Sample Lesson Outline: Introduction To Photoshop
Sample Lesson Outline: Introduction To Photoshop
Sample Lesson Outline: Introduction To Photoshop
At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:
1. Be familiar with the Photoshop environment;
2. Understand and use the Photoshop Toolbox tools;
3. Create images using layers; and
4. Use Photoshop to do basic image manipulation.
A. Motivation
1. Ask students what they know about image manipulation and Photoshop.
2. Ask about other image manipulation software they have used before such
as Microsoft Paint.
3. Show examples of images before and after editing.
B. Discussion
1. The Photoshop Environment
1.1 Photoshop Toolbox
1.2 Overview of the Toolbox
a. Selection Tools
b. Move Tool
c. Crop Tool
d. Slice Tool
e. Healing Tools
f. Brush, Pencil, and Color Replacement Tools
g. Stamp Tools
h. History Brush Tools
i. Eraser Tools
j. Gradient and Paint Bucket Tools
k. Blur, Sharpen, and Smudge Tools
l. Dodge, Burn, and Sponge Tools
m. Path Selection Tools
n. Type Tool
o. Pen Tool
p. Custom Shape Tool
q. Eyedropper, Color Sampler, and Measure Tools
r. Hand and Zoom Tools
2. Correcting Mistakes
2.1 Undoing the Last Operation
2.2 Redoing the Last Operation
2.3 Reverting to the Last Saved Version
3. Using Layers
C. Application
1. Demonstrate how to use the tools discussed and let the students try using
these tools.
D. Generalization
1. Give a brief summary of the lesson.
1. Assess the students understanding of the lesson by giving them an
unedited image and a set of instructions to produce an enhanced output using
1. Instruct the students to practice using Photoshop and to learn more about
Palettes in preparation for the next lesson.