School Disclipine Guidelines
School Disclipine Guidelines
School Disclipine Guidelines
Region XII
Baliton, Glan, Sarangani Province
I. Legal Bases
Pursuant to DepEd Order # 40 s.2012 and DepEd Order #55, s.2013, all schools are
mandated to adopt child-protection policy and anti-bullying policies and to establish a Child
Protection Committee (CPC) which shall also handle bullying cases.
II. Statement of Policy
“The state shall defend the right of children to assistance, including proper care and
nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and
other conditions prejudicial to their development (1987 ConstitutionArticleXV, Sec.3).
III. Objectives
Baliton National High School as an educational institution adheres to ensure such special
protection to all its learners, from all forms of abuse and exploitation and care as is
necessary for the child well- being, taking into account the primary rights and duties of
parents, legal guardians or other individuals who are legally responsible and exercise
custody over the child/ learner. And to maintain a learning environment conducive for
teaching- learning experience.
IV. Prohibited Acts
1. Child Abuse;
2. Discrimination against children, ethnicity, gender, social status;
3. Child Exploitation;
4. Violence against children in School;
5. Corporal Punishment;
6. Any analogous or similar acts
V. Prevention
1. The BNHS Administration are prime movers in ensuring a peaceful, healthy school
climate conducive to attain learning objectives;
2. Hiring of school guards for the safety of the learners against any acts of violence within
the school premises.
3. BNHS advocates non-violent form of punishment in discipline of its learners.
4. Increase awareness of the Rights and Responsibilities of Children through Parents’
involvement in all school activities.
5. Involvement of the local government unit regarding the implementation of Child
protection Policy
VI. Intervention
1. Full implementation of the CFSS in every classroom.
2. Conduct of Peer- Counseling among the school learners.
3. Orientation of all Stakeholders on the Child- Protection Policy
4. Increase awareness of School personnel on non-violent discipline.
5. Contact local government officials for the safety travel of students during school
6. Integration of child rights and responsibilities in all subject areas.
7. Establish a functional Child- Protection Committee.
VII. Mechanisms and Procedures
The Baliton National High School Principal or any person holds a parallel role shall be
responsible for the implementation and supervision of the child protection policies set
by this institution.
1. Any member of the school administration, faculty, students’, parents’ and other
stakeholders shall report immediately any untoward incidence among its school
2. Require/ undergo subject teacher/ class adviser counseling
3. Refer to the Guidance Counselor or Prefect of Discipline for further counseling
4. Call the attention of parents’ or guardian
5. Refer to the School Head for appropriate disciplinary action.