The document appears to be an allotment list for engineering admissions in Tamil Nadu for 2019. It lists applicants by rank, aggregate marks, college code and branch, choice number, and allotted category. The top ranked applicant has an overall rank of 1, aggregate marks of 200, was allotted college 0001 for mechanical engineering as their first choice in the open category. This is followed by rankings for other applicants in a similar format.
The document appears to be an allotment list for engineering admissions in Tamil Nadu for 2019. It lists applicants by rank, aggregate marks, college code and branch, choice number, and allotted category. The top ranked applicant has an overall rank of 1, aggregate marks of 200, was allotted college 0001 for mechanical engineering as their first choice in the open category. This is followed by rankings for other applicants in a similar format.
The document appears to be an allotment list for engineering admissions in Tamil Nadu for 2019. It lists applicants by rank, aggregate marks, college code and branch, choice number, and allotted category. The top ranked applicant has an overall rank of 1, aggregate marks of 200, was allotted college 0001 for mechanical engineering as their first choice in the open category. This is followed by rankings for other applicants in a similar format.
The document appears to be an allotment list for engineering admissions in Tamil Nadu for 2019. It lists applicants by rank, aggregate marks, college code and branch, choice number, and allotted category. The top ranked applicant has an overall rank of 1, aggregate marks of 200, was allotted college 0001 for mechanical engineering as their first choice in the open category. This is followed by rankings for other applicants in a similar format.