Fuzzy Logic Model For The Prediction of Traffic Volume in Week Days
Fuzzy Logic Model For The Prediction of Traffic Volume in Week Days
Fuzzy Logic Model For The Prediction of Traffic Volume in Week Days
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 107 – No 17, December 2014
variables contain information about the process operating Delhi-hardwar highway (NH-58) road is used to ensure the
conditions. The consequent of the rule is shows a linear fuzzy sets of each variable and its corresponding membership
regression model which is valid for the given operating functions. Day of week is fuzzified into five fuzzy sets: Mon,
condition [30]–[34]. Consider a set of inputs x1, x2, . . . , xn Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri. The time is fuzzified into midnit, dawn ,
variables and y single output variable for dynamic system . emor , mor, fnoon , anoon , even , dusk , night. To get better
The relationship between input and output variables in prediction precision, the output variable (traffic volume) is
dynamic system can be represented as: fuzzified into eight sets: Very low, low, medium, moderate,
high, Vhigh, v2high, v3high.Triangular function is used to
y = f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) (1) denote membership function for the input and output
A fuzzy model structure describes the function f between the variables. Figure 2a, 2b and Table 1(a) and Table 1(b) are
inputs xi , i = 1, . . . , n and the output y. The inputs and used to represent memberships function of the input variables
outputs are measured at the sample time t; t = 1,2, . . . , N. and figure 3 ,Table 3 for the membership function of output
variable .
A fuzzy model of a dynamic system for a Many Input Single
Output (MISO) system has a set of rules in the following Table 1: Parameters of membership function of input
format: Variables
Rulek : If x1 is Dk1 and . . . and xn is Dkn then
(a) Day of the week
yk = dk1x1 + dk2x2 + · · · + dknxn + dk0 Mon [1,1,1,1]
Tue [2,2,2,2]
where k is the rule number. For example, if we want to model
a three input n = 3 single output system using two rules i = 1, Wed [3,3,3,3]
2. The system can be represented as follows:
Thur [4,4,4,4]
Rule1: If x1 is D11 and x2 is D12 and x3 is D13 then
Fri [5,5,5,5]
y1 = d11x1 + d12x2 + d13x3 + d10
(b) Time of the Day
Rule2: If x1 is D21 and x2 is D22 and x3 is D23 then
Midnit (0,0,3)
y2 = d11x1 + d12x2 +da13x3 + d20
where y1 is the output corresponding to the region of values, Dawn (0,3,5)
in the input domain, of the variables x1, x2, x3 based a set of
membership function D11, D12 and D13. The inner-product Emor (3,5,8)
space for the fuzzy set Di , which defines the fuzzy region in
Mor (5,8,11)
the antecedent space, can be described as:
Fnoon (8,11,14)
Anoon (11,14,17)
Even (14,17,20)
Thus, the degree of fulfillment is represented as:
Dusk (17,20,23)
Night (20,24,23)
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 107 – No 17, December 2014
Fuzzy Inference
Traffic Volume
Rules reliability
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 107 – No 17, December 2014
mostly developed based on the data collected from Delhi-hardwar highway (NH-58 ) for week days. After that average data for each
days are calculated on the hourly basis .In this paper, fuzzy control rules are developed based on the hourly traffic volumes data.After
reviewing the data, a total of 44 rules are obtained. If the antecedences of several rules are the same, then the rule, which has the
largest weight, is kept. Rules designed for the proposed system are shown in Table 3.
3.2.3 Defuzzification
According to the input variables, their member functions and 41 effective control rules. The traffic volume at particular time and day
can be obtained by defuzzification. In this paper the ‘CENTROID Method’ was used for defuzzification. This is the most widely used
method. This can be called as centre of gravity or centre of area method. It can be defined by
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 107 – No 17, December 2014
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