Indian Riders Group Constitution Abridged
Indian Riders Group Constitution Abridged
Indian Riders Group Constitution Abridged
Inland Empire
Indian Motorcycle Riders Group™
A Chapter of Indian Motorcycle Riders Group™
ARTICLE 1 - Group Name
The name of the Group will be Inland Empire Indian Motorcycle Riders Group™
(henceforth Inland Empire IMRG)
● To encourage safe riding for all members and riding enthusiasts alike, and to contribute and
reflect positively to our communities.
● For motorcycle enthusiasts to experience the freedom of the open road through lawful and safe
motorcycle riding activities.
● To provide a means for individuals to participate with others that share like-minded interests
which include motorcycling activities.
● The Inland Empire IMRG is not a political forum. We are not here to debate politics but to ride
unhampered by politics.
Article IV - Members
Section 4.1 Riders
This is an Indian Motorcycle riding group. You must be an Indian Motorcycle owner or currently riding an
Indian Motorcycle and be an IMRG member in good standing to be an officer of the Inland Empire IMRG
or to be able to vote on Inland Empire IMRG business. We want all to ride with us, as we are in the
Inland Empire IMRG, for the joy of riding. But it must be the Indian owners and current Indian
Motorcycle riders who are leading the direction of the Inland Empire IMRG. Proof will need to be shown
and verified through your IMRG membership card.
Belonging to a motorcycle group means more than paying dues and attending group functions. It also
means that the rider accepts responsibility for courteous riding. This includes practicing motorcycle
safety, lending a hand to those in distress, and following the rules of the road. Each rider is expected to
become an active participant in Inland Empire IMRG functions, activities and duties.
The acceptance of membership by a rider in the Inland Empire IMRG constitutes his or her agreement to
the terms and conditions of this Constitution and Bylaws, as well as the articles of incorporation and
bylaws of IMRG, and any then-adopted Inland Empire IMRG rules of the road. Without limiting the
forgoing, each member agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless Inland Empire IMRG, its
officers, employees, agents and other members in the event of any claim or lawsuit based on the act of
omission of such member.
The membership of any rider or associate member will terminate upon any of the following events:
Termination of a membership shall not relieve the member from any obligation for charges incurred,
services or benefits actually received, dues, assessments, or fees for which the member is obligated to
Inland Empire IMRG.
Rider and associate memberships in the Inland Empire IMRG are non transferable and non assessable.
The Inland Empire IMRG shall keep a membership book containing the name and address of each rider
and associate member. Termination of any member shall be recorded in the book, together with the
manner of termination and the date of termination.
A chapter may assess its own membership dues to cover its expenses. These fees are optional and are
assessed at the discretion of the chapter’s officers. Any chapter membership dues are in addition to the
IMRG membership dues.
Article V - Meetings of Members
Section 5.1 Place of Meetings
Regular meetings of the members shall be held at the principal office of the Inland Empire IMRG, Indian
Motorcycles of Redlands, or at such other places generally convenient to the riders as designated by the
officers of the Inland Empire IMRG from time to time.
Members shall meet regularly on the first wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Officers of the Inland
Empire IMRG shall be elected at the regular meeting held in October of each year. Members must
attend at least three (3) meetings a year to maintain Inland Empire IMRG membership.
A special meeting of the riders for any lawful purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the
president or secretary or by no less than 20% percent of the voting riders of the Inland Empire IMRG. All
special meetings shall be called by email notice at no less than 20 days prior to the scheduled meeting
date. Included in this email will be the date, time, location and general nature of the business to be
One-third (1/3) of the voting Riders or 10 voting riders, whichever is less, and a majority of the officers
shall be a quorum for all regular and special meetings.
All matters shall be decided by the affirmative vote of a majority of regular voting members present at a
meeting of members at which a quorum is present, unless a greater number is required by law. Voting
shall be by a show of hands. Riders shall not be permitted to vote or act by proxy, and cumulative voting
shall not be permitted.
Meetings of riders shall be presided over by the president of Inland Empire IMRG or, in his/her absence,
by the vice president. The secretary of Inland Empire IMRG shall act as secretary of all meetings of
riders, provided that in his/her absence the presiding officer shall appoint another person to act as
secretary of the meeting.
Meetings shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, if interested you can find a copy of key rules at, as such rules may be
revised from time to time, insofar as such rules are not in conflict with these constitution and bylaws or
with law. (It would be good to familiarize yourself with these rules of order before first meeting.)
Article VI - Officers
Section 6.1 Officers
The Officers of Inland Empire IMRG shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer. All
officers of Inland Empire IMRG shall be nominated and elected by a majority of the votes of the riders in
attendance. Each officer shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until his/her successor is elected. If
required, additional officers may be appointed by the Inland Empire IMRG president. All officers must be
current IMRG members in good standing to maintain their office.
The President will act as general manager and chief executive officer of Inland Empire IMRG and work
with the sponsoring dealership to uphold the chapter charter and operating policies. Monitor and
motivate other chapter officers. Responsible for chapter operations, meetings, and implementation of
IMRG policies. Represent Inland Empire IMRG at all local and IMRG functions and activities.
The Vice-President will act on behalf of the president on all chapter business during the absence of the
president, and assist the president as needed.
The Secretary will oversee administrative duties of the chapter, including recording chapter minutes,
helping the Inland Empire IMRG increase and maintain membership and submitting any forms/reports
to the IMRG office. He/She is also responsible for obtaining, filing, and maintaining records of all
insurance and injury release forms.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct
accounts of the properties and business transactions of Inland Empire IMRG, including accounts of its
assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings, and other matters
customarily included in financial statements. The Treasurer shall deposit all dues, moneys and other
valuables in the name and to the credit of the Inland Empire IMRG. The Treasurer shall disburse the
funds of Inland Empire IMRG as may be ordered by the President, shall render to the President,
whenever they request it, and account of all the Treasurer’s transactions as Treasurer and of the
financial condition of Inland Empire IMRG. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at official Inland
Empire IMRG meetings.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend all meetings of the members of Inland Empire IMRG. Maintain order
at all such meetings and to determine if the existence of a quorum is achieved. It shall also be the duty
of the sergeant-at-arms or persons supervised by him/her to be responsible for the security and safety
of riders, to appoint Road Captains, to review routes for safety concerns, to communicate to the proper
authorities for permits and travel routes, and to assist other riders in practicing safe riding while
traveling in formation.
The Marketing Director will advertise events to Inland Empire IMRG members as well as to our
community and ensure that all communication pieces and chapter business is being communicated with
members. They also maintain brand integrity and brand standards to those of Indian Motorcycle and
order any needed marketing materials or apparel. They also assist with the planning and execution of
chapter events.
The Activities Director will plan activities for the chapter as the chapter sees fit and oversee the
administrative planning, logistics, and other duties of events as well as recruit and manage volunteers.
Road Captain, while on the road, is the one to ensure and maintain order on the ride no matter how big
or small the group; enforces certain safety rules regarding gear, bike and riding manner. during the ride
the Road Captain is in charge of safety, compliance and discipline. The Road Captain may or may not ride
lead for a particular ride. A pre-ride discussion of your plans, preferences, and requirements helps
everyone avoid surprises. Talk about pace, signals, details like fuel or refreshment stops, the route and
what to do in an emergency.
The Photographer will take and organize chapter photos, submit photos to the IMRG office and send
them to the chapters web and social media directors.
The Membership Director will ensure new members have active IMRG memberships. They will welcome
and interact with new members at chapter meetings and events to make them feel welcome in our
Inland Empire IMRG chapter.
The Web Director will design, edit, update and maintain our chapters website to make sure all
information is correct, up to date and posted in a timely manner and to make sure we are in accordance
with IMRG guidelines. Present any publications to the president and sponsoring dealership for approval
before publishing.
Section 6.14 Social Media Director
The Social Media Director will design, edit, update and maintain our chapters social media platforms and
coordinate with the web director and photographer to insure accurate, creative as well as timely posts.
Present any publications to the president and sponsoring dealership for approval before publishing.
Any officer of Inland Empire IMRG may be removed from office, without cause, by a unanimous vote of
the eligible voting riders. Removal or Impeachment of an officer must be done at a special meeting with
prior notice (see section 5.3)
Article IX - Restrictions
Section 9.1 Wearing Gang Rockers
No member of Inland Empire IMRG will wear patches on a jacket or vest which can be described as a
rocker. The definition of a rocker is a patch anywhere on a jacket or vest, in any shape or size, which
contains chapter ID’s, city or state text information. The IMRG is a motorcycle riding group, not a
motorcycle club or gang. Wearing a rocker can be hazardous to your health and the health of other
All IMRG patches and pins must be acquired from IMRG. The IMRG chapters are NOT licensed to
manufacture their own IMRG patches, pins and IMRG does not grant any license to the group to use the
IMRG logos in any way, shape or form.
Appendix A - Inland Empire IMRG Etiquette
This Inland Empire IMRG is dedicated to having our rides be enjoyable for all. Be kind, considerate, and
most of all, respect your fellow riders as well as all other motorists..
Inland Empire IMRG will be sponsoring and attending rides for the enjoyment of the membership and
guests. For the sake of uniformity, and to avoid possible future disputes or claims of liability, the
following rules and regulations have been established and are subject to change at any time:
The Inland Empire IMRG (and sponsoring Indian Motorcycle Dealership) assumes no responsibility or
liability for loss or damage to personal property, or injury to any person who participates in group
sponsored activities and functions. All members and guests participate at their own risk.
Inland Empire IMRG sponsored activities shall conform at all times to federal, state, and local laws.
All complaints and/or suggestions for improvements should be made in private to the sergeant-at-arms
or to the responsible Inland Empire IMRG officer for resolution and should not be made the subject of
general discussion and possible dispute. Members are requested to cooperate by avoiding and
refraining from angry disputes, altercations and discussion of personal problems and troubles leading
toward controversy, which would impair the fulfillment of our Inland Empire IMRG objectives.
Any unruly, intoxicated persons may be subject to a request to leave any Inland Empire IMRG function.
All members are responsible for the conduct and behavior of their guests, families and themselves and
are liable for any damages incurred. Each member agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless
Inland Empire IMRG, its officers, employees, agents and other members in the event of any claim or
lawsuit based on the act or omission of such member.
No member is to touch, sit on, or move another member’s motorcycle without the owner’s approval,
barring an emergency situation.