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(Study on consumer has already buy or is going to buy a KYL Exhaust)











(Study on consumer has already buy or is going to buy a KYL Exhaust)

In order to fulfill some of the requirements needed to get a bachelor degree from

the Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University











(Study on consumer has already buy or is going to buy a KYL Exhaust)

By :



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Dr. Weni Novandari, S.E, M.M. Dr. Ade Irma Anggraeni, S.E, M.Si.
NIP. 19751119 199903 2 003 NIP. 19790930 200912 2 002




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1. Dr. Weni Novandari, S.E, M.M Advisor I/ (… .................... )

NIP. 19730818 199903 2 001 Examiner

2. Dr. Ade Irma Anggraeni, S.E, M.S Advisor II/ (… .................... )

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Head of Management Department
Economics and Business Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University

Dr. Ratno Purnomo, S.E, M.Si

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Purwokerto, 28/04/2021

Aditya Prisantio Nugroho



A. Research Background

The Indonesian automotive industry is one of the important pillars in the national

economy. The demand for automotive products in Indonesia is relatively large,

and is expected to continue to grow in line with population growth and economic

progress. The Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo)

released that in the last five years, there has been an increase in domestic car

production, such as the one shown in graph 1.1 below:

Wholesales Car

0 Wholesales Car
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Grafik 1.1 Total Car Wholesales Q1 2014 – 2018 in Indonesia
: Gaikindo, 2018

The table above shows that the highest achievement of car sales occurred in the

first quarter of 2014 which could reach 328,500 units. Even though it had

decreased in 2015 and 2016, in 2017 it again went up, with a growth of 6 percent.

Then in 2018 it rose again, even though it was only 2 percent.

The notion of automotive for ordinary people is closely related to something

related to cars. Many people say that automotives are basically things that are

closely related to vehicles or means of transportation. There is indeed a

connection between the term automotive and the world of transportation. But

that's not all. The term automotive has a broader scope than what most ordinary

people think about the notion of automotive. The automotive industry is

designing, developing, producing, marketing, and selling as well as after sales of

motorized vehicles. The orthomotive industry business system is generally

divided into 6 (six) sections, namely (reported from Industry Mark

Holders; Assembly Industry; Body Industry; Industry Modifier; Workshop

Industry / After Sales; and Component Industry.

This car automotive business opportunity can be an attractive business potential.

Automotive-related businesses provide sizable prospects and profits. The founder

of the National Modificator & Afermarket Association (NMAA), Mulyadi

explained, this potential is based on Indonesia's current demographic structure for

the next 10 years, which will be filled by millennials (, 2020).

Based on this, the modification and aftermarket markets have a big opportunity

because all automotive manufacturers need similar products to win over

millennial hearts. Several business opportunities that can be utilized in the

automotive industry include: Car Engine Repair or Service; Call Mechanic


Services; Body Repair; Car Paint Workshop; Car Salon Services; Doorsmer;

Sound System Installation and Installation Services; Vehicle Modification.

1. One of the potential business opportunities in seizing the millennial day

today is a vehicle modification business. This is in line with the statement

of the Minister of Industry, Hartarto, Saturday (28/9) at Balai Kartini 2019

which stated that the modification industry is able to increase creativity

and innovation, especially for the younger generation, where automotive

modifiers have various ideas, creations, abilities, knowledge, and

innovation. In carrying out added value for the automotive sector, the

Ministry of Industry will continue to support the growth of domestic

vehicle modification, as it is considered capable of spurring the

development of the small and medium scale industry (IKM) based vehicle

component sector in Indonesia.

2. The essence of modification is changing from its original condition.

Automotive modification means changes made to vehicles (cars /

motorbikes) both small and large which make their conditions different

from before. In general, automotive modifications for both motorbikes and

cars are divided into:


3. Light modification

The most simple, fast and easy to do modifications such as attaching cutting

stickers, changing lamps, etc.

4. Modification is

Modification with a moderate level of complexity and the timeframe is not too

long. Such as replacing the exhaust / muffler, changing the oil, tires, seats, wheels,

steering wheel, etc.

5. Modification of weight

Modifications that take a long time, the level of complexity is high. Such as

engine modification, body modification, cutting the frame / chassis, etc.

One type of modification in the medium category that many millennials are

eyeing is the exhaust / muffler business. And one of the exhaust modification

manufacturers that is working on this business is KYL Exhaust, which is located

in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java. KYL Exhaust was founded in 2018

which is located at Jl. Imam Student Troop, Pamijen, Banyumas, Central Java.

This relatively new business has also enlivened the moderate modification market,

which has many competitors, due to its proximity to the city where the exhaust

production center is Purbalingga, which has produced many exhaust brands with

various brands. The level of market competition is strengthened by a statement

from the Purbalingga Exhaust Craftsmen Association (Apik Bangga), which states

that currently the total number of exhaust craftsmen in Purbalingga has reached

700-1,000 craftsmen.

The tight market competition makes KYL Exhaust have to apply creative

marketing strategies. The strategy used is by using Celebrity Endorsment,

increasing Product Quality and strengthening the Brand Image. This strategy was

implemented with the aim of not only selling products but also to strengthen KYL

Exhaust positioning among the millennial generation.

The market that KYL Exhaust is aiming for is millennial customers. This is in

accordance with the statement from the Founder of the National Modificator &

Afermarket Association (NMAA), Mulyadi, who stated that the potential market

for vehicle modification that is attractive to target is the millennial generation,

both in terms of demographic structure and in terms of their buying behavior.

Millennial generation in 2020 is in the age range of 20 years to 40 years, is a

productive age who has independent income and can meet their personal needs.

According to the 2019 Susenas, the number of millennial generations has reached

around 64.19 million people or a quarter of Indonesia's total population. The

attractiveness in terms of numbers, coupled with the character of the millennial

generation's lifestyle which is known to be very consumptive, easily influenced

and active social media users make this millennial generation an attractive target

market for many marketers.

The marketing strategy chosen by KYL Exhaust to build a brand image and

consumer decisions to purchase KYL Exhaust products is adjusted to the

characteristics of their target market, namely the millennial generation. For this

reason, KYL Exhaust uses celebrity endorsers in promoting their products. The

celebrity endorser used by KYL Exhaust is Akbar Rais. This celebrity endorser

promotes KYL Exhaust products through various social media, including Youtube

and Instagram.The following is a strategy for using celebrity endorsers by KYL

Exhaust on Youtube media:

The use of celebrity endorsers in promoting KYL Exhaust products aims to build

product images and improve consumer purchasing decisions. The brand image

that was built by KYL Exhaust is "elegant, good quality, and masculine". To build

this image, KYL Exhaust uses the positioning statement "Drive with Courage".

The influence of Celebrity Endorsment in influencing brand image and purchasing

decisions has been proven in several studies. Royan (2005) stated that celebrities

have built-in images and followers, both powerful influencers to potential

consumers. The role of this celebrity or famous person can fulfill the information

transfer range of a product. Celebirty endorsement is carried out through the

internet, which is now internet users, as many as 49.52 percent of internet users

are from the age of 19 to 34 years (Setiawan, 2018). The amount of time spent in

cyberspace makes them more concerned with trending figures or conversations on

social media such as YouTube. Therefore, the use of celebrity services as a buzzer

to provide product information is a strategy that can be used as a supporting factor

to make customers decide to buy the products they review on the channel.

Furthermore, research by Darmansyah, Muhartini Salim, Syamsul Bachri (2014)

also proves that Celebrity Endorsment has a significant effect in influencing

customer purchasing decisions for a product based on the celebrity's credibility.

The brand image of a product will influence consumer purchasing decisions. This

is evidenced in the research of Waluya and Iqbal (2019), which found that brand

image and product quality play a role in consumer decision making in purchasing

automotive products in Indonesia. However, the brand image is more dominant in

this case. The research also shows that apart from brand image, product quality

has an important role in product purchasing decisions. Products with guaranteed

quality can be a factor for the customer to make a choice. The quality of the

exhaust product itself, not only in terms of product workmanship and the basic

ingredients of the product but also the special treatment that is given such as

manufacturing speed, fulfilling customer requests and providing guarantees for

the product is an added value for the customer to determine a product purchase

decision. KYL Exhaust offers a plate-based exhaust that is selected to make the

muffler they make and meets all the modifications that customers want with 3 - 7

days of workmanship and free consultation which makes it the strength of KYL

Exhaust. The advantages offered by KYL Exhaust are information about the

quality of a product, which can be the strength of a promotion that will be carried

out for the product to be sold.

Based on the description above, the authors are interested in conducting research

on "The effect of celebrity endorsment and product quality on purchasing

decisions with brand image as a mediating variable in KYL Exhaust products".

B. Research Problem
The intense competition in the automotive industry, especially in the automotive

modification business, makes KYL Exhaust have to be creative in determining its

marketing strategy. KYL Exhaust uses celebrity endorser, namely Akbar Rais, a

Drifter and Vloger, through YouTube to build brand image and influence

consumer purchasing decisions. KYL Exhaust is not the only marketer

implementing this marketing strategy. There are also many similar producers who

use a similar strategy but those that apply the exact same strategy as KYL Exhaust

are still missing for producers in the Banyumas and surrounding areas. Most of

them only display their quality products and convey them through their social

media platforms such as rcm_javaracing, a muffler manufacturer from

Purbalingga, Central Java. Therefore, this study will prove empirically whether

the strategy adopted by KYL Exhaust is a determining factor that makes

customers make purchasing decisions on KYL Exhaust products.

The research question in this study can be formulated as follows:

1. Does celebrity endorsement has positive effect on purchase decision?

2. Does celebrity endorsement has positive effect on brand image?

3. Does brand image has positive effect on purchase decision?

4. Does product quality has positive effect on purchase decision?

5. Does brand image mediate the effect of celebrity endorser on purchase


C. Research Objective
1. General Objectives

This study aims to examine the effect of celebrity endorsement, product

quality and brand image on millennial consumer purchasing decisions in

the manufacturing of customized exhaust products in Purwokerto.

2. Specific purpose

a. Analyzing the effect of celebrity endorsement on purchasing


b. Analyzing the effect of celebrity endorsement on brand image

c. Analyzing the effect of brand image on purchasing decisions

d. Analyze the effect of product quality on purchasing decisions


e. Analyze the mediating effect of brand image on the causal

relationship og celebrity endorsement on purchase decision.

D. Research Scope
This study focuses on testing. This study aims to examine the effect of

celebrity endorsement, product quality and brand image on consumer

purchasing decisions in the business of making customized exhaust products

run by millennial start up in Purwokerto.

E. Research Benefits

1. Theoretical Benefit:
This study contributes in explaining the relationship between celebrity

endorsement, product quality and brand image variables on consumer

purchasing decisions for customized products in the early stages of

product marketing. The relationship between variables in the research

model is used to clarify the main components in an advertising strategy

within the framework of consumer culture theory.

2. Practical Benefits:
This research contributes to startups in designing advertising strategies

by paying attention to the distinctive features of customized products





A. Literature Review

1. Celebrity Endorsement

a. Celebrity Endorsement Definition

Celebrity endorsement has long been recognized as a prevalent

strategy in modern marketing (McCracken, 1989), Celebrity

endorsement is any individual who enjoys public recognition and

who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by

appearing with it in an advertisement” (McCracken, 1989, p. 310).

According to Shimp, (2003: 459), endorsers are ad advocates or who

also known as advertising stars to support a product. Celebrity

endorsement advertisements are used in the hope that celebrities will

be spokespersons for their products or brands.

Traditionally, celebrity endorsers are movie stars, singers,

models, athletes, politicians and business people (Hsu and

McDonald, 2002). Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of

reality television shows and numerous social media channels (e.g.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter), the definition of a celebrity has been

expanded. Rein et al. (1987) suggest that celebrity stands in the

centre of this business, supported by and supporting eight


subindustries, including entertainment, communication, publicity,

representation, appearance, coaching, endorsement, and legal and

business services industry.

Social media channel like YouTube and Facebook have

already developed large user bases and have access to extensive

behavioural data, enabling them to configure the audience precisely

and deliver advertisements more efficiently. Rima et al. (2018)

define youtube as one of the service providers in the form of a video

ad serving. In youtube, there are various forms of marketing for the

company activity that one of its objectives is to Attract Consumers to

the product being advertised (Anggraeni, 2018). Van Dijck (2013)

argues that the unique selling point of YouTube, compared to the

broadcast industry, is its ability to bring specified audience groups to

content and advertisers. While the search engine function is the

connecting force in this process, what YouTube lacks is attractive

professionally produced content.

Celebrity endorsement is used for a promotional tool whereby

celebrities give their opinions, act as spokespersons or simply are

associated with a product/brand (McCracken, 1989). An

endorsement can be explicit (e.g. I endorse this airline), implicit (e.g.

I like this restaurant), imperative (e.g. You should pick Korea as the

destination for your next trip) or com presentational (e.g. merely

appearing in a hotel advertisement) (Seno and Lukas, 2007).


Hearn and Schoenhoff (2016) state that companies and

advertisers can capitalize on the authentic and trustworthy personal

brand of social media celebrities for consumer outreach. From one

perspective, they extend traditional celebrities' function of

personalizing the process of consumption (Dyer and McDonald,

1998). From another perspective, marketers now search for brand

storytellers instead of someone who only lend their name to the

brand. The trustworthy and intimate relationship between the

influencers and communities, built through narratives, helps

contextualize brand images and messages (Khamis et al., 2016).

Celebrity endorsement is known to increase favorable brand image,

sales, brand recall, advertising recognition, and advertising

credibility (Atkin and Block 1983)

Consumers usually have a preconceived image of a celebrity

endorser, and such an image can be transferred to the endorsed

product/brand. Compared to other types of endorsers, such as experts

and typical consumers, celebrity endorsers are quickly recognized by

audiences and help build emotional associations between consumers

and the endorsed products (Erdogan, 1999).

When consumers believe that the endorser reflects their

idealized self-concept and self- image, the evaluation of the

advertisement is positive and increases product purchase intentions

(Choi and Rifon, 2012). In addition to this positive assessment, such


an endorsement makes these consumers more likely to show loyalty

to the brand or product.

b. Celebrity Endorsement Measurement

One way to make the message more effective depends on the

source credibility, which can be explained with the source models.

(Erdogan, 1999). The source credibility model and attractive source

model are categorized under source models since these two models

basically inform and reflect the research of the social influence.

(Erdogan, 1999) The source models consist of expertise,

trustworthiness and attractiveness. (Erdogan, 1999) Founding’s from

a study by Ohainan (1990) also suggested that there is a high

correlation between celebrity endorser's expertise, trustworthiness

and attractiveness.

Celebrity credibility is measured based on three constructs

Ohainan (1990):

1) Attractiveness

Attractiveness implies criteria that attracts the audience to an

endorser. Attractive, classy, nice, stylish and sexy, these terms are

generally used to assess the physical attractiveness of celebrity

people (Ohanian, 1991). Marketers believe that beauty can increase

sales opportunities so actually use attractive celebrity endorsers in

their advertisements. Attractive celebrities enhance the advertised

brand image. In interpersonal marketing sales, the beauty and


charisma of an attractive individual can be more influential and

powerful than an unattractive individual (Said and Napi, 2015).

2) Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is an indicator of an endorser's trust and

integrity. This shows consumer confidence in honest and

objective sources of information. The most successful and

profitable way to make customers more optimistic about a brand

is to create a level of trust (Hakimi et al., 2011). Advertisers

should choose celebrities who have strong criteria of trust,

integrity and reputation. In addition, celebrity goodwill can

influence customers' understanding of value and further influence

their purchase choices (Choi and Rifon, 2011).

3) Expertise

Expertise is the level of knowledge and skills an endorser has.

This means that the ability of celebrities to impart knowledge to

others based on their background, education, skills or efficiency,

this is a person's qualification. Semantic skill scale includes expert,

experienced, knowledgeable, qualified and skilled (Ulkhaq et al.,


2. Brand Image
a. Brand Image Definition
Brand image has been recognized as an important concept in

marketing and consumer behaviour research (Hee, 2009). The

customer deals every day with different types of products and


services, so, the brand image that is primarily responsible for brand

differentiation (Morgan, 2004). Brand management scholars (e.g.

Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1997) have argued that brand image is an

essential part of powerful brands which enable brands to differentiate

their products from their competitors.

Brand image is defined by Keller (1993, p. 3) as the

perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held

in consumer memory. In other words, brand image is what comes to

the mind of the consumer when a brand name is mentioned.

Basically, brand image describes the consumer "s thoughts and

feelings towards the brand (Roy & Banerjee, 2007). Keller in Kahle

and Kim (2008: 17) also said that a positive brand image increases

the brand knowledge of a particular product or service and

enhancing customer-based equity and satisfaction

Keller (2013: 47) argues that "Brand image has the attributes

and benefits that buyers associate with a brand". Herzog in Trott &

Sople (2016: 81) stated that "Brand image is the total of impressions

that consumer received from many sources, all of which combine

together to form a coherent image".

b. Brand Image Measurement

Brand image was established from the concept of associative

network memory and is vital for consumer brand evaluations and

building brand equity (Faircloth et al. 2001). Consumers capitalize


on product cues to create beliefs about a product, which in turn

shapes their purchase behaviour. In general, brand image is

considered to be made up of product cues (Cordell 1992; Thorelli et

al. 1989), and consumers shape stereotypical beliefs about products

from particular brands and the features of products (Yasin et al.

2007). Consequently, brand image has the ability to evoke

consumers' beliefs about product features and influences their

evaluations thereof (Srikatanyoo and Gnoth 2002).

The indicator for measuring brand image refers to the concept

put forward by (Keller, 1998):

1) The brand has a good quality

2) The brand has a better characteristic rather than competitors

3) The brand is the best brand

4) The brand is one of the best on it is industry


Product Quality
a. Product Quality Definition
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012: 283), the meaning

of product quality is the ability of the product to perform its

functions, it includes the product's overall durability, reliability,

precision, ease of operation and repair, and other value attributes

According to Feignbaum (2000: 12) that Product quality is the

combined overall characteristics of the goods and services of

marketing, engineering, manufacture and maintenance that make the

products and services used to meet the expectations of customers.

Assauri (2009: 200) defines product quality as the product's

ability to carry out its functions, including also include durability,

reliability, accuracy, ease of use, repair, and other valuable

attributes. Quality has been an elusive concept in the automotive

industry. It is the totality of features and characteristics of a product

or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs (Winder,

1996 and Chavan, 2003). If a product fulfils the customer "s

expectations, the customer will be pleased and consider that the

product is of acceptable or even high quality.

There are several factors that affect product quality (Tjiptono,

2008: 25-26), including:

1) The process of making products and equipment and

arrangements used in the production process.


2) Sales Aspect, if the quality of goods produced from goods is too

low it can lead to reduced sales.

3) Changes in Consumer Demand, consumers or users often want

changes in the items they use both in terms of quantity and


4) The role of Inspection, in addition to being able to supervise or

become a predetermined quality standard, also seeks to

minimize production costs.

According to Tjiptono (2001: 25), product quality reflects all

dimensions of product offerings that produce benefits (benefits) for

customers. The quality of a product in the form of goods is

determined through its dimensions.

b. Product Quality Measurement

The dimensions determine the quality of products in the form

of goods or services. Dimensional quality of the product according to

Tjiptono is the performance (performance), durability (durability),

compliance with specifications (conformity to specifications),

features (features), Confidence (reliability), Aesthetics (Aesthetics),

an impression of quality (perceived quality), serviceability.

There are eight dimensions of product quality that Garvin

developed in Tjiptono (2008: 25). These dimensions are:


1) Performance

Performance is a characteristic of operations and core

products product) purchased. For example, speed, ease and

comfort in use.

2) Additional features or features

Dimensions of features are additional characteristics or

characteristics complete the basic benefits of a product. Features

are an optional consumer. Features can improve product quality

if competitors do not

3) Reliability

Reliability that is less likely to experience damage or fail

use. forexample quality control and design, characteristic

standards operational compliance with specifications.

4) Conformance to specifications

Conformity is the extent to which the design and operating

characteristics meet predetermined standards. For example,

quality control and design, the characteristic operational

standard is that the product must fulfil the suitability of product

performance with the stated standard of a product, this kind of

"promise". Products that have the quality from this dimension

mean according to the standard.


5) Durability

Endurance shows the age of the product, i.e. the amount of

use of a product before the product is replaced or damaged. The

longer the durability, of course, the more durable, more durable

products will be perceived as being of higher quality compared

to products that are quickly exhausted or quickly replaced.

6) Serviceability

Product quality is determined on the basis of ability to be

improved: easy, fast, and competent. Products that can be

repaired are certainly of higher quality compared to products

that are not or difficult to repair.

7) Aesthetics

Namely the appeal of the product to the five senses, for

example, the physical form, the model or artistic designs, colors

and another component.

8) Perceived Quality Accuracy

Is the consumer's perception of the overall quality or

excellence a product. Usually due to lack of knowledge of the

buyer will attribute or the characteristics of the product to be

purchased, the buyer perceives quality in terms of price, brand

name, advertising, company reputation, as well as country of


From the description above, in this study indicators of

product quality are used is performance (performance), reliability

(reliability), and compliance with specifications (conformance to


3. Purchase Decision
a. Purchase Decision Definition

The purchasing decision is the attitude of a person to buy or

use a product either goods or services that have been believed to

satisfy themselves and willingness to endure the risk that may arise.

A purchase decision is an action or consumer behaviour by Kotler

(2008). According to Sunyoto (2013:85), purchase decision has a

structure of seven components. There are:

1) Decisions about the type of product Consumers can make a

decision to buy a product or use its money for other purposes. In

this case, the company provides other alternatives that will be

considered by the consumers.

2) Decisions about the shape of the product Consumers can make a

decision to buy or use a particular product. Marketers must

know the consumer's taste about the product to maximize


3) Brand decisions Consumers will choose which brands to buy;

each brand has a difference in its strengths and weaknesses.

Companies need to know how consumers choose a brand.


4) The decision about the seller Consumers should take decisions

where they will buy the product that they needed.

5) Decisions about the amount of products Consumers will decide

how many products will be purchased. It may be more than one

unit. Companies must prepare how many products that they

produce to fulfil wants and needs consumers who are different

from each other.

6) A decision about the time of purchase Consumers will decide

when they buy a product. This problem is related to finances.

Companies need to know the factors that influence consumer

decisions within the time of purchase, so the company knows

when high and low demand.

7) The decision on how to pay Consumers must make decisions

about what kind of payment will be made for the transaction.

Companies need to know what consumers want about payment.

b. Purchase Decision Measurement

Hanaysha (2017) melakukan pengukuran keputusan pembelian

dengan item-item berikut ini:

1) I feel good about my decision to purchase products from this

store’s brand

2) I will positively recommend this store’s brand to other people

3) I intent to purchase again from this store’s brand in the future


4) Overall, I am satisfied about my purchase of goods from this


B. Hypothesis Development
1. Celebrity Endorsement to Purchase Decision
Endorsement is a form of communication in which a celebrity acts

as a speaker for a particular product or brand. A celebrity is someone

who has strong character and values which are recognized by the public,

Sonwalker et al., (2011).

The use of celebrities has been widely used as it could provoke

attitudinal and emotional reactions (Kanungo and Pang, 1973) than a

non-celebrity endorser (Atkin & Block, 1983; Petty and Cacioppo, 1983).

In order to be effective, a celebrity endorser should have the credibility to

attract attention (Miciak and Shanklin, 1994) increase awareness of the

endorsed product and influence the purchase decision of the targeted

audience (Ohanian, 1991).

Cooper (1984) and Dean and Biswas (2001) found that

advertisements featuring a celebrity deliver a higher degree of appeal,

attention, recall rate and possibly purchase, compared to the ads without

celebrities. Thus, the hypothesis can be formulated as follows.

Research conducted by Alawadhi and Muge (2020) ; Suharto and

Nasikah (2020); Santoso (2018); Lusiah and Novantoro

(2017); Ifeanyichukwu (2016) ; Malik and Qureshi (2016); Babu and

Latha (2014) state that celebrity endorsment has a positive influence on

purchasing decisions. Based on the description and results of previous

research, the following hypothesis is formulated.
H1: Celebrity endorsement has posotive effect on purchase decision.

2. Celebrity Endorsment to Brand Image

Mc Cracker (1989) explain that the celebrity spokesperson would

be effective only if clarity is achieved in assessing the meanings

consumers associated with the endorser which are eventually transferred

to the brand. Celebrity endorsement is the most effective and highlighted,

which can influence the customer if a company wants to create an image

for its product or service. The combination of celebrity with the brand

should be according to the interest of the target audience (Till, 1998).

Till and Shimp, (1998) Pursuing a celebrity-endorsed strategy

enables advertisers to project accurate images in terms of expertise,

persuasion, trustworthiness and objectiveness. Holmes & Redmond

(2010) also argues that celebrities are the key to the way the social world

organizes and accommodates representations, discourses and ideologies,

sensations, impressions and fantasies. It is widely accepted fact that

celebrity endrosment can give a special attribute to a product or service.

The results of research conducted by Adiba et al., (2020) ; Tarik et

al., (2018); and Lomboan (2013) showed that celebrity endorsement had

a positive effect on brand image. Based on the description and results of

previous research, the following hypothesis is formulated.

H2: Celebrity endorsment has positive effect on brand image


3. Brand Image to Purchase Decision

Durianto (2002) brand becomes very important because it allows

the brand purchase decision-making process. A product with a positive

brand image and consumer trust to meet the needs and desires, it will

grow consumer purchasing decisions naturally for goods and services


According to Persson (2010), brand image is one of the main

factors that drive consumers to pay a premium price and intend to

purchase (Esch et al., 2006). Further, the previous study shows that

consumers with a strong and favourable brand image are associated with

trust toward a brand and have high tendency to purchase a particular

brand as brand image increases their beliefs of trust.

Previous research conducted by Arjuna and Ilmi (2020) ; Amron

(2018); Hapsoro and Hafidz (2018); Lusiah and Novantoro

(2017); Foster (2016); Ambolau et al., (2013) ; Djatmiko and Pradana

(2016); Raj and Roy (2015) stated that brand image has a positive effect

on purchase decisions. Based on the description and results of previous

research, the following hypothesis is formulated.

H3: Brand image has positive effect on purchase decision

4. Product Quality to Purchase Decision

According to Lupiyoadi (2001: 158), states that consumers will

feel satisfied if the results of their evaluation show that the products they

use are quality. Products are also everything that can be offered to a


to be noticed, owned, used or consumed so that it can satisfy wants and

needs. Kotler and Armstrong (2006) argue that improving quality and

products is an important part of a marketing strategy. Because good

product quality will encourage consumers to choose and decide to buy a

good quality product.

Based on the explanation above, one of the purposes of the product

quality implementation is to influence the consumer in making his

choice to buy products, therefore facilitate consumers in making

purchase decisions. An understanding of consumer behaviour on the

product quality can be used as the basis for the consumer buying

decision process (Sutisna, 2002: 26).

Research conducted by Arjuna and Ilmi (2020); Hapsoro and

Hafidh (2018); Amron (2018); Suwitho et al., (2018) stated that product

quality has a positive effect on purchase decisions. Based on the

description and results of previous research, the following hypothesis is


H4: Product quality has positive effect on purchase decision

5. Celebrity Endorsment terhadap Purchase Decision melalui Brand Image

Celebrity endorsers are well-known people who take advantage of

their popularity in public to recommend a product for

advertising. According to Friedman in Priyankara et al. (2017), celebrity

endorsers are individuals who are known to the public for their

achievements and promote something in advertisements. Celebrities are


increasingly being used by marketers to grab the attention and memory of

consumers. By associating a brand with a celebrity, marketers hope that

the brand will get more benefits (Gupta et al., 2015). Multinational

organizations use the celebrity endorsment strategy because they believe

that celebrities in advertising have a more significant impact on

improving brand image and increasing purchase intention. In addition,

this strategy increases audience attention faster.

The use of celebrity endorsement can affect several things,

including brand image. Brand image is an active association in memory

when someone thinks of a particular brand (Shimp & Craig, 2013). The

use of celebrity endorsement has a positive effect on brand image. This is

evidenced by research conducted by Adiba et al., (2020); Tarik et al.,

(2018); and Lomboan (2013).

According to Chi et al., (2009) the right brand image can influence
a product purchase decision. Arjuna and Ilmi (2020); Amron (2018);

Hapsoro and Hafidz (2018); Lusiah and Novantoro (2017); Foster

(2016); Ambolau et al., (2013); Djatmiko and Pradana (2016); Raj and

Roy (2015) in their research also found that brand image significantly

affects purchase decisions . The results of previous research conducted

by Alawadhi and Muge (2020); Akbar et al., (2020) and Rayining and

Agung (2019) suggest that increased use of endorsement through

celebrities can improve brand image. Increasing the brand image will
ultimately have an impact on consumer decisions in

making purchases. Based on the description and results of previous

research, the following hypothesis is formulated.

H 5 : Brand image mediates the relationship between celebrity

endorsment and purchase decision

Based on the hypothesis proposed by the researcher, the research model

is as follows:

H4 +
H2 + H3 +
H5 mediation

Celebrity Purchase
Endorsment H1 + Decision

Picture 1. Research Model




A. Research Method

1. Research type

The type of this research is an associative model with investigating the

casual relationship with a quantitative approach.

2. Research Location

This research will be conducted in Purwokerto at Purwokerto

3. Research period

This research will be conducted in March 2021.

4. Research object

The object of this research is celebrity endorsement, brand image,

product quality, and customers purchase decision

5. Research subject

The subject of this research is people who living in Purwokerto and has

already buy or is going to buy a KYL Exhaust.

6. Population and sampling method

a. Population

Population consists of a set of objects that are the center of

attention, from which there is information that you want to

know. This object is called the unit of analysis. This unit of analysis

contains the behaviors or characteristics studied (Gulo, 2002) . The


population in this study were the people of Purwokerto who had

bought KYL Exhaust products.

b. Determination of Sample Size

The sample is a subset of the population, consisting of several

members of the population. This subset was taken because in many

cases it was impossible to study all members of the population

(Ferdinand, 2014). The determination of the sample size in this study

used an estimated interval, because the population size in this study

was not known with certainty. The formula for calculating sample

size with estimated intervals is as follows (Suliyanto, 2006):

Keterangan :

n = minimum number of sample

Z = area under normal curve

e = error rate that may occur

If the confidence level is 90%, the coefficient value at that level

is 1.96. And if the probability of error is set at 10%, the minimum

sample size can be calculated as follows:

The calculation results show that the minimum sample that

must be taken from the study population is 96 respondents .


c. Sampling method

According to Ferdinand (2014: 176) when the population is

unknown or there is no population frame, the approach used is non-

probability sampling , where population elements are selected on the

basis of their availability (for example because they voluntarily want

to become respondents or because of the personal considerations of

researchers that they are can represent the population. One type of

nonprobability sampling is what is called convenience sample. In

this technique the researcher looks for people who are willing to be

respondents in this study , and represent the research population.

This method was chosen because of the limitations of the researchers

both in terms of time or funds.

7. Sources and type of data

a. Primary data

primary data used in this study is data from a questionnaire

containing celebrity endorsement, brand image , purchase decision ,

and product quality .


b. Secondary data

Secondary data in this research is data that written sourced from

literature references, scientific articles, scientific journals and other

sources such as data obtained via Internet related to this research

8. Data collection procedures

The condition of the city of Purwokerto, which is still in a

pandemic, will be difficult and will not allow direct surveys to be carried

out, so that data collection from respondents will be carried out through

an online questionnaire using the google docs.

9. Definition and indicator variables

Tabel 3.1. Conceptual and operational definitions of variables
Conceptual and Operational
No Variable Indicator
1 Celebrity Conceptual definition: 1. Attractiveness
Endorsment Celebrity endorsement is any a. I find the celebrity
individual who enjoys public endorser for brand
recognition and who uses this X attractive
recognition on behalf of a consumer b. I find the celebrity
good by appearing with it in an endorser for brand
advertisement” (McCracken, 1989, p. X classy
310). c. I find the celebrity
endorser for brand
Operational definition: X elegant
Respondents' perceptions of Ohanian (1990); Spry
celebrity endorsment KYL et al. (2009)
exhaust products.
2. Trustworthiness
a. I find the celebrity
endorser for brand
X dependable
b. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
c. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
Ohanian (1990);
Spry et al. (2009)

3. Expertise
a. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is an
b. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
c. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
Ohanian (1990); Spry
et al. (2009)
2 Brand Conceptual definition: a. The brand has a good
Image Brand image can be defined as a quality
perception about a brand as reflected b. The brand has a better
by the brand association held in characteristic rather
consumer memory (Keller, 1998:93) than competitors
c. The brand is one of
Operational definition: the best on it is
Respondents' perceptions of KYL industry
Exhaust as a memory reflection of (Keller,1998:51)
the brand association they have in
3 Product Conceptual definition: a. The performance
Quality product quality reflects all b. Additional features or
dimensions of product offerings that features
produce benefits (benefits) for c. Compliance with
customers. specifications
(Tjiptono, 2001) d. Reliability
e. Endurance
Operational definition: Tjiptono (2008)
Perception re s sponden to drive
quality KYL Exhaust products
based on the dimensions of the
5 Purchase Conceptual definition: 1. I feel good about my
Decision The purchasing decision is the decision to purchase
attitude of a person to buy or use a products from this
product either goods or services that store’s brand
have been believed to satisfy 2. I will positively
themselves and willingness to endure recommend this store’s
the risk that may arise (Kotler, 2008) brand to other people
3. I intent to purchase
Operational definition: again from this store’s
Respondents' experience in brand in the future
learning, selecting and using KYL 4. Overall, I am satisfied
Exhaust products. about my purchase of
goods from this store

(Hanaysha, 2017)

B. Metode Analisis Data

1. Variable measurement
This present study used the form of seven points Likert's Scale to

indicate the respondents level of agreement. The seven points of Likert's

Scale ranged from 1=Strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Somewhat

disagree, 4=Neutral, 5= Middle agree, 6=Agree, 7=Strongly agree.

2. Data Analysis Technique

a. Partial Least Square
This research was formed to test the multiple relationship

model between variables, which involves many variables and the

information to be obtained is simultaneous so that the quantitative

analysis technique used is Partial Least Square estimation (PLS).

PLS is an analytical method that is very supportive for the relevant

research because it can be applied at all data scales, it does not

require many assumptions, and the sample size does not have to be

valid. Besides, PLS can be used as a confirmation of theory can

also be used to build relationships that do not yet have a basis for

terror or for testing propositions (Ghozali, 2006).

b. Evaluation model PLS

In general, the PL S analysis has two

evaluations. Namely, evaluating the measurement model or outer

model and evaluating the structural model or inner


model. Measurement model or outer model is used to evaluate the

relationship between indicators and research variables, while

structural model or inner model is used to evaluate the

relationship between independent variables and dependent

variables (Hair, et al., 2014)

1) Evaluation of Measurement Model (Outer Model)

The assessment of the reflective measurement model

includes composite reliability to evaluate internal

consistency , individual indicator reliability, and average

variance extracted (AVE) to evaluate convergent validity . In

addition, Fornell-Larcker criteria and cross loadings were used

to assess discriminant validity.

a) Internal Consistency Reliability

The first criterion to be evaluated is usually internal

consistency reliability. The internal consistency

assessment was carried out by looking at the Cronbach

alpha value and the composite reliability value. The

Cronbach alpha value is sensitive to the number of items,

so its value is lower than composite reliability, so it is

recommended to use composite reliability values (Hair et

al., 2014).

The composite reliability value varies between 0 and

1. A higher value indicates a higher level of

reliability. Specifically, composite reliability values from

0.60 to 0.70 can be accepted in exploratory research, while


at a more advanced stage of research, values between 0.70

and 0.90 can be considered satisfactory (Hair et al., 2014).

b) Convergent Validity
Convergent validity is the extent to which a measure

is positively correlated with alternative measures of the

same construct. To determine convergent validity, the

researcher considered the outer loading value of

each indicator, and the average extract variant (AVE)

value. A high output loading value indicates that the

related indicators have a lot in common, which is captured

by the construct. This characteristic is also called indicator

reliability . The outer loading value of all indicators must

be statistically significant. The recommended value

is greater than 0.708 (Hair et al., 2014) .

The general measure for assessing convergent

validity at the construct level is the average variance

extract (AVE) value, an AVE value of 0.50 or higher
indicating that on average, the construct explains more

than half of its indicator variance (Hair et al., 2014) .


Figure 3.1 shows the procedure in evaluating convergent validity

by considering outer loading as illustrated by Hair et al., (2014)

Figure 3.1 Convergent Validity Evaluation Procedure

a) Discriminant Validity

Discriminant validity is the extent to which a

construct is completely different from other constructs

according to empirical standards. Thus, establishing

discriminant validity implies that a construct is unique and

captures a phenomenon that is not represented by the other

constructs in the model.


There d ua model that could be used in assessing the

validity of diskrimnan. The first model is by looking at the

cross loading value of the indicator. The outer loading

value of each indicator must be greater than the correlation

value between each indicator. The second model is the

Fornell-Larcker criterion method, which is by looking at

the AVE root value compared to the correlation value

between constructs. The construct is declared to meet the

discriminatory validity if the root AVE value is greater

than the correlation value between constructs (Hair et al.,


2) Evaluation of the Structural Model (Inner Model)

After ensuring that the construct is valid and reliable , the
next step is to assess the structural model. This involves

examining the predictive ability of the model and the

relationships between constructs.

a) Collinearity Assessment
Collinearity assessment is useful for detecting

correlations between independent variables. The

occurrence of a high correlation between the independent

variables is not recommended. To assess the level of

collinearity, what is seen is the tolerance value and

variance inflation factor (VIF). The expected values are

above 0.2 for tolerance and below 0.5 for VIF (Hair et al.,


b) Structural Model Path Coefficients


This procedure is done through the bootstrapping

feature of the SmartPLS application. From

the analysis, the estimated value of the structural model

relationship (ie, path coefficient) is obtained , which

represents the hypothesized relationship between the

variables . The path coefficient has a standard value

between -1 and +1. The estimated path coefficient close to

+1 indicates a strong positive relationship (and vice versa

for negative values) .

The bootstrapping procedure also provides an output

in the form of t value and probability value which shows

the significance of the influence of the independent

variable on the dependent. When the t- calculated value is

greater than the critical value, we say that the coefficient is

significant at a certain probability of error (i.e., the level of

Commonly used critical values are 1.65

(significance level = 10%), 1.96 (significance level = 5%),

and 2.57 (significance level = 1%). In marketing,

researchers usually assume a 5% level of

significance. However, this is not always the case, as

consumer research studies sometimes assume a 1%

significance level, especially when experiments are

involved. On the other hand, when a study is exploratory

in nature, researchers often assume a significance level of

10%. In the end, the choice of the level of significance


depends on the field of study and the study

objectives (Hair et al., 2014 .

c) Coefficient of Determination (R2 Value)

The most common measure used to evaluate the

structural model is the coefficient of determination (R

value ). This coefficient is a measure of the model's

predictive accuracy and is calculated as the squared

correlation between the actual and predicted values of a

particular endogenous construct. The value of R ranges
from 0 to 1 with a higher level indicates the level of

prediction accuracy is higher. It's hard to give a rule of

thumb for the value of R are unacceptable because it

depends on the complexity of the model and research

Rated R of 0.20 is considered high in disciplines

such as consumer behavior, the success of drivers

studies (for example, in a study that aims to explain the
satisfaction or customer loyalty), researchers expect a

much higher value ie 0.75 upwards. In scientific research

that focuses on marketing issues, the value of R 2 of 0.75,

0.50, or 0.25 for the endogenous latent variables, in

general, each of which is described as substantial,

moderate, or weak (Hair et al., 2014).

c. Direct Effect Test (Hypotheses 1 to 4)

The direct effect test uses the value from the output of the

Bootstrapping procedure from the SmartPLS 3 software.The criteria are


as described in the evaluation of the structure of the model in the

"Structural Model Path Coefficients" section, namely by looking at the

path coefficient value, the t value calculated and the probability value of

each independent variable on the bound.

d. Mediation Test (Hypothesis 5)

Mediation testing is performed using the Variance Accounted
For (VAF) method. The SmartPLS software exceeds the advantages,

namely that there is a direct and indirect effect value in the relationship

between constructs which is used as the basis for calculating the

mediation test using the VAF method. Hair et al., (2014) illustrates the

mediation test in SEM-PLS as shown in Figure 3.2.


Figure 3.2. Mediation test procedure in SEM-PLS



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Lampiran 1. Kuesioner Penelitian

Alamat : Kampus UNSOED, Grendeng Purwokerto 53122

Penelitian : Pengaruh Celebrity Endorsment, dan Product Quality terhadap

Keputusan Pembelian dengan Brand Image Sebagai Variabel
Mediasi (Studi pada Pengguna Produk KYL Exhaust di

A. Pengantar

Angket ini merupakan kuesioner penelitian yang bertujuan untuk

menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh celebrity endorsment, kualitas produk

maupun brand image terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam melakukan

pembelian produk KYL Exhaust di Purwokerto. Demi tercapainya tujuan

penelitian ini, penulis mohon kesediaan Saudara/i untuk mengisi (menjawab)

daftar pertanyaan yang telah disediakan.

Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas

kesediaan Saudara/i, dan tidak lupa penulis juga memohon maaf apabila ada

pertanyaan maupun pernyataan yang kurang berkenan.



B. Petunjuk Pengisian
1. Bagian A : Berisi identitas responden, Saudara/i cukup mengisi pada
pilihan jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Bagian B : Berisi daftar pertanyaan, Saudara/i cukup memberikan
tanda chek list (√) pada jawaban yang tersedia sesuai
dengan pendapat Saudara/i.
Berikut adalah pilihan jawaban yang bisa di ceklis oleh
SS = Sangat Setuju memiliki skor 7
S = Setuju memiliki skor 6
AS = Agak Setuju memilki skor 5
N = Netral memiliki skor 4
ATS = Agak tidak setuju memiliki skor 3
TS = Tidak setuju memilki skor 2
STS = Sangat tidak setuju memiliki skor 1

C. Angket Penelitian
1. Identitas Responden
a. Jenis Kelamin :  Laki-laki  Perempuan
b. Usia :  18 sampai 25 tahun
 26 sampai 30 Tahun
 31 sampai 35 Tahun
 36 sampai 40 Tahun
 41 sampai 45 Tahun
 > 45 Tahun
c. Tingkat Pendidikan :  SD  Diploma
 SLTP  Sarjana

d. Pendapatan Per Bulan :  ≤ Rp3.000.000

 > Rp3.000.000 - Rp5.000.000
 > Rp5.000.000 - Rp7.000.000
 > Rp7.000.000 - Rp10.000.000
 > Rp10.000.000
e. Pekerjaan : ........................................................................................
f. Alasan membeli KYL Exhaust: .......................................................
g. Mengetahui Akbar Rais sebagai Endorser KYL Exhaust:
 Ya
 Tidak

2. Daftar Pertanyaan/Pernyataan

a. Variabel Keputusan Pembelian

No. Pernyataan
1 Saya merasa keputusan
saya membeli KYL
exhaust adalah keputusan
yang benar
2 Saya dengan senang hati
akan merekomendasikan
KYL exhaust kepada
orang lain
3 Saya berniat untuk
membeli lagi KYL exhaust
di masa mendatang
4 Secara keseluruhan, saya
puas dengan pembelian
KYL exhaust

Apa yang menjadi alasan Saudara/i memutuskan untuk membeli produk

KYL exhaust? Mohon berikan penjelasan

b. Variabel Celebrity Endorsment

No. Pernyataan
1 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
penampilan yang menarik
2 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
style yang berkelas
3 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
sikap yang elegan (luwes)
4 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
dapat diandalkan sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust
5 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
jujur dalam mengendorse
KYL Exhaust
6 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
dapat dipercaya dalam
mengendorse KYL Exhaust
7 Menurut saya Akbar Rasi
memiliki keahlian yang
mumpuni sebagai endorser
KYL Exhaust
8 Menurut saya sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust
Akbar Rais kaya akan
9 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
memilki pengetahuan luas
yang relevan sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust

Menurut Saudara/i apakah Akbar Rais sudah cocok dan pantas menjadi
endorser KYL Exhaust? Mohon berikan penjelasan.

c. Variabel Kualitas Produk

No. Pernyataan
1 Saya merasa knalpot
merek KYL dapat
memberikan performa
secara maksimal
2 Menurut saya knalpot
KYL memiliki suara yang
3 Menurut saya knalpot
KYL sesuai dengan
standart dan spesifikasi
yang baik
4 Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
reliabilitas yang baik
(meningkatkan performa
5 Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL mampu
bertahan lama (lebih dari 5

Bagaimana pendapat Saudara/i mengenai knalpot merek KYL? Mohon

berikan penjelasan!
d. Variabel Brand Image

No. Pernyataan
1. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
kualitas yang baik
2. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
banyak keunggulan
dibandingkan merek lain.
3. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL adalah salah
satu merek terbaik di
industri knalpot

Apa yang menjadi alasan Saudara/i menilai bahwa knalpot merek KYL
memiliki citra yang baik (positif) atau tidak baik (negatif)? Mohon
berikan penjelasan!

-Terima Kasih-

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