Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service
Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service
Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service
Risk Assessment
Firework displays and bonfire are occasional events which can be run safely provided
that the event is carefully planned and controlled. Serious injuries can result from
people being hit by live or spent fireworks, unless simple precautions are followed.
The Event Organiser and or Display Safety Representative must complete Section 1
and a firework risk assessment 28 days prior to the event, in order to determine
whether the event is satisfactory, or whether further control measures are required and
can be implemented to ensure the safe running of the event.
Once all sections of the risk assessment have been completed a copy of it should be
retained on site for audit purposes by any of the relevant authorities, if required.
If there are any requirements/areas of concern that cannot adequately be catered for
by the inclusion of further control measures, then consideration should be given by the
Event Organiser/Display Representative to the cancellation or amending the event
accordingly i.e. by downsizing or removing any aerial display.
If the Event Organiser/Display Representative decides to proceed with the event, they
should then inform the Fire Authority, Local Authority and Police.
The Display Safety Representative must check the details again on the day, prior to
the event. Check boxes must be filled in or ticked to indicate compliance, with the
Event Organiser and the Display Safety Representative signing section 2, to confirm
that all appropriate controls have been met.
The completed document must be kept on the display site. The document should be
available for inspection on site, by any of the relevant authorities.
Note* Satisfactory completion of all sections of the risk assessment should make for a
safe display but does not remove the onus of safety from the Organisers of the event,
nor does it mean that accidents will not happen. The risk assessment and display
criteria must also be amended on site and through-out the display, in response to any
unseen circumstances i.e. unexpectedly large crowds or severe sudden adverse
weather conditions.
Section 1:
We confirm that the Firework Risk Assessment has been completed and that all the
appropriate controls can/will be implemented at:
Premises: ………………………………………………….
I confirm that the Fireworks Safe Working Procedure has been checked and that all
relevant controls have been/will be implemented.
a) Site Layout
The firing area, from which fireworks are set off, should
be 20m x 50m. Access to this area must be restricted to
only those setting off the fireworks.
The distance between the firing area and the spectators
(the safety area) must be at least 25m.
The spectator area must be large enough to prevent
overcrowding and must be physically separated from the
safety area using barriers or ropes.
An assessment of the expected number of spectators and
spectator profile attending the event must be undertaken.
Numbers of spectators anticipated:…………………………
The fall out area or dropping zone, where spent fireworks
will fall, must be free of all people and be at least 50m
(preferably 100m for larger displays) in the direction of the Length of fall out zone: ……….m.
prevailing winds.
Contact the:
Fire Service and 28 days prior to the event
Local Authority.
These to include:
• Sudden change of wind direction:
• Sudden increase in wind velocity:
• Sudden worsening of weather conditions:
• Spectator overcrowding:
• Spectator disturbance (due to alcohol):
• Any emergency incident requiring the attendance of
any of the emergency services:
• At any time the Display Safety Representative or any
Marshall deems necessary:
A trained first aider must be on site during the display. Name of First aider/s:
The nominated person to be in contact at all times with
Stewards and display organiser. …………………………………
Training Record
100 m
Prevailing Wind
Firing Area 25 m
75 m
Safety Area
As required to
Spectator Area
50 m
100 m
Prevailing Wind
20 m
Firing Zone
Crowd Clearance
around all four sides 25 m
of display