Optimisation of Parameters in Seismic Data Acquisition For Better Subsurface Imaging in Eastern Gamij, Gujarat
Optimisation of Parameters in Seismic Data Acquisition For Better Subsurface Imaging in Eastern Gamij, Gujarat
Optimisation of Parameters in Seismic Data Acquisition For Better Subsurface Imaging in Eastern Gamij, Gujarat
Received 14 Feb, 2017; Accepted 25 Feb. 2017 © The author(s) 2017. Published with open access at
ABSTRACT: Well-designed and optimised seismic data acquisition geometry illuminates the subsurface.
While designing the geometry we have to think about the available resources for data acquisition and also
implementation difficulties in the working area and most importantly technical requirements of Interpreter
should be strictly considered. The main objective of a better survey design is to image subsurface structures.
Generally, the data acquisition parameters are selected and designed by considering simplified subsurface
model. In this work the real subsurface model of the area is constructed in the laboratory with the help of a new
state of art software NORSAR and the data was artificially acquired. Several acquisition geometries were used
for acquiring data in laboratory conditions and a final geometry is selected with optimised parameters resulted
in the proper illumination of subsurface structures up to the basement. The illumination maps generated in
laboratory play key role for finalising acquisition parameters and results are well matching with the real results
after seismic data processing.
Keywords: NORSOR Software, Subsurface Structures, Cambay Basin, Olpad formations
The area is located in the East of Ahmedabad city and falling under the administrative control of Gandhinagar
district. Location of the survey area is shown on Tectonic map in Fig-1.
Fig-1 Location of the area shown over Geographic and Tectonic map.
The major longitudinal faults are aligned along the Dharwar trend running parallel to the basin trend. The entire
Cambay basin is divided into five tectonic blocks based on transverse fault system which might possibly be
subsequent to the longitudinal fault system, although originating within the basement itself.
The basin came into existence during late Jurassic. During late Cretaceous major volcanic eruption
activities took place and Deccan trap made technical basement of the basin (Biswas,1987; Biswas, 2005).
Subsequently, different depositional units came into existence under different depositional environment. The
study area lies on the eastern margin of Mehsana – Ahmedabad tectonic block of Cambay Basin( Mondal 2007;
Mishra et al., 2015). On the rising flank, Unava, Mansa, Limbodra, Halisa and Gamij fields are located from
North to South and all the fields are hydrocarbon bearing.
The geology of the area is well known as a number of wells have been drilled in the Gamij field. The
sedimentary section encountered in the area is correlatable with general stratigraphic sequence established in
Cambay Basin. A series of faults have been mapped in the area including the Eastern Margin fault. Several fault
closures have been delineated at Kalol and Olpad level. Most of the wells drilled in the area have penetrated up
to Deccan trap, the technical basement in this area.
Considering the geology and major Eastern Gamij fault, we have designed the best seismic geometry
for this area. Initially, Basic MESA software is used for seismic geometry design and after many studies on
geometries we decided final geometry as, Asymmetrical Split Spread of 12 receiver lines with 120 channels in
each line and total of 1440 actives channels per shot is found to be most appropriate in terms of subsurface
illumination (ONGC Report 2012). A cartoon showing the Geometry parameters and spread is shown in Fig-2.
Initially, finalised geometry was then tested in Basic MESA software and the result of illumination
map (or Fold Map) is shown in Fig-3.
Fig-3 Illumination map (Fold Map) from MESA software using above geometry.
Now in order to further validate the geometry, we switched the entire project to the new modelling
technology software called NORSAR (Carlos and Clara 2007). NORSAR 3D is a software for seismic
modelling in three dimensions. The method used for modelling is the ray tracing to wave front construction.
This algorithm was developed by NORSAR´s researchers (Vinge et al., 1993).
The Common Shot Wave front Tracer is used which is based on a concept developed by NORSAR
called wave front construction. This modelling method is based on ray tracing to interpolate a wave front in
intervals of a given time. The purpose of this method is to simulate the seismic wave field and placing a number
of shots on the surface, with a certain number of receivers associated to each shot. To execute this tool, three
elements were used: (a) A valid seismic model generated in NORSAR's Model Building tool, which should be
validated and have assigned properties such as the velocity and the density; (b) A seismic geometry, (i.e., shots,
receivers and its relation) to be validated and (c) The Ray Code, which specifies the trajectory of the rays
through the model (Norsar, 2003b).
The inputs for this modelling are the depth horizons and the subsurface velocity and density. For the
velocity information, velocity data of earlier 2D seismic data falling in the area and VSP (Vertical Seismic
Profiling) data of few wells in the area are considered for making a velocity cube. We then created a Subsurface
model in Model Builder function with four horizons namely Tarapur, Kalol, Cambay Shale and Olpad
respectively downwards and major Eastern Gamij fault as shown in the Fig-4. This final model with horizons
and fault data loaded with velocity and density is assumed to be the true replica of our study area (Watanabe et
al., 2006). The selected geometry is now tested in the ray trace modelling software NORSAR.
Illumination Maps are one of the important attributes for validating the geometry. The illumination
maps evaluate the design of seismic acquisition on the horizon of interest. These maps are built in the NORSAR
3D using the events registered in the seismic modelling.
Fig-4 Subsurface Model of the study area generated in NORSAR software showing subsurface structures and
Several functions can be visualized on the illumination maps like Hit-map, Hit-density, incidence-angle
maps etc. Hit-map function, equivalent to the seismic fold shows the effectiveness of the seismic design.
Ray trace modelling at the basement level in the Hitmap clearly shows that the seismic geometry initially
selected on the basis of initial studies could not able to map basement at the major high dipping eastern marginal
fault which is present in the study area. So the major drawback of this geometry could not be found in initial
studies. At the major high dipping fault, the entire energy got reflected and the designated receivers could not
receive the energy. The improper illumination of the structure in Hit-Map is shown in Fig-5.
The reason for improper illumination of basement near the fault is due to most of the energy is going
beyond the geophone spread for a particular surface shot and is clearly depicted by wave front travel images
from NORSAR software Fig-6A.Fig-6B shows the proper illumination at shallow level where energy is received
by all the designated geophones for the surface shot.
Fig-6A Shows shot location at fault plane where most of the energy is going beyond the geophone spread.
Fig-6B Shows all geophones within spread are receiving energy for a sample surface shot location.
To get through this basement illumination problem at the fault plane, two different geometries were
designed for shallow and deeper prospects in the area keeping more fold at the fault plane. For shallow prospect
the geometry is kept as Asymmetrical Split Spread of 12 receiver lines with 120 channels in each line and total
of 1440 actives channels per shot and for Deeper prospect the geometry is End-on Spread of 12 receiver lines
with 160 channels in each line and total of 1920 actives channels per shot. The details of parameters are as
shown in Fig-7.
With these two geometries for shallow and deeper prospects for the study area 3D Seismic data was
acquired in the field using UL 408 instrument.
The 3D Seismic data is acquired with re-designed adopted geometries using NORSAR ray trace
modelling software. The data is processed and the basement is clearly illuminated at the major fault location.
The seismic sections obtained by processing of the seismic data at GEOPIC show the proper illumination of
basement near major Eastern Gamij fault. Illumination maps generated from NORSAR software play key role in
deciding the suitable geometry for proper illumination of subsurface. Laboratory studies of seismic data
acquisition have helped in acquiring seismic data suitable for proper imaging of the basement structures.
Seismic sections at two locations showing proper illumination at Eastern marginal fault are shown in Fig-8A &
8B and chair-cut view of 3D volume is shown in Fig-9.
Fig-8 AProcessed seismic section showing the subsurface structures inTime along with location map in inset.
Fig-8 BProcessed seismic section showing the subsurface structures in Time along with location map in inset.
Fig-9 Chair-cut view of 3D Seismic Volume of the area showing the subsurface structures.
Designing proper Seismic data acquisition geometry plays key role in illuminating the subsurface
structures in the area. Seismic modelling using the described methodology proves to be an excellent tool for the
validation of the seismic geometry design. The complexity of this area makes it necessary to use this Seismic
modelling by NORSAR.
Ray tracing involves great computational efficiency because of the great deal of data that has to be
calculated especially in 3D data. The poor knowledge of the seismic velocities on the deeper structures is one of
the key issues and it is the reason one should use the model without limitations. The different variations on the
seismic geometry design offer a lot of possibilities of experimentation like usage of Hit maps for the
illumination of the horizons, especially on geologically complex structures present beneath the subsurface.
Laboratory studies of seismic data acquisition geometries have helped in acquiring the seismic data
suitable for proper imaging of the basement structures in the study area.
The authors are thankful to Director(Exploration) ONGC for permission to publish this paper. We
express our heartful thanks to Shri Anil Sood, ED-HOI-GEOPIC, ONGC, his encouragement and valuable
suggestions. Sincere thanks to team members of GP-15, Western Onshore Basin and GEOPIC colleagues for
their valuable suggestions and guidance. The cooperation from all the colleagues directly or indirectly associate
with this work is thankfully acknowledged.
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