Amity School of Communication,: Amity University, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Communication,: Amity University, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Communication,: Amity University, Noida Uttar Pradesh
What is Radio?
Radio is the transmission of signals by modulation of magnetism waves
with frequencies below those of light. In natural philosophy, modulation is
the method of variable one or additional properties of high frequency
periodicwave shape, referred to as the carrier signal, with relation to a
modulating signal. This can be explained as an analogousfashion as a
musician modulates the tone from a device by varying its volume, temporal
order and pitch. The 3 key parameters of a periodic wave shape square
measure its amplitude ("volume"), its part ("timing") and its frequency
("pitch"), all of which might be changed in accordance with an
occasional frequency signal to get the modulated signal.
Every industry, organisation, person and society in this world comes across
progress in its lifetime. Same is with radio.
Now, the question comes that what is progress?
But now we see that our honourable Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi in
the year 2014 started to develop the need and importance of radio through
running his show MANN KI BAAT, which he himself hosts. It is aired each
month on a Sunday on All India Radio in which he addresses the general
public about his plans and new ideas to improve India.
B2.Broadcasting arrives-
The technique to develop radio transmitter and receiver was quite simple
hence the public made it. In a due course of time there were a lot of
amateur radio operators who crowded the airwaves. Then in 1912
government incurred regulatory measures which required licenses and
limited broadcast range for the broadcasters. This regulation gave
President the right to shut down the stations.In 1917 this power was used
by the President of the United States during World War 1 to keep the radio
operators away from interfering with military use of airwaves.Radio became
the domain of other technologies as it was the first electric device used to
convey messages.
Radio Act of 1912 gave the power to US government to licence all the radio
stations in the country. Likewise, as commanded
that seafaring vessels incessantly monitor distress frequencies.The first bill
was initiated throughout the investigations following the sinking of
the titanic ship. The act set a precedent for international and federal
legislation of wireless communications. It had been followed by the Radio
Act of 1927.
B4.Commercialization in Radio
As soon as the World War 1 radio ban lifted in 1919 many small stations
started operating using the technologies invented in the war. These
stations developed regular programming that included religious sermons,
sports, and news.
Department stores at that time owned the radio stations and had put radio’s
commercial application to use. But these stations did not advertise as it is
done these days. Early radio advertisements consisted only of a “genteel
sales message broadcast during business hours, with no hard sell or
mention of price. In fact, radio advertising was considered an uncommon
invasion of privacy, because—unlike newspapers which are bought from
the newsstands, radios were kept at the home and were listened by all the
family members. Due to the high impact of radio on society, advertising on
radio was accepted by public in the radio programs. To gain the interest of
the customers or listeners the advertisers started producing their own
programs named after their product. At first, ads ran only during the day,
but as economic pressure hiked at the time of great depression in 1930,
local stations began looking for new sources of revenue, and advertising
became a normal part of the radio soundscape.
All these benefits of television has declined the craze and popularity of
radio among the audience.
(C)Difference between AM
and FM
Radio communication is a process of combination of message signal wave
to carrier signal wave. In this combination few carrier waves are varied from
the message waves. This variation is termed as modulation. It is required to
transmit messages over long distances without any disturbance.
Modulation is of 3 types, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and
phase modulation. Out of these 3, amplitude modulation and frequency
modulation are widely in use because of its commercial applicability. The
difference between AM and FM are discussed below.
1. Evolution:
2. Technology:
4. Power Consumption:
7. Bandwidth consumption:
Radio is a mobile medium. One can enjoy it at home, take it while going to
the picnic or a resort, listen to it while driving, and use it on land or under
the water, in public or in private places. Hence, it is a convenient medium. It
can accompany you and entertain you anywhere as a never-failing
companion. It does not follow the three unities of time, place and action as
prescribed by Aristotle, more than two thousand years ago,’ for dramatic
communication. Stage drama may, even now, respect these unities
because of the obvious limitations of the stage medium. But radio drama,
which is drama of the mind, may hop from any period or place to any other
period or place. Because the radio player performs on the canvas of the
listener's mind and the mind, truthfully sparked off by the player, can
construct any period, any place. The subjects that the stage can never
dream of dramatizing (for example, going centuries back and, then,
suddenly switching over to the present, tasting the atmosphere of, say, hell
or heaven, going under the ground or the sea or to remote corners of the
globe etc.) can be very well dramatized on the radio.
It is same in the case of radio. It has seen a drastic change from the time it
was first launched till today. All the changes are appreciable. Radio has
become a source of entertainment and education from a mere source of
information. We see different types of programs running on radio to
different techniques of access to it.
b) Radio story telling- Radio story telling is the program where the
radio jockey narrates a story to the listeners.
He makes sure that the listener imagines the
scenario he talking about. Radio jockey makes
sure that the listener goes with the flow of the
story. It entertains the listeners a lot as he
relates the story with someone.
c) Radio commentaries- If one can’t go to see the football match or
the cricket match he can easily listen to
e) Radio dramas- Radio drama is like any other staged drama with
actors androle plays. The difference is only that the
actors can’t be seen and only heard. It tells the
story of the drama in a dramatic way. Usage of
effects of sound, voice, songs makes it much more
f) NEWS- In India only AIR has the right to broadcast news. It informs
the general public about the latest update that goes around
them and in the world. It keeps the general public updated
with the important information. It generally runs for 5 minutes
to 30 minutes in a day.
With the due course of time the technology grew abundantly. With the
introduction of internet as a medium of entertainment, radio was left behind.
Youngsters were addicted more to the internet and television compared to
radio. The attractive features that internet and television provided was
something that can easily evoke anyone towards it.
Due to this reason radio lost its presence in the urban areas. Now it mostly
caters to the people living in rural or the remote areas as they can’t afford a
television set. In rural and remote areas radio is still the only source of
entertainment and information. People are dependent on it for everything
that goes around in the world and in their country.
One of the major reasons behind this is that these areas are still deprived
of the technology that can transmit television signals to these areas. And
the other reason is that people can’t afford it. Hence, people in rural and
remote areas restraints from using these new technologies and are
dependent on the radio sets.
Then came internet which provided written, spoken and visual aspect to
news all at once. People earlier use to sit together around the radio and
listen to it. With the access of television and internet everyone sits alone
and enjoy their own self. With the access to internet people could listen to
their favorite songs whenever they please instead of scanning through
different radio channels to listen a single song.
The cars are now well equipped with the system of synchronization of
multimedia devices into them. People now simply download a song and
save it in their multimedia devices and attach it to the multimedia player
present in the car. They skip the radio and listen to the songs they have
All these new advancing technologies have made radio an obsolete and
antique mode of communication and entertainment.
Radio has maintained a safe ground for itself to function. This is the reason
it has survived till now and has not diminished fully. People are still
dependent on it in the rural areas and some people in the urban areas have
a habit of listening to it. So their morning starts with listening to the radio.
Our honorable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi made us realize the
importance and need of radio in our lives. To sustain radio in India as soon
as his government came in power he started a program on radio called
MANN KI BAAT, which he himself hosts. It is aired each month on a
Sunday on All India Radio in which he addresses the general public about
his plans and new ideas to improve India.