Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Chapter 5
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
As we move from seismic topics to a discussion of electrical methods for exploring
the shallow subsurface, two striking differences are the diversity of electrical methods
and their relative complexity in deriving quantitative interpretations from field data as
compared to seismic methods.
Although a wide range of methods can be included under the heading of this chapter,
these methods group naturally into two categories: (1) those in which current is
applied to the earth and (2) natural energy sources.
When the current used in electrical resistivity surveying is switched off, the voltage
between the two points used to determine potential difference does not decline
immediately to zero. Rather, a small residual voltage slowly decreases. A similar
effect occurs when the current is switched on, suggesting that the current flow has
electrically polarized the ground. The character of this induced polarization (IP) also
reveals information about the subsurface.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Cornwall, England. Most of the work during the 1800s dealt only with these types of
currents. In the early part of the second decade of 1900s Conrad Schlumberger in
France and Frank Wenner in the United States applied current to the ground and
measured the resulting potential difference. These investigations established the direct
current resistivity method.
In 1914 Schlumberger found a rich ore deposit in Serbia using the self-potential
method, and in 1917 the electromagnetic method was introduced by H. R. Conklin.
Telluric currents were first studied by O. H. Gish and W. J. Rooney in the United
States in the early 1920s. This work was continued and expanded by the
Schlumberger group beginning in 1934. Virtually all this early work quite naturally
was associated with ore deposits and their exploration. One of the earliest
noncommercial applications was mapping of high-resistivity bedrock by I. B. Crosby
and E. G. Leonardon in 1928 during an investigation of a proposed dam site.
With the exception of the magnetotelluric method, essentially all electrical methods
had been investigated in some fashion by 1930. Since then, of course, progress has
consisted of instrument refinement, development of a solid theoretical basis, and
improvement in interpretative methods, primarily, if not entirely, due to enhanced
computer capabilities.
Covering electrical methods thoroughly, therefore, would take more room and time
than we devoted to seismic methods even though electrical methods are not as widely
utilized. A superficial coverage of each method would result primarily in confusion,
not mastery. In view of these concerns and constraints, we will concentrate on one
method only, electrical resistivity. Electrical resistivity is probably the most common
method applied to shallow subsurface investigations, especially in groundwater
studies. At the end of this chapter we provide an outline of the major additional
methods in terms of procedure and applications. We hope that mastery of one method
and knowledge of the major applications of the others provide a reasonable solution in
discussing electrical methods in an introductory text.
Figure 5.1 illustrates a basic electrical circuit containing a battery, connecting wires,
and a resistor. The battery maintains a potential difference between two points: its
positive terminal and its negative terminal. The battery thereby functions as a power
source in moving charges through the circuit, much as a pump moves water through
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
pipes. The convention adopted in this text is to define current flow as the movement
of positive charges. To accomplish this flow, the battery must move positive charges
from a low potential at the negative terminal to high potential at the positive terminal.
The work done in this potential change requires that a force be applied. This force is
known as electromotive force or emf, and the unit of emf is the volt.
A 9-volt battery maintains a potential difference of 9 volts between its terminals and
thus has a certain potential for doing work. As noted, the movement of charges
through the conducting wire is termed current. Specifically:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
You recognize, of course, that copper wire, wood, aluminum, and rubber possess
varying resistances to the flow of current. Copper has very low resistance, whereas
rubber has an extremely high resistance. Resistance is quantified in the following
way: one ohm of resistance allows a current of one ampere to flow when one volt of
emf is applied.
Ohm’s law states that current is directly proportional to voltage V and inversely
proportional to resistance R:
Consider Figure 5.1. If the battery supplies 9 volts and the resistor has a value of 10
ohms, the current measured by the ammeter will be 0.9 ampere. If resistance is
increasing, it will take an increasing voltage to maintain the same current.
This behavior suggests that the resistances of the resistors in Figure 5.3 depend on
their length and cross-sectional areas and also on a fundamental property of the
material used in their construction, which we term resistivity and denote by ρ. Based
on our discussion, we can say that:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Resistivity units are resistance-length, which commonly is denoted by ohm.m (Ω.m).
Conductance is the inverse of resistance, and conductivity is the inverse of resistivity.
Copper has a resistivity of 1.7 x 10-8 Ω.m. What is the resistance of 20 m of copper
wire with a cross-sectional radius of 0.005 m? Quartz has a resistivity of 1 x 1016
Ω.m. What is the resistance of a quartz wire of the same dimensions?
We now use Equation 5.6 to determine the potential at P1. In determining the potential
at a point, we compare it to the potential at a point infinitely far away, which by
convention is arbitrarily defined to equal zero. The most direct way to determine V is
to integrate Equation 5.6 over its distance D to the current electrode to infinity, or:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
potential at any point in our section view of Figure 5.4. If we plot enough points, we
can draw lines through the points possessing the same potential. This defines the
equipotential surfaces. Because current flow must be perpendicular to the
equipotential surfaces, we can determine the direction of current flow. Of course, in
this case we already know what the result will be; but in the next step the pattern will
not be so evident.
The potential at point P1 is determined by using Equation 5.7. The effects of the
source at C1 (+) and the sink C2 (-) are both considered, and therefore:
Expressing r1 and r2 in terms of the x-z coordinate system illustrated in Figure 5.5, we
rewrite Equation 5.8 as:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Now we need only calculate VP1 at many points in the x-z plane, draw contours
through points of equal potential to define the equipotential surfaces, and, finally,
draw current flow lines perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces.
Table 5.1 is a dynamic table based on Equation 5.9. Parameters in the table are related
to Figure 5.5. If you examine the values of the potential at the points in the table, you
should be able to sense the distribution of the equipotential surfaces. Figure 5.6 is a
simple contour plot of the values in Table 5.1with symbols also keyed to Figure 5.5.
The patterns of equipotential surfaces likely are fairly similar to what you would
predict. Note that the current electrodes are displaced slightly from the centers of the
hemispheres. Many contour lines close to the current electrodes were omitted for
clarity, as you can tell if you examine contour line values and the potential values in
Table 5.1.
We know that the current flow lines are perpendicular to the equipotential lines, but
we do not know how the current is distributed. The mathematical analysis to
determine the current distribution is fairly complicated but results in a simple
equation that provides current distribution as a fraction of the total current. Along a
vertical plane midway between the two current electrodes, the fraction of the total
current if penetrating to depth z for an electrode separation of d is given by:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
The dynamic Table 5.2 uses Equation 5.10, so we can investigate current distribution
for various current electrode separations. If you try several values for current
electrode separation, you should observe that the values in columns two and three in
Table 5.2 do not change. A graph of these relationships is illustrated in Figure 5.7.
Make a firm mental note, however, that this relationship is for a homogeneous,
isotropic subsurface. Once we introduce a discontinuity, we must reexamine the
current distribution question.
Now we can take the information that Equation 5.10 supplies and combine it with
Figure 5.6 to produce the current flow lines that are diagrammed in Figure 5.8. We
will return several times to these current flow lines, their spacing, and their
distribution, so be sure to grasp what they represent and how they were derived.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
In the resistivity method current is entered into the ground, potential difference is
measured, and resistivity is determined.
Figure 5.10a presents one possible measurement, and Figure 5.10b another.
Substituting the values in Figure 5.10a produces Equation 5.16, which results in a
resistivity value of 50 ohm.m. A glance at the model values used to produce Table 5.1
confirms that the resistivity was 50 ohm.m.
Equation 5.17 uses the values illustrated in Figure 5.10b. As expected, evaluation of
the equation gives 50 ohm.m as the resistivity.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Although this equation is relatively complex, none of the quantities should surprise
us: current fraction if, electrode spacing a, depth of interface z, and resistivities of the
materials above and below the interface ρ1 and ρ2.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Note that in this equation electrode spacing a refers to the spacing between each
electrode in the array (Figure 5.11a), whereas previously we usually referred to the
spacing between current electrodes. The relationships that we can deduce from this
equation form the basis for a qualitative interpretation of field measurements, so let’s
take some time to gather information.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
The numbers in the result column are added together (see the summation symbol in
the Equation 5.18) and multiplied by C. This gives the current fraction, which is then
presented as the percentage of current.
If we select a depth for the interface and for electrode spacing (perhaps in the ratio
z=a) and vary values for ρ1 and ρ2 to produce k-values ranging from -1.0 to 1.0, we
can create a curve such as one of the three illustrated in Figure 5.11. All three of these
curves were produced using values calculated by Table 5.3. If ρ1 equals ρ2, then we
have the previous case of the homogeneous subsurface. The result should be the same
as predicted by Equation 5.10 and illustrated in Figure 5.7. If you insert equal
resistivities into Table 5.3, place the depth of the interface at 24 m, and elect an
electrode spacing of 8 m (which is a current electrode spacing of 24 m), the result in
the table tells us that 30 percent of the current penetrates beneath the level of a plane
located at a depth of 24 m (see curve z=3a in Figure 5.11b for k=0). Figure 5.7
confirms this by illustrating that 70 percent of current flow is above a plane at a depth
equal to the current electrode spacing.
Now let’s examine the situation when ρ2>ρ1. The material below the interface has a
higher resistance to current flow (it is a poor conductor relative to the layer above).
The k-values will be positive for this case. The three curves in Figure 5.11b all have
the same form, so we can generalize our comments. If we select any positive k-value,
we see that substantially less current penetrates below the level of the interface
compared to the homogeneous case (k-value=0). In other words, current flow tends to
avoid a poor conductor in favor of a good conductor. Perhaps a water analogy will
make this phenomenon clearer. Visualize a homogeneous sequence of coarse sand
with water flowing through. If at some depth z we introduce a relatively low-
permeability layer, less water will flow below that depth level than in the
homogeneous case. Of course, the extreme case is when the layer below the interface
is perfectly insulating (or completely impermeable), and no current (or water)
penetrates below that level.
If ρ2<ρ1 the material below the horizontal interface is less resistant to current flow
than the material above the interface and is, therefore, a better conductor. As Figure
5.11b demonstrates, more current will penetrates below the interface than in the
homogeneous case. Using the water analogy once again, we replace our homogeneous
material with coarse gravel that has very high permeability. More water now will flow
below the level of the interface and through the gravel. Note that a substantial
percentage of the current flows through the material above the interface even if the
material below the interface possesses very low resistivities (is almost perfectly
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
flowing at depth is increased. For example, only 30 percent of the current penetrates
below a depth z when the electrode spacing is equal to one-third the depth (z=3a).
However, 50 percent of the current penetrates deeper than z when the electrode
separation is increased to two-thirds the depth (z=3a/2), and 63 percent of the current
penetrates below z when the electrode spacing equals the depth (z=a). Remember that
we are using electrode spacing as diagrammed in Figure 5.11a. Thus, when the
electrode spacing is equal to the depth of our plane of reference (z=a), the current
electrode separation is three times the depth (3z=3a=d).
where θ and ρ are as defined in Figure 5.12a. If the resistivity ρ2 of the deeper material
is greater, the flow lines bend in toward the normal to the interface (Figure 5.12b) and
as a consequence are more widely spaced. However, if the reverse is true as in Figure
5.12c, the flow lines bend away from the normal, become oriented more parallel to
the interface, and are closer together.
If we take this relationship and the information we developed to produce Figure 5.11,
we can assess the effect of the horizontal interface. Figure 5.13a illustrates the pattern
of current flow lines for a homogeneous subsurface (ρ2=ρ1). If we increase the value
of ρ2 (Figure 5.13b), more current flows above the interface, the current flow lines are
spaced more closely, and the current density is greater in the region above the
interface relative to the case of the homogeneous subsurface. If ρ2<ρ1, the opposite
effect takes place. A greater percentage of current flows beneath the interface (Figure
5.13c), the current flow lines are spaced more widely in the material above the
interface, and the current density there is reduced.
Our real purpose is to determine, qualitatively at the moment, how the presence of the
interface affects ΔV readings at the surface. We are just about ready to take this step,
but first we need to introduce the notion of apparent resistivity.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
5.4.3 Apparent Resistivity
When we derived Equation 5.15, we assumed a homogeneous, isotropic subsurface.
As demonstrated previously, any combination of electrode spacing and current results
in a potential difference that provides the correct value for the resistivity of the
subsurface (as of course should be the case if our equation is correct). Once the
subsurface is nonhomogeneous, the value determined for the resistivity is extremely
unlikely to equal the resistivity of the material in which the electrodes are inserted.
Equation 5.15 thus defines a different quantity, which is termed the apparent
resistivity, ρa. Inasmuch as non-homogeneity is the rule, we now write:
What does this equation tell us? How do we interpret apparent resistivity values in
terms of subsurface geology?
When we measure the potential difference between the potential electrodes, the values
are proportional to the current density in the cylinder of material near the surface that
extends between these two electrodes. If we examine Equation 5.20 and remember the
relationship expressed in Equation 5.21, we conclude that, all else being equal,
variations in current density near the surface will result in variations in apparent
resistivity. Let’s return to Figure 5.13.
In the case of Figure 5.13a we already know that Equation 5.20 will yield a value of
ρ2=ρ1. In the case represented by Figure 5.13b the current density is increased in the
upper layer relative to the homogeneous case, so ρa will be greater than ρ1.
Conversely, in Figure 5.13c the current density is decreased due to the lower-
resistivity material at depth, and therefore the value of ρa will be less than ρ1. Notice
that the electrode spacing remains constant in this example.
This relationship is diagrammed in Figure 5.14, where dashed black lines represent
current flow if no interface is present and solid gray lines represent current flow due
to the interface. In Figure 5.14a both sets of lines coincide. If we simply move this
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
electrode array about on the surface, all reading will be the same assuming the ρ1
layer is laterally homogeneous.
However, if we expand the electrode spacing, more current will flow at depth, and the
current density will be affected by the ρ2 layer. The apparent resistivity value will be
greater than ρ1 but still will be substantially less than ρ2 (Figure 5.14b). If electrode
spacing is increased still more, the effect of the higher-resistivity material below the
interface is even greater, as illustrated in Figure 5.14c. The value of apparent
resistivity continues to increase and gradually approaches the ρ2 value while
becoming increasingly greater than the ρ1 value.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Following the form of the previous discussion, describe why the curve in Figure 5.15b
appears as it does.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
5.4.5 Quantitative Development of the Resistivity Pattern over a Horizontal Interface
There are a number of approaches to solving the quantitative problem of the single
horizontal interface. The simplest approach is one using an optical analog, which is
suitable for solving a number of the problems we are interested in. We will partially
develop the optical analog method so you can gain some insight into one quantitative
As a first step in the optical analog approach, we assume a planar boundary that
behaves as a semitransparent mirror. If we place a light source at point C1 and an
observation point at P1, part of the light will travel directly to P1 and part will be
reflected from the mirror (Figure 5.16). The total light reaching P1 will be the sum of
the two. The amount reflected depends on a property of the mirror referred to as the
reflection coefficient (k) and is equal to the reflection coefficient times the intensity of
the light source. In subsequent development of this approach it is more direct to
construct an image of point C1 on the other side of the mirror. This is the same
approach we used in deriving equations for reflected rays in Chapter 4. Recall that C1
and its image are equidistant from the boundary (mirror) and lie on a line that is
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
perpendicular to the boundary. Recall also that the distance r2 is equal to the reflected
path. If our observation point is at P2 rather than P1, the amount of light reaching P2 is
only that which is transmitted through the mirror. This amount is due to the intensity
of the light source, the transmission coefficient (1-k), and the distance of P2 from C1.
To develop the electrical case, we place a current source at C1 with intensity i and
develop equations for the potential at P1 and P2 following the optical analog as just
outlined. The planar boundary separates materials with resistivities ρ1 and ρ2. We use
a modified form of Equation 5.7 to determine the potential at P1 and P2. Equation 5.7
is valid for a current source at the surface because the equipotential surfaces are
hemispheres. In Figure 5.16 the current source is within the ρ1 material, and the
equipotential surfaces are spheres. For such a case the equation takes the form:
where D is the distance from the current electrode to the point where the potential is
being measured.
The presence of the boundary constrains current flow across it. If P1 and P2 are both
located on the boundary at the same point (Figure 5.16b), then the two potentials must
be equal. In this case r1=r2=r3, so we set Equations 5.23 and 5.24 equal and simplify to
obtain the following:
This derivation is useful for two reasons. First, we now have sufficient information to
map the equipotentials for this two-medium boundary problem. Also, we know how
to determine the reflection coefficient. You may recall that this same factor appeared
in Equation 5.18 when we first began our qualitative consideration of the horizontal
interface problem. Although we accepted Equation 5.18 without explaining its
derivation, our present inquiry is beginning to shed light on various components of
that equation.
We will not pursue this case further. Instead we now turn to the actual problem at
hand, that of the horizontal interface. If you inspect Figure 5.17 and compare it to
Figure 5.16, you will see that we must add another surface to consider both the effect
of the earth’s surface and the buried interface. To derive the potential equations we
must consider both surfaces, but we proceed essentially as before.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
A current source C1 of intensity i is placed within the ρ1 layer. The point P1 at which
we want to know the potential is placed a distance r from C1 at the same depth. The
placement of C1 and P1 is for convenience; they will be placed on the surface later in
the derivation. The upper boundary (the earth’s surface) separates ρ0 from ρ1. Our
object of interest, the horizontal interface, serves as the lower boundary and separates
ρ2 from ρ1. The reflection coefficient for the upper boundary is designated by k1,0 and
follows the form of Equation 5.25 (using ρ1 and ρ0), as does the reflection coefficient
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
for the lower boundary k1,2. Image sources of C1 are referred to as such with a number
in parentheses indicating the layer in which they reside.
The qualifiers associated with the potential symbol V signify that the image is in the
upper material and is the first image constructed there. It is demonstrated in Figure
5.17 that we also can have a single reflection from the lower boundary. This
contribution to the potential is:
Reverting to the optical analog for a moment, we can consider a ray emanating from
C1 reflecting from the lower boundary, reflecting from the upper boundary, and then
arriving at P1. As illustrated in Figure 5.17b, this is equivalent to placing a second
image in the upper layer (C1image(0)’), which is located at a distance 2z from C1.
Because this path involves reflections from both boundaries, both reflections
contribute to a reduction in intensity. Current density, therefore, is multiplied by the
product of both reflection coefficients. The equation for the potential due to the
second image in the upper material is:
We can continue this process and consider as a next step the path that is similar to that
in Figure 5.17b but reflects twice off the lower boundary and twice off the upper
boundary. The equation for this path is:
Note that now each reflection coefficient is squared. We can continue this process
producing more images in the upper medium that contributes less to the potential at
P1. If you examine Equations 5.29 and 5.30, you should note the similarity. Equations
incorporating more of this group of images would continue to have this form. This
suggests that these equations can be expressed as the infinite series:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
number of reflections with images in the lower medium, and (3) an odd number of
reflections with images in the lower medium. The total potential at P1 is the sum of all
of these.
The next step is to place C1 and P1 on the surface. In this case, because air has infinite
resistivity, k1,0=1 and m=0. These substitutions are made in all the equations we
added together to determine the potential at P1. We rearrange these to arrive at:
Remember that our ultimate goal is to develop an equation similar to Equation 5.20
that provides values of apparent resistivity for various electrode spacings in the case
of the horizontal interface. If we use the electrode spacings in Figure 5.11a, we
rewrite Equation 5.20 as:
Equation 5.33 does not consider the contribution of the electrode at C2, but this
simply doubles the potential difference ΔV. We make this adjustment and then
rewrite Equation 5.35 using the expression for ΔV given in Equation 5.33 to obtain:
The form of Equation 5.36 is valid only for the electrode configuration in Figure
5.11a. Other electrode configurations require modifications of Equation 5.36. These
other configurations will be considered in a later section. It’s been a long path to
arrive at this point, and a number of steps have been neglected to keep the
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
development to a minimum. We hope this gives you sufficient insight into the optical
analog approach to obtaining a quantitative solution to the single interface problem.
Let’s place Equation 5.36 into a dynamic table (Table 5.4) to investigate the variation
of apparent resistivity with electrode spacing. This table is designed much like Table
5.3. The major variables are in the upper left corner. The result is apparent resistivity
and is located in the upper right. The components are:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
As electrode spacing is increased, more current penetrates to a greater depth, so, as
you already know, we sample material at increasingly greater depths. However, the
shallow material always is included in the measurement. Therefore, for the measured
apparent resistivity to approach the resistivity of the second layer, a great volume of
the subsurface must be sampled. As you might imagine, this seriously limits the
resistivity method because it requires sufficient space in which to place electrodes.
Figure 5.18b illustrated a curve drawn by RESIST with the same input parameters
that appear in Table 5.4. RESIST uses a different mathematical approach for solving
the single horizontal interface problem, but the results are the same as those the
optical analog produces. Actually, the results of Equation 5.36 (which is used in Table
5.4) are plotted as small, filled circles in Figure 5.18b. The line passing through these
points is the RESIST curve from Figure 5.18c, which is overlaid on these data points
to emphasize that both approaches produce identical results.
Although we have not yet discussed procedures to interpret apparent resistivity curves
in terms of subsurface geology, it is not too early to begin to assemble some basic
properties of such curves. Apparent resistivity curves for the single horizontal
interface have one of the two forms presented in Figure 5.15. Clearly, the exact form
of the curve will depend on the resistivity values of the layers and the depth of the
interface. Before proceeding further (and without examining Figure 5.19), try to
sketch curves on the same set of axes for the following three subsurface models:
The important aspect of these curves is their similarities and differences, not the
absolute values of the apparent resistivities and a-spacing.
Now examine Figure 5.19, which was constructed by overlying the three curves
computed by RESIST for the three sets of values. You should be able to explain the
general shape and relationship of the curves from the basic principles we developed in
our discussion of the qualitative approach. All three curves have similar shapes, but
curves for the deeper interfaces are progressively offset to the right. This makes sense
if we remember the principle of current penetration, electrode spacing, and current
density as affected by poor conductors. The 5 m curve begins to rise earlier because
the effect of the shallow interface is felt even at small electrode spacings. In the case
of the 20 m curve an electrode spacing of almost 10 m (current electrode spacing of
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
30 m) is necessary to reveal the presence of a higher-resistivity layer at depth. The 5
m curve begins to flatten noticeably at an a-spacing in the vicinity of 100 m, but the
20 m curve still is rising steeply at this point. It should be obvious that a 5 m thick
layer constitutes only a small fraction of the volume of material included in a
measurement with an a-spacing of 200 m. Therefore, the apparent resistivity for this
a-spacing is quite close to the 200 ohm.m true resistivity of the deeper layer. This is
not true when the interface is at 20 m, and so the ρa value is only about 80 ohm.m.
Sketch a set of three curves following the layout of Figure 5.19. Use the same
interface depths but reverse the resistivities so the resistivity of the shallow layer is
200 ohm.m and that of the deeper layer is 10 ohm.m. Be sure you can defend the
relative positions of the curves.
Before we proceed to the next step, try to sketch three curves for which the interface
remains the same, and the resistivity of the shallow layer is constant at 10 ohm.m, but
the resistivity of the deeper layer takes on values of 100 ohm.m, 200 ohm.m, and 500
As a final exercise before we continue our general analysis by considering the effect
of multiple interfaces, let’s investigate one further set of relationships for the single
interface case. In the preceding example resistivities remained constant and only the
depth of the interface varied. Now let’s hold constant the resistivity of the layer above
the interface and the interface depth while we vary the resistivity of the layer below
the interface. Figure 5.20 provides a comparison for five apparent resistivity curves
drawn under the stated constraints. Dashed lines are included in the Figure 5.20 to
facilitate a visual comparison of the latter portion of each curve and the true resistivity
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
of the deeper layer for which the curve was computed. The form and relationship of
the curves should come as no surprise. As the resistivity of the deeper layer increases,
larger electrode spacings are required before the slope of the curve begins to decrease
and approach the resistivity value of that deeper layer.
The form of the curves in Figures 5.19 and 5.20 suggests that we should be able to
devise a scheme to interpret apparent resistivity data in terms of resistivities and
interface depths. We soon will see that this indeed is the case; but before we consider
interpretations of field data, it seems prudent to consider more complicated models.
Because we are dealing with three layer resistivities in the two-interface case, four
possible curve types exist: ρ1>ρ2>ρ3 (Q), ρ1>ρ2<ρ3 (H), ρ1<ρ2>ρ3 (K), and ρ1<ρ2<ρ3
(A). The letters used to refer to the various curves are those typically used in electrical
resistivity literature. We use them here only for convenience in referring to specific
curve types. The four curves are illustrated in Figure 5.21. Interface depths are the
same for all curves and are defined in Figure 5.21a. Resistivities used are 1, 10, and
100 ohm.m. The ρ1, ρ2, and ρ3 values for each curve are self-evident. Curves for
ρ1>ρ2>ρ3 (Q) and ρ1<ρ2<ρ3 (A) are contained in Figure 5.21b. These appear very
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
similar to two layer curves and easily could be misinterpreted as such, so it seems
sensible to inquire further about this similarity.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Figure 5.22 contains one of these three-layer curves (Q with ρ1=100 ohm.m, ρ2=10
ohm.m, ρ3=1 ohm.m, z1=10 m, and z2=20 m), which is drawn with the solid line. The
three dashed-line curves were computed using ρ1=100 ohm.m and ρ2=1 ohm.m and
horizontal interface depths of 10 m, 15 m, and 20 m. Although the two- and three-
layer curves are not the same, it could be virtually impossible to distinguish between
them with field data that are acquired at discrete intervals and almost always contain
some noise.
Figure 5.21c illustrates the remaining two curve types (H and K). These clearly
indicate the presence of a low-resistivity layer with a sequence of higher resistivities
or the presence of a high-resistivity layer lying between layers with lower resistivities.
The form of curve K can be explained using the principles we developed previously.
At small electrode spacings current density is affected only by the low resistivity (1
ohm.m) of the shallow layer, which leads to small values of apparent resistivity. As
electrode spacings increase, the higher resistivity (100 ohm.m) of layer 2 affects
current density, and apparent resistivities rise. As electrode spacing continue to
increase, a greater percentage of current flows in the deepest layer, which has a lower
resistivity (10 ohm.m) than the intermediate layer. This also affects current density
distributions so that apparent resistivities begin to decrease. Note that even though the
thickness of the second layer is substantial (20 m), apparent resistivities never exceed
13 ohm.m even though the resistivity of the layer is 100 ohm.m. Be sure you
understand why curve H in Figure 5.21c has the particular form that it does.
How many basic curve types exist for the four-layer case? How many of these are
unique in the sense that they clearly arise from four layers?
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
to this subject during our discussion of interpreting field values; but we turn now to a
different subsurface model, that of the vertical contact.
Complications arise, however, as electrode spacing is increased (or the entire spread
is moved) because eventually one or more electrodes cross the contact (which is not a
consideration when the interface is horizontal). This changes the boundary conditions,
and a different potential equation must be applied. We need five equations to satisfy
all possible variations in electrode placements as illustrated in Figure 5.23a. We have
chosen not to derive or present the relevant equations here; rather, we concentrate on
the apparent resistivity patterns associated with measurements taken during traverses
that cross a vertical contact.
In trying to develop a sense of why these slope reversals occur, it helps to plot
electrode positions relative to the contact on a map view. Figure 5.23b illustrates
several important arrangements. Note that the traverse typically is along a single line.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
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Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
The positions are staggered in the diagram for clarity. Refer frequently to Figures
5.23a and 5.23b. As expected, when the electrode spread is to the far left (x=-5) or far
right (x=5), apparent resistivities approximate the actual resistivities. As the spread is
moved closer to the contact (x=-2), apparent resistivities decrease relatively quickly
because the spread is approaching a lower-resistivity medium. Slope reversals occur
at x=-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, and 1.5. These values represent spread positions where an
electrode crosses from one side of the contact to the other. Therefore, we should be
able to locate the contact quite closely by noting the positions of spread electrodes
when reversals take place. Remember that Figure 5.23 is idealized, and it is very
unlikely that field values of a and spread-center positions will locate the contact as
closely as in our model.
Why is the change in apparent resistivities much more pronounced between x=-3 to
x=-2 than from x=3 to x=2? Hint: Note that the negative x values are in the higher-
resistivity medium. Use the current density distribution model or a water flow analogy
to arrive at a qualitative explanation.
We strongly suggest that, if possible, you work with Table 5.5 to produce curves of
your own for various values of the quantities in boldface. For best results use x
increments that are smaller than the value you select for electrode spacing. The
equations used are not defined at |x|=a and |x|=3a/2. If you select values that result in
these equalities, the words ‘not defined’ will appear instead of an apparent resistivity.
To avoid this, we suggest selecting an a-spacing such as 2.01 instead of 2.00.
Of course, when we are working in the field, it would be extremely fortuitous for a
traverse to be oriented perpendicular to the trace of a vertical contact. Fortunately, the
main difference in an apparent resistivity curve for a traverse at angle to the contact is
a reduction in the size of the slope reversals. These slope reversal points, or cusps,
become less pronounced as the angle between the traverse and contact trace
decreases. If a traverse is parallel to the contact, apparent resistivity values remain
constant. Their magnitude depends on the distance of the traverse line from the
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
A traverse oriented parallel to a vertical contact and located close to the contact
produces a curve that is remarkably similar to a two-layer curve. How can we explain
this behavior when a constant-spread traverse taken in the same orientation produces
constant apparent resistivity values? This seeming contradiction is easily explained if
we remember that equipotential surfaces in a homogeneous, isotropic material are
hemispherical. When the electrodes are close to the contact but are spaced very close
together relative to the contact distance, the effect of the material on the opposite side
of the contact will be minimal. The situation is analogous to that illustrated in Figure
5.14a. However, as electrode spacing is increased, a greater percentage of current
flow not only penetrates more deeply but spreads laterally as well. If a material with
different resistivity is encountered in this lateral direction, current density will be
affected. Thus apparent resistivity values will change also.
If we use the configuration in Figure 5.24a, the resistivity to the right of the contact is
low. Assume we place our electrodes as shown but rotate them 90o so they are parallel
to the contact. An initial reading for a small a-spacing would be close to 100 ohm.m.
As we increase electrode spacing, apparent resistivity will decrease as more current
flows in the lower-resistivity material and current density between the potential
electrodes decreases. This behavior continues as electrode spacing increases. The
extent to which apparent resistivity values approach the resistivity of the material
across the contact depends on the distance of the traverse from the contact. The final
curve for such a traverse looks much like that in Figure 5.15b.
Of course, this is much too simplified an approach to yield any quantitative results if
such a vertical feature actually is traversed. However, if at some time you observe a
curve with cusps that appear to be mirror images, you at least should recognize the
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
possibilities and then seek a more theoretical treatment in the electrical resistivity
Our point here is that resistivity curves come in a seemingly endless variety of shapes,
and you cannot begin to remember more than a few basic features. But if you grasp
the essential features and behavior of a few curve types (single horizontal interface,
multiple horizontal interfaces, vertical contact), you certainly will be more effective in
the field when required to make decisions concerning electrode spacing, traverse type,
and traverse direction.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Actually, for rough approximation, we can think of the hemispherical form as two
vertical contacts that do not extend far downward. As we cross each contact, we
expect to see curves somewhat similar in form to vertical contact curves. However,
the effect of the ρ2 material is tempered by the presence of the ρ1 material beneath it.
Nevertheless, the curve shape is similar to that produced by two vertical contacts. If
the traverse cuts the hemispherical form but crosses nearer to its edge, the bilaterally
symmetric curve form still will be evident, but the cusps will be more rounded and
less pronounced.
Our standard will be the vertical contact (or vertical interface) curve in Figure 5.23c,
which is reproduced in Figure 5.27b. How will this curve change if we lower the dip
to 15o as diagrammed in Figure 5.27a?
If the traverse proceeds from left to right, apparent resistivity values approaching ρ1
(100 ohm.m) will be encountered first. As electrodes cross the contact separating ρ1
material from ρ2 material, we should expect similar behavior as observed for the
vertical contact.
However, due to the 15o dip, only a thin wedge of ρ2 material is present near the
contact. This will reduce the effect of this lower-resistivity material so that apparent
resistivity values will be higher relative to those for the vertical contact.
Also, as the electrode spread moves farther to the right away from the contact, the
decrease in apparent resistivity values will not occur as quickly because ρ1 material
still is not far from the surface.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
5.8.1 Equipment
Equipment for a typical resistivity survey consists of an ammeter, a voltmeter, a
power source, electrodes, and connecting wire (Figure 5.28). Electrodes are metal
stakes (copper, steel, or aluminum) with a cap to facilitate driving them into the
ground. Wire to connect the electrodes to the power source and meters must be
durable, light, of low resistance, and well insulated. The wire is placed on reels for
ease in winding and unwinding as electrode spreads are increased; a typical length on
an individual reel is rarely less than 100 m. Power is provided either from a motor-
driven generator or by batteries connected in a series. A number of considerations
dictate the exact source selected. Batteries are best for portability, whereas a generator
often is used when depths of investigation, and therefore current demands, are large.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
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The exact design of the meters and allied circuitry varies and depends on the type of
current used (direct current or alternating current) and also on portability
requirements. Direct current causes potentials to develop at the electrodes due to
electrochemical reactions between electrodes and soil. These potentials are included
in potential measurements unless special electrodes (porous pot) are used.
Commutators, which frequently reverse the polarity of the direct current, alleviate this
problem, but a common trend in modern instruments is to use low-frequency
alternating current.
The circuits to measure potential and current sometimes are in separate units, which
increase flexibility but reduces portability. A typical unit for standard shallow
exploration exercises includes not only the power source but both ammeter and
voltmeter. Obtaining a reading is straightforward with such instruments. Electrodes
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
are placed in a selected pattern and connected to the instrument. A few preliminary
adjustments are made as directed by the manufacturer, and current is then applied.
Typically a meter needle is deflected from a zero or null position. Rotating a dial (that
provides a direct readout in ohms) brings the needle back the zero position. The
ohmmeter reading is recorded, and electrodes are moved to the next position. Figure
5.29 pictures an instrument of this type. Readings can be taken quickly, but moving
electrodes and wire for the 10 or more reading required for any individual traverse is
A symmetric distribution of current and potential electrodes about a central point also
is employed for the Schlumberger array (Figure 5.30c), but the potential electrodes
are spaced much more closely that the current electrodes. Spacings are selected to
maintain the relationship 2L>5MN and also follow the same numbering scheme as the
Wenner array. Because of this particular geometry, meter sensitivity is exceeded after
the current electrode spacing is increased several times. At this point the potential
electrode spacing MN is increased to the next larger value in the numbering scheme
(for example, 14.7 m if the previous value was 10.0 m) and the current electrode
spacing L is reduced by two intervals (such as to 100 m if the previous reading was
215 m). This recording procedure produces overlapping curve segments on a plot of
apparent resistivity versus electrode spacing (Figure 5.31).
The final common geometry is the dipole-dipole (Figure 5.30d). In this arrangement
the potential electrodes and current electrodes function independently. Both sets tend
to be fairly closely spaced with a significant distance between the sets. The potential
electrodes are placed relative to the current electrodes in one of several basic patterns
(not all along the same line). Because cable lengths between the electrodes are short,
it is much easier to place the potential electrodes at large distances from the current
electrodes, thereby facilitating deep investigations. At the same time larger currents
are necessary to reach these depths. This geometry is used much less in North
America than the Wenner and Schlumberger spreads, although use in the Soviet
Union, especially for petroleum exploration, has been significant.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
The Wenner electrode array primarily has been used in North America surveys
because Frank Wenner employed that geometry early in the development of the
resistivity method. Most European workers use the Schlumberger spread, as do many
American investigators. Each geometry has advantages and disadvantages. One
advantage of the Wenner array is that the larger potential electrode spacing places less
demand on instrument sensitivity. A second advantage is the simplicity of the
apparent resistivity equation (Equation 5.20) when electrodes are equally spaced
(Equation 5.35). Prior to the present accessibility and capability of computing
facilities, this simplicity reduced the complexity of many equations and therefore
demanded much less effort in quantitative approaches to resistivity interpretation
(which is why we used it in previous sections). Frequent use led to many examples
and techniques in the literature, which furthered more use.
The Wenner geometry has several shortcomings. Because all electrodes must be
moved for each reading, which is not the case with the Schlumberger method, the
Wenner array requires more field time. Perhaps more serious is that it is more
sensitive to local, near-surface lateral variations than the Schlumberger geometry. Of
course, Wenner data can be analyzed directly; but Schlumberger requires some pre-
interpretation processing because the overlapping curve segments must be smoothed
and new values obtained from the smoother curve. On the other hand, the curve
segments follow a specific pattern of overlaps, which is clearly illustrated in Figure
5.31. Increasing MN spacing when apparent resistivity values are rising results in
offset of the new values downward (positions 1 and 2 in Figure 5.31). When apparent
resistivity values are decreasing, an increase in MN results in offset of the new values
upward (positions 3 and 4 in Figure 5.31). If the overlaps depart from this pattern,
lateral inhomogeneity is indicated and, if not too severe, can be corrected for in the
smoothing process.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
suggest you take the time to use both arrays to better judge their strengths and
If the goal of the effort is primarily to seek information about apparent resistivity
variations with depth to define the location of a high-resistivity-contrast interface,
then expanding-spread traverses are the obvious choice. An example is a survey
interested in mapping depth to a bedrock surface overlain by saturated silty sands. Of
course, either Wenner or Schlumberger can be used. In either case, you always should
run another traverse at right angles to the first to establish whether lateral variations
are present. Remember that an expanding-spread traverse oriented parallel to a
vertical contact can produce a curve almost identical to that for a two-layer case,
whereas a traverse perpendicular to the contact reveals cusplike discontinuities that
establish the presence of the contact without doubt.
If survey goals are to map lateral variations in resistivity, perhaps due to the presence
of a gravel bar, then constant-spread traversing is required. Normal practice dictates
that two or three electrode spacings are used at each station to develop three-
dimensional information. Apparent resistivities for each electrode spacing are placed
at each array center and contoured. If three spacings are used at each site, three
separate contour maps are produced. Results of constant-spread surveys are difficult
to interpret quantitatively, especially without some vertical control. For this reason at
least one (and ideally more) fully implemented expanding-spread survey is included
to develop a sense of resistivity variation with depth and to provide a basis for
quantitative analysis. If you have a good grasp of the principles covered to this point
and well-defined survey goals, traverse design should be reasonably straightforward.
A major question that often arises is the largest electrode spacing to use. In other
words, what is the largest spacing that will assure adequate sampling of the
subsurface at the depth of interest? In the past many explorationists incorrectly
equated electrode spacing directly with depth. Even at this stage you should realize
that such a relationship is not correct. This topic is important, so we return briefly to
some diagrams discussed previously to review several relationships. First let’s
reexamine Figure 5.11. This graph demonstrates, for the case of a single horizontal
interface, that the amount of current penetrating beneath the interface (and therefore
providing a sufficient sample of the lower material) depends not only on electrode
spacing but also on the relative values of ρ1 and ρ2. In cases where the depth of the
interface is equal to electrode spacing (z=a) and ignoring extreme resistivity contrasts,
the percentage of current penetrating beneath the interface can vary from 20 to 80
Similar lessons are available from Figures 5.19 and 5.20. Figure 5.19 demonstrates
that increased electrode spacings are required to completely define curves for
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
interfaces at increasing depths. Resistivity contrast is held constant for each curve.
Graphs such as this suggest that three decades of readings (from 1 m to 1000 m) are
sufficient to define curves for most shallow interfaces. Now study Figure 5.20.
Interface depth is constant for each curve. At an a-spacing of 100 m the curve for
ρ2=20 ohm.m is completely defined. At this same spacing, however, the curves for
ρ2=200 ohm.m and 500 ohm.m are barely distinguishable and still are rising at such a
rate that they offer no insight into the resistivity value of the lower layer except that it
is high. However, many experienced explorationists find the rule that a-spacing is
equal to depth to be useful in a variety of geologic settings. It is perfectly acceptable
to use this rule to gain a feel for the meaning of curve form during fieldwork as long
as you remember this approximation is imperfect and eventually subject your field
data to detailed computer analysis.
The best advice we can offer with regard to electrode spacing decisions is to plot
apparent resistivity values as readings are taken. Unless you are positive that the form
of the curve is sufficient to meet the goals of your survey, keep acquiring data until
you reach the limits of your instrument, cable length, or available room. Of course, if
many traverses are required, then time end expense may constrain the number of
readings you can accumulate. More often that not, we find that we run out of room or
cable before obtaining as many readings as we would like.
Finally, many rocks and some sediments often possess different resistivities
depending on the measurement direction. An obvious example is a rock unit
containing a single, very well oriented fracture set filled with water. Traverses parallel
to the strike of the fractures will measure lower resistivities than traverses normal to
the fractures. Although this electrical anisotropy is not as serious an interpretation
problem as buried objects and rugged topography, you should be aware that it can
affect apparent resistivities. You generally attempt to collect data along two
perpendicular traverses. Variations between curves for the two traverses normally
reflect lateral variations in materials; but keep in mind that anisotropy in a given unit
may be responsible in some cases.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
An exclusively quantitative interpretation of apparent resistivity curves often is
difficult. This arises from the wide variations in resistivity possessed by geologic
materials and the difficulty in developing theoretical expressions for apparent
resistivities of all but the simplest geometries. Quantitative interpretation is best
developed for cases in which layering is horizontal, so it is to these situations that we
will confine our analysis. First, however, we consider the resistivities of sediments
and rocks.
All the following reduce resistivities: increasing water content, increasing salinity of
water, increasing clay content, and decreasing grain size. Assuming that water is
available to fill voids, resistivity is lowered by increasing porosity, increasing number
of fractures, and increasing weathering. Conversely, resistivities are raised by
increasing compaction and lithification.
Because these factors vary so much in the natural environment, it is not surprising that
resistivities vary greatly and that it will be difficult to correlate resistivities with
source materials in the absence of other geologic information. Indeed, Zohdy, Eaton,
and Mabey (1974, 9) note, ’No other physical property of naturally occurring rocks
or soils displays such a wide range of values’. Although direct correlation will not be
as straightforward as it was with seismic velocities, some generalized relationships
often may be established. Bedrock almost always has higher resistivities than the
saturated sediments lying above. Generally, the unsaturated sediments above the
water table will have higher resistivities than the saturated sediments below the water
table. However, the only reliable way to correlate resistivities with local geology is by
using independent geologic information (such as an expanding-spread traverse located
near a carefully logged drill hole). In this way you can establish correlations and carry
them forward into unknown terrain.
The list of resistivities shown here is based on personal experience and is adjusted to
include values provided by numerous sources. These values are supplied primarily to
provide a starting point for interpretation, but beware. For every observation that falls
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
within the values on this list, there probably is an observation that provides an
When using the Moore method, we collect apparent resistivity data at electrode
spacings that are evenly spaced on a linear scale using a Wenner spread. For each a-
spacing a cumulative resistivity value is calculated that is the sum of all apparent
resistivities collected at all previous electrode spacings. These cumulative resistivities
are plotted on the vertical axis; a-spacings are plotted on the horizontal axis. Straight
lines are fit to the data points. The horizontal coordinates of the points of intersection
of these lines are assumed to give the depths to horizontal interfaces.
The Moore method has succeeded in some locales and failed in others. It is possible
to check this approach by using a program such as RESIST to generate apparent
resistivity values for known models and then to interpret the data using the Moore
method. If curiosity leads you to such an investigation, note that RESIST plots data
that are equally spaced on a logarithmic scale, whereas the Moore method requires
data equally spaced on a linear scale. Zohdy, Eaton, and Mabey (1974, 46) report that
the method appears to work well for two-layer cases where the resistivity contrast is
not too great. If this condition does not hold, the depth to the interface can be in error
by as much as 50 percent. These investigators regard the application of the Moore
method to data from three or more layers as highly questionable. In addition, the
method does not provide resistivities for the derived layering.
You realize that each time electrode-spacing is increased; the volume of earth is
increased that affects an apparent resistivity determination. A basic premise of
Barnes’s method is that each measured apparent resistivity represents the average
resistivity in a layer that extends from the surface to a depth equal to the electrode
spacing. This premise leads to the following: when the electrode spacing is increased
in equal intervals, the depth representing the average resistivity also increases in equal
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
intervals. This assumption is not accurate, as you should realize at this point. Once
again, you could test this method by generating data using RESIST, plotting and
interpreting them using the Barnes procedure, and comparing the results with your
initial model. Like the Moore method, the Barnes method works for certain
subsurface configurations but not for others.
Both methods function best when data are collected at equal electrode-spacing
intervals on a linear scale. The analytical methods to be discussed next assume that
data are collected at electrode-spacing intervals that are equally spaced on a
logarithmic scale. Because these analytical methods are preferred for quantitative
interpretation, using the Moore or Barnes method will require additional field time to
collect data or to interpolate existing data.
Consider the following. If we have a field curve for which apparent resistivity is
plotted against electrode spacing and can match this curve with a curve calculated by
RESIST for a given model data set, we then have a solution to our field data. The
actual subsurface geology must be very close to the model on which the theoretical
curve is based. Therefore, given a field curve, all we have to do is find a similar
theoretical curve and a solution is at hand. Unfortunately, because we are working
with three variables (ρ1, ρ2, and the depth of the interface z1), there exist an infinite
number of combinations that create an infinite number of curves through which to
Once master curves are available, they can be used to analyze field data. Field data,
such as those in Figure 5.33b, are plotted on transparent paper at the same scale as the
master curves. The transparency then is placed over the master curves and moved
about, keeping the graph axes parallel, until the field data lie on one of the master
curves (Figure 5.33c). The lines labeled ‘resistivity index’ and ‘depth index’ are
located on the master curve sheet, and their intersections with the field data graph
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
axes are noted. These intersections provide values for ρ1 and z1 (see Figure 5.33c). We
also note the k-value (see equation 5.25) of the curve that best fits the field data. In
cases where a field curve does not lie exactly on a master curve representing an
integer k-value, the k-value is interpolated. Because we now know ρ1 and because:
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Generating master curves for three, four, or five layers basically follows the same
procedure but is more complicated. Many sets of curves are produced, and more
searching is required to find proper fits between master curves and field data. Several
sets of master curves have been published and are available at libraries for those
interested in working with this approach.
Two specific problems occur when we try to interpret field data based on comparisons
with theoretical curves representing three or more layers. These problems are known
as equivalence and suppression. Equivalence essentially means that various
subsurface models can generate curves that are very similar (equivalent). In other
words, a given interpretation is not necessarily unique. You already observed one case
of equivalence in Figure 5.22, where a three-layer curve is similar to a two-layer
curve. Another case is documented in Figure 5.34a, in which two three-layer models
generate similar curves. Given the noise inherent in field data, one of these likely
could not be distinguished from the other.
Suppression occurs when the presence of a thin layer in a multilayer sequence cannot
be recognized on an apparent resistivity curve. Suppression is controlled by the
relative thickness of a layer (thickness of the layer ÷ depth of the layer) and the
resistivity contrast between the thin layer and adjacent layers. Figure 5.34b illustrates
curves produced by a three-layer model and a five-layer model that are very similar.
Your major observation should center on the form of the Model 1 curve. Even though
the model consists of five layers, the curve essentially is identical in form to a
common type of three-layer curve.
Note that the problems of equivalence and suppression also are present when we fit
model curves to field data by computer. We now turn to this approach.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
After we enter field data and an initial model, the computer program calculates an
apparent resistivity curve based on the model and compares this curve to the observed
curve. Depending on the variation between the two, adjustments are made to the
model according to the mathematical procedure used in the computer algorithm, and a
new model curve is calculated. This process continues until both curves are as similar
in shape as specified by the person guiding the analysis or until the computer program
is unable to make the curves any more similar. Based on the results of the automated
interpretation, we may accept the final model or initiate another analysis by
specifying a new model. The program RESIST that is included with this text follows
this general procedure. It performs analysis for either Wenner or Schlumberger data.
It is possible to fix certain model parameters so they cannot be changed by the
computer program during the analytical procedure. Full details about RESIST are in
Appendix C.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
gravel) is overlain by a clay layer that prevents most infiltration of solutions from
above. Therefore any information about the lateral distribution of the clay-gravel
contact, its depth, and the clay thickness is valuable. Refraction seismic methods often
cannot map the contact because of a velocity inversion, and reflection methods, if
they can detect the contact, may be too expensive or elaborate for use.
In Chapter 2 we introduced the Whately study and noted that resistivity methods also
were used. In this case resistivity was effective in mapping bedrock depths, which
tended to correlate with the location of a buried aquifer. Figure 5.35a illustrates a
typical resistivity curve from the Whately area. The steep downward segment of the
curve is due to a thick clay layer (approximately 50m), and the last upward segment
reveals the presence of bedrock. Analysis of the curve yields a bedrock depth of 71 m,
which is abnormally deep for the local area, but a well less than 1 km away along the
trend of the buried aquifer gives a bedrock depth of 75 m. Although the gravel aquifer
cannot be detected on the curve, the bedrock depth suggests it should be present.
Easthampton, Massachusetts, also depends for most of its water supply on a confined
aquifer. The aquifer is a glacial sand and gravel deposit that rests for the most part on
Triassic sedimentary rocks. The sand and gravel deposit is overlain by glacial lake
clays that vary in thickness, thinning to zero in the recharge area where the aquifer is
exposed at the surface. In 1981 a group of Smith College students and faculty
conducted a study, supported by funds from the Shell Oil Company Foundation, to
outline the thickness and extent of the aquifer. The study used both seismic refraction
and resistivity methods and accomplished its objectives. Figure 3.35b is an
expanding-spread profile from this study. This particular profile yields a clay
thickness of 31 m, which, when compiled with many other such determinations,
produced a contour map for clay thickness and distribution.
In some situation it might be of interest to map the depth of the water table. If the
surface deposits are homogeneous, then the lower resistivity of the water–saturated
material will impart a sufficiently great resistivity contrast for analysis. However, if
the near-surface materials are not homogeneous, it will then be difficult or impossible
to map the water table with any precision. Moreover, the extent to which the capillary
fringe is developed also will affect how closely the actual depth of the water table can
be determined.
Resistivity surveys have been used successfully at a number of sites to map buried
stream channels. Most of these surveys utilized both constant-spread and expanding
spread traversing to gather sufficient information to locate a buried stream channel.
Shallow reflection work might be able to produce superior results but would entail at
least equivalent field time as well as more expensive equipment. Figure 5.36a is
apparent resistivity map from a study in the Penitencia, California, area, which is
northeast of San Jose (Zohdy, Eaton, and Mabey 1974, 47-50). This map was
produced from many constant-spread traverses using an a-spacing of 6.1 m. Contours
of equal apparent resistivity values define a zone of high resistivity oriented
approximately east-west. A geologic section (Figure 5.36b) based on four expanding-
spread traverses, the apparent resistivity profile along the section line BA, and three
boreholes reveals that the high-resistivity trend on the apparent resistivity map is a
zone of gravel and boulders that defines the location of a buried stream channel.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
5.10.2 Applications Related to Contamination
Some of the most important successes of the resistivity method are based on
contamination of normal groundwater. Usually contaminated groundwater, whether
affected by leachate from a landfill or by saltwater intrusion, has greater conductivity
than ordinary groundwater. Therefore, materials containing the contaminated water
will posses lower resistivities than materials containing unaffected groundwater. If the
water table is fairly shallow and the subsurface is relatively homogeneous, it is
possible to map the extent of the contamination.
Ideally, traverses are implemented before contamination occurs. Such data document
resistivity variations due to lateral and vertical variations in materials. Deviations
from these values, based on traverses taken after contamination, provide a good basis
for delineating the horizontal and vertical extent of the problem. Figure 5.37
summarizes how resistivity can define the leachate plume associated with
contaminated waters leaking from landfills. It is based on patterns observed in studies
of several landfills located at various sites throughout the United States. The
resistivity contours are determined from variations in apparent resistivities compared
to normal values associated with the landfill site.
Hubbert (1932) also located faults between blocks of sandstone and limestone and a
shear zone in sandstone by a constant-spread traverse (Figure 5.39). Note the
similarity of the apparent resistivity curves in the vicinity of faults to the theoretical
curves of vertical contacts (Figure 5.23 and Figure 5.25). If the 30 m station interval
was reduced, the increased station density likely would result in curves with even
more similarities to theoretical curves. Both of Hubbert’s studies confirm that, given
sufficient resistivity contrast and relatively straightforward geology, constant-spread
traversing is capable of locating vertical geologic contacts and similar features of
Because of the typically high resistivity contrast between rock and sediment,
resistivity surveys often can delineate buried stone walls and foundations. Surveys
also are sensitive to differences in moisture content of materials, so they often can
differentiate between excavated and unexcavated ground. For both these reasons
resistivity has been a frequent tool in archaeological studies.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
The complexities inherent in resistivity interpretations and the nonuniqueness of
potential solutions to observed data have tended to obscure the value of resistivity
surveys. Although the method does have these drawbacks, when combined with
seismic surveys or the other electrical method detailed next, it can be an effective
exploration tool. However, when we use resistivity to explore subsurface geologic
relationships, independent control from well logs is mandatory. Its capability as an
inexpensive monitoring tool has not been developed as fully as possible, but this
likely will change as our society faces more contamination and needs to locate and
remedy the problem.
This decay of potential with time is referred to as induced potential in the time
domain and is the phenomenon we discuss here. We also can investigate the effect of
different frequencies of alternating current on apparent resistivity values. This
approach is termed IP in the frequency domain. A common measure of the effect of
IP in the time domain is chargeability, which is defined as the ratio of the area under
the decay curve to the potential difference measured before the current was turned off.
It is possible to demonstrate a theoretical relationship between apparent resistivity and
chargeability. This is extremely valuable. It permits us to derive quantitative
relationships between subsurface geometries and apparent chargeabilities if we know
the appropriate equations for apparent resistivity, such as those that were presented
for the horizontal interface.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Equipment for conducting induced potential studies is similar to electrical resistivity
equipment with two major exceptions. A timing circuit is required to switch the
current on and off, and a recording unit is necessary to preserve the decrease of
potential with time. Standard electrical resistivity equipment cannot, therefore, be
used for IP studies; but equipment designed for IP work can be used to measure
apparent resistivities.
Induced potential studies can be valuable assets to electrical resistivity studies. Based
on our discussion of interpretive procedures for resistivity, it is apparent that curves
that look like a single horizontal interface actually may contain the signature of
several layers but cannot be differentiated. One or more of these hidden layers may
possess a different chargeability. If apparent resistivity and apparent chargeability
curves plotted on the same graph, such distinctions may permits more informed, and
more correct, interpretations of the subsurface.
Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface By Burger, Sheehan & Jones
Prepared By A. Fadil For FSSM UCA Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Because telluric currents vary with time, field operations include a base station at
which two pairs of electrodes are places at right angles. Voltage is continuously
monitored, and we move two additional pairs of electrodes along a grid. Comparison
between the base station readings and readings taken at grid locations yields a
potential difference that is due to the subsurface effect on current density.
Most surveys of this type have been in Europe and the Soviet Union. Survey
objectives typically are directed at more regional objectives than we have mentioned
to date, such as determining the geometry of sedimentary rock sequences in major
depositional basins.