Ihe CND: Rizal
Ihe CND: Rizal
Ihe CND: Rizal
Departmeni of Education
KK{iA&tr Fg-.s. #&&S.*&&g*ffi
Gate t fiara::gal*n Village
1900 Cainta, Rizal
lllil$til lll$t
oEPED-4A-02-RM-18- 312
2- Reodirrg is a skjll. ?l s: ceiri,.;ry sk,ir: 'wiii rern*in 'c d:'*c*i ur:less *li h*s!c
educcfien lesrners ** ch:ie i* ier:d v"-i?ir con:prshensi*rr. Reccling fx
comprehension is centrcl tc lecrning to reod. lViih younger chiidren. ii is
ir-npartsnt tc help ihern tJev*l*p skill: *rrd sfrai*gies t* sccess ihe c*nient cf
th* simple iexts they *re reciing" This inciurjes e4*ariding 'ih*trvoc*bul*r,' b1:
rleveioping iheir recogniiion r:nd rneq:niric af cn incre<lsing range of r"rords"
ClCer children need tc be abie ta recd a vcdety qf ciifiereni i,"*p*s ct iexjs, sucl-l
cs sf*ir-e:" poetrt'. pioys" ir;f*xncfit>n texts, chcrts cnd fc.bles. The-v *lsa need fc
deveiop skilfs to exii"oct informcii*n more quickly lrorn fhe fexf, such cs being
able io use heodings. subhecrdings, buli*t pairris and pictures or ciagrams.
lkiiho*t such skills. chilcirst ,,,sill r:oi be r:ble tr: r*cil. for exit*rpie. a sccir:i
science *,r science ie.xi*
3. Sne *i the k*y stqnCsids st end *i ?he ftrsi sicE*. l.e. Kln$er ta Grr:Ce ;? is: Every
Chili * Resder i* the *:oih*,. t+r-rgr-le ci ihe en* *i graC* 3. Hr:.r"sver. r*pa*s
have been received ihci there are stili rr*n- rescjers even in grades 7 cnci B
Tnrnk lice: i*l) 6s-J-:ii?i i $41-.1!:14,r 6$I-I4a?
Faxr {02) s&e-?!14
HeSsite: depe.trr=iabaec*- plt
F.c€book: aesEd R-4A Calabarzoi-t
E-mei * r+*iql+a+ {i€lied--rn'.'. r'f I
DEPED-4A-ffttl-02-I8- Page 2 of 2
and reoders wiih very poor comprehension in higher grades. ln view of these
feedbocks on reoding concerns qmong leorners, oll concerned are directed
to ensure the moximum implementqtion af the Regional Guidelines on
Comprehensive Reoding Policies.
6. Forihe lecrners thqt vre profess to serve, immediste disseminotion af ond sirict
complionce with this Memorondum is desired.