The patient presented with impaired physical mobility manifested by limited range of motion and difficulty walking due to neuromuscular/musculoskeletal impairment. The nurse's goals were for the patient to maintain or increase strength and function of affected body parts in the short and long term. Interventions included assisted repositioning, encouraging movement and steps, range of motion exercises, medication administration, and referral to physical therapy. The evaluation found that after 8 hours the patient could take 10 steps independently, meeting the short term goal.
The patient presented with impaired physical mobility manifested by limited range of motion and difficulty walking due to neuromuscular/musculoskeletal impairment. The nurse's goals were for the patient to maintain or increase strength and function of affected body parts in the short and long term. Interventions included assisted repositioning, encouraging movement and steps, range of motion exercises, medication administration, and referral to physical therapy. The evaluation found that after 8 hours the patient could take 10 steps independently, meeting the short term goal.
The patient presented with impaired physical mobility manifested by limited range of motion and difficulty walking due to neuromuscular/musculoskeletal impairment. The nurse's goals were for the patient to maintain or increase strength and function of affected body parts in the short and long term. Interventions included assisted repositioning, encouraging movement and steps, range of motion exercises, medication administration, and referral to physical therapy. The evaluation found that after 8 hours the patient could take 10 steps independently, meeting the short term goal.
The patient presented with impaired physical mobility manifested by limited range of motion and difficulty walking due to neuromuscular/musculoskeletal impairment. The nurse's goals were for the patient to maintain or increase strength and function of affected body parts in the short and long term. Interventions included assisted repositioning, encouraging movement and steps, range of motion exercises, medication administration, and referral to physical therapy. The evaluation found that after 8 hours the patient could take 10 steps independently, meeting the short term goal.
Subjective: Impaired Desired Independent: Goal was met. “Nahihirapan physical Outcomes: 1. Assisted/have client -To decrease numbness in the akong mobility related The client will reposition self on a affected area. Short Term: makagalaw to maintain or regular schedule from After 8 hrs of kasi hindi ko na neuromascular/ increase side to side nursing kayang ikilos musculoskeletal strength and 2. Encouraged patient to -To help ease the numbness of interventions, ang kalahating impairment as fuction of move the affected part the said part. the patient parte ng aking manifested by affected and or from time to time. was able to katawan.” as limited range of compensatory 3. Encouraged patient to -It help the patient to mobilize and take 10 steps verbalized by motion; limited body part. take a few steps a day. recover faster. even in a the patient. ability to 4. Execute passive or -Exercise enhances increased slowed perform Short Term: active assistive ROM venous return, prevents stiffness, manner. Objective: gross/fine motor After 8 hrs of exercises to all and maintains muscle strength Vital signs: skills nursing extremities. and stamina. BP: 120/80 interventions, mmHg the patient will Dependent: Temp: 36.8 °C be able to have 1. Administer medications -To permit maximal effort/ PR: 70 bpm at least 10 steps prior to activity as needed involvement in activity RR: 18 bpm as signs of for pain relief. recovery. 2. Consult with physical -Techniques such as gait training, Slowed therapist for further strength training, and exercise to movement Long Term: evaluation, strength improve balance and coordination Difficulty in After 1 week of training, gait training, and can be very helpful for walking nursing development of a mobility rehabilitating clients Limited intervention, the plan. ROM patient will be 3. Present suggestions for -Correct nutrition is necessary to able to maintain nutritional intake for keep sufficient energy level. or increase adequate energy strength and resources and metabolic function of requirements. affected and 4. compensatory body part. - Diversional activity helps in Collaborative: refocusing attention and promotes 1. Offer diversional coping with limitations. activities. - Providing unnecessary assistance with transfers and bathing activities may promote 2. Refer to home health dependence and a loss of mobility aide services to support client and family through changing levels of mobility. Reinforce need to promote independence in mobility as tolerated.