensure they remain strong strong relationships and ensure you retain their support. Involve them in
advocates. Getting them off side poses a risk. decisions and engage regularly.
Examples: Examples:
The resulting stakeholder matrix gives an indication of what kind of engagement strategy is useful for
each group of stakeholders.
There are six general steps for a stakeholder mapping workshop. The time required will vary on the
organization, the size of the group, and the focus of the session. However, there is no reason why the
map can’t be completed within an hour. A comprehensive communications plan in response to the map
will require further effort.
Give context and identify the scope of the stakeholder analysis
Gather a comprehensive list of stakeholders.
Position stakeholders according to their influence and interest.
Rate each stakeholder based on their level of support – from adversaryto advocate
Action Plan
Identify actions, assign responsibilities and timeframes
Report on the outcomes and monitor as part of your communications strategy
Action Plan
The first step in building a stakeholder map is to create a categorized list of the people or groups who
are interested or affected by your work and its outcomes, or who have influence or power over what
you do.
Stakeholders usually fall into two main categories. Those that contribute to the initiative and those that
are affected by it. Some stakeholder may fit into both categories.