Formulir Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal Skripsi
Formulir Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal Skripsi
Formulir Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal Skripsi
In order to fulfill some of the requirements needed to get a bachelor degree from
By :
Advisor I Advisor II
Dr. Weni Novandari, S.E, M.M. Dr. Ade Irma Anggraeni, S.E, M.Si.
NIP. 19751119 199903 2 003 NIP. 19790930 200912 2 002
By :
3 Examiner (… .................... )
Head of Management Department
Economics and Business Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University
I hereby declare that in this thesis there are no works that have been asked
to obtain the degree at a college and based on my knowledge there is also no work
The entire contents of this thesis have examined closely and there are no
errors. If in the course of time proved my thesis does not fit with this statement, I
The content of this thesis is the personal responsibility of the writer, not
Purwokerto, 28/04/2021
A. Research Background
The Indonesian automotive industry is one of the important pillars in the national
and is expected to continue to grow in line with population growth and economic
released that in the last five years, there has been an increase in domestic car
Wholesales Car
0 Wholesales Car
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Grafik 1.1 Total Car Wholesales Q1 2014 – 2018 in Indonesia
: Gaikindo, 2018
The table above shows that the highest achievement of car sales occurred in the
first quarter of 2014 which could reach 328,500 units. Even though it had
decreased in 2015 and 2016, in 2017 it again went up, with a growth of 6 percent.
related to cars. Many people say that automotives are basically things that are
connection between the term automotive and the world of transportation. But
that's not all. The term automotive has a broader scope than what most ordinary
Based on this, the modification and aftermarket markets have a big opportunity
Services; Body Repair; Car Paint Workshop; Car Salon Services; Doorsmer;
innovation. In carrying out added value for the automotive sector, the
development of the small and medium scale industry (IKM) based vehicle
motorbikes) both small and large which make their conditions different
3. Light modification
The most simple, fast and easy to do modifications such as attaching cutting
4. Modification is
Modification with a moderate level of complexity and the timeframe is not too
long. Such as replacing the exhaust / muffler, changing the oil, tires, seats, wheels,
5. Modification of weight
Modifications that take a long time, the level of complexity is high. Such as
One type of modification in the medium category that many millennials are
eyeing is the exhaust / muffler business. And one of the exhaust modification
which is located at Jl. Imam Student Troop, Pamijen, Banyumas, Central Java.
This relatively new business has also enlivened the moderate modification market,
which has many competitors, due to its proximity to the city where the exhaust
production center is Purbalingga, which has produced many exhaust brands with
from the Purbalingga Exhaust Craftsmen Association (Apik Bangga), which states
that currently the total number of exhaust craftsmen in Purbalingga has reached
700-1,000 craftsmen.
The tight market competition makes KYL Exhaust have to apply creative
increasing Product Quality and strengthening the Brand Image. This strategy was
implemented with the aim of not only selling products but also to strengthen KYL
The market that KYL Exhaust is aiming for is millennial customers. This is in
accordance with the statement from the Founder of the National Modificator &
Afermarket Association (NMAA), Mulyadi, who stated that the potential market
productive age who has independent income and can meet their personal needs.
According to the 2019 Susenas, the number of millennial generations has reached
and active social media users make this millennial generation an attractive target
The marketing strategy chosen by KYL Exhaust to build a brand image and
characteristics of their target market, namely the millennial generation. For this
reason, KYL Exhaust uses celebrity endorsers in promoting their products. The
celebrity endorser used by KYL Exhaust is Akbar Rais. This celebrity endorser
promotes KYL Exhaust products through various social media, including Youtube
The use of celebrity endorsers in promoting KYL Exhaust products aims to build
product images and improve consumer purchasing decisions. The brand image
that was built by KYL Exhaust is "elegant, good quality, and masculine". To build
this image, KYL Exhaust uses the positioning statement "Drive with Courage".
decisions has been proven in several studies. Royan (2005) stated that celebrities
consumers. The role of this celebrity or famous person can fulfill the information
internet, which is now internet users, as many as 49.52 percent of internet users
are from the age of 19 to 34 years (Setiawan, 2018). The amount of time spent in
social media such as YouTube. Therefore, the use of celebrity services as a buzzer
to make customers decide to buy the products they review on the channel.
The brand image of a product will influence consumer purchasing decisions. This
is evidenced in the research of Waluya and Iqbal (2019), which found that brand
image and product quality play a role in consumer decision making in purchasing
this case. The research also shows that apart from brand image, product quality
quality can be a factor for the customer to make a choice. The quality of the
exhaust product itself, not only in terms of product workmanship and the basic
ingredients of the product but also the special treatment that is given such as
the product is an added value for the customer to determine a product purchase
decision. KYL Exhaust offers a plate-based exhaust that is selected to make the
muffler they make and meets all the modifications that customers want with 3 - 7
days of workmanship and free consultation which makes it the strength of KYL
Exhaust. The advantages offered by KYL Exhaust are information about the
quality of a product, which can be the strength of a promotion that will be carried
Based on the description above, the authors are interested in conducting research
B. Research Problem
The intense competition in the automotive industry, especially in the automotive
marketing strategy. KYL Exhaust uses celebrity endorser, namely Akbar Rais, a
Drifter and Vloger, through YouTube to build brand image and influence
implementing this marketing strategy. There are also many similar producers who
use a similar strategy but those that apply the exact same strategy as KYL Exhaust
are still missing for producers in the Banyumas and surrounding areas. Most of
them only display their quality products and convey them through their social
Purbalingga, Central Java. Therefore, this study will prove empirically whether
C. Research Objective
1. General Objectives
2. Specific purpose
D. Research Scope
This study focuses on testing. This study aims to examine the effect of
E. Research Benefits
1. Theoretical Benefit:
This study contributes in explaining the relationship between celebrity
2. Practical Benefits:
This research contributes to startups in designing advertising strategies
A. Literature Review
1. Celebrity Endorsement
I like this restaurant), imperative (e.g. You should pick Korea as the
model are categorized under source models since these two models
and attractiveness.
Ohainan (1990):
1) Attractiveness
endorser. Attractive, classy, nice, stylish and sexy, these terms are
2) Trustworthiness
3) Expertise
2. Brand Image
a. Brand Image Definition
Brand image has been recognized as an important concept in
services, so, the brand image that is primarily responsible for brand
feelings towards the brand (Roy & Banerjee, 2007). Keller in Kahle
and Kim (2008: 17) also said that a positive brand image increases
Keller (2013: 47) argues that "Brand image has the attributes
and benefits that buyers associate with a brand". Herzog in Trott &
Sople (2016: 81) stated that "Brand image is the total of impressions
Product Quality
a. Product Quality Definition
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012: 283), the meaning
1) Performance
comfort in use.
if competitors do not
3) Reliability
4) Conformance to specifications
5) Durability
6) Serviceability
7) Aesthetics
3. Purchase Decision
a. Purchase Decision Definition
satisfy themselves and willingness to endure the risk that may arise.
store’s brand
B. Hypothesis Development
1. Celebrity Endorsement to Purchase Decision
Endorsement is a form of communication in which a celebrity acts
who has strong character and values which are recognized by the public,
non-celebrity endorser (Atkin & Block, 1983; Petty and Cacioppo, 1983).
attention, recall rate and possibly purchase, compared to the ads without
for its product or service. The combination of celebrity with the brand
(2010) also argues that celebrities are the key to the way the social world
al., (2018); and Lomboan (2013) showed that celebrity endorsement had
brand image and consumer trust to meet the needs and desires, it will
purchase (Esch et al., 2006). Further, the previous study shows that
consumers with a strong and favourable brand image are associated with
(2016); Raj and Roy (2015) stated that brand image has a positive effect
feel satisfied if the results of their evaluation show that the products they
use are quality. Products are also everything that can be offered to a
needs. Kotler and Armstrong (2006) argue that improving quality and
product quality can be used as the basis for the consumer buying
Hafidh (2018); Amron (2018); Suwitho et al., (2018) stated that product
endorsers are individuals who are known to the public for their
the brand will get more benefits (Gupta et al., 2015). Multinational
when someone thinks of a particular brand (Shimp & Craig, 2013). The
According to Chi et al., (2009) the right brand image can influence
a product purchase decision. Arjuna and Ilmi (2020); Amron (2018);
(2016); Ambolau et al., (2013); Djatmiko and Pradana (2016); Raj and
Roy (2015) in their research also found that brand image significantly
by Alawadhi and Muge (2020); Akbar et al., (2020) and Rayining and
celebrities can improve brand image. Increasing the brand image will
ultimately have an impact on consumer decisions in
is as follows:
H4 +
H2 + H3 +
H5 mediation
Celebrity Purchase
Endorsment H1 + Decision
A. Research Method
1. Research type
2. Research Location
3. Research period
4. Research object
5. Research subject
The subject of this research is people who living in Purwokerto and has
a. Population
know. This object is called the unit of analysis. This unit of analysis
was not known with certainty. The formula for calculating sample
Keterangan :
c. Sampling method
researchers that they are can represent the population. One type of
this technique the researcher looks for people who are willing to be
a. Primary data
b. Secondary data
pandemic, will be difficult and will not allow direct surveys to be carried
out, so that data collection from respondents will be carried out through
3. Expertise
a. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is an
b. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
c. Celebrity endorser
for Brand X is
Ohanian (1990); Spry
et al. (2009)
2 Brand Conceptual definition: a. The brand has a good
Image Brand image can be defined as a quality
perception about a brand as reflected b. The brand has a better
by the brand association held in characteristic rather
consumer memory (Keller, 1998:93) than competitors
c. The brand is one of
Operational definition: the best on it is
Respondents' perceptions of KYL industry
Exhaust as a memory reflection of (Keller,1998:51)
the brand association they have in
3 Product Conceptual definition: a. The performance
Quality product quality reflects all b. Additional features or
dimensions of product offerings that features
produce benefits (benefits) for c. Compliance with
customers. specifications
(Tjiptono, 2001) d. Reliability
e. Endurance
Operational definition: Tjiptono (2008)
Perception re s sponden to drive
quality KYL Exhaust products
based on the dimensions of the
5 Purchase Conceptual definition: 1. I feel good about my
Decision The purchasing decision is the decision to purchase
attitude of a person to buy or use a products from this
product either goods or services that store’s brand
have been believed to satisfy 2. I will positively
themselves and willingness to endure recommend this store’s
the risk that may arise (Kotler, 2008) brand to other people
3. I intent to purchase
Operational definition: again from this store’s
Respondents' experience in brand in the future
learning, selecting and using KYL 4. Overall, I am satisfied
Exhaust products. about my purchase of
goods from this store
(Hanaysha, 2017)
1. Variable measurement
This present study used the form of seven points Likert's Scale to
require many assumptions, and the sample size does not have to be
also be used to build relationships that do not yet have a basis for
al., 2014).
b) Convergent Validity
Convergent validity is the extent to which a measure
a) Discriminant Validity
a) Collinearity Assessment
Collinearity assessment is useful for detecting
above 0.2 for tolerance and below 0.5 for VIF (Hair et al.,
Commonly used critical values are 1.65
Rated R of 0.20 is considered high in disciplines
path coefficient value, the t value calculated and the probability value of
namely that there is a direct and indirect effect value in the relationship
mediation test using the VAF method. Hair et al., (2014) illustrates the
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A. Pengantar
kesediaan Saudara/i, dan tidak lupa penulis juga memohon maaf apabila ada
B. Petunjuk Pengisian
1. Bagian A : Berisi identitas responden, Saudara/i cukup mengisi pada
pilihan jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Bagian B : Berisi daftar pertanyaan, Saudara/i cukup memberikan
tanda chek list (√) pada jawaban yang tersedia sesuai
dengan pendapat Saudara/i.
Berikut adalah pilihan jawaban yang bisa di ceklis oleh
SS = Sangat Setuju memiliki skor 7
S = Setuju memiliki skor 6
AS = Agak Setuju memilki skor 5
N = Netral memiliki skor 4
ATS = Agak tidak setuju memiliki skor 3
TS = Tidak setuju memilki skor 2
STS = Sangat tidak setuju memiliki skor 1
C. Angket Penelitian
1. Identitas Responden
a. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki Perempuan
b. Usia : 18 sampai 25 tahun
26 sampai 30 Tahun
31 sampai 35 Tahun
36 sampai 40 Tahun
41 sampai 45 Tahun
> 45 Tahun
c. Tingkat Pendidikan : SD Diploma
SLTP Sarjana
2. Daftar Pertanyaan/Pernyataan
No. Pernyataan
1 Saya merasa keputusan
saya membeli KYL
exhaust adalah keputusan
yang benar
2 Saya dengan senang hati
akan merekomendasikan
KYL exhaust kepada
orang lain
3 Saya berniat untuk
membeli lagi KYL exhaust
di masa mendatang
4 Secara keseluruhan, saya
puas dengan pembelian
KYL exhaust
No. Pernyataan
1 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
penampilan yang menarik
2 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
style yang berkelas
3 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
selaku celebrity endorser
dari KYL Exhaust memiliki
sikap yang elegan (luwes)
4 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
dapat diandalkan sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust
5 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
jujur dalam mengendorse
KYL Exhaust
6 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
dapat dipercaya dalam
mengendorse KYL Exhaust
7 Menurut saya Akbar Rasi
memiliki keahlian yang
mumpuni sebagai endorser
KYL Exhaust
8 Menurut saya sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust
Akbar Rais kaya akan
9 Menurut saya Akbar Rais
memilki pengetahuan luas
yang relevan sebagai
endorser KYL Exhaust
Menurut Saudara/i apakah Akbar Rais sudah cocok dan pantas menjadi
endorser KYL Exhaust? Mohon berikan penjelasan.
No. Pernyataan
1 Saya merasa knalpot
merek KYL dapat
memberikan performa
secara maksimal
2 Menurut saya knalpot
KYL memiliki suara yang
3 Menurut saya knalpot
KYL sesuai dengan
standart dan spesifikasi
yang baik
4 Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
reliabilitas yang baik
(meningkatkan performa
5 Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL mampu
bertahan lama (lebih dari 5
No. Pernyataan
1. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
kualitas yang baik
2. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL memiliki
banyak keunggulan
dibandingkan merek lain.
3. Menurut saya knalpot
merek KYL adalah salah
satu merek terbaik di
industri knalpot
Apa yang menjadi alasan Saudara/i menilai bahwa knalpot merek KYL
memiliki citra yang baik (positif) atau tidak baik (negatif)? Mohon
berikan penjelasan!
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