Contractors working in the building should report any concerns relating to their own safety or
suspected unsafe working practices to the Duty representative of the Committee who will
investigate and report to the Organisation.
Safety Tours
The Health and Safety Committee shall carry out 6-monthly tours and inspections of the
premises and make a report to the next ordinary meeting of the Management Committee.
All necessary actions as a result of the tour shall, where reasonable and practicable, be
implemented. The tour shall include inspection of the Accident File.
Any injury suffered by a worker or visitor in the course of employment or otherwise on the
Groups/Organisation’s premises, however slight, must be recorded, together with such other
particulars as are required by statutory regulations, on an accident form maintained by the
Fire Precautions
All personnel must familiarise themselves with fire escape routes and procedures and follow
the directions of the Group/Organisation in relation to fire.
Defective equipment, furniture and structures must be reported as such without delay.
Food Hygiene
When handling or preparing food there are specific hygiene requirements:
• Regularly wash hands before and during food preparation and especially after using
the lavatory;
• Tell your supervisor or representative of the Committee of any skin, nose, throat, or
bowel problem;
• Ensure cuts or sores are covered with correct waterproof dressings;
• Keep yourself clean and wear clean clothing;
• Remember that smoking in a food room is illegal;
• Never cough or sneeze over food;
• Clean as you go. Keep all equipment and surfaces clean;
• Prepare raw and cooked food in separate areas. Keep perishable food covered and
either refrigerated (less than 8”C) or piping hot (above 63”C);
• Ensure waste food is disposed of properly. Keep the lid on rubbish bin and wash
your hands after putting waste in it;
• Avoid handling food as far as possible;
• Tell your supervisor or representative of the Committee of any defects or concerns
regarding the facilities – eg uncleanness, refrigeration malfunction, cracked food
preparation surfaces.
3.1.2 Accidents
• In the event of an injury or illness, call for a member of staff or ring for an
ambulance directly. To call an ambulance – dial 100 and ask for
• All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or another
member of staff on duty immediately or as soon as practicable;
• All accidents must be entered on an accident form, available from the
reception desk. The procedures for “notifiable” accidents as shown in
Appendix A below must be followed;
• The Health and Safety Officer will investigate incidents and accidents, writing
a detailed report for the Organisation’s Management Committee to consider
the actions necessary to prevent recurrence.
3.2.6 General
• All thoroughfares, exits and gates must be left clear at all times;
• Corridors and fire exits must not be blocked by furniture or equipment;
• Vehicles must not be parked near to the building so as to cause any
obstruction or hazard;
• Hazards or suspected hazards or other health and safety matters should be
reported to the Health and Safety Officer or the staff member on duty
immediately or as soon as practicable, so that action can be taken. If the
hazard is of a serious nature, immediate action must be taken to protect or
clear the area to prevent injury to staff or other users.
1. Accidents
All accidents which occur during work for the Group/Organisation and/or for the User/Hirer,
or on premises under the control of the Group/Organisation must be recorded.
Follow up within seven days with completed online form with copies tothe
Chair of the Management Committee