Gujarat Technological University: Institute of Technology and Management Universe Vadodara

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Chandkheda, Ahmadabad



A Report on: -

Design & Fabrication of Hybrid Vehicle

Under subject of
B.E. IV, Semester-VII
Mechanical Engineering
Submitted by: - Group2
Sr. Name of Student Enrollment Number
1. Jethva Nikhil 160950119518
2. Patel Dhruvil 160950119535
3. Patel Himal 160950019536
4. Ghori Mahmad Anis 160950119513


(Head of The Department) (Faculty Guide)
This is to certified that the project entitled “Design & Fabrication Hybrid Vehicle” is a benefited
report of the work carried out by (1) JETHVA NIKHIL (160950119518) (2) PATEL DHRUVIL
(160950119535) (3) PATEL HIMAL (160950119536) (4) MAHAMAD ANIS GHORI
(160950119513) is in semester 7th under the guidance and supervisor of Mr. Avesh Khan for the
partial fulfilment of award of the Degree of bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute
of Technology & Management Universe, Paldi, Vadodara, Gujarat

To the best of my knowledge and belief, this work embodies the work of candidates themselves,
have duly completed, fulfill the requirement of the ordinance relating to the bachelor degree
awarded by Gujarat technological University and is up to the standard in respect of contact,
presentation and language for being referred to the examiner:

Internal Guide: External Guide:


We would like to express our sincere thanks to our collage “Institute of Technology &
management Universe, Paldi, Vadodara, Gujarat” for providing us with an opportunity to
undergo to do project work.

I would like to thank to our guide Mr. AVESH KHAN for his encouragement and motivation about
our project.

It gives us immense pleasure to thank our head of the department Mr. JAY MANDALIYA,
Assistance Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for being a source of constant
inspiration, precious guidance and generous assistance during the industrial Training, we deem it
as a privilege to have worked under his able guidance. Without his close monitoring and valuable
suggestions this work wouldn’t have taken this shape. We feel that help is invaluable and

We are also thankful to honorable principle Dr. K. BABA PIE, M.E. PHD and we express our
sincere gratitude ad deep sense of respect for making us available with all the required assistance
and for his support and inspiration to carry our project in the Institute.

We express our sincere gratitude and deep sense of respect for making us available with all the
required assistance and for his support and inspiration to carry out project in the Institute.

We are thankful to the teaching and non- teaching staff of Mechanical Department for their
direct as well as indirect help in our project.

We are elected to avail ourselves to this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to our

1 Abstract 1

2 CHAPTER – 1 2



3 CHAPTER – 2 12

2.1 Design 13

2.2 System Design 14

2.3 Methodology

2.4 Canvas Research


2 Identification canvas

3 Product Development

4 Empathy Mapping Canvas

4 CHAPTER – 3 24
Calculations: -

3.1 Electrical motor and torque



Economical car is a simple four-wheeled & small engine. The Art Ingles is generally but
are sometimes driven as entertainment or as a hobby by non-professionals.

This economical car is commonly perceived as the stepping stone to the higher and more
expensive. As a free-time activity, it can be performed by almost anybody and permitting
licensed for anyone from the age of 18 above.

It can prepare the driver for highs-speed wheel-to-wheel running by helping develop guide
reflexes, precision car control and decision-making skills.

In addition, it brings an awareness of the various parameters that can be altered to try to
improve the competitiveness of that also exist in other forms of economical car.

A four-stroke engine is an internal combustion (IC) engine in which the piston completes
four separate strokes while turning the crankshaft.

A stroke refers to the full travel of the piston along the cylinder, in either direction.

The maximum amount of power generated by an engine is determined by the maximum

amount of air ingested & more torque.

The amount of power generated by a piston engine is related to its size (cylinder volume),
whether it is a four-stroke design, volumetric efficiency, losses, air-to-fuel ratio, the
calorific value of the fuel, oxygen content of the air and more speed (RPM).

Our economical car in which also used have solar panel through also worked & with battery

An four stock engine car using hybrid system is a vehicle which relies not only on
engines but also on an internal engine power & hybrid power which drives a generator to
provide the electricity and may also drive a wheel.

Solar panel through battery charging & when your car in drive mode then generates the
power. Thus, the vehicle is best suited for the growing urban areas with high traffic.
Equipment and their cost analysis are done.

The importance of vehicle simulations in designing the hybrid power engine car. This
engine car simulation with the simulation language was developed. They concluded with
some of the simulation results emphasizing the simulation importance.

1.1 Advantages:

• Solar panel & generator through battery charging or other applicences working.
Ex. light, horn
• Battery back up
• It’s easily drives.

1.2 Disadvantages:
• Noise pollution
• It is costly.
• It’s much heavier.

1.3 Definition
• The purpose of this thesis is to provide valid information and insights regarding the true potential
of Hybrid power technology using solar or dc generator to become a sustainable alternative, while
reducing the dependence on non-renewable resources and reducing toxic emissions. Such engines
use a spark plug which is used for the ignition of the combustible fuel used in the engine. Most of
the cars, bikes and trucks use 4 stroke engines.
1.4 Applications:
• On road drive
• For Battery backup
• Fire safety
• Economical drive

1.5 List of Components

• Solar panel
• Lead acid Battery
• Four stock Engine
• Shaft
• Metal pipe
• Steering
• Wire
• Pedestal
• Nut bolt
• Bearing
• Hub
• Tire
• Electric motor
• Speed controller
• Escalator
• U clamp
• Light

1.6 Problem Identification

• There is one single solution that will solve all the problems listed above to help
automobile sales.
• All these problems are directly related to power supply system (four stock petrol
engines). So, problems can be solved if we. Also, no other problems will be faced in
engine cars by customers with using hybrid power system.
• Four stock engine automobiles are great, no problem with acceleration and speed of the
vehicle because how much ever speed and acceleration are required, can be obtained by
increasing the engine power or also more than speed.
1.7 literature review
Research/review paper referred Parameters Results and conclusion

• Title: Design and fabrication • Design This project is attempt to

of hybrid car software reduce our dependency on
• Author: Akshay K Nair, CAD/CAE foreign oil and reduce the
midhun ray • Materials: tailpipe emissions for
• Journal: international journal cast iron automobile and this was an
of innovation research in sci. • Machine and attempt to design and
and tech. Processes: implement the new
• Published Year: April 2018 casting, technology that will drive us
welding, into future.
• Components:
motor, shaft
Research/review paper referred Parameters considered Results and conclusion

• Title: design and • Design software: CATIA • Through structural

fabrication of four V5, Solidworks analysis it is observed
wheeled electric vehicle • Materials: cast iron that deformation is
• Author: Abrar ahmed • Machine and Processes: 3.25mm and stress
Chaudhary, D mohan casting, welding, cutting, inclusion is about 16.003
kumar, K prithviraj grinding etc. N/mm2.
• Journal: international • Capacity of vehicle is
journal of pure and (5+1) – i.e. 5 passengers
applied mathematics and 1 driver
• Published Year: April

2.1 Design
Design consists of application of scientific, principles, technical information and imagination for
development of new or improvised machine or mechanism to perform a specific with maximum
economy and efficiency.
Hence a careful design approach has to be adopted. The total design work has been split up into
two parts;
• System design
• Mechanical Design
System design mainly concerns the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on main frame at system, man + machine
interaction, No. of controls, position of controls, working environment of machine, chances of
Failure, safety, measures to be provided, servicing aids, ease of maintenance, scope of
Improvement, weight of machine from ground level, total weight of machine and a lot more. In
mechanical design the components are listed down and stored on the basis of their procurement,
design in two categories namely,
• Designed Parts
• Parts to be purchased
For designed parts detached design is done and distinctions thus obtained are compared to next
highest dimensions which are readily available in market. This amplifies the assembly as well as
postproduction servicing work. The various tolerances on the works are specified. The process
charts are prepared and passed on to the manufacturing stage.
• The parts which are to be purchased directly are selected from various catalogues and
specified so that anybody can purchase the same from the retails shop with given
2.2 System Design
In system design we mainly concentrated on the following parameters: -
1. System Selection Based on Physical Constraints.

2. While selecting any machine it must be checked whether it is going to be used in a large
– scale industry or a small –scale industry. In our case it is to be used by a small scale
industry. So, space is a major constrain. The system is to be very compact so that it can
be adjusted to corner of a room.

3. The mechanical design has direct norms with the system design. Hence the foremost job
is to control the physical parameters, so that the distinctions obtained after mechanical
design can be well fitted into that

2.3 Methodology
Frame work or basic chassis:
• The development of the proposal, we have been very well aware of the large scope of our
thesis project. Not only the research problem touches upon abstract concepts such as
sustainability and technology, but it also refers to one of the largest and most complex

• The process of writing a thesis is a task that we have relatively little acquaintance with. It
differs greatly from traditional scholar work projects, which are often limited in time.

• However, such a challenge is in many ways an exciting opportunity. Not only does it enable
us to put in practice all different theories that we might have come across along our studies,
but it could also permit us to test our ability to be creative, to share some of our opinions,
views and thinking process with the research community.

• One of our initial tasks has been to assess what would be the most suitable approach to
tackle our research problem.

"At the proposal stage and in the early planning and start-up stages, many design decisions
are being made-some explicitly and precisely, some implicitly, some unknowingly, and
still others by default “.
2.5 Canvas Research


2.5.2 Identification canvas

2.5.3 Product Development

2.5.4 Empathy Mapping Canvas

Calculations: -
3.1 Electrical motor and torque

Torque in Imperial units can be calculated as

T = Php 63025 / n


T = torque (in lbf)

Php = horsepower delivered by the electric motor (hp)

n = revolution per minute (rpm)


Tft = Php 5252 / n


Tft = torque (ftlbf)

• 1 ftlbf = 1.356 Nm

Torque in SI units can be calculated as

T = PW 9.549 / n


T = torque (Nm)

PW = power (watts)

n = revolution per minute (rpm)

One of the most important laws of physics is the fundamental Ohm’s Law. It states
that current through the conductor is directly proportional to applied voltage and is
expressed as: I=V/R
where I – current, measured in amperes (A);
V – applied voltage, measured in volts (V);
R – resistance, measured in ohms (Ω).

This formula could be used in many cases. You may calculate the resistance of
your motor by measuring the consumed current and applied voltage. For any given
resistance (in the motors it is basically the resistance of the coil) this formula
explains that the current can be controlled by applied voltage.

The consumed electrical power of the motor is defined by the following formula:
Pin = I * V

where Pin – input power, measured in watts (W);

I – current, measured in amperes (A);
V – applied voltage, measured in volts (V).

Motors supposed to do some work and two important values define how powerful
the motor is. It is motor speed and torque – the turning force of the motor. Output
mechanical power of the motor could be calculated by using the following
formula: Pout = τ * ω

where Pout – output power, measured in watts (W);

τ – torque, measured in Newton meters (N•m);
ω – angular speed, measured in radians per second (rad/s).
It is easy to calculate angular speed if you know rotational speed of the motor in
rpm: ω = rpm * 2π / 60

where ω – angular speed, measured in radians per second (rad/s);

rpm – rotational speed in revolutions per minute;

π – mathematical constant pi (3.14).

60 – number of seconds in a minute.

If the motor has 100% efficiency all electrical power is converted to mechanical
energy. However, such motors do not exist. Even precision made small industrial
motors such as one we use as a generator in generator kit have maximum efficiency
of 50-60%. Motors built from our kits usually have maximum efficiency of about
15% (see Experiments section on how we estimated this).Don’t be disappointed with
15% maximum efficiency. All our kits are intended for education and not designed
for real applications. This efficiency is not bad at all – it is actually much better than
most of other self-made designs on Internet can provide. The motors have enough
torque and speed to do all kinds of experiments and calculations.
Measuring the torque of the motor is a challenging task. It requires special expensive
equipment. Therefore, we suggest calculating it.

Efficiency of the motor is calculated as mechanical output power divided by

electrical input power:

τ * rpm * 2π / 60 = I * V * E
τ = (I * V * E *60) / (rpm * 2π)
τ = (14 * 12 * 0.1 * 60) / (1000 * 2 * 3.14) =6.2301N•m
3.2SOLAR POWER CALCULATION:- the efficiency of a solar cell is
determined as the fraction of incident power which is converted to electricity and is
defined as:

Voc is24vdcthe open-circuit voltage;
Isc is 2500ma the short-circuit current;
FF is the fill factor and
η is the efficiency.
The input power for efficiency calculations is 1 kW/m 2 or 100 mW/cm2. Thus the
input power for a 100 × 100 mm2 cell is 10 W and for a 156 × 156 mm2 cell is 24.3
Future Scope: -
• The future of this project relies on its engine or hybrid system. If researchers can produce or find
the “go cart engine or take to high power engine. “Future is promising. As of today, each vehicle
has its own characteristic that makes it better than the other.
• Only time and technological improvements will tell which vehicle will excel & more than very
actuarially type work in the future.
• After this project we conclude that As seen in this report, the hybrid engine
car system with four stock engine has many advantages and benefits.

• It is cleaner and much more efficient.

• It is much heavier, & also to the long distance to drive.

• In which battery charging system using solar based or dc generator through

generate power and high costing of this hybrid engine car.
Reference: -
• engine car_design_iitrms_



• strcok engine car_design_iitrms_

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