2014 Bar Exam
2014 Bar Exam
2014 Bar Exam
In January 2013, your friend got his first job as an office clerk. Which of the following is an exclusion from gross income?
He is single and lives with his family who depends upon him
for financial support. His parents have long retired from their (A) Salaries and wages
work, and his two (2) siblings are still minors and (B) Cash dividends
studying in grade school. In February 2014, he consulted (C) Liquidating dividends after dissolution of a
you as he wanted to comply with all the rules pertaining to the corporation
preparation and filing of his income tax return. He now asks (D) De minimis benefits
you the following: (E) Embezzled money
(A) Is he entitled to personal exemptions? If so, how much?
(B) Is he entitled to additional exemptions? If so, how much? D. De minimis benefits
(C) What is the effect of the taxes withheld from his salaries XII.
on his taxable income? Which of the following should not be claimed as deductions
from gross income?
(A) Yes. The law allows a basic personal exemption of Php (A) discounts given to senior citizens on certain goods and
50,000.00 for each individual taxpayer (Section 35(A), NIRC). services.
(B) No. While his parents and minor sibling are living with and (B) advertising expense to maintain some form of goodwill for
dependent upon him for financial support, they are not qualified the taxpayer’s business.
dependents for purposes of additional exemptions. The term (C) salaries and bonuses paid to employees.
“dependent” for purposes of the additional personal exemption (D) interest payment on loans for the purchase of
would include only legitimate, illegitimate, or legally adopted machinery and equipment used in business.
children (Section 35(B), NIRC).
(C) The taxes withheld from his salaries will not affect his taxable SUGGESTED ANSWER :
income because they are not allowed as tax deductions but as B. Advertising expense to maintain some form of goodwill for the
tax credits. Tax deductions reduce taxable income while tax taxpayer’s business.
credits reduce the tax liability (Central Drug Corporation v. CIR)
Freezy Corporation, a domestic corporation engaged in the
manufacture and sale of ice cream, made payments to an
XXIX. officer of Frosty Corporation, a competitor in the ice cream
Doña Evelina, a rich widow engaged in the business of currency
exchange, was assessed a considerable amount of local business taxes
business, in exchange for said officer’s revelation of Frosty
by the City Government of Bagnet by virtue of Tax Ordinance No. 24. Corporation’s trade secrets.
Despite her objections thereto, Doña Evelina paid the taxes.
Nevertheless, unsatisfied with said Tax Ordinance, Doña Evelina, through
her counsel Atty. ELP, filed a written claim for recovery of said local
business taxes and contested the assessment. Her claim was denied, and so
Atty. ELP elevated her case to the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC
declared Tax Ordinance No. 24 null and void and without legal effect