Project On UAV Design For Flight Competition in SAE Aero Design West-2013

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Project On UAV Design For Flight Competition in SAE Aero Design West-2013

Conference Paper · November 2013

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5132.7045


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6 authors, including:

Easir Arafat Papon Fakhri Hasan

University of Alabama Cape Peninsula University of Technology


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M. Fazlay Rabbey, E. Arafat Papon, H.M. Monerujjaman, F. Hasan Nuri, A.
Mahmood Rumi, S. Akter Jahan
Aeronautical Engineering Department, Military Institute of Science & Technology

In the modern era every nation desires to widen their observation or surveillance sector. UAV
(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in recent years have been in the role of strategic observation. In this role
the UAV has significant capabilities to capture necessary information for the development of nation.
Also the low cost of manufacturing UAV is replacing manned operating aircraft day by day. This paper
will demonstrate the design and simulation of an UAV for the SAE Aero Design West 2013
Competition which was sponsored and managed by NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission
Directorate in partnership with SAE International. Each year, SAE International hosts a competition to
design, construct and fly three types of remote controlled aircraft. The MIST students made an
endeavor to design a micro class aircraft to compete in this Competition. The project was started from
September 2012 and continues through competition in April 2013. During this period the team faced
many obstacles with design process, overall management, schedule meetings, team dynamics,
resolving communication issues and budget. Considering availability of technology, material and
skilled workmanship, this is the best design of a unique innovation to be proud of a developing nation
like Bangladesh.
Keywords: UAV, NACA 4412, Drag Coefficient, Lift Coefficient, Aerodynamic forces, ANSYS Fluent,
Solidworks flow simulation, SAE Aero Design.

Aircraft design is both an art and a science. It is very sophisticated task associated with simultaneous
considerations of different variables. All the variables must be taken into account from the beginning of
the design phase. Basically, the design process is a scholar activity which should be done by good
perception and skillfulness. For aircraft, design phases are: conceptual, preliminary and detailed
design [1]. Until the preliminary design phase the structure is not considered. For this project the
design goal was to take off, cruise and then successfully land the designed UAV according to the
mission profile while carrying the highest payload fraction possible. The team reached at their aim
through aeronautical perspective which was met by applying the principles of aerodynamics,
propulsion, structural analysis and control engineering approach. Each of these areas involves
parameters that govern the size, shape, weight and performance of an aircraft. After designing the
model, flow behavior was analyzed through the simulation to develop knowledge about how aircraft
structure affects the aerodynamic property. Basically, the simulation technology gives the opportunity
to simulate any system to determine desired property with more accuracy before manufacturing to
avoid unanticipated expense. In most cases, the design objectives were fulfilled through optimization
to balance the different aspects based on mission requirements in the competition.
Structure Aerodynamics

Stability Propulsion

Fig. 1: Design by combining Structure, Aerodynamics, Stability and propulsion basics

Proceedings of ICERI2013 Conference ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5

18th-20th November 2013, Seville, Spain 4720
The design of aircraft is basically a compromising factor between different aspects [2]. The aim is to
balance these aspects for gaining better performance by optimizing different property based on
mission requirements. There are many perspectives for designing which belong to the mission
• The mission profile
• Empty Weight
• Shape and quantity of payload
• Configuration of wing (high, middle or low wing), body (conventional, biplane or flying wing
configuration), tail (V-Tail, T-Tail or Cruciform Tail), propulsion (tractor or pusher)
• C.G. Location
• Stability Margin
• Aerodynamics property
• Structural Drag
• Take-off distance at the maximum weight
• Landing distance
• Manufacturing cost
Based on the above perspectives it is very difficult to keep maximum the performance parameters and
also not possible to make a full design in one go. An aircraft being a complex engineering wonder
needs a re-iterative procedure. More iteration will give more accuracy and less cost in design.
Because a good engineer always aims to get optimization for which there is no any other way than
iteration. This iteration is done through different design aspects which are considered below [3]:

2.1 Structural aspects

The design process was initiated by selecting an aircraft configuration that was favored by the results
of the scoring analysis which contains the importance of different systems & sub-systems. During the
configuration selection process, each configuration was scored independently using a set of scoring
parameters in order to find the best. Based on the scoring analysis, more importance was given to
specific areas:
• Structural Weight: The first and most important characteristic evaluated was structural weight.
Because the UAV must be an empty weight of less than 2 lbs. Again heavy weight affects the
most important performance parameter thrust to weight ratio. Because a lighter aircraft will score
higher. So, the most importance was given to this area in determining the aircraft configuration.
• Structural Strength: After consideration of system weight the second importance must be given to
the structural strength. Because it is one of the most difficult phenomena to maintain structural
strength high with keeping the weight low during flight. So, there was done some trade-off
between weight and structure strength for which the team finally selected the desired material for
the UAV.
• Structural Sizing: Maximum dimension of any parts of micro class UAV in the competition could
be 24 inch because all components for operation of the aircraft must be put into a padded foam
carrying case and inside dimension of Carrying Case should not exceed 24 inches by 18 inches
by 8 inches (24"×18"×8").
• Manufacturability: An aircraft that is simple to build is valuable because it minimizes mistakes in
the construction process. Mistakes can add weight and impede aircraft performance. Also, in the
event of a crash, easier manufacturing facilitates a faster rebuild. The ability to design and build a
specific configuration is determined by the experience of the members and more difficult
configurations would require more time to build.
• Material & Payload Selection: The use of lead in any portion of the aircraft (payload included) is
strictly prohibited. XPS Foam was used as the internal structure of the UAV while depron foam as

the external structure for smooth flow over the body. Plywood was used for motor mounting
where adhesive used to fix it with the front portion. Filament tape and rubber band also used as
secondary attaching tool. For actuating the servo motor push rod was used. Again the UAV must
be capable of carrying and fully enclosing a rectangular block measuring 2 inches by 2 inches by
5 inches (minimum size). The payload must consist of a support assembly and payload plates.
• Flexibility of Design: Flexibility refers to the ability to modify the design easily. Again during the
inspection maximum three minutes time was given to assembly the UAV from the padded foam
carrying case by two people. So, flexibility of design was most important aspects for good

2.2 Aerodynamics aspects

The aerodynamics group was responsible for wing design optimization and drag [4] reduction for the
UAV. Team selected ideal airfoils for aerodynamic surfaces. Then calculated 3D performance
characteristics and verified that the components perform adequately by complying with the design
requirements. The aerodynamics group is also managed wind tunnel testing (WTT) and confirming
preliminary testing data with JavaFoil and CFD. The critical aerodynamic design parameters are listed
• Wing Area: Wing area is the main source of lift and drag. Although a large wing produces more
lift and shortens takeoff distance, it causes an increase in drag which decreases aircraft
performance. Wing sizing was driven by the W/S analysis [5]. The selected wing for the mission
profile was with smallest W/S for easy takeoff and climb.
• L/D: The lift to drag ratio was given the second highest importance. L/D is a basic function of all
aircraft [6] and can be used to evaluate the flight performance. Choosing a configuration to
maximize L/D ensures an aircraft can travel longer distances for a given battery pack and can
achieve high climb rates, both factors were considered to reduce weight and climb time.
• Aspect Ratio: Span and chord length determined based on the value of wing area and aspect
ratio. Weight must be considered when selecting aspect ratio as high aspect ratios incur a
structural weight penalty. But low aspect ratio increases the induce drag. For SAE project the
UAV A.R. was chosen 6.35.
• Wing Airfoil: The maximum lift coefficient depends on the selected airfoil which is critical for wing
sizing at the takeoff condition. Based on the scoring analysis and the mission requirements, the
critical criteria [7] determined for the wing airfoil. The criteria are listed below:
 Maximum lift coefficient: For wing area to be decreased (for avoiding weight penalty), the
Cl(max) must be higher which allows for the decreases the amount of structure and as a result
the UAV would lift off with maximum payload in the required takeoff distance.
 Zero-lift drag coefficient: To improve overall aircraft performance it is important to reduce
drag. Reducing parasitic drag increases speed, which reduces wing area.
 Maximum thickness, t/c max> 0.1: Thickness must be considered to accommodate a span-
loaded concept and to reduce structural material requirements for bending moments.
 Pitching moment coefficient: Smaller pitching moment coefficient lessens control surface
requirements to stabilize and trim the aircraft. It also reduces torsion loads on the wing
 Stall characteristics: An airfoil with poor stall characteristics or low stall angle can abruptly
lose stability during flight at critical condition. Airfoils with short stall characteristics are also
more sensitive to flaws in geometry, making manufacturing difficult. Manufacturability plays
a significant role in the selection process. That’s why stall characteristics and performance
analysis of airfoil evaluated in WTT [8], JavaFoil and CFD [9].

2.3 Stability aspects

The stability group was responsible for ensuring that the UAV was both stable and controllable in all
flight conditions and also would perform in all necessary maneuvers using all servos to actuate the
required control surfaces. Our aircraft was high wing aircraft which had advantages over mid and low
wing aircraft. This configuration had the increased lifting area at the center of the wing, where in other

designs the wing attached to the fuselage, this lifting surface would lost. In high wing, less interference
drag might exist between the wing and fuselage. The critical stability aspects are listed below:
• Static Margin: The stability margin (S.M.) is expressed by equation: S.M=(xnp- xcg)/c. A small S.M.
was desired because any pitching moment caused by outside disturbances resulted in damping
affect that brought the UAV back to the trimmed level flight. Having a smaller static margin make
the UAV more responsive to elevator deflection, saving weight in servos and hinges. The UAV
static margin was 26.5% (without payload) and 12.2% (with payload) calculated [10].
• Center of Gravity: The center of gravity (CG) needs to be placed close to the aerodynamic center
(AC) for both empty weight and with payload (between 25-30% of the chord length behind the
leading edge). The UAV C.G. was 25.3% of chord from leading edge of wing for empty weight
and 39.5% of chord from leading edge of wing with payload along axis of aircraft on the plane of
symmetry [10]. Stability requires that the center of gravity (CG) must be located ahead of the
vehicle neutral point both with and without the payload. The most forward point of C.G of the UAV
was calculated 0.966 inch [10] behind the leading edge by using the following formulae.

And neutral point was calculated 3.26 inch [10] behind the leading edge using below formula.

• Tail Sizing: The tail’s main purpose is to keep the UAV longitudinally and laterally stable. Also the
surfaces must be large enough to house an effective elevator and rudder. The tail (horizontal)
volume ratio of the UAV was 0.794 which was an acceptable value for smaller UAV.
• Control Surface Sizing: The control surfaces were sized to provide enough control and should not
be so large that they add unneeded weight or strain on the UAV. Control surfaces should have
following criteria:
 Elevator: The elevator must be large enough to trim the aircraft in all flight conditions. Using
suggested values from Raymer, the elevator should be 40% chord of the horizontal tail and
the team did so.
 Rudder: The rudder must have enough authority to keep the UAV on the desired zone
during takeoff and landing. This is especially critical due to the common windy conditions.
Using the suggested values from Raymer, the aircraft rudder should be 40% chord of the
vertical tail. The team used rudder as 45.5% of tip chord of vertical tail for obtaining more
feedback during yawing.
 Ailerons: The ailerons were sized to roll the aircraft during 180 turns according to the
mission profile. From Raymer, the ailerons size should be approximately 20% of the chord
and approximately 40% of the span. This is dependent on the location of the ailerons. The
team kept ailerons size 25% of chord and 50% of span and inboard flaps were not
considered for design since the lift of the chosen airfoil was adequate to support the UAV.
After analyzing different aspects, the model of the UAV was developed in Solidworks for the simulation
[11] to determine different flow parameters and monitor the result.

The following modeling of the UAV was drawn using commands loft boss, mirror, shell, extrude cut
etc. During meshing there were many possibilities of error due to intersect of two geometrical entities
each other which might be the great problem for later operation. That’s why very much care was taken
during sketching.

Fig. 2: Solidworks 3D model


After modeling the UAV it was imported to the ANSYS Workbench for further flow analysis [12].

Fig. 3: 3D model imported to ANSYS Workbench

For flow simulation over the body it should be enclosed in an enclosure where in the boundary
conditions were applied. This enclosure around the UAV model was made in ANSYS Workbench.
Then the model subtracted through the boolean tool from the enclosure to get the complete continuum
through which the flow behavior would be analyzed around the model.

Fig. 4: 3D model in the enclosure of ANSYS

Then the meshing of the model was done using ANSYS ICEM CFD (from Analysis System tool of
ANSYS Workbench) where the enclosure was imported from ANSYS Workbench and it was divided
into different parts like inlet, outlet, farfield and UAV [13]. After that the mesh generation was done.
The mesh generations of the total enclosure and the UAV body itself is shown in the following figure to
visualize the element size and nodal points clearly.

(a) (b)
Fig. 5: (a) Mesh generation of enclosure in ANSYS Workbench & (b) Visualization of UAV body mesh
After meshing of the enclosure it was imported to ANSYS Fluent. Then the flow analysis over the UAV
was done here. In ANSYS Fluent first the meshing of the enclosure was checked. Then the working
fluid selected air and the atmospheric condition was considered at an altitude of 100 ft. The density
was taken as constant (1.225 kg/m3) as it was low speed UAV. The boundary conditions applied
Mach number or velocity at inlet and pressure at the outlet of the enclosure. The speed of the UAV
was Mach 0.0315 at 100ft. Therefore, the inlet boundary condition for the enclosure was given as
Mach 0.0315 (velocity is equal to 10.71m/s). The outlet boundary condition was given as pressure and
it was 0 Pa. The rest of the faces of the enclosure were mentioned as wall (farfield). That means these
faces were under no-slip condition (zero velocity on these faces). So, the flow conditions would not
apply outside these walls. After setting the boundary conditions solution methods and controls were
set for simulation. The solution method was selected pressure based as it was low speed UAV and
flow was assumed as incompressible. And for the solution controls the courant number was set to
0.25 and the under relaxation factors for momentum and pressure were set as 0.75. The expected
graphical results were set to residuals. The residual results converged at 10 iterations in ANSYS

Fig. 6: Convergent of results after 10 iterations in ANSYS Fluent


Flow simulation over the UAV body was done in Solidworks also. That’s why the Solidworks model
was kept in the computational domain first.

Fig. 7: Model UAV in computational domain

Table1: The computational domain dimensions
X min -1.450 m
X max 1.450 m
Y min -0.300 m
Y max 0.300 m
Z min -0.600 m
Z max 0.600 m

Then after applying boundary conditions and necessary operating conditions of velocity and
atmospheric conditions such as pressure, temperature etc. solver was run for obtaining results.
Material Settings selected Fluids: Air. Thermodynamic parameters: Temperature: 287.96 K (100ft),
Static Pressure: 100960.00 Pa. Velocity parameters: Velocity in X direction: 10.710 m/s, Velocity in Y
direction: 0 m/s. The results converged after 392 iterations during Solidworks flow simulation.

Fig. 8: Solver calculation finished after 392 iterations

5.1 Cut plot contour

After completion of iterations through solver flow behavior was analyzed. The following fig. 9 is shown
the pressure contour through cut plot over the symmetry section. At some places pressure is high due
to the fact that some places of the UAV have sharp edges and corners. It is also seen that the
pressure at the upper surface of the UAV is low (blue portion on cut plot) than the lower surface which
is our desired for producing lift.

(a) (b)
Fig. 9: Pressure contour through over the symmetry section in (a) isometric & (b) cut plot view
In the following fig. 10 the temperature distribution over the symmetry section of the body is shown. It
shows the high temperature result along the surface. With increasing distance from the surface
temperature is in the way of decreasing rate.

(a) (b)
Fig. 10: Temperature distribution over the symmetry section in (a) isometric & (b) cut plot view
Fig. 11 shows the velocity distribution in cut plot. It indicates that the flow over the upper surface has
more velocity than lower surface which imply the pressure velocity relation of Bernoulli’s principle [5].

(a) (b)
Fig. 11: Temperature distribution over the symmetry section in (a) isometric & (b) cut plot view

5.2 Flow trajectory

Through flow trajectory it is possible to visualize the flow behavior over the whole surface of a body
and also inside the computational domain. Basically following figures shows flow trajectory which
indicates the velocity vector inside the enclosure. Fig. 12 shows the velocity vector over the upper
surface of the UAV while fig. 13 shows lower surface velocity vector. The flow color indicates in fig. 12
it accelerates on upper surface of the wing and in fig. 13 it decelerates through lower surface of it [14].

Fig. 12: Flow trajectory of upper body surface Fig. 13: Flow trajectory of lower body surface

5.3 Surface contour

Already we have seen pressure and temperature distribution over symmetry section. Now we will see
it along the surface of the UAV only [15]. The fig. 14 shows variation of pressure at every point on the
surface of the UAV. It also shows the wing upper surface pressure is low than the other side, the
pressure difference of two surface creates resultant normal force which is nothing but lift [16]. How
much lift it produces that can be seen it in result section. On the other hand fig. 15 shows the
temperature distribution only over the surface.

Fig. 14: Pressure contour Fig. 15: Temperature distribution

Fig. 16 shows graph of force component [17] acting along X-direction (Roll axis according to
Solidworks sketching) and Y-direction (Yaw axis according to Solidworks sketching). Along X-direction
force component is 0.729765 N and along Y-direction force component is 0.999606 N. This Y-direction
component force is the resultant force along normal to the wing surface which is the desired average
lift for the given condition. It is seen that the flow result was converged after 690 iterations.

Fig. 16: Component of force in X and Y direction

The next two figures shows shear force distribution over the surface which is basically tangential force
[17]. Fig. 17 shows variation of shear force along X-direction and it varies between 0.106N to 0.108N.

Fig 17: Component of shear force in X direction

On the other hand, fig. 18 shows shear force distribution along Z-direction (pitch axis according to
Solidworks sketching) and it varies between -0.000372556 to 0.00035466N.

Fig. 18: Component of shear force in Z direction

The area of miniature UAVs is reasonably active in the past few years. Because of limited size and
payload of the UAVs, the features like sizing, lightness and power consumption are the primary
issues. This paper has presented a method for design and then simulation of an UAV. As this paper
describes design only for airframe so the consideration aspects are kept limited within structural,
stability and aerodynamics of the UAV. After considering different aspects the simulation of the
designed structure was done for visualizing how it would be performed during flight by determining
different flight parameters. Then by analyzing different results the team was ensured that it would be
going to show an excellent performance. Basically the paper will give an overview how one should
proceed if he or she wants to design an UAV structure. More than simply a competition, SAE Aero
Design is meant to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply engineering
knowledge and pull toward obtaining their career goals. The project teaches the team to apply
engineering tradeoffs, systems engineering, component engineering and multidisciplinary teamwork.
The competition was from April 12-14, 2013. The team was secured 19 position.

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