Introduction Introduction
G-Drive engines – for reliable power
Cummins Power G-Drive CoolPac Engine Cummins Worldwide USA, to serve a fast growing customer base.
Throughout the world Cummins has an enviable
Today's diesel power means Cummins Power – The Coolpac program was created in response to With engine manufacturing operations in
presence in over 130 countries with 500
With a new generation of engines from 3.3 to 60 a demand for a fully integrated G-Drive product. 8 countries, Cummins is a global supplier of
distributors, 5,000 dealers and more than 5,800
litres setting unbeatable power standards. CoolPac engines provide Central Area G-Drive diesel power. In Europe, Cummins has built up
service locations.
Cummins is now the world's leading customers with a packaged radiator, either fitted its largest manufacturing operation, outside the
manufacturer of diesel engines across the to the engine or as a loose part, delivering a
50-2000kW range, with a massive annual complete engine solution.
investment in research and engineering - based
on worldwide sales in 2005 of $9.92 billion.
A global manufacturing and distribution Key benefits of CoolPac are: Net Sales (U.S. Dollars in Billion)
operation, together with over 80 years of • Provides complete solutions to GOEMs $9.92
experience, backs every new Cummins diesel for
• Improved speed to introduce new products
generator set applications. due to supply of key components such as
cooling system and air filter 8
Cummins Technology $6.30
• Provide high performance/tested/ high ambient $5.68 $5.85
capability solutions 6
Cummins is uniquely positioned as a vertically
• Competitively priced
integrated engine manufacturer with subsidiary 4
companies manufacturing subsystems necessary
for the production of fuel efficient and high
performance engines. These include such
technologies as turbo chargers (Cummins Turbo
Technologies), filtration (Cummins Filtration), fuel
systems and electronics. The interaction between 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
all of these components is essential to achieve
high performance and low exhaust emissions.
Jamshedpur, Pune
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Engine Range Chart
G-Drive engines – power range G-Drive engines – model summary
35-65 kVA
kVA kVA kWe kWe
Engine 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz Hz
30-115 kVA
B3.9 4B3.3G1 35 38 32 35 Y TBC JW 4/10 12v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
4BT3.3G2 50 55 45 50 Y TBC JW 4/10 12v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
4BT3.9G3 53 59 48 54 Y 60 JW 3/11.5 12v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
60-170 kVA 4BT3.9G4 64 70 55 60 Y 51 JW 3/11.5 12v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
4BTA3.9G3 80 88 73 80 Y 50 JWAC 3/11.5 12v • oo x Fitted Fitted Fitted
4BTA3.9G4 91 100 82 90 Y 49 JWAC 3/11.5 12v x • x Fitted Fitted Fitted
110-255 kVA 6BT5.9G6 107 119 100 110 Y 49 JW 3/11.5 12v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
6BTA5.9G3 136 150 114 125 Y 54 JWAC 3/11.5 12v x • x Fitted Fitted Fitted
6BTA5.9G4 107 119 100 110 Y 56 JWAC 3/11.5 12v • oo x Fitted Fitted Fitted
190-390 kVA 6CT8.3G2 135 150 121 134 Y 53 JW 2/11.5 24v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
QSL9 6CTA8.3G2 182 200 160 175 Y 55 JWAC 2/11.5 24v • x x Fitted Fitted Fitted
6CTAA8.3G3 200 220 182 200 Y 48 AA 2/11.5 24v x • x Fitted Fitted Fitted
QSL9G2 225 250 210 230 Y 55 AA 2/11.5 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
260-380 kVA QSL9G3 250 275 227 250 Y 50 AA 1/14 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
QSL9G4 275 300 250 275 Y 50 AA 1/14 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
QSL9G5 300 330 275 300 Y 49.9 AA 1 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
280-615 kVA NT855G6 320 350 260 288 Y 58 JW 1 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
NTA855G2 320 361 275 300 Y 55 JWAC 1 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
NTA855G4 365 400 x x N 54.7 JWAC 1 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
395-610 kVA QSX15G4 410 450 360 400 Y 60 AA 1 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
QSX15G6 455 500 360 400 Y 57 AA 1 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
QSX15G8 500 550 360 400 Y 54.7 AA 1 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
KTA19G4 500 550 455 500 Y 50 JWAC 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
490-1000 kVA
QSK23G2 750 825 682 750 Y 50 AA 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Kit
QSK23G3 810 900 727 800 Y 50 AA 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Kit
VTA28G5 636 700 545 600 Y 50 JWAC 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
VTA28 555-740 kVA QST30G3 910 1000 818 900 Y 51 JWAC 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
QST30G4 1000 1100 910 1000 Y 50 2P2L 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Fitted
KTA38G3 910 1000 818 900 Y 52 JWAC 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
615-1255 kVA KTA38G5 1000 1100 x x N 50 JWAC 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
KTA38G7 910 1000 x x N 40 2P2L 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
KTA50G3 1275 1400 1135 1250 Y 55.6 JWAC 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
755-1130 kVA KTA50G7 1275 1400 x x N 40 2P2L 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
KTA50G8 1400 1675 x x N 50 2P2L 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Fitted
KTA50G9 x x 1295 1500 N - 2P2L 0 24v x • x Kit Kit Kit
QSK60G3 1875 2063 x x N 54.1 2P2L 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Kit
KTA50 1050-1925 kVA QSK60G4 2000 2250 x x N 55.7 2P2L 0 24v x x • Kit Kit Kit
Further information relating to new Tier-2 emissionised products including QSK19, QST30, QSK50 and QSK60 can be found in
"Low Emissions Technology", available from mid October 2006.
4 5
B-Series C-Series
Small engine – big possibilities Custom built for power applications
The B3.3 has all the strength and reliability Starpac gives the generator set builder and user Complementing the advanced efficiency of the • Normal Duty air cleaner
the genset industry has come to expect from the advantages of excellent fuel consumption, Starpac design is the availability of models • Full flow lube oil filters
the B Series range but in a smaller, lighter and substantial cooling capability, low noise, low incorporating the B3.9-G or C8.3-G Cummins
• B series equipped with 12 volt electrical
more economical package. weight, compact size, high power output per litre Engines.
and first class reliability.
The B3.3 features direct fuel injection, resulting in The B and C Series engines have established • C series equipped with 24 volt electrical
cleaner quieter and more fuel efficient an unrivalled reputation for reliability. The B and equipment comprising starter and alternator
performance. With a highly compact 4 cylinder C series incorporate features designed to
• Fuel Valve energised to run
envelope and extremely low heat rejection the maximise engine integration within OEM
• High Water temperature coolant switch
engine offers a high installation. The C series incorporates reliability
terms of installation
The specification for Starpac includes the
simplicity and servicing.
following equipment:
For example, valve
• Radiator
clearance checks are not
required until 2000 hours • Blower Fan
6 7
QSL9 NT855
Power with intelligence Premium performance
For those of you who know there is no QSL Series engines will meet every Tier 3/Stage Cummins N series engines have been service simple and dependable PT type fuel system.
substitute for power, the QSL9 is the engine IIIA emissions standard* with minimal changes. proven through millions of hours of operation in The big cam shaft also provides an increase in
for you. The Cummins QSL9 comes with a The advanced QSL engine platform will be some of the world's most demanding pressure.
torque rise of up to 50% and a peak torque of carried forward to Tier 4/Stage IV through 2015. applications. The latest evolution of the N
The NT series now delivers wide ranging
1200 lb-ft. It handles the toughest work *(G1, G2, G3) series, the NT855 meets the most critical
benefits – fuel efficiency, low oil consumption,
conditions. At the same time, the QSL delivers generator set operator requirements as well as
reliable long life, high power density and low
better fuel economy, has better cold-starting satisfying the stringent European and EPA-MOH
capability and is up to 50% quieter in operation. emissions requirements.
The heavy-duty design of the QSL As part of the design process the new NT
191 - 375 kVA
8 9
A revolution in diesel power generation Outstanding durability
The QSX15 is a revolution in diesel power This 15 litre engine is ideally suited to both open The K19 family is
generation. The QSX15 provides and containerised applications in static or one of Cummins’
uncompromising power and efficiency in a portable genset equipment. Equipped with most proven
compact package. Cummins GCS electronic capability, the QSX15 engine designs,
can be matched to meet specific duty cycle and incorporating all of
The QSX15 is a fully integrated electronic engine
operating conditions of the genset. Cummins’ heavy
– and the first heavy duty diesel with 24–Valve
duty diesel
dual overhead camshaft technology. Yet the On site adjustments to gain, droop and speed
experience. The
engine has an impressive 30% fewer parts than can be quickly completed without the need for
comparable diesels and a software
280 - 487 kVA
Standby Prime Base Power Standby Prime Base Power 1500 rpm (50Hz) kVA (kWe) TYPICAL 1800 rpm (60Hz) kWe (kVA) TYPICAL
QSX15-G4 450 (360) 410 (328) 280 (224) QSX15-G4 400 (487) 356 (445) 245 (307)
QSX15-G6 500 (400) 455 (364) 320 (256) QSX15-G6 400 (487) 360 (450) 245 (307) Standby Prime Base Power Standby Prime Base Power
QSX15-G8 550 (440) 500 (400) 351 (281) QSX15-G8 400 (487) 360 (450) 248 (310) KTA19-G4 550 (440) 500 (400) 393 (315) KTA19-G4 500 (400) 455 (569) 368 (460)
10 11
High performance for tough applications Cost effective power
Providing the power between 392 kWe and With Cummins electronic intelligence, your genset The V28 engine benefits from many years of • Cooling System: Belt driven centrifugal water
805 kWe, the QSK23 is designed to meet present is equipped with a multitude of value adding technical development and Cummins’ brand of pump, with large volume water passages to
and future competitive pressures and worldwide features and faster, more precise diagnostics innovative engineering, to keep pace with provide even flow of coolant around the
emissions regulations whilst delivering high fuel capability. Highly accurate sensors located through changing generator set requirements. cylinder liners, valves and injectors.
economy and high power density. the engine send data to the generator control • Fuel System: Cummins PT(™) self
In its latest form the engine offers higher
system (GCS), a high capacity electronic unit adjusting system. Integral dual flyweight
In order to meet legislative and customer performance and a range of reliability and
551 - 1000 kVA
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Proven performance around the clock Premium high performance power
The Cummins Quantum series QST30 engine excellent power density, economical operation The Cummins KTA
utilises sophisticated electronics and premium and exceptional uptime, the QST30 sets the engines have an
engineering to provide outstanding levels of standard for rugged dependable power. excellent reputation and
performance from its compact 30 litre V12 because of this, have
The combination of premium hardware and
configuration. gained a major part of
innovative engine control software provide
the power drive market.
The electronic controls provide superior lower emission levels, meeting the stringent
730 - 1250 kVA
1500 rpm (50Hz) kVA (kWe) TYPICAL 1800 rpm (60Hz) kWe (kVA) TYPICAL
QST30 Series ‘Stanfast’ 30 litre, V12 cylinder
Standby Prime Base Power Standby Prime Base Power
KTA38-G3 1000 (800) 910 (728) 754 (603) KTA38-G3 900 (1125) 818 (1023) 703 (879)
1500 rpm (50Hz) kVA (kWe) TYPICAL 1800 rpm (60Hz) kWe (kVA) TYPICAL KTA38-G5 1100 (880) 1000 (800) 755 (604) KTA50-G3 1250 (1563) 1135 (1418) 924 (1154)
KTA38-G7 1000 (800) 910 (728) 749 (599) KTA50-G9 1500 (1875) 1295 (1619) 1141 (1427)
Standby Prime Base Power Standby Prime Base Power KTA50-G3 1400 (1120) 1275 (1020) 1052 (842)
QST30-G3 1000 (800) 910 (728) 730 (584) QST30-G3 900 (1125) 818 (1029) 655 (819) KTA50-G7 1400 (1120) 1275 (1020) 1001 (801)
QST30-G4 1100 (880) 1000 (800) 791 (633) QST30-G4 1000 (1250) 910 (1146) 752 (940) KTA50-G8 1675 (1340) 1400 (1120) 1282 (1025)
14 15
Superior performance and durability
Cummins engineering took power generation a With brand new parts, utilising advanced refinement. With the option of an Eliminator Built stronger to last longer
major step forward with the QSK60 engines, materials and precision engineering, the oil purification system on the engine,
Durability is a critical factor in reducing cost of
combining sophisticated electronics with engines are able to withstand the most rigorous service intervals can be extended to a huge
operation. The QSK60-G engine components
premium engineering to excel in every aspect of standby, prime or base load applications, in fact 4000 hours.
1524 - 1600 kVA
Features Options
• Full authority electronic engine • InPower™ service support software
• Modular common rail fuel system • Centinel™ oil renewing system – extends oil
• 60 L displacement changes up to 4000 hrs
1500 rpm (50Hz) kVA (kWe) TYPICAL
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GCS Controller/InPower Quantum Systems
A Quantum leap in innovation
Cummins GCS controller It incorporates a fuel system board to meet the Quantum Technology • Fully integrated sub-systems designed and
The Cummins Governor Control System (GCS) specific requirements for operating different manufactured by Cummins
integrated design
Cummins Quantum System engines use
is a high capacity electronic unit specifically Cummins fuel systems. Each engine is
proprietary electronic controls to manage • Provides a unique capability to meet emissions
designed by Cummins for genset applications. supplied with a harness for interfacing the
everything from fuel delivery and power curve requirements with enhanced performance
It utilises sensors located in key positions within sensors with the GCS. The controller stores
the engine which constantly monitor critical trend and event data which can be quickly shaping to protection features and data • Purpose-designed for high load factors / high
parameters and adjust fuelling and timing for downloaded using inPower™. management. All Quantum System engines are hours
optimum performance. The following features have been integrated designed to work with a common set of • Broad range with Quantum commonality:
The GCS is a 2-slot card cage which may be into the GCS to eliminate the need for an application and diagnostic software, to simplify
• electronics & diagnostics
customer mounted into the genset control box external speed governor:– engineering installation as well as servicing.
• Run/Stop switch input • base engine & turbo-charging
or other off-engine location close to the genset. These engines deliver exceptional durability in the
• Idle/Rated switch input • power cylinder & fuel systems
world’s most demanding work sites.
• 50/60Hz selection switch input
• Isochronous/Droop governing For OEM’s and operators, this means that the
• Speed adjustment same electronic tools and software can be used
• Speed bias inputs for synchronising and to access engine data, monitor performance and
load sharing
undertake diagnostics across an exceptionally
• Smoke limiting on start-up
wide engine range.
• Engine protection
• Fault report relay drivers
• Fault flash-out
• 1mA meter drivers
• Programmable meter gain and offset
• Monitoring via RS484 data link using
Modbus protocol
• Communications to PC based
For: QSK15, QSK23, QST30, QSK45 & QSK60
programming and service tool
InPower™ electronic service tool feature the engine can be optimised for
InPower CD based service tool software helps standby, prime or base load applications.
you unleash the full potential of smart InPower can minimise engine downtime with
electronics. Install InPower onto your PC and easier and faster engine diagnostics. The
connect to the engine using a Datalink cable software evaluates service requirements using
and security device. From then on you have got fault screens, precise diagrams and step-by-step
a window into your engine, checking fuel- directions, prognosis capability enables service
efficiency trends, pinpointing faults, viewing and maintenance to be scheduled.
operational history, running tests and much
Utilising the full potential of the Windows
more. All this can be done real-time with the
operating system users can quickly navigated
genset under load or by downloading data from
the tool folders and access the information they
the engine management system memory.
require. Data is easily displayed in tabular or
Not only can key parameters be viewed but graphic format using built-in tool utilities. In
they can be easily adjusted. Factory trims can multiple set installations, the operating
be changed to reflect new application performance of individual engines can be
requirements, response speed on start-up can compared.
be made faster or ramp-up made slower to
Used with: QSX15, QSK23, QST30, QSK60
reduce emissions. Using the Power Limiter
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Cummins Limited
Manston Park, Columbus Avenue,
Manston, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5BF
Tel: +44 (0)1843 255000
Fax: +44 (0)1843 255900