Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Sta. Isabel Sur, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300
Telephone 09773831400
Section I. Rationale
Pursuant to DepEd Order no. 40 s.2012, it shall be the policy of the school to promote
and provide a policy and guidelines on protecting school children from any form of abuse,
violence, exploitation, discrimination and bullying.
Hence, Sta. Isabel National High School shall adopt DepEd’s Child protection Policy as
its standing policy to ensure protection of our school children.
It is the school’s duty to ensure that policies and procedures on child protection are
promulgated, complied with and monitored. It also needs to ensure that all students or learners,
personnel, parents, guardians and visitors and guests are aware of the child protection policy.
The security of each student in the school campus is ensured by this policy. Every
student should feel safe and protected from abuse of any form, maybe: neglect,
accidental or non-accidental physical injury, sexual exploitation or emotional ill-
Sta. Isabel National High School is committed to safeguard and promote the welfare
of the students and expects all internal and external stakeholders to share his
commitment. The school will take reasonable measures to:
Every complain or suspicion of abuse from within or outside the school premises will
be taken seriously and will properly be referred to the school child protection unit or
the MSWD (Municipal Social Welfare And Development) or the legal council
Section V Referral
All cases beyond the control and expertise of School Discipline Committee shall be referred
to the following offices and furnish copy of referral form attached with anecdotal report
and other supporting documents for more extensive supervision and control.
4.1 Office of the Principal
●The case needs administrative action
●The case needs for referral to other government agency and private institutions.
●4.2 Office of Guidance and Counseling
●The client manifests deviant and maladjustment bahaviors.
●The client violates the school rules and regulations in spite of signing the behavior
●The client needs to seek professional help.
Section VI Jurisprudence
● All minor offenses or infractions of good discipline shall be handled first by class advisers.
However, if the case is a grave offense, the class adviser is expected to refer the case to the
School Discipline Committee. They shall call the attention of parents or guardians for a short
conference and prepare the anecdotal report. When the parties involved are between and/or
among different year levels, the jurisdiction of school discipline officer shall be based on the
year level of the primary offender. The School Grievances and Complaints Committee shall
handle all sensitive cases and when the parties involved are between or among students and
teaching and/or non-teaching staff.
Section VII Guidelines in Attendance and Punctuality
7.1 Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A student who
has been absent or has cut classes is required to present a letter of explanation from his/her
parents or guardians or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section adviser or
guidance counselor as the case may be.
7.2 Attendance of students in special holidays, activities relatives to their religions shall
be allowed provided permission of the school head is sought.
7.3 Allowable is only 10% of the total school days per school year. Hence, those who
have incurred more than the allowed number of absences will need to cover up with missed
activities in school and comply with the requirements that may be set by the teachers, including,
but not limited to, remedial classes, summer classes and tutoring, moreover 10 consecutive
absences without justifiable reason is considered dropped.
7.4 Official time will be from 7:00 -11:40 in the morning, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm, Mondays to
Fridays. Senior High School Program will start at 7:00am-12:00 pm, 1:00-5:00 pm
Mondays to Fridays. All students are expected to be in school 15 minutes before the time,
those who will come after 7:15 in the morning and 1:15 in the afternoon are considered as
late comers. The gate will be closed at exactly 7:15 in the morning and 1:15 in the
afternoon. Gate will only be opened during the dismissal period at 11;40 in the morning
and 5:00 in the afternoon respectively.
7.5 Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the
afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parents of the
students concerned or visit him/her at home. Three (3) consecutive tardiness is equivalent
to 1 day absent.
●The prescribed uniform for the Senior High School boys: white polo
with school logo, straight cut black pants, black shoes and socks for Mondays,
and Thursdays.
●The prescribe uniform for the Senior High School girls: white blouse
with sport collar and scarf, pleated gray skirt below the knee, and black shoes for
Mondays and Thursdays.
Note: white shirt with collar and black pants for the boys and any colored
pants for the girls for Tuesdays, Immersion uniform blue shirt and any colored
pants for both male and female.
8.2 All students shall be required to wear the official school ID in the campus.
8.3 The acceptable haircut for the boys shall be at least one (1) inch above the ear
and three (3) inches above the collar line.
10.2 In the existence given to the principal, all submitted reports and recommendations bu
the various levels of officers (guidance counselor, school discipline officer, curriculum coordinator
and class advisers) shall be considered supportive and guidelines for proper basis of judgment, fair
and just decision
10.3 Probationary. The violator shall be required to undergo therapy. There are two types
of therapy.
1. School therapy- the students shall be given school tasks that aim to develop his/her sense
of responsibility, moral character and personal discipline under the supervision of guidance
counselor and class adviser.
2. Home therapy-shall be given to student who needs parental guidance. He/she shall be
given tasks that aim to develop his/her intra personal skills under the supervision of guidance
counselor, class adviser and parents/guardians.
10.4 Suspension- The violator may be suspended for a fixed period. It will be recorded in the
student’s anecdotal record.
10.5 Expulsion – The violator shall be banned on enrollment. His/her right to avail free public
education shall be terminated.
Legal bases:
DO 40,S. 2012 – DEPED Child protection Policy
Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
2000 DECS Service Manual
A. Counselling
B. Parent Conference
C. Parent Counselling
D. Journal/Attendance Monitoring
E. Reorientation
F. Remedial Classes
G. Spiritual Guidance
H. Community work
I. Peer tutorial
J. Recommendation/ALS
K. Referral to other agencies like DSWD, PNP
Recommending Approval:
Head Teacher III
Assistant School Principal II/OIC-Principal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Province of Isabela
Sta. Isabel Sur, City of Ilagan
(Brgy. Captain, Sta. Isabel Norte)
(Brgy. Captain, San Ignacio)