Research Paper Design and Development of Aircraft Droop Nose Ribs by Using Optistruct

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Malik et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974

Research Paper
T.Muneiah1, E.Bhaskar 2, Ch.Venkata Rajesh3

Address for Correspondence

Assistant professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Priyadarshini College of Engineering &
Technology, Kanuparthipadu, SPSR Nellore-4.
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bahamiah College of Engineering,
SPSR.Nellore-524366 India
This paper presents the development of a parameterized automated generic model for the structural design of an aircraft
wing. Furthermore, in order to perform finite element analysis on the aircraft wing geometry, the process of finite element
mesh generation is automated.
The generic model that is developed in this regard is able to automate the process of creation and modification of the aircraft
wing geometry based on a series of parameters which define the geometrical characteristics of wing panels, wing spars and
wing ribs. Two different approaches are used for the creation of the generic model of an aircraft wing which are “Knowledge
Pattern” and “Power Copy with Visual Basic Scripting” using the CATIA V5 Software. A performance comparison of the
generic wing model based on these two approaches is also performed.
In the early stages of the aircraft design process, an estimate of the structural characteristic of the aircraft wing is desirable
for which a surface structural analysis (using 2D mesh elements) is more suitable. In this regard, the process of finite element
mesh generation for the generic wing model is automated. Furthermore, the finite element mesh is updated based on any
changes in geometry and the shape of the wing panels, wing spars or wing ribs, and ensure that all the mesh elements are
always properly connected at the nodes. The automated FE mesh generated can be used for performing the structural
analysis on an aircraft wing.
Topology optimization has for a considerable time been applied successfully in the automotive industry, but still has not
become a mainstream technology for the design of aircraft components.. Also, aircraft components are often stability designs
and the compliance based topology optimization method still lacks the ability to deal with any buckling criteria. The present
paper considers the use of the compliance formulated topology optimization method and detailed sizing/shape optimization
methods to the design of aircraft components but also discusses the difficulties in obtaining correct loading and boundary
conditions for finite element based analysis/optimization of components that are integral parts of a larger structure.
KEYWORDS: Design; Aircraft Droop Nose Ribs; Optistruct.
1.0 INTRODUCTION carry the weight of these engines, fuel inside the
Aircraft design is a complex and multi-disciplinary wing box and internal components. A variety of
process that involves a large number of disciplines components are also placed inside the aircraft wing
and expertise in aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, which includes electro-mechanical actuators, fuel
flight controls and systems amongst others. During lines, and hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems
the initial conceptual phase of an aircraft design amongst others. All of these components are to be
process, a large number of alternative aircraft compactly placed inside the wing, thus, the aircraft
configurations are studied and analyzed. Feasibility wing has to perform structurally and aerodynamically
studies for different concepts and designs are carried well to deliver the desired performance. Weight is
out and the goal is to come up with a design concept one of the fundamental critical factors in any aircraft
that is able to best achieve the design objectives. One design process and aircraft designers are always on
of the crucial studies in any aircraft design process is the lookout for ways to minimize the weight of the
the conceptual design study of an aircraft wing. The aircraft. This means that a light weight aircraft should
aircraft wing is one of the most critical components have a light weight wing. A light weight aircraft is
of an aircraft not only from an aerodynamics point of thus beneficial for increasing the design performance.
view but also from a structural point of view. The In the conceptual phase of an aircraft design process,
aircraft wing is designed in such a way that it is able different design studies are carried out for different
to provide the requisite lift while minimizing the components of the aircraft. One of the major portions
drag. of these studies is dedicated towards the design of the
Drag is critical from the aerodynamics point of view aircraft wing both from a structural and aerodynamics
because it directly affects the performance of the point of view. However, in this stage High-end CAD
aircraft like fuel efficiency and range. Not only does software’s are not employed as they are thought to be
the wing provide the necessary lift during flight, the too complex or demanding to be used during this
aircraft wing is designed structurally to carry the stage. Therefore, the promising design configurations
entire weight of the aircraft. Also, in modern have to be remodelled again later in the detail design
commercial aircrafts and fighter airplanes, the aircraft process which increases cost and the time to
wing has more than one role. It not only carries the production. It can be very beneficial from a design
fuel required for the flight but is also used to provide perspective, if these CAD software’s are employed
storage bays where, the aircraft landing gears can be from the start of the aircraft design process. This
mounted and stowed during takeoff (which are would enable less remodelling of the design in the
normally placed inside the wing root of an aircraft). detail design process and would also enable increased
Furthermore, modern commercial airplanes have capability to do modelling and simulation during the
padded engines which are placed below the wing. conceptual phase. A generic model is thus required in
This means that the aircraft wing has to be this regard that would speed up the design process of
sufficiently strong from the structural perspective to analyzing different aircraft wing configurations

Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/IV/July-Sept.,2014/18-21

Malik et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974

especially from a structural design perspective. An

aircraft designer would thus be able to focus on
different design criteria’s and configurations rather
than worrying about CAD geometries. The CAD
based generic model can eventually also be used for
performing aerodynamic and CFD studies on the
aircraft wing as well. Furthermore, this model can
also help other engineers from other departments like Figure .1: 3d model is developed in catia v5r19 software
systems and flight controls to check the feasibility of model
placing internal components at different positions 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
inside the aircraft wing. However, it is required that 3.1 STRESS
the CAD model should be sufficiently robust and
reliable to be able to cater for different design
configurations and geometries. From the structural
perspective, aircraft wing should be designed to
provide the necessary strength and stiffness at
minimum weight. The generic model should enable
different structural configurations to be sized so as to
provide the required strength and stiffness. In order to
do this, the generic model should enable easy to do
finite-element analysis of the entire aircraft wing Figure .2: The value of Stress is 2.378*102 MPa
configuration. This would enable visualization and The value of stress in base model is 2.378*102 is
calculation of the stiffness and strength of the converted into is 237MPa
structure but also help in minimizing weight and cost. 4.0 RESULTS OF BASE MODEL AIRCRAFT
The finite element mesh should automatically be RIB WING
generated and a finite element analysis (FEA) could 4.1 STRESS
easily be performed. In the conceptual design phase,
an estimate for the structural characteristics of
different aircraft wing configurations is desirable
which can be performed swiftly by using a surface
structural analysis (2D mesh elements) as compared
to a solid structural analysis (3D mesh elements)
which would have an increase penalty in the amount
of time, resources and cost to perform structural
simulation when compared with a 2D analysis. The
generic model presented in this master thesis work
can be used for the aircraft wing design. The generic
Figure.3: Stress for optimized model is 2.355*102 tones
aircraft wing model that is developed includes the
The value of stress in optimized model is 2.355*102
aircraft wing panels and the structural components of
is 238 Mpa
the wing including both wing spars and wing ribs.
The generic model enables automated mesh 5.0 OPTIMIZED MODEL RESULTS:
Optimization is completed and results are taken 6
generation of the aircraft wing geometry along with
iterations to complete the thickness and topology
its structural components. Furthermore, both the solid
and the surface model of the aircraft wing are
integrated together in the generic model. The surface
model is used to perform the finite element analysis.
The aircraft wing model is parameterized and these
parameters are used to change the size, shape and
geometry of the aircraft wing and its structural
components including spars and ribs.
The surface model of the aircraft wing is specifically
designed to be used for the finite element analysis of
an aircraft wing. The surface model includes only Figure .4: Iterations for free Size optimization
surfaces which represent the wing shape including
spars and ribs. The surface model is chosen for the
finite element analysis because it is faster to do a
finite element analysis on a 2D surface rather than a
3D one. It is also easier to mesh a 2D surface then a
3D one and also it is computationally beneficial. In a
conceptual phase, it is also not necessary to carry out
a very precise finite element analysis for the aircraft
wing. So, a 2D analysis will give sufficient
information to be useful in the conceptual phase
while saving time and resources compared to a full Figure .5 : Thickness optimization is given perfect
3D FE analysis. results for the given loads.

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Malik et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974

Topology method using Optistruct is shown in above horizontal segments. Allowing the width of the
figure, steps are involved is same like free size horizontal segments (w1 and w2) to vary would
optimization. Response is given for volume fraction involve changing the shape of the cut-outs in the ribs,
as 0.3% from the total volume and weight and design variables would have to be linked to
compliance as an objective which will reduce the ensure for example that the vertical stiffeners
weight of the component by giving innovative shape remained along the centreline of the truss-members.
to wing. With the current shape optimisation pre-processing
Topology optimization problem setup takes 17 tools for OptiStruct this would have been time
iterations to solve and to give innovative design to consuming to set up, and with the short time scales of
develop wing ribs in same shape for production. the project this complexity was not implemented.
Having constructed finite element models for detailed
sizing and shape optimisation, optimisation was now
performed designing for minimum mass with both
manufacturing requirements and stress and buckling
allowables as design criteria in the optimisation
process. For stress, a Von Mises stress allowable was
used with a reduction factor for fatigue. For buckling,
the design philosophy was not to allow buckling of
Figure .6: Iterations for topology optimization the structure below ultimate loads. The buckling
constraints for the optimisation were defined
requiring the buckling load factor in linear eigenvalue
buckling to be greater than unity for all ultimate
loads. To avoid optimisation convergence problems,
due to buckling mode switching, buckling constraints
were formulated for the five lowest buckling
eigenvalues in each load case.
The optimisation as it stood converged to a feasible
Figure .7: Topology Shape given by Optistruct Software design for all thirteen ribs, with the final masses
After getting thickness and topology results redesign summing to a total close to the weight target
of model is designed in CATIA V5R19 software and specified for the work package. Subsequent to the
submitted for production and manufacturing of Wing optimisation, the new rib designs have had to be
Rib structure. analysed / tested for several other criteria including
local flange buckling, fatigue and birdstrike. Both
fatigue tests and machining trials are currently

Figure .8: Compared Base model and optimized Shape

Figure .10: Present Dummy and trail prototype

for Viewing the thickness and optimized model
Table: 1. Stress comparison for two models

Figure .9: Final Shape and thickness are applied as The above table shows the comparison of stress,
mentioned in Free Size optimization result.
displacements and mass of two models, which is
Ideally, all of the dimensions of the truss-member
below the yield point value of Aluminium 2024-T3
cross-sections as well as the shear web thickness
material Optistruct software was developed to
should be allowed to vary as design variables in the
produce an innovative rib design, which resulted in
optimisation, allowing a detailed optimisation of the
an optimized weight saving over 500kg per aircraft.
in-plane and out-of-plane stability of the ribs. In
Wing Rib will sit in aircraft wing structure as shown
practice the height/thickness of the vertical stiffeners
in below figure
were allowed to vary, but only the thickness of the
Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/IV/July-Sept.,2014/18-21
Malik et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974

Figure .11 Wing Ribs will Sit in to aircraft wing assemble.

7.0 CONCLUSION pan Lei college of Astronautics, Northwestern
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The variation of pressure is induced in optimized
model compared to base model as per the
requirement of below yield point stress which is 325
Mpa and as well as the variation of displacement is
induced in optimized model compared to base model
which is lower than the 3 mm as per the requirement.
As per the given requirement the reduction of weight
is 16% decreased compared to reference model.
Hence the cost analysis also reduces by using the
base model and optimized model readings.
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Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/IV/July-Sept.,2014/18-21

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