Sciencedirect: Indicators For Environmental Sustainability
Sciencedirect: Indicators For Environmental Sustainability
Sciencedirect: Indicators For Environmental Sustainability
Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 697 – 702
Decision making on sustainable consumption and production requires scientifically based information on sustainability. Different
environmental sustainability targets exist for specific decision problems. To observe how well these targets are met, relevant environmental
indicators are needed. In this study, we reviewed indicators applied in life cycle assessment (LCA), planetary boundary framework (PB), and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed under United Nation. The aim is to 1) identify their applications and relevant decision
context; 2) Review their indicators and categorize them into Drivers-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses scheme for comparison and; 3)
provide suggestions for indicator system choice and important aspects to consider when choosing.
© 2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
Keywords: decision support; indicator; sustainability; metrics; environmental targets; life cycle assessment; planetary boundary; Sustainable Development Goals
2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
698 Yan Dong and Michael Z. Hauschild / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 697 – 702
answers to the three essential questions are also different in environmental models applied to model the indicators. After a
each methodology, which also appears to be the key joint effort of reviewing those methods, recommendations of
information for specific decision problem. In this section, we best practices were identified [8]. There 13 separate cause-
will introduce the three focused environmental sustainability effect chains were identified from emission to damages on the
assessment methods and their indicators, addressing answers area of protection (natural environment, human health and
to the three essential questions. natural resources). Each of them has one or more midpoint
indicator located somewhere in the chain between emissions
and damages, where endpoint indicators are located (Table 1).
2.1. Planetary boundaries The environmental sustainability of an activity can thus be
judged either by midpoint indicators, or endpoint indicators.
PB “defines a safe operating space for humanity based on New impact categories such as noise, accidents and salination
the intrinsic biophysical processes that regulate the stability of are also under development. The corresponding time scale is
the earth system” [5]. By estimating impacts towards PB, it different depending on the impact category, ranging from
aims at protecting the functioning of the earth system within years (e.g. acidification, eutrophication and ecotoxicity) to
an “ethical time horizon- short enough to influence today’s very long time scales (e.g. climate change, ozone depletion,
decisions yet long enough to provide the basis for fossil and mineral depletion) [9].
sustainability over many generations to come” [6]. Several
key processes are identified and some methods were
developed to quantitatively express the boundary level that 2.3. Sustainable Development Goals
should “not be transgressed if we are to avoid unacceptable
global environmental change” [6]. With its focus on the Many environmental targets and indicators exist in
stability of Earth system processes, the PB approach is regulatory context, to promote regulators making decisions
concerned with impacts on the natural environment and does towards a livable and sustainable place for humans. They
not intend to reflect impacts to human health. Nine planetary present a perspective from human-centered society. There is
boundaries were recognized so far as shown in Table 1. For an abundance of such targets and indicators at different
each of the boundaries, one or more indicators have been decision levels. Among them, SDGs are the most recent ones
developed to show the distance to the boundary and indicate released by UN. They are part of a plan of action to stimulate
when we are at risk to transgress it. Since PB is a rather new all nations to “heal and secure our planet” and “shift the world
concept, methods for assessing some of the indicators are still on to a sustainable and resilient path” [10]. 17 goals supported
under development and thus not mature yet. Large by 169 targets were established in SDGs to be attained by
uncertainties of the boundaries are expected, where more 2030 [10]. To facilitate the implementation and monitoring of
research is needed [5]. However, the PB approach provides a the SDGs, Sustainable Development Solution Network was
way to assess environmental impacts against an absolutely launched by the UN to develop indicators. Indicators have
scale, taking the whole earth as the system boundary. been and will be further developed under each target for
monitoring and assessment purposes [11]. The SDGs target to
assure common goals and understandings between different
2.2. Life Cycle Assessment stakeholders (e.g. policy-makers, local residents and business
partners) in the development of a sustainable world.
LCA “quantifies all relevant emissions and resources Depending on the application context, the system boundary
consumed and the related environmental and health impacts that is considered under the SDGs is often within a certain
and resource depletion issues that are associated with any region or nation, but some of them are also global. Most of
goods or services” [7]. It is a mature and robust method that the targeted indicators have to reach a certain level within a
comes with ISO standard (ISO 14040/14044). LCA firstly limited time. In addition to the strong focus of achieving
quantifies the emissions from all life stages of a product or environmental sustainability, a strengthening of technology
service. The impacts caused by the emissions are then transfer, capacity-building in the developing countries and
assessed by Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) promotion of local public awareness have been emphasized in
methodologies. The intention of LCA is to compare SDGs to facilitate the achievement of these targets.
alternatives. Therefore it only expresses environmental
impacts in relative terms, e.g. which option is more 3. Classification and comparison of environmental
environmental friendly. It cannot judge if the solution is sustainability indicators
sustainable in absolute terms since it doesn’t relate to an
absolute boundary as PB does. The focus of LCA is global as In order to support a comparison of the environmental
for PB, but some of the impacts are modelled at a regional indicators in LCA, PB and SDGs, a summary of the proposed
scale when this is relevant. The environmental quality that can indicators is given in Table 1. To better understand the
be affected is expressed by a set of impact categories, each relationships between different environmental sustainability
represented by one or more indicators. There are many LCIA indicators in different domains, each relevant indicator is
methodologies available (e.g. ReCiPe, IMPACT 2002+, etc.), classified into a specific impact type of environmental impact.
where noticeable differences exist in coverage of impacts, in Under each impact type, the indicators are further categorized
choice of indicators for some impact categories and in the by applying a widely used flexible framework for relating
Yan Dong and Michael Z. Hauschild / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 697 – 702 699
human activities to environmental status: Driver-Pressure- freshwater, water use is the Pressure and the proportion of
State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) scheme as shown in Figure 1 water resource that has been used is the State. Response
[12]. It starts with “driver”, which reflects the need of e.g. indicators on management and strategies are identified to
individuals and industries. The drivers lead to human regulate the intensity of GHG emission or efficiency of water
activities that invoke “pressures” on the environment. As a use (Driver). For both impact categories, SDGs covers Driver,
result of the pressures, the “state” of the environment is Pressure and Response indicators, reflecting the strong
changed and this may cause an “impact” on the environment, political emphasis. For eutrophication, the Pressures are
which may eventually trigger a political “response” [12]. clearly coming from nitrogen and phosphorus emissions.
SDGs aim to regulate nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency
(Driver). For chemical pollution, SDGs include indicators on
chemical emission and concentration as the Pressure and State
indicator respectively. This category is mentioned in PB, but
yet no specific indicator is defined. For ozone depletion, PB
and LCA have a similar State indicator related to ozone
concentration in the stratosphere. SDGs operate with one
Pressure indicator on the consumption of ozone depleting
substances. For biodiversity and acidification, different States
indicators exist, where a consensus is strongly needed. For all
the impact categories mentioned above, some research has
been done, but not enough to understand the full cause-effect
chain, especially the connection between state and impacts.
There are several categories where only SDGs indicators
Figure 1. The DPSIR framework, adapted from EEA [12]
exists, namely waste treatment, marine system change, fish
resources, energy resources, and food and agricultural
Six PB indicators are categorized as State indicators, and resources. State indicators are available for all the mentioned
two are Pressure indicators. In one category (introduction of categories, but Pressure indicators only exist for two
novel entities), PB does not have a defined indicator. PB categories and Impact indicators are lacking for all of them.
covers in total nine impact categories (Table 1). Similarly, 11 The lack of good understanding on cause-effect chain in these
LCA midpoint indicators are State indicators, while only one categories makes it difficult to judge how serious and urgent
is considered as a Pressure indicator (Freshwater use). All the problems are. For resources especially, a fair judgement
LCA midpoint indicators contribute to at least one of the three on the reserves and renewability is essential to define the
LCA damage indicators, which are classified as Impact impacts and thus response indicators. Here the needs from
indicators in the DPSIR framework. Driver, Pressure and regulators point to the direction of future research needs.
Response indicators are easier to regulate, but their
environmental relevance is more indirect. In comparison, 4. Discussion and proposals
State and Impact indicators are more objective and robust in
the sense that they represent the consequences of the others on Generally speaking, LCA and PB have similar
the status of the environment. This explains why scientists set perspectives. Their indicators are science-based, and
up planetary boundaries mainly via states indicators, and LCA operational methods are available for assessing most of them.
compares environmental performance at states and impacts In contrast, fewer details on the methodologies are available
level. In contrast, SDGs aim at providing guidelines for now for SDGs indicators. To supplement this, UNEP has
regulations, and they have to encompass as many driver and organized several workshops to develop proposals and more
response indicators as needed to fulfil the very wide purpose. are foreseen. For example, integrated environmental
Therefore, SDGs covers the most impact categories (16 out of indicators were proposed to “support multiple goals and
19). In addition to States and Impacts indicators, they provide targets” [13]. To promote Sustainable Consumption and
Pressure, Driver and Response indicators in six, six and eight Production (SCP), a set of relevant indicators were developed
categories respectively. The Driver indicators under the SDGs [14]. Many indicators listed in SCP have not yet been
represent the growing focus of societal development on included in the SDGs, e.g. biomass footprint of consumptions,
increasing efficiency/intensity in energy use, water use, CO2 rates of groundwater depletion, water footprint, material
emissions, nitrogen and phosphorus use. Response indicators footprint, food waste at consumption stage and metal
focus on how governance can facilitate sustainability, via recycling rate [14]. As SDGs stepping into the operational
providing support, proper management, strategies, subsidies stage, more guidelines and proposals are expected to provide
and promoting or restricting certain technologies. operational measurements methods for the SDGs targets.
There are seven of the environmental impact categories To choose the relevant indicators for decision support, it is
that are covered by all three indicator sets (Table 1). Among necessary to understand the context of the indicators and the
those, climate change and freshwater use show most decision problem that is to be addressed. Traditionally, LCA
consensuses in terms of applied cause-effect chain. For is mainly operated on product systems. SDGs will mostly be
climate change, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission (Pressure) operated on sector and national level, while PB aims at
causes change in GHG concentration (State). Similarly for operating on regional and global level. Hence, indicators such
700 Yan Dong and Michael Z. Hauschild / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 697 – 702
as emission intensity, usage efficiency and management where SDGs aim to develop towards sustainability. In
strategies that typically target the sector or national level via contrast, LCA only contains quantitative science-based State
policies or regulations only appear in SDGs. However, these and Impact indicators, to be assessed on product and project
indicators are useful as guidance also for the smaller scale level without interface to regulation and policies.
applications in companies or even products with indication of
LCA indicators can also be applied to assess future. We discussed several considerations when choosing
sustainability at larger scales, but uncertainties are expected the right indicator sets for a specific purpose. For example,
to be high. PB, similar to LCA, is purely science-based LCA, PB and SDGs are suitable for application on product,
indicator. But the boundary is set at the global level. Some global and section/national level respectively. The maturity
extra efforts are needed to apply it on smaller scales. of the cause-effect chain for each category is different. The
Meanwhile, PB provides good scientific support for uncertainty associated with each indicator depends both on
political decisions related to environmental sustainability. the locations of that indicator on DPSIR chain and the
On the environmental impact pathway, Driver and maturity of the specific impact cause-effect chain that it
Pressure indicators are closer to the cause than State belongs to. Which indicators to choose for a specific
indicators, while Impact indicators come the last. The closer decision problem depend on its context (e.g. application
to the cause, the less uncertainty there is in the models but scale, interested impact categories and study purpose) and
also the more ambiguous the relation is to the consequences its acceptable uncertainty level. Moreover, there are some
in terms of environmental sustainability. If the cause-effect indicators that may overlap with others, which should also
chain is well established and the uncertainty can be reduced be taken into account. The desired indicator sets should be
to an acceptable level, it can be very relevant to define decided in consultation with the decision-makers, but the
improvement requirements at the Drivers level. However, if decision should consider the aspects highlighted in the
this is not the case, we may get perverted incentives where analysis here.
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