Arithmetic by Raja Sir Neon Classes
Arithmetic by Raja Sir Neon Classes
Arithmetic by Raja Sir Neon Classes
F blh question dks ge Last digit ds concept ls Hkh digits gh relevant gksrh gSA
solve dj ldrs gSA (i) 5125 + 4023 = 9148
lHkh la[;kvks dh dsoy Last digits dks gh Last 2 digits ⇨ 25 + 23 = 48
consider djus ij] (ii) 5125 - 4023 = 1102
8+8-6-x=1+2 Last 2 digits ⇨ 25-23 = 02
10 - x = 3 (iii) 5125 × 4023 = 20617875
x=7 Last 2 digits ⇨ 25 × 23 = 575
vr% answer dh last digit = 7 gksxh ,slk dsoy ,d
gh option (c) 1247 gSA Q. 2 2172 ? = 1832 - 956 - 514
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10
Last Digit (d) 12 (e) None of these (SBI Clerk 2008)
Tkc gesa fdlh Expression dh Last Digit ;k Unit Sol. Neon approach ls :
Digit ¼bdkbZ dk vad½ find djuh gks rks gekjs fy, 2172 x = 1832 - 956 - 514
lHkh la[;kvksa dh Unit Digit gh relevant gksrh gSA Digit sum ls replace djus ij]
3 3
Eg. (i) 5128 + 4021 = 9149 x =5-2-1 ⇨ x =2
bl Expression dh unit Digit ds fy, ges dsoy 3 = 2x
(8+1 = 9) bdkbZ ds vad dh gh t#jr gSA ∴ x dk digit sum = 6
(ii) 5128 - 4021 = 1107 vr% lgh answer option (a) 6
bdkbZ dk vad ⇒ 8 - 1 = 7
(iii) 5128 × 4021 = 20619688 Q. 3 14541 + 7867 - 1204 = ? × 93
bdkbZ dk vad ⇒ 8 ×1 = 8 (a) 208 (b) 196 (c) 222
(d) 266 (e) None of these
F bl question esa ge ;fn last 2 digits find djuk (Bank of Maharastra Clerk 2008)
pkgs rks lHkh la[;kvks dh last 2 digits dks Sol. Neon approach ls :
consider djus ij 14541 + 7867 - 1204 = x × 93
68 + 58 - 96 - x = 21 + 62 x dk digit sum ⇨6+1-7=x×3
126 - 96 - x = 83 ⇨0=x×3 ⇨9=x×3
30 - x = 83 Digit sum concept esa 0 o 9 nksuks leku gksrs gSA
30 esa ls x ?kVkus ij 83 ugh vk ldrk vr% ;gka 100 x = 3, 6, 9
carry nsuk gksxkA
x dh last digit ⇨1+7-4=x×3
130 - x = 83
4=x×3 ⇨x=8
∴ x = 47
x dh last digit = 8
vr% x dh last 2 digits = 47
vr% x dk digit sum = 3, 6, 9
x dh last digit = 8
Last 2 Digits
,slk ,d Hkh option ugh gS vr% lgh answer
tc gesa fdlh Expression dh last 2 Digits find
option (e) none of these gSA
djuh gks rks gekjs fy, lHkh la[;kvksa dh last 2
(c) 4850 (d) 4950 vr% x x 7 dk digit sum 1 gksuk pkfg,A tks dsoy x
(e) None of these
dh value 4 ds fy, gksxkA
(Corporate Bank PO 2010) vr% lgh answer option (a) 4900 gS] vU; fdlh
Hkh option dk digit sum 4 ugh gSA
Explanations :
1. 495 + 660 dk 75% = 13. 1020 ds 25% dk 12
= 120 + ?
digit sum ls replace djus ij] (a) 60 (b) 40
⇒ 9 + 3 × 3, ⇒ 9 + 9 = 18 = 9 (c) 80 (d) 120
vr% answer dk digit sum 9 vk;sxk tks dsoy (e) None of these
option (c) 990 (9) esa gh gS vr% lgh answer
(Bank of India PO 2011)
option (c) gSA
14. 1285 dk 76% = 1256 dk 35% + ?
2. 250 dk 14% × 150 dk x% = 840,
(a) 543 (b) 537
⇒ 7× 5 × 6 × x = 3, ⇒ 3 × x = 3 (c) 547 (d) 533
x dk digit sum = 1, 4, ;k 7 gks ldrk gS options esa (e) None of these
dsoy option (c) 16 (7) dk digit sum 7 gS vr% (Corporation Bank PO 2011)
lgh answer option (c) 16 gSA 15. (34 × 55)dk (5 × 7)% + 456.60 = 699.1 + ?
3. x dk 40% × 10 = 78 (a) 412 (b) 422
;gk digit sum ds lkFk&2 unit digit (bdkbZ dk (c) 418 (d) 428
vad) dk concept Hkh apply djuk gksxkA (e) None of these
bl Question esa Zero (O) dks gVkus ds ckn pkjks (UCO Bank PO 2011)
options ds unit digit ⟶ 5, 2, 8, 2 gSA 16. 84 dk 25% × 85 dk 24% = ?
bdkbZ dk vad 2 j[kus ij] (a) 424.2 (b) 488.4
2 × 4 × 3 = 4 vkrk gS (tcfd bdkbZ dk vad 8 (c) 482.8 (d) 428.4
(78) vkuk pkfg,) (e) None of these
bdkbZ dk vad 8 j[kus ij] (Indian Bank PO 2011)
Explanations : Explanations :
13. 1020 x 25% x
= 120 + x 23. bl Question esa pkjksa options dk Digit sum
⇒3x7x 3 =3+x leku gSA vr% ge ;gk¡ ij Last Digit dk Concept
⇒3x7 x3 x8=3+x ⇒9 =3+x apply djsaxsA
∴ x dk digit sum = 6 gksxk tks fd dsoy option ⇒ 3 - x + 1 = 7, ⇒4-x=7 ⇒x=7
(a) 60 (6) esa gSA vr% x dh Last Digit = 7 gksxhA tksfd dsoy option
14. 1285 x 76 % = 1256 x 35% + x, (a) 8467 esa gSA
⇒ 7 x 4 = 5 x 8 + x, ⇒ 1 = 4 + x, 27. bl Question ds answer dk digit sum 3 gksuk
vr% x dk digit sum 6 gksxk tks fd dsoy option pkfg,A tks fd option (a) & (b) esa gSA vr% ge ;gk¡
(b) 537 (6) esa gSA ij Last 2 Digits dk Concept apply djsaxsA
15. (34×55) x (5 × 7)% + 456.60 = 699.1 + x ⇒ 11 x 21 x 11 = x ⇒ 11 x 11 x 21 = x
⇒ (7 × 1) x (8) + 3 = 7 + x ⇒2+3=7+x ⇒ (1)21 x 21 = x ⇒ 21 x 21 = x
∴ x dk digit sum = 7 gksxk tks fd dsoy option (a) ⇒ (4) 41 = x
412 (7) esa gSA vr% x dh Last 2 Digits = 41 gksxhA tksfd dsoy
16. 84 x 25% × 85 x 24% = x, option (a) 4645641 esa gSA
⇒ (3 x 7) × (4 x 6) = x,
∴ x dk digit sum 9 gksxk
tks fd dsoy option (d)
bl izdkj geus ns[kk fd Bank
428.4 (9) esa gSA ds ftu Questions dks Solve
Note : dbZ ckj Questions esa ,d ls vf/kd djus esa Average time 1
options esa digit sum leku gksrk gS] ;k
Questions esa answer approximation esa iwNk minute ls T;knk yxrk gS] mls
tkrk gS] rks bl izdkj ds Questions dks Solve ge Neon Approach ls dsoy
djus ds fy, dqN vU; Neon Concepts (eg. Find
the range, unit and ten's digit, Remainder 5-7 seconds esa solve dj
Theorem & Aryan Ratios) dke esa ysaxsa] ysfdu
questions dks fcuk calculation ds gh solve
ldrs gSA
djsaxsA ;fn vki Hkh Bank PO / Clerk
vc ge R.S. Aggarwal ls gh 2 Questions vkSj
ns[krs gSA esa viuk Selection djokuk
23. 85793 - ? +151 = 77477 pkgrs gSa] rks Join djsa NEON
(a) 8467 (b) 8476
(c) 8674 (d) 8764 CLASSES vkSj lQyrk ds iFk
(e) buesa ls dksbZ ugha ¼ cSad ih. vks. ijh{kk++, 2006½ ij vkxs c<+saA
27. 20111× 21× 11 =?
(a) 4645641 (b) 4645461
(c)4645611 (d) 4645645
(e) buesa ls dksbZ ugha ¼ cSad ih. vks. ijh{kk++, 2006½
Neon Approach
nwljh la[;k dh form = 9x vr% ;g la[;k 9 dk ×
multiple gksxhA 9 ds lHkh multiples dk digit
sum = 9. vr% B dk digit sum Hkh 9 gksxk] ,slk
dsoy ,d gh option gS& option (a) 45.
Q. P varies inversely with the product of Q and R. Q. 12 men o 16 boys fdlh dke dks 5 fnu esa dj
when Q = 6 and R = 12, P = 75. When Q = 5, ldrs gSA 13 men o 24 boys ml dke dks 4 fnu esa
R = 10, then P is? (SSC CGL Mains 2012) dj ldrsa gS rks 7 men o 10 boys fdrus fnu esa
P dk eku Q rFkk R ds xq.kuQy ds O;qRØekuqlkj mlds dke dks djsxsa\ (SSC 2013)
ifjofrZr gksrk gSA tc Q = 6 rFkk R = 12, rks P = 75. (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
rnuqlkj] ;fn Q = 5, R = 10 gks] rks P fdruk gksxk\ Neon Approach ls
(a) 75 (b) 6 (c) 108 (d) 12 12 men + 6 boys = 5 days
Sol. Neon Approach ls 7 men + 10 boys = D days
P dk eku Q o R ds xq.kuQy ds O;qRØekuqikr esa men o boys nksuksa dke dj jgsa gS] rFkk yxHkx vk/ks
cnyrk gS vr: Q o R dk eku ?kVus ij P dk eku 75 gks jgsa gS rks le; 5 fnu ls T;knk yxsxk vFkkZr~ le;
ls T;knk vk;sxkA vr: option (c) 108. yxHkx nqxqus ls FkksM+k lk de gksxk tks option (d)
3 3 3
2 40 - 4 320 + 3 625 - 3 5 is?
3 gSA
(a) -2 340 (b) 0
3 3
(c) 340 (d) 660 Q. The students in three classes are in the ratio
4:6:9. If 12 students are increased in each
(SSC CGL Mains 2012)
class, the ratio changes to 7:9:12. Then the
Sol. Neon Approach ls total number of students in the three classes
vifjes; la[;k esa vifjes; la[;k tksM+h ;k ?kVkbZ before the increase is? (SSC CGL Mains 2012)
tk;s rks ges'kk mÙkj vifjes; la[;k gh gksxk ysfdu rhu d{kkvksa ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vuqikr 4:6:9 gSA mu
;fn +ve o -ve fpUg dh vifjes; la[;k,a leku gks d{kkvksa esa izR;sd esa 12 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh o`f) ls vuqikr
rks mÙkj 'kwU; gksxkA ;gka options esa dksbZ dh la[;k 7:9:12 gks tkrk gSA rnuqlkj] mu rhuksa d{kkvksa esa
5 ds order dh vifjes; la[;k ugha gS vr: option o`f) ls igys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k fdruh gS\
(b)zero (a) 95 (b) 76
Q. 3
(997) = ? (SSC CPO 2014, CGL 2016) (c) 100 (d) 114
(a) 991026973 (b) 991029683 Aryan Ratio ls
3 19
(c) 1001028693 (d) 1001026893 12
= x ⇒ x = 76
Neon Approach ls vr: answer option (B)
bl Que. dks Generally (a - b) formula ls solve Q.
The angles of a triangle are in Arithmetic
djrsa gSa ysfdu blls Hkh calculation yEch gh gksrh gSA Progression. The ratio of the least angle in
degrees to the number of radians in the greatest
997 dk digit sum=7 ⇒(7) =343 (digit sum=1)
Eg. (13,15), (51,53), (109, 111) (4) 1 o &1 nks ,slh la[;k;s gS tks lHkh integer
(3) nks prime numbers ges'kk co-prime gksrs gSA ¼iw.kkZad½ ds lkFk co-prime gSA
Eg. (13,17), (53,71) (101, 107) (193, 197) (5) ;fn a o b nks co-prime gS rFkk x ,d ,slh
(4) ,d prime numbers rFkk ,slk composite natural number ¼izkd`r la[;k½ gS tks a o b nksuks
number tks bl prime number dk multiple uk ls divisible gS rks x ges'kk a.b ls Hkh divisible
gks] ges'kk co-prime gksrs gSA gksxkA
Eg. (11, 35), (23,26) (17, 50) (6) Euler's totient (phi ) function :-
ysfdu /;ku jgs 17 o 51 co-prime ugh gSA fdlh positive integer ¼/kukRed iw.kkZad½ ds fy,
v 3 rFkk 3 ls vf/kd la[;k;s co-prime gksxh ;fn mu [1, n-1] dh range ds fy, mu la[;kvksd dks find
la[;kvks ds lHkh possible pairs co-prime gksA djuk tks bl positive integer ds lkFk)co-
prime gSA
Eg. 47, 49, 51, 52
(47, 49) (47, 51) (47, 52) (49, 51) (49, 52) (51, 52) x [1,7] bldk vFkZ ;g gS fd x dh fuEu values gks
;s ikapks possible pairs co-prime gS vr% ge dg ldrh gS & x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
ldrs gS fd ;s lHkh pkjks la[;k;s 47, 49, 51, 52 co- Euler's phi function ges fdlh la[;k ds fy, ml
prime gSA la[;k ls NksVh 1 rd dh lHkh la[;k;s tks ml
• 3 co-prime numbers ds fy;s Rules la[;k ds lkFk co-prime gS dk number crkrk gSA
1 1 1
(1) 3 consecutive odd numbers ¼Øekxr fo"ke phi (n) = N (1 - a). (1 - b). (1 - c )
la[;k;s½ ges'kk co-prime gksrh gSA tgka N = am. bn. cp
Eg. (99, 101, 103) (189, 191, 193) rFkk a, b, c prime factors gSA
(2) ;fn igyk number fo"ke gks rks 3 Øekxr natural Eg. (i) N = 6
numbers Hkh co-prime gksaxsA 6 = 21 31
1 1 1 2
Eg. (21, 22, 23) (91, 92, 93) Phi (n) = 6. (1- 2). (1- 3) = 6. 2 . 3 = 2
(3) nks consecutive natural numbers ¼Øekxr izkd`r vFkkZr~ 1 ls 6 ds chp 2 la[;k;s gS tks fd 6 ds lkFk
la[;k;sa½ rFkk next fo"ke la[;k Hkh co-prime gksrs co-prime gS ;s bl izdkj gS & 1 o 5-
• Co-primes ls related key concept ftls ge
Eg. (98, 99, 101) (108, 109, 111)
Algebra esa apply djsaxs &
(4) rhu prime number ges'kk co-prime gksrs gSA
;fn fdlh fractions ¼fHkUu½ ds nks denominators
Eg. (13, 29, 31) (101, 103, 197) (109, 199, ¼gj½ co-prime gS rks ge bu fractions ls related
calculations cgqr easily dj ldrs gSA
Some Important Points Eg. A o B integers ¼iw.kkZad½ gSA
(1) ;fn a o b nks co-prime la[;k;s gS rks (2a-1) o + gesa find djuk gSA
8 9
(2b-1) Hkh co-prime gksaxsA ;fn A, 8 ls o B, 9 ls divisible ugha gS rks bu
(2) ;fn a o b nks co-prime la[;k;s gS rks a o b dh fractions dk ;ksx (sum) dHkh Hkh Integer value
dksbZ Hkh powers (eg. ax o by ) Hkh co-prime gksxhA ugh gksxkA
(3) ;fn a o b nks co-prime gS rks integers ¼iw.kkZad½ x o D;ksafd 8 o 9 coprimes gS rFkk co-primes ds
y bl izdkj exist djsaxs fd & decimals dHkh Hkh match ugh djsaxsA
ax + by = 1 gksA (Bezout's identity) Eg.15 +17 = (159)+(178) = 271 = 3.76
8 9 89 72
28x + 22y
Q. The ratio of two liquids in a mixture is 3 : 5 and = 6
49x + 55y 13
that in another mixture is 6 : 1, The ratio in Solving, 364 + 286 y = 294 + 330y
which these two mixtures should be mixed so ⇒ 70 = 44y ⇒
= 22
y 35
as to make the ratio of the two liquids 7 : 3 is
Neon Approach
,d feJ.k esa nks nzoksa dk vuqikr 3 % 5 gS vkSj nwljs
• igys feJ.k dh total quantity = 4a + 7a = 11a
feJ.k esa 6 % 1 gSA bu nks feJ.kksa dks fdl vuqikr esa
feyk;k tk, fd nks nzoksa dk vuqikr 7 % 3 gks tk;s\ vr% 11 dk multiple vk;sxkA
(SSC CGL Mains 2014) • nwljs feJ.k dh total quantity = 2b + 5b = 7b
(a) 44 : 81 (b) 11 : 61 vr% 7 dk multiple vk;sxk ,slk dsoy ,d gh
(c) 44 : 91 (d) 44 : 71 option gS& option (c) 22: 35
Sol. ekuk nks nzo A and B gSa] igys feJ.k dh ek=k x gS Q. The value of a machine is Rs. 6,250 it
rFkk nwljs dh y gS] decreases by 10% during the first year, 20%
during the second year and 30% during the
(3) x + (6) y (21) x + ( 48) y third year. What will be the value of the
A 8 7 56 56
= =
(5) x + (1) y (35) x +( 8)y machine after 3 years?
8 7 56 56
,d e'khu dk ewY; 6,250 : gSA igys o"kZ esa bldk
21 x + 48y x
ewY; 10% nwljs o"kZ esa 20% rFkk rhljs o"kZ eas 30%
7 44
= = ⇒ solving y = ?kVrk gS] rks 3 o"kZ ds ckn e'khu dk ewY; D;k gksxk\
35 x + 8y 3 91
(a) Rs. 2,650 (b) Rs. 3,050
Neon Approach (c) Rs. 3,150 (d) Rs. 3,510
Sol. (e'khu dk 3 o"kZ ckn ewY;)
90 80 70
= 6250 × 100 × 100 × 100
= Rs. 3150
105, 7 dk multiple gS vr% table dh tks SP vk;sxh (a) 68 (b) 72 (c) 86 (d) 91
oks Hkh 7 dk multiple gksxhA ,slk dsoy ,d gh
option gS& option (a) 1260. ∴ HCF = ⇨ LCM = 3 × 4 × = 12
Q. A sells an article to B at a gain of 10%. B sells it given that = HCF × LCM = × 12 = 2008
to C at a gain of 7.5%. C sells it at a loss of 25%. 12 = 2028 ⇨ = 169 ⇨ = 13
If the cost price to the manufacturer A was Rs. ∴ sum of numbers = 3 + 4 = 7
3200 then the selling price by C is? = 7 = 7 × 13 = 91
A us 10% ykHk ij B dks ,d lkeku cspkA B us 7-5% Neon Approach ls %&
ykHk ij mls C dks csp fn;kA C us bls 25% gkfu ij
nksuksa la[;kvksa dk ;ksx = 3 + 4 = 7
csp fn;kA ;fn A dk ykxr ewY; 3200 : gS] rks C dks
vr% ;ksx 7 dk dksbZ multiple gh gksxk] ,slk dsoy
fdruh jkf'k izkIr gqbZ\ (SSC 2011)
,d gh option gS& option (d) 91.
(a) Rs. 2800 (b) Rs. 2580
(c) Rs. 2670 (d) Rs. 2838
C dk SP 110 107.5 75
Sol. 3200 = 100 × 100 × 100
(a) 20% , 15%, 10% (b) 25%, 12%, 8%
C dk SP = 2838
(A) (a) csgrj gSA (B) (b)
Neon Approach ls %&
(C) a ;k b (nksuks ,d tSlh gSaA½ (D) None
C dks tks jkf'k izkIr gksxh oks 11 dk multiple gksxhA
Q. A principal of Rs. 10,000 after 2 years
compounded annually, the rate of interest
being 10% per annum during the first year
and 12% per annum during the second year
(in rupees) will amount to:
10,000 : dk ewy/ku] igys o"kZ esa 10% okf"kZd nj
,d rkj dks tc ,d oxZ ds :Ik esa eksM+k tkrk gS] rks dk i`"B {ks=Qy Kkr djsa\ (SSC CGL 2003)
mlds }kjk f?kjk {ks=Qy 484 oxZ lseh- gS rkj }kjk (a) 2424 cm2 (b) 2446 cm2
f?kjk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ;fn blh rkj dks ,d o`Ùk (c) 2484 cm2 (d) 2464 cm2
ds :Ik esa eksM+k tk;sA (SSC CGL2002) Sol. xksys dk vk;ru = 3 π r3
(a) 125 cm 2
(b) 230 cm 2
= 21 × (14)3
(c) 550 cm2 (d) 616 cm2 = 3
π × (14)3
Sol. (side)2 = 484 cm2 ⇨ side = 22 cm xksys dk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy = 4 π (radius)2
oxZ dk ifjeki = 4 × 22 = 88 cm =4× 7
× 14 × 14 = 2464 cm2
88 × 7
2πr = 88 cm ⇨ r = 2× 22 = 14 cm Neon Approach
area of circle = πr 2
= 7 × 14 × 14 ⇨616 cm 2
xksys dk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 11 dk multiple gksxkA
Neon Approach Q. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its
Circle dk area 11 dk multiple gksxkA exterior diameter is 8 cm. if the thickness of
Q. The sides of a rectangular plot are in the ratio the pipe is 1 cm and iron weights 8 g/cm ,
5:4 and its area is equal to 500 sq. m the then the weight of the pipe is (Take π = 7 )
perimeter of the plot is: ,d [kks[kyk yksgs dk ikbi 21 lseh- yEck rFkk
fdlh vk;rkdkj {ks= dh Hkqtk,a 5:4 esa gSa rFkk mldk ckgjh O;kl 8 lseh- gSA ;fn ikbZi dh eksVkbZ
mldk {ks=Qy 500 eh- gSA {ks= dk ifjeki Kkr 1 lseh- gks rFkk yksgs dk Hkkj 8 g/lseh - gks] rc ikbZi
djsa\ (SSC CGL 1999) dk Hkkj Kkr djsa\ (SSC CGL 2004, 10+2 - 2011)
(a) 80 m (b) 100 m (a) 3.696 kg (b) 3.6 kg
(c) 90 m (d) 95 m (c) 36 kg (d) 36.9 kg
Sol. vk;rkdkj eSnku dh Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr = 5 : 4 Sol. [kks[kys ikbi dk vk;ru = π (R2 - r2) × h
ekuk fd vk;rkdkj eSnku dh yEckbZ = 5x = π {42 - 32} × 21 = 7
× 7 × 21 = 22 × 21
= 462 cm3 Now 1 cm3 = 8g
vk;rkdkj eSnku dh pkSM+kbZ = 4x
462 cm3 = 8 × 462g = 3696 g = 3.696 kg
Area = 500 m2 ⇨5x × 4x = 500 m2
500 Neon Approach
20x2 = 500 m2 ⇨ x2 = 20 = 25 ⇨x=5
Answer 11 dk multiple gksxkA
yEckbZ = 5x = 5 × 5 = 25m
pkSM+kbZ = 4x = 4 × 5 = 20 m
djokus gksrs gSA Semester day 1 ls start gksrk gS rFkk Days - 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ---- 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 ------
116, 120, 124, 128 ------ 140, 144, 148.
Sundays and Public Holidays dks count djrs gq, day
• Correspondence okys students dh classes dk
150 ij lekIr gksrk gS vFkkZr~ final semester 150 fnu schedule, according to every 5th day
dk gSA Days - 5, 10, 15, 20 ------ 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 --- 110,
Information Technology Department ds students 115, 120, 125 ----- 140, 145, 150.
dh every 3rd day Laboratory dh class gksrh gS rFkk bl schedule dks /;ku ls ns[kus ij 60 os rFkk 120
computer science ds students dh every 4th day os fnu bu rhuks departments dh ,d lkFk
Laboratory dh classes vk;sxh vr% bu nks fnu
Laboratory dh class gksrh gSA bu students ds vykok
¼60 oka fnu rFkk 120 oka fnu½ IT o CS okys
dqN Correspondence students Hkh gS ftudh student vius nks project submit djok;saxsA
Laboratory dh class every 5th day gksrh gSA igyk project 60 os fnu rFkk nwljk Project 120
Mr. Arya and Mr. Bond tc Laboratory classes dk os fnuA
schedule cuk jgs gksrs gS rc mUgs realize gksrk gS fd F Conceptual Understanding
final semester esa dqN particular fnu ,sls Hkh vk;saxs tc ge bu schedules dks /;ku ls ns[krs gS rks IT
department dk schedule 3 dh table ¼igkMk½ gh
tc rhuks Batches (Information Technology,
gS (3, 6, 9, --- 150).
Computer Science rFkk Correspondence) dh ,d
3 dh table esa tks values vkrh gS oks okLro esa 3 ds
lkFk Laboratory dh classes gksxhA bl clash ls cpus Consecutive multiples ¼Øekxr xq.kt½ gh gSA
ds fy, mUgksus decide fd;k fd ,sls fnu Information ;fn ge 3] 4 o 5 ds multiples dks consider djs
Technology (IT) rFkk Computer Science (CS) ds rks 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 -----------
Students vius respective HOD's (Head of ;s lHkh values 3, 4, o 5 ds multiples esa common
Department) dks “Project Report” Submit djok;saxs gS vr% bu values dks ge 3] 4 o 5 ds common
rFkk Correspondence okys students Laboratory multiples dg ldrs gSA ;s common Multiples
Ekku yks x ,d y?kqre la[;k gS ftls tc 2000 esa ∴ 21 90 = 1890 will be divisible by them.
tksM+k tk, rks ifj.kkeh la[;k 12] 16] 18 vkSj 21 ls ∴ Now, 1897 will be the number that will give
foHkkT; gks tkrh gSA x ds vadksa dk ;ksx D;k gS\ remainder 7.
(a)7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4 1936 - 1897 = 39
(SSC CGL Mains 2015) Neon Approach ls %&
Sol. Neon Approach ls %& 1936 - x = K
digit sum dk Concept 9 ds multiples ds fy, Hkh K esa 10 dk Hkkx nsus ij 'ks"kQy 7 vkrk gS] vr% K
applicable gSA dk bdkbZ dk vad 7 gksxkA ;fn K dk bdkbZ dk vad
⇒ 2000 + x = K 7 gS rks x dk bdkbZ dk vad 9 gksxkA
K esa 18 dk iwjk&iwjk Hkkx tk;sxk rks K esa 9 dk Hkh iwjk Hkkx vr% lgh answer option (c) 39 gksxkA
tk;sxk] ftlls K dk digit sum = 9 gksxkA vr% x dk 7.
digit sum = 7 gksxkA
vr% lgh answer option (a)7 gSA
5. 6 vdksa dh lcls cM+h la[;k ftlesa 6] 7] 8] 9] 10 dk
Hkkx nsus ij Øe'k% 4] 5] 6] 7] 8 'ks"kQy vk;s\
(a) 997920 (b) 997918
5 vadksa dh lcls cM+h la[;k D;k gS] ftlesa 16] 24] (c) 999999 (d) 997922
30 ;k 36 dk Hkkx nssus ij ges'kk 'ks"kQy 10 vk;s\
Sol. fdlh la[;k esa 10 dk Hkkx nsus ij 'ks"kQy 8 vkrk gS
(1) 99279 (2) 99370 rks ml la[;k dk bdkbZ dk vad 8 gksxk] rFkk 9 dk
(3) 99269 (4) 99350 Hkkx nsus ij 'ks"kQy 7 vkrk gS rks la[;k dk digit
(SSC CPO, 2007) sum 7 gksxkA ,slk dsoy ,d gh option gS& option
fdlh la[;k esa 36 dk Hkkx nsus ij 10 'ks"kQy vk;s 8.
rks ml la[;k esa 9 dk Hkkx nsus ij 1 'ks"kQy vk;sxk]
vFkkZr ml la[;k dk Digit sum 1 gksxkA (a) 99999 (b) 99958
;gk¡ pkjksa Options esa ls dsoy Option (2) 99370 (c) 99960 (d) 99962
dk Digit sum gh 1 gSA vr% ;gh lgh Answer gSA Sol. Neon Approach ls %&
5 ls Hkkx nsus ij 2 'ks"kQy gksxk vr% unit digit 2
;k 7 gksxk tks option (d) 99962 gSA
bl izdkj geus ns[kk fd ;fn ge bu Questions
1936 esa ls lcls NksVh la[;k D;k ?kVkbZ tk;s fd dks LCM Find djds Solve djrs rks Average 2
ifj.kkeh la[;k esa 9] 10 vkSj 15 dk Hkkx nsus ij feuV dk VkbZe yxrk ysfdu Neon Approach ls ;s
izR;sd ckj 7 'ks"kQy vk;s\ (SSC CGL, 2008)
Questions 5-7 Seconds esa Solve fd;s tk ldrs
(a) 37 (b) 36 gSaA
(c) 39 (d) 30 Upcoming Books esa ge Arithmetic, Algebra,
Sol. LCM of 9, 10 and 15 = 90
Trigonometry & Geometry ds Questions dks Hkh
The multiple of 90 are also divisible by 9, 10
and 15. Neon Approach ls Solve djuk fl[ksaxsA
Q. 2. 90 students ds fy, fofHkUu batch bl izdkj Hkh la[;k dks igys mldh standard form (Prime
cuk;s tk ldrs gS& factorisation) esa fy[krs gSA
• 90 = 1 90 N = am. bn. cp
lHkh 90 students dk 1 batch ;k lHkh students ¼tgka a, b, c fofHkUu prime numbers gS rFkk m, n,
dks individual batch ds #i esa Hkh consider fd;k p budh powers gSA½
tk;s vFkkZr~ 1-1 student ds 90 batch. No. of factors = (m+1) (n+1) (p+1)
• 90 = 2 45 Eg. 42 = 21 31 71
2 students ds 45 batches or vice-versa dqy factors dh la[;k = (1+1) (1+1) (1+1) = 8
• 90 = 3 30 blh izdkj 100 = 2² 5²
3 students ds 30 batches or vice-versa dqy factors = (2+1) (2+1) = 9
• 90 = 5 18 90 = 21 3² 51
5 students ds 18 batches or vice-versa. Total factors = (1+1) (2+1) (1+1) = 12
• 90 = 6 15 vr% fdlh Hkh la[;k dk prime factorization
6 students ds 15 batches or vice-versa djds ge ml la[;k ds Total factors, mudk sum
• 90 = 9 10 rFkk factors dh divisibility ds ckjs esa cgqr lh
9 students ds 10 batches or vice-versa. Information izkIr dj ldrs gSA
bl izdkj Mr. Bond Computer Science ds 90 (Note: factors ds ckjs esa detailed study ds fy,
students dks 12 batches esa divide dj ldrs gS bl book dk chapter 6 prime numbers i<sa+A
ftudh batch size fuEu gS& Q. 4. IT ds fy, Batch Sizes = 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50,
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90. 100
• 1 90 CS ds fy, Batch Sizes = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15,
• 2 45 18, 30, 45, 90
• 3 30 nksuksa Departments ds fy, common Batch
• 5 18 sizes = 1, 2, 5, 10
• 6 15 bu common batch sizes esa Highest or
• 9 10 Greatest Number = 10.
Q. 3. bl izdkj geus ns[kk fd ;fn leku students ds bl izdkj 100 o 90 dk Highest Common
batch cukus gS rks oks batch size gh possible gS tks Factor (HCF) = 10.
100 rFkk 90 esa iwjk&2 Hkkx nsaA ;fn bl batch size (10) ds batch cuk;s tk;s rks
Mathematical Concept IT ds 10 batch cusaxs rFkk
,slh la[;k tks fdlh la[;k esa iwjk&2 Hkkx ns ml CS ds 9 batch cusaxsA
la[;k dk factor ;k Divisor dgykrh gSA bl izdkj geus ns[kk fd Mr. Arya rFkk Mr. Bond
Eg. ;fn gesa 42 ds dqy factors Kkr djus gS rks ges tks lcls cMh Batch size find djuk pkgrs gS oks
;g ns[kuk gksxk fd 42 esa fdu&2 la[;kvksa dk Hkkx actual esa 100 o 90 dk HCF (10) gSA
tkrk gSA
42 ds factors 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42.
Number of factors find djus ds fy, ge fdlh
Q. The HCF of two numbers 12906 and 14818 is Neon Approach ls %&
478. Their LCM is ? (SSC CGL Pre 2002) Last digit concept apply djus ij]
(a) 400086 (b) 200043 8b=84
(c) 600129 (d) 800172 vr% b dh last digit = 4
Sol. a b = HCF LCM
tks dsoy ,d gh option (c) 2394 esa gSA
12906 14818 = 478 LCM
Hence, option (c) 2394.
bl question dks vkxs ;fn iwjk solve fd;k tk;s
Q. Three pieces of timber 42m, 49m and 63 m
rks 2 minute dk time yx tk;sxk but vc ge ;fn
long have to be divided into planks of the
Last digit dk concept apply djs rks ge bl Que same length. What is the greatest possible
dks 5-7 sec. esa solve dj ldrs gSA lenth of each plank ? (SSC 2013)
Last digit j[kus ij] (a) 7m (b) 14m
68=8x (c) 42m (d) 63m
vr% x dh last digit 1 or 6 gksxhA Sol. Greatest length = HCF (42, 49, 63) = 7
Hence, option (a) 400086. Neon Approach
Q. The HCF and LCM of two 2 digit numbers are 42 o 49 dk difference = 7
16 and 480 respectively. The numbers are
vr% budk HCF Hkh 7 gh gksxkA
(a) 40, 48 (b) 60, 72
Q. Three different containers have certain
(c) 64, 80 (d) 80, 96
different mixtures of milk and water whose
(SSC, CPO 2005)
measurement are 403 kg, 434 kg and 465 kg.
Sol. a b = 16 480 what biggest measure must be there to
0 dks gVkus ij 16 48 dh last digit = 8 vr% measure all different mixtures an exact
options esa 0 dks gVkus ds ckn last digit Hkh 8 vkuh number of times ? (SSC 2011)
pkfg,A tks dsoy options (d) 80 96 (a) 1 kg (b) 7 kg
⇨(= 8 96 = 8) esa gSA (c) 41 kg (d) 31 kg
Options (a) 41 48 ⇨ last digit = 2 Sol. Required measure = HCF (403, 434, 465)
(b) 61 72 ⇨ last digit = 2 = 31 kg.
(c) 64 8 ⇨ last digit = 2 Neon Approach
Q. The GCM of two numbers is 38 and their LCM 403 o 434 dk difference = 31
is 98154. If one of the numbers is 1558, the 434 o 465 dk difference = 31
other number is (SSC CGL 2012) vr% budk HCF = 31.
(a) 1260 (b) 3450 Q. Find the HCF of (3 -1) and (3 -1)
(c) 2394 (d) 2395 Sol. Concept
Sol. a b = HCF LCM HCF of (a -1) and (a -1) is = (a - 1)
1558 b = 38 98154 vr% (3 -1) and (3 -1) dk HCF = (a -1)
38 98154
b= = (a -1)
b = 2394. D;ksafd 25 o 35 dk HCF = 5.