Mathlessonplan Ahirsch

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Ms. Hirsch

Subject & Grade: Algebra 1 & 9th
Lesson Date: 12/3/18


What will your students be able to do? How does the objective connect to the goal(s) you
Reference Common Core or your state’s have for your students this year?
standards, as applicable.
HSA.REI.B.3 Solve linear equations and This goal connects to the goals I have for
inequalities in one variable, including my students this year, because graphing
equations with coefficients represented by and understanding solutions sets are two
letters. major learning goals this year.

HSA.REI.D.10 Understand that the graph of
an equation in two variables is the set of all
its solutions plotted in the coordinate
plane, often forming a curve (which could
be a line).

HSA.REI.D.12 Graph the solutions to a
linear inequality in two variables as a half-
plane (excluding the boundary in the case
of a strict inequality), and graph the
solution set to a system of linear
inequalities in two variables as the
intersection of the corresponding half-
planes. Commented [A1]: (Maryland State Department of
What will your students need to know to master How will you assess students’ mastery of these
the grade-level objective? foundational skills?
- Inverse operations Students took a diagnostic test at the
- Graphing coordinates beginning of the unit that I am using as a
- Basics of graphing basis to assess students’ mastery of these
foundational skills.
- How to identify slope
- How to identify y-intercept
- Inequality symbols and their

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Revised July 2018 1
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective? How and when
will you assess mastery?
I will use the exit ticket to determine whether students have made progress towards the
objective. The exit ticket will be given at the end of the period. In addition to the exit
ticket, I will check progress during the lesson by doing a check for understanding. During
this check for understanding, there will be a question with three possible answers on the
board. Students will put up one, two or three fingers depending on which they feel is the
correct answer. I will then repeat this process a second time for another question.

Key points are student-facing statements that include important content students needs to know to be
successful in the lesson. What three to five key points will you emphasize?
The five key points I will emphasize are:
* Recognizing what boundary symbols represent less/greater than, and
greater/less than or equal to.
* Determining which operations are used to undo a given operation.
* Using basic computations to solve problems.
* Graphing a linear equation in 2 variables on a coordinate grid.
* Shading the appropriate region to solve linear inequalities on a coordinate grid.

I will emphasize these points by giving students guiding questions they must ask
themselves every time they confront a new problem:

“Is the variable isolated?”
“Is the variable x or y?”
“Should the line be vertical or horizontal? Why?”
“Is the line dashed or solid? Why?
“Did you shade above or below the graph? Why?”

“What does the shaded area signify?”

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How will you communicate what is about to happen?
How will you communicate how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?
Opener – Students will have the opportunity to self-select by being Do Now
given the option to choose which 2 problems they want to complete worksheet
(T3). PowerPoint

Pick 2 of the following inequalities to graph!
1. y > 3x - 4
2. y < -2x + 5
3. y < -½ x + 3

Students will be given five (5) minutes to complete the opener
independently on their worksheet. Teacher will circulate and ensure
students remain on-task and focused on their learning during the time
allotted to complete the do now. Teacher will positively narrate students
who begin the do now immediately. (T8 & T9)
Teacher will give students sixty (60) seconds to discuss their answers
with their partner promoting student-to-student interaction and
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academic talk. (T6)
Teacher will bring the class whole group. Teacher will cold call on
partner groups to share their answers and press students to justify why
they made the decisions that they did. Teacher will use this discussion
as a formative assessment opportunity. (T4 & T5)
Possible Questions- “What is the slope and y-intercept of each graph?”
“What was your process for graphing your line?”
“Did you choose a dashed or solid line? Why?”
“Did you shade above or below the graph? Why?”
Students will rank themselves 1-5 on their understanding of the content
on the Do Now. Teacher will use this information along with what they
saw while they were circulating to guide future instruction. (T5, T7 &

Learning Target Discussion (5 minutes) (T7)

Teacher asks for a student volunteer to read the learning target for the
day (We will graph the solution to a one-variable inequality on a
coordinate plane). (T1) Teacher will tell students the success criteria we
are working on for the day.

Success Criteria

* I can graph a one variable linear inequality on a coordinate grid.

* I can shade the appropriate region to solve linear inequalities on a
coordinate grid.


Teacher will display a question from the 2017 PARCC Algebra 1

assessment. Teacher will have a brief discussion with students about the
importance of PARCC. Teacher will emphasize that what we are learning
today is directly related to PARCC. Teacher will remind students that
passing the PARCC test is our long-term goal. (T1)

Cross-Discipline Connection (T2)

Teacher will relate linear inequalities to science, business and

engineering courses at Mervo (it is important to note that Mervo is a

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vocational technical high school, so all students are in a vocational-
based trade). Teacher will briefly explain how linear inequalities will be
used if students choose to own a business. Commented [A2]: As Brahier stated, “Every good
lesson should open with an attention grabber that gets
students thinking about the topic for the day’s lesson
while also sparking their curiosity and interest, which
will make them want to engage in the learning process”
(Brahier, 2012, p. 146). I not only decided to relate the
skill we are learning to specific trades, which connect
with particular people, but also I related what we are
learning to starting a business and general budgeting
because budgeting and finances is something that relates
to every person in the room (Brahier, 2012, p. 146).


What key points will you emphasize and reiterate?
How will you ensure that students actively take in information?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Students are introduced to graphing linear inequalities in one variable Notebooks
on a coordinate grid. Students will be given guided questions to use as a Pencils
foundation as they begin graphing linear inequalities:

Is it vertical or horizontal?

Shade above or below?

Solid line or dashed line?

Inequalities that only contain y will have a horizontal line, and each
inequality that only contains x will have a vertical line. <, > smbol
implies a dashed line, while <, > imply solid lines. >, > imply shading
above, <,< imply shading below.

A potential misunderstanding I anticipate is that students will have

difficulty understanding how to shade. I will use real word references
about money to help with understanding the shading.


Teacher will model how to graph a solution to a one-variable linear

inequality. Teacher will begin by asking and answering the guiding
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questions. Teacher will then use the answers to guiding questions in
order to graph the solution. Teacher will relate this to a previous
learning target of graphing two-variable linear inequalities. (T1 & T2) Commented [A3]: I decided to implement a model
activity here, because I wanted to display to students how
this topic relates to the previous skill we covered: graphing
Teacher will then guide students through graphing a one variable two-variable linear inequalities. This idea was developed
inequality on the coordinate plane. (T2) Teacher will ask the following through watching the Pythagorean lesson (Eddy, n.d.).


Scaffolded Questioning:
“Is the variable isolated?”
“Is the variable x or y?”
“Should the line be vertical or horizontal? Why?”
“Is the line dashed or solid? Why?
“Did you shade above or below the graph? Why?”

“What does the shaded area signify?”

Teacher will relate the solution region on the coordinate plane to

previous skills of graphing inequalities on a number line.


How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?

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You Try (T6) PowerPoint
Poster paper
Students will be given three (3) minutes to graph two one variable
inequalities independently. Teacher will circulate and intervene as
necessary (T8 & T9). Teacher will positively narrate students who are
on task (T8 & T9). After three (3) minutes they will be asked to turn
and talk and discuss their solutions with a partner. (T6)

Check For Understanding

After checking with their partners, the teacher will put 3 possible
answers to the first question they answered on the board. Teacher will
ask students to raise their hand if they choose answer 1, 2 or 3. This will
give the teacher a sense of the class’s understanding of the material
(T5). Teacher will repeat this process for the second question as well

Students will then rank themselves 1-5 on their understanding of

today’s content. Teacher will note if their confidence level is in line with
their answers from the Check for Understanding activity (T5, T7 & T8)

Inequality Group Activity:

Students will be given a poster where they will have to identify the
slope, y intercept, solid or dashed line, and where to shade above or
below on a coordinate grid. Each student will take turns completing a
portion of the given problem. A student cannot find the same portion for
every problem. For instance, if a student found the y intercept of
problem 1 they cannot find it for problem 2. Every student must attempt
to find different portions of the concepts in order to make sure they
grasp all the concepts needed to graph inequalities on a coordinate grid
(T4, T5, & T6). Teacher will circulate, positively narrate those who are
on task, and intervene as necessary (T8 & T9). Commented [A4]: Inspired by Dan Meyers, I decided to
do a group-based activity where students can work together
to discovery trends and themes (TED, 2010). It is my hope
Once 2 of the problems are completed the teams will ask for a check to that students will use their various skills, understandings
make sure they are going down the correct direction. If they get the first and strengths to successfully accomplish this activity
two correct, they will finish completing the remaining 6 problems. For without much guidance from me.
any team that does not get approved to move on teacher will give them
guiding questions to re-engage their understanding and tell them to look
over their work again (T5). This same process will continue until all 8
problems are done. Once all 8 problems are completed and checked the
students will work independently to graph the problems.

Students will be separated into 6 groups. The groups are determined by
students’ prior work and understanding on graphing inequalities. The
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groups are also based on the understanding of this topic as determined
by results on exit tickets and consistent performance thus far and on
perquisite skills. Each group will have at least on high flyer, 2 mid level,
and 1 low level student (T3).


In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of
the objective?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
How will you provide opportunities for extension?
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
Students will apply conceptual knowledge of graphing inequalities Posters
gathered in the inequality group activity. The students will sit in their Graphing paper
groups using the poster they created to conceptually understand
graphing inequalities to graph the different problems. Students will
initially work independently to complete the problems. If any student
needs assistance they are to ask 2 of their group members prior to
asking the teacher (T4, T5 & T6). Any student that completes the Commented [A5]: •As noted by Brahier, it is
assignment prior to the end of class will help other students within their important to, “Establish a classroom climate in which
students feel comfortable sharing
group with graphing their inequalities (T4, T5, & T6). their mathematical arguments and critiquing the
arguments of others in a productive manner” (Brahier,
2012, p. 211). I decided to make it an expectation that
students must ask 2 group members prior to asking
me, because I wanted to give students an opportunity
to strengthen their ability to share their arguments and
critique others (Brahier, 2012, p. 211).


How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or
progress toward) the objective?
Why will students be engaged/interested?

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A piece of paper
Learning Target Review with two
coordinate grids
Teacher will ask a student volunteer to re-read the learning target for A pencil
the day. (T1)

Students will rank themselves 1-5 on their confidence about the

learning target. (T1 & T5)

Exit Ticket

Students will be given the option of completing 2 of 3 problems for the

exit ticket to differentiate. They will self-select which questions they
choose (easy, medium or hard) based on their own self-assessment of
how they did today (T3). If they understood the material well they will
select medium and hard. If they feel like they are just beginning to grasp
the material or if they feel confused they will select easy and medium.
(T3) Students will be asked to determine if they met the day’s learning
target by rating their confidence on the exit ticket. (T1 & T5) They will
also be asked if they are going to coach class (T5).

How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
Differentiation will occur during the Do Now, Closing, and Independent i-ready data
Practice. In addition to that, groups for the guided practice were Exit ticket data
Test data
differentiated based upon past performance.

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Handouts & Resources

Please include copies of any handouts, student worksheets, or other resources.

PARCC Question:

Check for understanding questions:

Relay Questions:
1. y > 3x-4
2. y ≤ -2x+7
3. y ≥ -3
4. y < x – 2
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5. y ≤ ½x – 8
6. y < 2
7. y > 2/3x – 1
8. x ≥ -4

Relay instructions:

Relay Guiding Questions:

Exit Ticket:

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Brahier, D. (2012). Teaching secondary and middle school mathematics (4th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Eddy, E. (n.d.) Prove the Pythagorean Theorem: Using similar triangles. [ Video Files].
Retrieved from

Maryland State Department of Education (n.d.). Teaching and Learning: Mathematics.
Retrieved from

TED (Producer). (2010). Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover [Video file]. Retrieved

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Revised July 2018 12

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