TechnoPhotoshop Syllabus
TechnoPhotoshop Syllabus
TechnoPhotoshop Syllabus
In TechnoPhotoshop students explore the world of digital art and image editing.
Students go through activities that will let them understand the art behind creating
magazine-worthy photos, capturing and manipulating images to create artistic
effects, and digitally creating artworks and illustrations. This is accomplished with the
use of the tools and features of Adobe Photoshop.
Develops essential
technology skills
Develops optional
advanced skills
Using the Photoshop Toolbox What’s Your Name? Drawing using the brush tool
3 Making a Name Tag Applying colors using the paint bucket
Removing unwanted parts using the
eraser tool
Adding text using the text tool
Adjusting Color
Equalizing Brightness/Contrast Cover Disaster Adjusting brightness
5 and Changing Exposure Correcting Exposure Adjusting contrast
Converting to Black and White Take Me Back to The Past Adjusting black and white images
8 Converting into Black and White
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Retouching Images
Removing Unwanted Parts of an Congratulations! Healing Brush Tool
1 Image Retouching a Photo Spot Healing Brush Tool
Using Red-eye and Pattern I Only Have Eyes For You Red Eye removal
Stamp Tools Removing Red Eye and changing Pattern Stamp
the Background
Creating Designs
Drawing and Editing Shapes in Like Skyscrapers Using the shape tool
4 Photoshop Creating an Artwork
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Performing Selections
Using Selections Fright Night Lasso Tools
1 Adding a Scary-looking Background Quick Selection and Magic Wand
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Deleting Backgrounds using Pen Dream Come True Using the Pen Tool
2 Tool Replacing the Background Using the Eraser Tool
Refine Edge
Using the Path Selection and Congrats, Graduate! Path Selection Tool
Direct Selection Tools Designing a Tarpaulin Direct Selection Tool
Masking Layers
Erasing and Hiding an Image Typography Masking
3 using Masks A Simple Typographic version of a Text Tool
provided Photograph Layer Organization
Drawing Illustrations
Inking an Illustration Digitize Me! Using the Pen Tool
4 Inking a Character Using the Eraser Tool
Using Selection Tools
Creating Layers
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