Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Sta. Isabel Sur, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300
Telephone 09773831400



Section I. Rationale
Pursuant to DepEd Order no. 40 s.2012, it shall be the policy of the school to promote
and provide a policy and guidelines on protecting school children from any form of abuse,
violence, exploitation, discrimination and bullying.
Hence, Sta. Isabel National High School shall adopt DepEd’s Child protection Policy as
its standing policy to ensure protection of our school children.
It is the school’s duty to ensure that policies and procedures on child protection are
promulgated, complied with and monitored. It also needs to ensure that all students or learners,
personnel, parents, guardians and visitors and guests are aware of the child protection policy.
The security of each student in the school campus is ensured by this policy. Every
student should feel safe and protected from abuse of any form, maybe: neglect,
accidental or non-accidental physical injury, sexual exploitation or emotional ill-

Sta. Isabel National High School is committed to safeguard and promote the welfare
of the students and expects all internal and external stakeholders to share his
commitment. The school will take reasonable measures to:

● Ensure safe recruitment of personnel who work with students,

●Assure appropriate child protection desk and procedure
●Protect every student from any form of abuse
●Protect every student from any form of abuse whether inflicted by adult or another
●Be alert from any signs of abuse in school or outside the school premises,
●Deal appropriately with every suspicion or complaint or abuse,
●Adopt and operate procedures that promotes this policy as much as possible, ensuring
that teachers and individuals who are concern of the allegation shall not be
prejudiced in the conduct proceedings,
●Support students who have been abused in accordance with the student’s protection
●Be alert with the situation of the student in various areas like health, nutrition and
medical condition,
●Operate clear and supportive policies on bullying
●Consider and develop procedures that deals with the safety of the students in school

Every complain or suspicion of abuse from within or outside the school premises will
be taken seriously and will properly be referred to the school child protection unit or
the MSWD (Municipal Social Welfare And Development) or the legal council

Section III. Definition of Terms

Children in School-refers to the bone fide students or learners who are enrolled in the
basic education system, whether regular, irregular, transferee or repeater, including those who
have been temporarily out of school, who are in the school or learning center premises or
participating in school-sanctioned activities.
Child- refers to person below eighteen(18)) years of age but those over but are unable to
fully take care of themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because
of a physical or mental disability or condition;(RA 7610). For purposes of this Department order,
the term also includes pupils or students who may be eighteen(18) years of age or older but are in
Pupil, Student or Learner-means a child who regularly attends classes in any level of
the basic education system, under the supervision and tutelage of a teacher of facilitator.
School Personnel – means the person, singly or collectively, working in a private or a
public school. They are classified as School Head, Other School Officials and Academic
Parent-refers to biological parents, step-parents, adoptive parents and common law
spouse or partner of the parent.
Child protection-refers to the programs, services, procedures, and structures that are
intended to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination and violence.
School, Visitor or Guest – refers to any person who visits the school and has official
business with the school, and any person who does not have any official business but is found
within the premises of the school
Guardians or Custodians- refers to legal guardians, foster parents, and other persons,
including relatives or even non-relatives, who have physical custody of the child
Child Abuse – refers to the maltreatment of a child, whether habitual or not. Used to
describe all the ways in which children are harmed, usually by adults and often by those they
know and trust. It refers to the damage that has been, or may be, done to a child’s physical or
mental health. An adult may abuse a child both by inflicting harm. Alternatively , a child may
abuse another child.
Child Exploitation – refers to the use of children for someone else’s advantage,
gratification or profit often resulting in an unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of the child.
Violence of Children Committed in School – refers to a single act or a series of acts
committed by school administrators, academic or non-academic personnel against a child, which
result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering.
Physical Violence – acts that inflict bodily or physical harm
Two form of Child Exploitation
1. Sexual Exploitation –refers to the abuse of position of vulnerability, differential power, or
trust, for sexual purposes.
2. Economic Exploitation – refers to the use of child in work or other activities for the
benefit of others
Discrimination Against Children – refers to an act of exclusion, distinction, restriction, or
preference which is based on any ground such as age, ethnicity, sex sexual orientation and
gender identity language, religion, national or social origin, property, birth, being pregnant, being
infected or affected by Human immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome(AIDS) , being a child in conflict with the law, being a child with disability or other
status or condition, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the
recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing, of all rights and freedom.
Psychological Violence – refers to acts of omission causing or like , to cause mental or
emotional suffering of the child. Other acts of violence that are prejudicial to the interest of the
Corporal punishment – refers to the kind of punishment or penalty imposed for an alleged or
actual offense, which is carried for the purpose of discipline, training or control, by a teacher,
school administrator, an adult, or any other child who has been given or has assumed authority or
responsibility for punishment or discipline. It includes physical, humiliating or degrading
Sexual Violence – acts hat are sexually in nature, including but not limited to rape, sexual
harassment, forcing the child to watch against obscene publications or shows or forcing the child
to do indecent sexual acts, or any acts that causes the child to engage in any sexual activity by
force, threat of force, physical or other harm, or through inducements, gifts or favours.
Bullying or Peer Abuse – refers to wilful aggressive behaviours that is directed toward a
particular victim who may be outnumbered, younger, weak, with disability, less confident or
otherwise vulnerable to include cyber bullying.
Positive and Non-Violent Discipline of Children – is a way of thinking and a holistic,
constructive and pro-active approach to teaching that help children develop appropriate thinking
and behavior in the short and long-term and fosters self-discipline. Positive discipline begins
with setting the long-term goals or impacts that teachers want to have on their student’s adult
lives and using everyday situations and challenges as opportunities to teach long-life skills and
values to students
Sta. Isabel National High School Child Protection Policy will be the school’s anchor in
safeguarding our student’s welfare and vow to protect their rights and uphold their dignity in a
child-friendly, peaceful, gender-sensitive learning environment.
Hence, the school and all its stakeholders commit to:
a. Establish and maintain a learning environment where students feel safe and secured,
is listened to and encouraged to talk about his/her feelings.
b. Provide a warm and caring atmosphere for the learners where they can seek refuge
from all forms of injustice or abuse.
c. Implement measures to safeguard our students’ safety and protection from all forms
of abuse.
d. Provide opportunities for the learners to develop skills to recognize and protect
themselves from abuse
e. Constantly on the look-out for any signs of abuse and to provide clear procedures to
address such.
f. Capacitate oneself with knowledge on legal mandates on child protection and
exercise extreme tolerance and non-violent measures in handling students with a
g. Ensure all personnel understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of
abuse or neglect, and their responsibility for prompt and through recording of cases
and to promptly refer any concerns to the designated teacher responsible for child
protection and safeguarding.
h. Adopt clear procedures in handling cases of abuse, bearing into mind the following:
sensitivity to the feelings of those involved, prudence and confidentiality.
Section IV. Duties and Responsibilities of School Discipline Committee
The committee shall have the following specific duties and responsibilities.
2.1 School discipline Officer as Chair
●He/she shall serve as prefect of discipline within the curriculum year level.
●He/she shall investigate cases listed on the offenses punishable by suspension or expulsion
depending on the seriousness of the offense as stated in paragraph1.1.2, Section 1, Chapter III,
Part Iv of 2000 DECS Service manual.
●He/she shall secure records with confidentiality.
●He/she shall serve as mediator between the offender and the aggrieved party.

2.2 Curriculum Chairman as Co-Chair

●He/she shall serve as co-prefect of discipline within the year level in the absence of School
Discipline Officer who shall investigate cases listed on the offenses punishable by suspension or
expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offense as stated in paragraph 1.1.2, Section 1,
Chapter III, Part IV of 2000 DECS Service Manual.
●He/she shall secure records with confidentiality.
●He/she shall serve as mediator between the offender and the aggrieved party.

2.3 Class Adviser as Member

●He/she shall serve as liaison between the school and the parents or guardians
●He/she shall write letters to call the attention of parents or guardians to invite for a
●Prepare the anecdotal report and safeguard confidentiality

Section V Referral
All cases beyond the control and expertise of School Discipline Committee shall be referred
to the following offices and furnish copy of referral form attached with anecdotal report
and other supporting documents for more extensive supervision and control.
4.1 Office of the Principal
●The case needs administrative action
●The case needs for referral to other government agency and private institutions.
●4.2 Office of Guidance and Counseling
●The client manifests deviant and maladjustment bahaviors.
●The client violates the school rules and regulations in spite of signing the behavior
●The client needs to seek professional help.

Section VI Jurisprudence
● All minor offenses or infractions of good discipline shall be handled first by class advisers.
However, if the case is a grave offense, the class adviser is expected to refer the case to the
School Discipline Committee. They shall call the attention of parents or guardians for a short
conference and prepare the anecdotal report. When the parties involved are between and/or
among different year levels, the jurisdiction of school discipline officer shall be based on the
year level of the primary offender. The School Grievances and Complaints Committee shall
handle all sensitive cases and when the parties involved are between or among students and
teaching and/or non-teaching staff.
Section VII Guidelines in Attendance and Punctuality
7.1 Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A student who
has been absent or has cut classes is required to present a letter of explanation from his/her
parents or guardians or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section adviser or
guidance counselor as the case may be.
7.2 Attendance of students in special holidays, activities relatives to their religions shall
be allowed provided permission of the school head is sought.
7.3 Allowable is only 10% of the total school days per school year. Hence, those who
have incurred more than the allowed number of absences will need to cover up with missed
activities in school and comply with the requirements that may be set by the teachers, including,
but not limited to, remedial classes, summer classes and tutoring, moreover 10 consecutive
absences without justifiable reason is considered dropped.
7.4 Official time will be from 7:00 -11:40 in the morning, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm, Mondays to
Fridays. Senior High School Program will start at 7:00am-12:00 pm, 1:00-5:00 pm
Mondays to Fridays. All students are expected to be in school 15 minutes before the time,
those who will come after 7:15 in the morning and 1:15 in the afternoon are considered as
late comers. The gate will be closed at exactly 7:15 in the morning and 1:15 in the
afternoon. Gate will only be opened during the dismissal period at 11;40 in the morning
and 5:00 in the afternoon respectively.

7.5 Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the
afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parents of the
students concerned or visit him/her at home. Three (3) consecutive tardiness is equivalent
to 1 day absent.

Section VIII Guidelines for the Wearing of School Uniform

8.1 A school uniform shall be prescribed for all students “as per agreement.”
●The prescribed uniform for the Junior high school boys: white polo with
school logo, straight cut gray pants, black shoes and socks for Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
●The prescribed uniform for the Junior high school girls: white blouse
with sports collar, necktie with school logo, pleated gray skirt below the knee, and
black close shoes with socks for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Note: Class shirts for Wednesdays and PE uniform for Fridays for both
male and female.

●The prescribed uniform for the Senior High School boys: white polo
with school logo, straight cut black pants, black shoes and socks for Mondays,
and Thursdays.
●The prescribe uniform for the Senior High School girls: white blouse
with sport collar and scarf, pleated gray skirt below the knee, and black shoes for
Mondays and Thursdays.
Note: white shirt with collar and black pants for the boys and any colored
pants for the girls for Tuesdays, Immersion uniform blue shirt and any colored
pants for both male and female.
8.2 All students shall be required to wear the official school ID in the campus.

8.3 The acceptable haircut for the boys shall be at least one (1) inch above the ear
and three (3) inches above the collar line.

Section IX Categories of offenses to the School Rules and Regulations.

The following offenses shall be categorized as:
9.1 Grave Offense. The offenses punishable by suspension or expulsion depending
on the seriousness of the offense
● Gross misconduct
●Cheating and stealing
●Assaulting a teacher or any other school authority or his agents or students
●Smoking inside the school premises
●Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property like chairs, tables,
windows, books, laboratory equipment and others.
●Gambling of any sort
●Drinking intoxications and liquor
●Carrying and concealing deadly weapons
●Extortion or asking money from others
●Fighting causing injury to others
●Using, possessing, and selling of prohibited drugs
●Hazing in any form or manner whether inside or outside the school premises
●Instigating, leading or participating in concerned activities leading to stoppage
of classes
●Preventing, threatening students or faculty members or school authorities from
discharging their duties or from attending classes or entering school premises
●Forging or tampering with school records or transfer forms.
9.2 Minor Offense
The minor offenses or infractions of good discipline to school rules and regulations
are the following:
●Absenteeism, cutting of classes and tardiness
●Failure to wear prescribed uniform
●Wearing of cap and the like inside the school building specially inside the classroom
●Wearing of earrings for the boys and more than a pair of earrings for the girls,
outlandish hairstyles, painting of tattoo, over accessories and body piercing
●Patronizing suspected prostitution den.
●Using profane language to insult another
●Littering (plastic cups, bottles, candy wrappers or any waste) inside the school campus
specially inside the classroom and corridors.
●Bringing, using and selling of pornographic materials
●Using different gadgets like cellular phones, i-pad, etc. during class hour
●Public display of affection (PDA) like holding hands, hugging, kissing, necking, petting
and fondling
●Unruly behavior during assemblies, religious services, etc.
●Going to restricted places
●Selling stolen foods in school
●Refusal to display school ID prominently and placing stickers and other objects on
school ID
●Sitting on tables, standing on benches a sitting with feet up and legs wide apart
●Writing or drawing on a fellow student’s books and notebooks
●Spending for personal use of funds entrusted to him/her
●Refusing to obey a student leader when the latter is discharging his/her duty or
representing an authority
●Irresponsibly playful like pulling chair away when one is about to sit; hiding another’s
property; blocking another’s path, etc.
●Jumping over the fence
●Disrespectful to the national flag and singing of national anthem
●Spitting elsewhere
●Chewing of bubble gum inside the school during class hour and placing of bubble gum
on chairs, walls, etc.
●Putting make-up and face powder during class hour
●Urinating elsewhere or in inappropriate places
●Not giving letter to parents
●Bullying including physical, emotional, mental and cyber-bullying

Section 10 Penal Provisions

10.1 The school head have mandated of authority, accountability and responsibility for
creating an environment conducive to teaching and learning within the school that is he/she be the
only deemed person in authority. The principal as the school head is therefore in power to
determine and execute the necessary sanction mandated by the school rules and regulations.

10.2 In the existence given to the principal, all submitted reports and recommendations bu
the various levels of officers (guidance counselor, school discipline officer, curriculum coordinator
and class advisers) shall be considered supportive and guidelines for proper basis of judgment, fair
and just decision
10.3 Probationary. The violator shall be required to undergo therapy. There are two types
of therapy.
1. School therapy- the students shall be given school tasks that aim to develop his/her sense
of responsibility, moral character and personal discipline under the supervision of guidance
counselor and class adviser.
2. Home therapy-shall be given to student who needs parental guidance. He/she shall be
given tasks that aim to develop his/her intra personal skills under the supervision of guidance
counselor, class adviser and parents/guardians.

10.4 Suspension- The violator may be suspended for a fixed period. It will be recorded in the
student’s anecdotal record.

10.5 Expulsion – The violator shall be banned on enrollment. His/her right to avail free public
education shall be terminated.

Category First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Fourth Offense

Minor Refer to the class Refer to the Refer to the Refer to the
Offense/Sanction adviser or the adviser with Guidance principal with 4
subject parent and with counselor with hours
concerned with 1 agreement with 2 the parent and community
hour community hours adviser’s consent service
service community with 3 hours
service community
Oral Reprimand Oral and Written Probationary Suspension
Grave To be treated by To be treated by To be treated by To be treated by
Offense/Sanction the adviser with the prefect of the prefect the prefect
the parent and discipline with discipline with discipline with
the agreement the adviser and the guidance the guidance
will be recorded parent, with counselor, counselor,
in the anecdotal agreement and adviser and adviser and
record and the one day parent with 2 parent with 3
adviser will give suspension plus 8 days suspension days suspension
corresponding hours and 8 hours and 8 hours
punishment a community community community
community service. service service
service of 8 hours

Legal bases:
DO 40,S. 2012 – DEPED Child protection Policy
Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
2000 DECS Service Manual

General Procedure in handling Problem Cases in School

 Assessment of Problem by adviser/Concerned Personnel

 Application of appropriate intervention:
A. Student-teacher conference
B. Parent conference
C. Home visitation
D. Remedial classes
E. Other interventions
●Referral to discipline Office (grievance committee) if assessment involves commission
of grave offense
● Impose reformatory actions which may be
●Referral to guidance office for behavioral problems
● Application of intervention of reformatory actions which may deem appropriate
ranging from but not limited to:

A. Counselling
B. Parent Conference
C. Parent Counselling
D. Journal/Attendance Monitoring
E. Reorientation
F. Remedial Classes
G. Spiritual Guidance
H. Community work
I. Peer tutorial
J. Recommendation/ALS
K. Referral to other agencies like DSWD, PNP


SSG President


GPTA President

Recommending Approval:


Guidance Counselor Designate

Head Teacher III

Assistant School Principal II/OIC-Principal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Province of Isabela
Sta. Isabel Sur, City of Ilagan




(School Head)


(Guidance Counselor Designate)

Teacher Representative: OWEN B. DALIT

( President)

Parent Representative: JONALYN BULIBOL

(GPTA President)

Student Representative: ARLENE L. ASUERO

(SSG President)

Barangay Representative: NORBERTO VALDEZ

(Brgy. Captain, Sta. Isabel Sur)

(Brgy. Captain, Sta. Isabel Norte)

(Brgy. Captain, San Ignacio)

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