Integrating Sustainability Into Higher Education Curricula Through The Project Method, A Global Learning Strategy
Integrating Sustainability Into Higher Education Curricula Through The Project Method, A Global Learning Strategy
Integrating Sustainability Into Higher Education Curricula Through The Project Method, A Global Learning Strategy
Integrating Sustainability into Higher Education
Curricula through the Project Method, a Global
Learning Strategy
M. Teresa Fuertes-Camacho * , Mariona Graell-Martín, Mariana Fuentes-Loss and
M. Carmen Balaguer-Fàbregas
Faculty of Education, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 08017 Barcelona, Spain; (M.G.-M.); (M.F.-L.); (M.C.B.-F.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-932541800 or +34-935099250
Received: 30 November 2018; Accepted: 30 January 2019; Published: 1 February 2019
Abstract: Higher levels of material well-being lead almost inevitably to giving priority to
individualism and personal advancement, often at the expense of civic conscience. A proposal
for integrating sustainability into the curriculum is presented in the third year of the degree in Early
Childhood Education at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC). Projects on sustainable
food are planned and elaborated to this aim. This study seeks to apply a global and systemic
approach to solving socio-environmental problems and to check whether education for sustainable
development (ESD) helps to develop and encourage actions that promote sustainable development.
Quantitative research was conducted using a pre-test/post-test quasi experimental design separated
by a period of didactic training in the project method. The results presented in this article show the
students’ sustainability competencies (SC) improve after working on didactic proposals in a global
manner. It is concluded that elaborating competencies in education for sustainable development
enables an integrated approach of knowledge, procedures, attitudes and values in teaching through
promoting the project method in multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams, which enhances
future teachers’ sustainability competencies.
1. Introduction
Planet degradation caused by unsustainable production and consumption patterns has ecological
impacts that compromise the options of current and future generations [1]. The VUCA (volatility,
uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world we live in determines the labor market [2] and requires
the functions and competencies exerted to include values and actions for change in addition to
knowledge [3,4]. Training teachers for the education of future generations is therefore key to reach the
objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which is based on ensuring inclusive, equitable
and quality education promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all [5].
It is necessary for future teachers to acquire sustainability competencies and competencies in
education for sustainable development (ESD) to bring about changes in society [6,7]. Sustainability
competencies must be developed in higher education (HE) for future teachers to perform personal
actions from this perspective [8]. In this respect, it should be noted that the Conference of Rectors of
Spanish Universities (CRUE in Spanish) has drafted and approved documents that propose four core
sustainability competencies in HE called SUST, which constitute a reference for this research [9].
According to the aforementioned documents approved by the General Assembly of the CRUE,
integrating sustainability into the curriculum is essential. Teachers need to be empowered and
professionally qualified as qualified teachers are key to quality education. They need to be given the
necessary initial training and must be equipped with efficient and effective methodological strategies.
It is unquestionable that today’s professionals must be able to understand how their professional
activity interacts with society and the environment, both locally and globally, in order to identify
possible challenges, risks, and impacts. It is therefore crucial to transfer sustainability competencies
to the teaching profession by developing competencies in education for sustainability, linking the
teaching of sustainability to student learning [10,11].
This article presents an empirical study conducted at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
(UIC), based on ESD, which integrates scientific, linguistic and mathematical competencies applying
the global methodology of the project method in the initial teacher training of third year students of
the degree in Early Childhood Education. This proposal arises from the social need and commitment
included in SDG 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which seeks to ensure quality
education [5]. The main focus of the strategy is to teach the competency in ESD from a holistic
and transformational perspective of education (SDG 4), addressing contents related to sustainable
consumption and food (SDG 12) [5].
Following the educational model oriented towards learning competencies driven by the guidelines
of the European Higher Education Convergence [12], the sustainability competencies and the
competencies in EDS to be developed in curricula include the complex and integrated set of knowledge,
procedures, attitudes, and values, which individuals draw upon in different contexts to solve real
situations from an economic, social and environmental perspective [13].
1.1. Sustainability Competencies and Competencies in Education for Sustainability in Initial Teacher Training
Dealing with concepts of sustainability and education means entering into a debate that is difficult
to solve. It is therefore considered that both the concept of education and the one of education are
highly complex [14]. The relations established between both notions are therefore always influenced
by circumstances and characteristics of participants and situations. Jicking & Wals specify education is
determined by numerous factors.: “How educators and curriculum theorists respond to these varied
perspectives about education for sustainable development will depend on how they think about
‘education’ and the role education plays, or needs to play, in society. It will also depend on their image
of ‘educated persons’, and their interactions within respective societies—in particular, the perceived
role people are to assume in decision-making processes” ([14], p. 6).
“Sustainability competencies” or “competencies for sustainable development” are basic
competencies that train people to adopt personal lifestyles ensuring a balance between economic
growth, respect for the environment and social justice. “Sustainability competencies (SC)”, which are
of a more individual nature, are identified with “competencies for sustainable development” [15,16].
They must enable human beings to face challenges such as climate change, inequality, water
shortage, hunger or responsible consumption, among others, from a global perspective that favors
sustainable development.
Sustainable development is described by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE) Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development as being underpinned by an ethic
of solidarity, equality, and mutual respect among people, countries, cultures, and generations;
it is development in harmony with nature, meeting the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [17]. This definition of
sustainable development is consistent with both the United Nations Declaration on the Right to
Development, as set out in General Assembly resolution 41/128 of 4 December 1986, and the Rio
Declaration on Environment and Development (United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3–14 June 1992).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 3 of 25
According to UNESCO, education is the main priority to promote sustainable development and
is key to reach the sustainable development goals (SDGs) [5]. UNESCO has been promoting Education
for Sustainable Development (ESD) since 1992. The competencies in education for sustainability or
competencies for Sustainable Development (ESD) were developed by UNECE [17] and are based on
Delors’ four pillars [18] adapted to the field of sustainability. Although Delors did not specifically
define the competency as such, in his report he did stress that education needs to be structured
around four fundamental kinds of learning which, throughout people’s lives, will be the pillars of
learning: learning to know, i.e., acquiring the instruments of understanding; learning to do, to be able
to influence one’s own surroundings; learning to live together, to take part in and cooperate with others
in all human activities; and learning to be, an essential process which includes parts of the other three
pillars. The integration of those four methods of knowing converge into what we call competencies.
According to Cebrián and Junyent [6], they are competencies for professional development that
enable transformation through education and develop the capacity of promoting changes in society.
All this must allow for dialogue between disciplines from an integrating approach that promotes the
capacity to listen so as to reach a more profound understanding that enables facing adversity [19]
Higher education institutions have engaged in incorporating and institutionalizing sustainability into
their curricula, research, and operations in order to educate future sustainability professionals as
change agents for sustainable development [19,20].
Twenty-first century learning requires engaging learners through applicable skills and knowledge
and real-world connections to make learning relevant, personalized, and engaging [21]. Learning
and innovations skills proposed by the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning included creativity
and Innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration and life and
career skills to navigate complex life and work environments [2,21]. Individuals as part of society must
also have the power to act in complex situations in a sustainable manner. The framework clustering
of competencies inspired by the report of the International Commission on Education to UNESCO
presents a meaningful set of categories that reflect a wide range of learning experiences—including
learning to know; learning to do; learning to live together; and learning to be—that addresses the
development of one’s personal attributes and ability to act with greater autonomy, judgement, and
personal responsibility in relation to sustainable development [22]. Learning and learning-based
change towards sustainability comprise the key focus. With the challenge of sustainable development,
the advances need to be accompanied by changes in mind-sets, values, and lifestyles, and the
strengthening of people’s capacities to bring about change. [23].
Education should play an important role in enabling people to live together in ways that contribute
to sustainable development. This can happen creating opportunities for learners to question their own
lifestyles and the systems and structures that promote those lifestyles. Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) empowers people to change their way of thinking and to work towards a
sustainable future. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes to manage sustainable development have become
significant learnings of different career paths and they are needed for future change agents in the field
of sustainable development [24]. The competencies in ESD are those of educators and future educators
and these competencies go beyond the competencies that individual educators would have in order to
provide a good quality education in their discipline [22]. ESD raises awareness of the complexity and
dynamism of issues. It also plays a key role in making sustainable development understood and in
ensuring it is applied in a specific way.
ESD aims to plan specific sustainable actions at all educational levels, favoring the development
of competencies that allow people to think about their actions. This means they must take their
own social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts into account, both locally and globally.
Integrating competencies for ESD in HE curricula may be seen as an important step to achieving
sustainability in HE [25].
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was approved in 2015 by 150 Heads of State and
Government that committed themselves to establish national frameworks to achieve the 17 universally
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 4 of 25
applicable goals [26]. Those goals, which are not legally binding, are integrated and indivisible and
balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.
They build on the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approved in 2000 and recognise the
ethical need to promote action initiatives and strategies that make them effective [5].
Previously, the association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), signed the
Talloires Declaration [27], a ten-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental
literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at universities. This declaration provides
a comprehensive framework for sustainability, as well as inspiration and motivation to pursue
environmental and sustainability initiatives on campus.
Emphasizing the importance of education is essential to build a more sustainable world [6].
Knowledge and know-how about sustainability are not enough. It is necessary to undertake actions
that respond to real needs that commit and transform by impacting society, promoting real changes.
The Bonn declaration [28] pointed out the importance of incorporating topics related to sustainable
development by means of an integrated and systemic approach at all educational levels. At the same
time, it recommends teacher education institutions, teachers and professors to develop and research
sound pedagogical practice for that purpose [1].
ESD is crucial and confers quality to teaching and training systems [29]. It should be configured
as an integral part of quality education, intrinsic to the concept of lifelong learning, as defined in
SDG 4 mentioned earlier [5]. From this perspective, all educational institutions of both a formal and
informal nature should include those competencies in their curricula [24], planning teaching and
learning strategies applied in educational practices. ESD addresses learning contents and results in a
holistic manner and considers active pedagogy and the learning environment as decisive factors for
the development of key competencies in sustainability [19,30].
The need for a change in educational processes is at the basis of building the European Higher
Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna process and the creation of new university degree programs
stress the importance of training and assessing students using competencies. However, curricular
sustainability involves not only including environmental content in the syllabus of different subjects.
It also implies a paradigm shift in educational processes [31,32].
Starting from the complexity the concept itself poses, in order to ensure ESD, integrating and
interdisciplinary teaching and learning approaches, such as the project method, are appropriate. They
foster sustainability skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking [33], and the competency for
action and communication [34]. Lambrechts and Van Petegem justify the connection between those
skills and sustainability competencies: “The acquisition and assessment of competences for SD require
different ways of teaching and learning which focus on experiential learning, reflective learning,
participative learning, active learning, creativity, collaboration, problem solving, practice-based
learning, transdisciplinary approach, and self-regulation (Sterling, 2004, Wals & Jickling, 2002; Wals,
2010). This different way of teaching and learning is necessary for universities to contribute to a more
sustainable society...” [35].
both objectives: being competent as educators in sustainability and promoting significant curricular
learning in students.
Despite the doubts Kilpatrick’s project method generated at first [39] with regard to the positive
effect of leadership of students on their own learning, it has currently gained popularity thanks to
the appearance of the methodology of project-based-learning. This method is founded on learning
processes based on inquiry and the presentation of questions leading the learning process, adopting a
constructivist Vygostkian-based approach.
In the case of Early Childhood Education it is considered the teacher has to be the one in charge of
asking questions leading the learning process, which is why this methodology was used in our research,
though maintaining the five features which, according to Pecore ([39], p. 159), project-based-learning
must include: 1) a central project; 2) a constructivist focus on important knowledge and skills;
3) a driving activity in the form of a complex question, problem, or challenge; 4) a learner-driven
investigation guided by the teacher; and 5) a real-world project that is authentic to the learner.
The theoretical evolution of those initial approaches has determined that work projects constitute
a proposal of organizing knowledge, which consists of creating strategies related to processing
information and to linking the different contents based on a hypothesis or real problem. Developing
those strategies enable students to build up understanding from the transformation of information
coming from different kinds of disciplinary knowledge [40].
From the point of view of global learning, learning projects do not constitute a sum of subjects,
or even the combination of different disciplines in a common objective. Hernándes and Ventura [40]
describe the globalization they present as the materialization of a psychological learning structure.
Based on a socio-constructivist and interactive learning approach, these authors consider that students,
when working on projects, experience a process of understanding thanks to the reconstructive and
constructive tasks carried out using the information they have access to. Reconstructive understanding
is considered to be the ability to access the basic ideas of a piece of information and place it within the
framework of the work performed (global reconstruction). Constructive understanding is regarded as
the capacity to generate new questions and new knowledge, based on that information.
Recent studies have established a framework aiming to help educators when creating and
modernizing their classes to provide students with a whole set of sustainability competencies [41]
although research concerning pedagogical approaches continues to be scarce.
The present study provides new information and answers the following research questions:
1. Does planning projects on sustainable food related to SDG 4 and SDG 12 improve future teachers’
sustainability competencies?
2. Does the design and implementation of global didactic projects improve future teachers’
competencies in ESD?
1. First phase:
• Performing the pre-test on student sustainability competencies (by means of a test validated
by the education department of the government of Catalonia, the institution that decides on
the curriculum of childhood education)
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 6 of 25
2. Second phase:
• Performing the simultaneous training program of four specific didactics to develop subject
specific competencies (SSC)
• Planning and development of projects by the students at the same time project-related
content is taught in the different subjects
• Feedback in the university classroom
3. Third phase:
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 31
• Presentation of the projects designed by the students and assessment of the ESD
3. Third phase:
competencies related to the degree specific competency (DSC) by the teachers in charge
Presentation of the projects designed by the students and assessment of the ESD competencies
4. related to the degree specific competency (DSC) by the teachers in charge
Fourth phase:
4. Fourth phase:
• Performing the post-test
Performing the post‐test
Checking changes in student sustainability competencies
Checking changes in student sustainability competencies
Figure 1. Research phases. Own work.
Figure 1. Research phases. Own work.
The instruments used to collect data corresponding to each phase of the project are summarised
The instruments used to collect data corresponding to each phase of the project are summarised in
Table 1 and1 are
in Table and are specified
specified throughout
throughout this The
this section. section. The followed
criterion criterion for
choosing for choosing
those those
individual sustainability
sustainability competencies andcompetencies and not other
not other competencies competencies
is justified because ofis itsjustified because
conceptual of its
conceptual association with the current Early Childhood Education curriculum and because it is the
with the current Early Childhood Education curriculum and because it is the objective of this research.
objective of this research.
Table 1. Research phases, instruments, and Table 4 related data. Own work.
Table 1. Research phases, instruments, and Table 4 related data. Own work.
Data Collection Instrument
Phase Data Provided
and Table 4
Data Collection Instrument and
Phase Instrument Table 4
1. Rubric to assess
Data Provided
the students’ sustainability
Phase 1 Pre-test Instrument 1. Rubric to assess the
competency. SUST-CRUE, Pre-test assessments
students’ sustainability
Learning Objectives SDG 4
Phase and SDG 12 Pre‐test
Pre‐test competency. SUST‐CRUE,
1 SSC Assessment Learning Learning Objectives SDG 4 and
Table 4. Integrated SSC
Natural Sciences and Social assessment and Learning Subject assessments
Sciences SDG 12
Objective SDG 12
Phase 2
SSC Assessment Learning Table 4. Integrated SSC
SSC Assessment LearningTable 4. Integrated SSC assessment Subject
Natural Sciences and Social assessment and Learning Subject assessments
Mathematics and Learning Objective SDG 12 assessments
Sciences Objective SDG 12
Table 1. Cont.
The specific instruments used to collect data related to sustainability competencies and
competencies in education for sustainability have different theoretical descriptions and justifications.
First, instrument 1 is described (Table 2). This instrument was used as a pre-test and post-test
(phases 1 and 4) and serves to assess sustainability competencies. It is a rubric including three indicators
and three levels of competency for each indicator: 1. Low, 2. Medium, and 3. High. They correspond
to values from 1 to 10 as expressed in the table. Within this rubric, the lowest level corresponds to
1 and the highest corresponds to 3. The results obtained through this rubric will enable answering
question 1 and check whether students have improved their sustainability competencies.
Table 2. Instrument 1. Pre-test/post-test rubric for the assessment of the sustainability competency.
Inspired by Miller (1990) [43] CRUE (2012) [9], UNESCO (2017) [5], Albareda et al. 2018 [44].
At a statistical level, consistent with the assessment systems applied at the university, it was
considered appropriate to assess student achievement on a scale from 1 to 10, although with regard to
developing competencies, those values were put together to show the levels of competency acquired
by the students. Data collecting was performed through correcting the written tests that combine
multiple choice answers with open answer questions. In the case of the latter, the presence of contents
appropriate to the demand was evaluated. At the content level, the test including the pre and post-test
is related to a real problematic situation, based on sustainable food and consumption contents. Students
have to interpret the different dimensions of sustainability and make decisions to improve them.
To justify the elaboration of instrument 1 (Table 2) the following references were used:
1. Two of the core competencies of a holistic dimension (SUST 2 and SUST 4) approved by the
General Assembly of the CRUE [9] include the units of competency and the corresponding levels of
competency developed within the framework of the EDINSOST project [44]. These two references
were used to establish the general framework of sustainability competencies in HE assessed in the pre
and post-test. The two core competencies selected were the following:
SUST 2—Competency in the sustainable use of resources and in the prevention of negative
impacts on the natural and social environment
SUST 4—Competency in the application of ethical principles related to the values of sustainability
in personal and professional behavior.
To define key sustainability competencies, several authors elaborated different proposals to
incorporate them in higher education. Based on Wiek et al. [31], Rieckmann [19], Sleurs [3] and
considering the Spanish context we find ourselves in, the choice of those two competencies from the
ones established by the CRUE can be justified [9]
The content of this competency is related to systemic (natural and social environment) and
anticipatory thinking (prevention of negative impacts) [19]. With regard to Sleurs’ [3] systemic thinking,
he affirms the competencies teachers need to elaborate must consider the individual, institutional
and social dimension of the teacher (the teacher as an individual-SC and the teacher in the education
institution and in the society).
The content of this competency is related to critical thinking (personal and professional
behavior) [19].
According to Wiek et al. ([31], p. 204), we embrace the convergence that sustainability education
should enable students to analyze and solve sustainability problems, to anticipate and prepare
for future sustainability challenges, as well as to create and seize opportunities for sustainability.
Because sustainability problems and challenges have specific characteristics, analysing and solving
sustainability problems requires a particular set of interlinked and interdependent key competencies.
For this reason, our selection of the CRUE’s competencies is linked to systemic, anticipatory and critical
thinking [19] and also includes the teacher as an individual and the teacher in the society Sleurs [3].
2. Two of the learning objectives from the SDGs: SDG 4—Quality education and SDG
12—Responsible consumption and production:
Cognitive learning objective 1 (CLO 5)—SDG 4. The learner understands the important role of
education and lifelong learning opportunities for all (formal, non-formal and informal learning) as
main drivers of sustainable development, for improving people’s lives and for achieving the SDGs [5]
(p. 18).
Behavioral learning objective 1 (BLO 1) —SDG 12. The learner is able to plan, implement, and
evaluate activities using existing sustainability criteria [5] (p. 34).
These learning objectives served to specify the units of holistic competency and the levels of
acquisition of the two core competencies of the CRUE [9] included in Table 2 related to the topics of
the projects developed based on sustainable food.
According to Miller [43], the first two levels are knowledge (knows) and how to apply it to
specific cases (knows how) that refer to the field of cognition of a more professional nature. At the
level immediately above those two levels, we find competency when it is measured in environments
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 9 of 25
where the professional must show or show how he/she is capable of doing or what the professional
would actually do in practice. This last level, according to Miller [43], refers to behavior, to knowledge
that must accompany knowing how to be and knowing how to act in a manner consistent with the
situation [45].
Second, instrument 2 is described (Table 3). It is a joint assessment rubric for the global projects.
This rubric is used in the third research phase. Its objective is to collect the shared assessment of the
teachers who have taught the specific didactics separately and who must now evaluate the didactic
integration of the students based on the contents in sustainable education and, more particularly,
sustainable food.
To justify that the rubric provides data on the development of competencies in education for
sustainability, the indicators listed in Table 3 were drawn up based on a degree specific competency
(DSC) achieved with behavioral learning objective 1 of SDG 12.
In a complementary manner, items corresponding to the didactic treatment of the aforementioned
subjects have been adapted. This instrument contributes to providing the necessary data to
subsequently answer the second research question.
Instrument 2 was applied from observing the presentations of the students who took part in the
research. The university teachers assessed the presentations of the projects based on the same rubric
after which the results were agreed on. The assessment scales follow the same criteria as the ones
described for the instrument. In other words, the scores are out of 10 and show the level of competency
attained (low, medium, high).
Third, Table 4 is described. The purpose of this table is to present all the research data in order
to make a comparative analysis between them. It is a global table, from whose study the answer to
the second research question is obtained and implicitly also to the first one. It allows checking the
improvement of competencies in ESD (development of the training process). At the same time, it
enables comparing the improvement of sustainability competencies (pre-test and post-test). The use of
this table was developed during the fourth research phase.
The procedures performed for its completion are varied. The results of instrument 1 (Table 2) were
collected, corresponding to the pre-test and post-test, related to the improvement of the sustainability
competency; the results of the subject assessments were recorded in relation to their respective subject
specific competencies (SSC) adapted to SDGs 4 and 12; the results obtained through instrument 2
(Table 3) related to the competency in ESD shown in the projects carried out by the students, which
were also adapted to SDGs 4 and 12, were noted.
The elaboration of this instrument is justified on the basis of the data provided by the UN
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [5]. The (cognitive, socio-emotional, or behavioral)
learning objectives included in goals 4 (SDG 4) and 12 (SDG 12) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development [5] are closely related to the fields of knowledge, of know-how and of the personal
commitment associated with knowing how to be and how to live with others [18]. For this reason, in
this study, the learning objectives of the SDGs have been connected with the competencies of the four
subjects of the Degree in Early Childhood Education (learning natural sciences and social sciences
(LNSSS), Learning Mathematics (LM); learning languages (LL), and the project method (PM)) taught
to the same students by four teachers during the same semester.
The objective of Table 4 is to show it is the coordination, and not the juxtaposition, of the content of
the four subjects involved in the study that enables addressing sustainability from a holistic approach,
taking the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability into account.
From a functional point of view, Table 4 allows presenting the results of instruments 1 and
2 together and the assessment of the didactic projects. Those projects, in accordance with the
methodological characteristics mentioned in the introduction and with their content, enable assessing
competencies for education in sustainable development (ESD). The justification of the relation between
the project methodology and ESD is found in Table 5.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 10 of 25
Table 3. Instrument 2. Global assessment rubric of the competency in ESD. Source: Adaptation SUST (CRUE, 2012 [9]; Albareda et al. 2018 [42,44].
Levels Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Final
1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 8,9,10 1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 average
Welcome to
Luigi, shall we
make an
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 11 of 25
Table 4. Interrelation between the sustainability competency and the competency in education for sustainability.
Evolution of the Sustainability Competency and the Competency in Education for Sustainability
Sustainability Competencies
competencies in
Categories Competencies in education for sustainability (didactics)
PRE-TEST sustainability
SUST 2 and SSC SSC (LM) SSC (LL) SSC (PM) DSC ADAPTED to SDG 4 and 12 (6) SUST 2 and 4
4 achieved (LNSSS) ADAPTED to ADAPTED ADAPTED Promotes responsibility in terms of professional development: to achieved with
with SDG 4 ADAPTED SDG 4 y 12 (3) con SDG 4 to SDG 4 analyze, reflect on, and develop points of view allowing the SDG 4 and 12
and 12 (1) to SDG 4 Understands and 12 (4) and 12 (5) student to plan, implement and evaluate activities related to (1)
Understands and 12 (2) mathematics Favors Promotes sustainable food Understands
education Draws up as speaking interest and education
may help teaching socio-cultural and writing respect for may help Difference
create a proposals knowledge skills over the natural, create a more between
more related to which enables the need for social and sustainable, pre and
sustainable, the differentiating sustainable cultural equitable and post-test
equitable interaction between practices in environment healthy world
and healthy of science, needs and production through and plans
Competencies world and technology, wants and and appropriate educational
plans society and reflects on consumption teaching activities
educational sustainable consumer projects that related to
activities development behavior encourage sustainable
related to others to food using
sustainable engage in sustainability
food using sustainable criteria
sustainability practices in
criteria consumption
Subjects Didactic Project on healthy and sustainable food Difference
Scores Scores LM Scores LL Scores PM Average Individual Group Average Difference
LNSSS EI score project Project Score average
subjects (IP) (GP) IP-GP presentation
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 12 of 25
Table 5. Interrelation between the competency of the subject and the learning objectives SDG 4 and SDG 12.
Items Numbered in Cognitive Learning Behavioral Learning Subject Specific Socio-emotional Learning Degree Specific
Table 4 Objective (CLO) Objective (BLO) Competency (SSC) Objective Competency (DSC)
Cognitive learning objective 5
(CLO 5) from SDG 4—The Behavioral learning
1. Understands education
learner understands the objective 1 (BLO 1) from
may help create a more
important role of education SDG 12—The learner is
sustainable, equitable and
and lifelong learning able to plan, implement
healthy world and plans
opportunities for all (formal, and evaluate
educational activities
non-formal and informal consumption-related
related to sustainable food
learning) as main drivers of activities using existing
using sustainability
sustainable development, for sustainability criteria [5]
improving people’s lives and (pp. 18,34).
for achieving the SDGs
Subject specific
competency SSC 39—To
draw up teaching Socio-emotional learning
proposals related to the objective 2 from SDG 12—The
2. Draws up teaching
interaction of science, learner (in our case future
proposals related to the
technology, society and pre-primary teachers) is able
interaction of science,
sustainable development to encourage others to engage
technology, society and
of the subject Learning in sustainable practices in
sustainable development
Natural Sciences and consumption and production
Social Sciences in the [5,46] (p. 34).
Degree in Early
Childhood Education
Socio-emotional learning
objective 3 from SDG 12—The
3. Understands Subject specific
learner is able to differentiate
mathematics as competency SSC 35—To
between needs and wants to
socio-cultural knowledge understand mathematics
reflect on their own
which enables as socio-cultural
individual consumer
differentiating between knowledge of the subject
behavior in light of the needs
needs and wants and Learning Mathematics in
of the natural world, other
reflects on consumer the Degree in Early
people, cultures and
behavior Childhood Education
countries, and future
generations [5,47] (p. 3,4).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 13 of 25
Table 5. Cont.
Items Numbered in Cognitive Learning Behavioral Learning Subject Specific Socio-emotional Learning Degree Specific
Table 4 Objective (CLO) Objective (BLO) Competency (SSC) Objective Competency (DSC)
Subject specific
Socio-emotional learning
competency SSC 43—To
4. Favors speaking and objective 1 from SDG 12 - The
foment speaking and
writing skills over the learner is able to
writing skills of the
need for sustainable communicate the need for
subject Learning
practices in production sustainable practices in
Languages in the Degree
and consumption production and consumption.
in Early Childhood
[5,48] (p. 34).
Subject specific
competency SSC 40—To Socio-emotional learning
5. Promotes interest and promote interest and objective 2 from SDG 12—The
respect for the natural, respect for the natural, learner is able to encourage
social and cultural social and cultural others to engage in
environment through environment through sustainable practices in
appropriate teaching appropriate teaching consumption and production.
projects that encourage projects in the subject This relationship allows us to
others to engage in Learning Natural Sciences, link SDG 4—Quality
sustainable practices in Social Sciences and education and SDG
consumption and Mathematics. It integrates 12—Responsible
production the project method in the consumption and production
Degree in Early [5,49] (p. 34).
Childhood Education
Degree specific
6. Promotes responsibility competency DSC 7—To
in terms of professional Behavioral learning promote responsibility in
development: to analyze, objective 1 from SDG terms of professional
reflect on, and develop 12—The learner is able to development: to analyze,
points of view allowing plan, implement and reflect on, and develop
the student to plan, evaluate activities using points of view about the
implement and evaluate existing sustainability profession and teaching
activities related to criteria [5,46–49] (p. 34). skills, to know how to
sustainable food make these clear and how
to bring them up to date
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 14 of 25
Subsequently, the post-test, allows checking whether improvement is observed in the development
of the same sustainability competencies assessed in the pre-test.
In Table 4, the competencies of sustainable development resulting from the interrelation between
the competencies of the subjects and the learning objectives of SDG 4 and SDG 12 can be observed.
While Table 1 explains the different research phases, in Table 4 the results obtained in each research
phase are shown to have an overall idea of the performance of the different students in each phase.
The usefulness of Table 4 lies in the possibility of presenting the results of instruments 1 and
2 together and the assessments of the didactic projects that enabled assessing the competencies in
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The justification of the relation between the project
methodology and ESD is found in Table 5.
The concepts that appear in the table are explained below in Table 5:
In short, the methodological model addressed through the objectives of sustainable development
and subject competencies is the following (Table 6):
Table 6. Training design: Achieving SSC and DSC with the SDGs.
Subject competencies [46–49] Socio-emotional learning objectives (SDG 12) [5] (p. 34)
To draw up teaching proposals related to the
interaction of science, technology, society and The learner (in our case future pre-primary teachers) is able to
sustainable development encourage others to engage in sustainable practices in
consumption and production
To understand mathematics as socio-cultural
The learner is able to differentiate between needs and wants
and to reflect on their own individual consumer behavior in
To foment speaking and writing skills light of the needs of the natural world, other people, cultures
and countries, and future generations
To promote interest and respect for the natural, social
The learner is able to communicate the need for sustainable
and cultural environment through appropriate
practices in production and consumption
teaching projects
Competencies of project presented Behavioral learning objective (SDG 12) [5] (p. 34)
To promote responsibility in terms of professional
development: to analyze, reflect on, and develop The learner is able to plan, implement, and evaluate
points of view about the profession and teaching consumption-related activities using existing sustainability
skills, to know how to make these clear and how to criteria
bring them up to date
Once the different instruments used to collect data have been described and justified, an outline
is provided of how the aforementioned training program (phase 2 of the research) has been carried
out. It was applied to students between the pre-test and the post-test to favor the development of
competencies in education for sustainability.
It involves teaching training based on the design of cross-cutting learning projects (linguistic,
mathematical, and experimental competencies), whose content (Table 7) was associated with the topics
and learning methods suggested for SDG 4 and SDG 12 in the UNESCO document [5] (p. 19, 35):
Through the subjects, the students planned the projects in groups and the common theme
was sustainable food (Table 8). The procedures and analyses of the project method, together with
the contents related to sustainability, were aimed at developing the competency in education for
sustainability. The characteristics of the projects are specified in the table below.
The operational structure of a project consists of different phases. First of all, students choose a
topic. It is a democratic process favoring the choice of topics that are of interest to the students. In this
research, the teachers proposed the topics with the aim of contributing to ESD, taking the interests and
preferences of the students into account to reinforce motivational processes.
Spaces for debate are then created to promote the determination of hypotheses, which are linked
to the following questions: what do you know about this topic (determination of prior knowledge)?;
what else would you like to know about the subject?; and, how can we find information about it?
Once the initial information was collected through a hypothesis or a real problem, it is the teacher,
in this case the future teacher, who must organise how to propose activities that lead to the solution of
the initial approach. The following are the teachers’ main tasks: they must determine the central theme
of the project; they must include objectives, contents and activities, which can be developed throughout
the project; they must select the information that may provide solutions or raise new questions for the
participants; they must create a group work environment that encourages participation and acceptance
of challenges; they must use materials and technologies of different nature that facilitate understanding;
they must plan how to perform the assessment sequence (initial, formative, and summative); and
finally, they must reflect on the effectiveness of the project implemented to make decisions about its
modifications, always with the aim of improving it.
The global proposal evaluated in this research was generally based on monitoring this method,
achieved with the objectives, contents, and methodologies necessary to improve the competencies in
education for sustainability.
For the data analysis, given the characteristics of the research, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, a
test for non-parametric samples, was performed, providing statistical justification to the conclusions of
our research.
In order to answer the first question, the 16 third year students of the degree in Early Childhood
Education, whose average age is 22.7, performed a pre-test and a post-test. The results of these tests
show the scores each student obtained in the pre-test and the post-test (Figure 2).
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 31
Scores 5.0
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
Figure 2. Results of the pre-test and post-test.
Figure 2. Results of the pre‐test and post‐test.
The results of the reliable and validated test applied in the pre and post-test, as shown in Figure 2,
The results of the reliable and validated test applied in the pre and post‐test, as shown in figure
reveal the average score of the students in the pre-test was 6.6 points out of 10, and 7.4 out of 10 in the
2, reveal the average score of the students in the pre‐test was 6.6 points out of 10, and 7.4 out of 10 in
post-test. The standard deviation is 1.13 in the pre-test, and 1.16 in the post-test, which indicates the
the post‐test. The standard deviation is 1.13 in the pre‐test, and 1.16 in the post‐test, which indicates
students’ results hardly deviate from the average. The difference between the results of the two tests is
the students’ results hardly deviate from the average. The difference between the results of the two
shown in Table 9.
tests is shown in Table 9.
Table 9. Difference between the results of the pre-test and the post-test.
Table 9. Difference between the results of the pre‐test and the post‐test
Students a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
Difference a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
−0.8 2 0 −0.6 0 1.7 0.6 1.4 0.3 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.2 0.8 −1.1 2.8
‐0.8 2 0 ‐0.6 0 1.7 0.6 1.4 0.3 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.2 0.8 ‐1.1 2.8
A Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that the difference between the scores in the pre-test and
A Wilcoxon signed‐rank test indicated that the difference between the scores in the pre‐test and
the post-test are statistically significant (z = −2514, p < 0.012), given the fact that the p-value is lower or
the post‐test are statistically significant (z = ‐2,514, p < 0.012), given the fact that the p‐value is lower
equal than 0.5. From the results extracted (Table 9), a positive difference is observed in 11 students out
or equal than 0.5. From the results extracted (Table 9), a positive difference is observed in 11 students
of 16 (69%), three students present a negative difference (19%) and two did not present any difference
out of 16 (69%), three students present a negative difference (19%) and two did not present any
difference (12%).
The statistically significant difference between the scores of the pre-test and the post-test attained
by theThe statistically
students allowssignificant
us to affirmdifference between
the improvement ofthe
corescores of the pre‐test
sustainability and the
competencies post‐test
(SUST2 and
SUST4 of by
CRUEstudents allows with
[9] achieved us to affirm the
Cognitive improvement
Learning Objectiveof 1core
(CLO sustainability
1)—SDG 4 [5] competencies
(p. 18); and
(SUST2 and SUST4 of the CRUE [9] achieved with Cognitive Learning Objective 1 (CLO 1)—SDG 4
Behavioral Learning Objective 1 (BLO 1)—SDG 12 [5] (p. 34).
[5] (p. 18); and Behavioral Learning Objective 1 (BLO 1)—SDG 12 [5] (p. 34).
69% of the students improved the sustainability competencies thanks to a training program
(Table69% of the
4) that students
involved improved work
coordinated the sustainability competencies
in the four subjects thanks
and planning to a
and training aprogram
designing project
(Table 4) that involved coordinated work in the four subjects and planning and designing a project
on sustainable food (SDG 12). The results provide data on the group’s overall improvement in
on sustainable
sustainability food (SDG 12).
competencies afterThe results provide
developing data on inthe
the competency group’s for
education overall improvement
sustainability throughin
sustainability competencies after developing the competency in education for sustainability through
the project method.
the project method.
As mentioned in the theoretical framework, unsustainable production and consumption patterns
As mentioned
in today’s in the theoretical
world, instability, framework,
as well as inequality unsustainable
between people and production and require
regions [50], consumption
us to
patterns in today’s world, instability, as well as inequality between people and regions [50], require
prepare new generations not only for them to acquire knowledge, but also so that they can perform
us to prepare new generations not only for them to acquire knowledge, but also so that they can
perform actions to achieve societal transformation [1,2,4]. Working on real problems using the
project method is an effective tool to integrate knowledge, know‐how, and knowing how to be and
how to live with others, as stated by Delors [18].
To answer the second research question— Does the design and implementation of global
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 17 of 25
actions to achieve societal transformation [1,2,4]. Working on real problems using the project method
is an effective tool to integrate knowledge, know-how, and knowing how to be and how to live with
others, as stated by Delors [18].
To answer the second research question— Does the design and implementation of global didactic
projects improve future teachers’ competencies in ESD?—two averages are compared: the first one is
the result of the scores obtained in the projects elaborated in groups and the score of the individual
presentation. The second average arises from the assessments of the four subjects. To obtain these two
averages the following results were used:
The first average (Table 11) is obtained from:
In Table 10 the indicators linked with the degree specific competency (DSC), are closely related
to Behavioral Learning Objective 1 of SDG 12—The learner is able to plan, implement and evaluate
activities using existing sustainability criteria [5] (p. 34).
Regarding the five indicators assessed, it is observed that the groups obtain an average higher
than 9 out of 10 in: communication, using appropriate vocabulary (9.4); working cooperatively and
responsibly (9.3); and, finally, in the presentation of the sustainable food projects (9.2).
The results shown in Table 10 confirm the groups developed the SSC adapted to SDG 12:
“Encourage responsibility related to professional development: analyze, reflect on, and develop
points of view that allow students to plan, implement and evaluate consumption-related aspects using
existing sustainability criteria.”
With respect to the final average, the scores obtained by each group were very high, the minimum
being 8 and the maximum 9.5 out of 10. The overall average of all the groups was 8.9. These values
indicate the in-depth development of the competency in education for sustainable development (ESD)
at the group level.
Table 11 includes the results of the competency in education for sustainability per student. It
is represented by 10 columns. The first one identifies the students, the following four are the scores
corresponding to the assessments of the specific competencies (SSC) of the subjects adapted to the
corresponding SDG mentioned earlier. The sixth one shows the average of the scores of the four
subjects. The seventh, eighth, and ninth column show the individual scores, the group scores and the
average of the previous two (the individual score and the group project score respectively). The last
column shows the difference between the two averages, those of the subjects and of the project).
The average of the assessments of the subject specific competencies (SSC) is very high, exceeding
in all cases 7 points out of 10. If we take into account the difference of the average of the scores of
the four subjects involved and the overall result of the assessment of the project, it is observed that
87.5% of the students obtain a positive difference, that is, they attain better marks in the global project
than in the average of the different subjects. This difference allows observing how the assessment
of the competency in education for sustainability or ESD through the holistic activity—the project
method—obtains a higher score than the assessment of ESD per subject.
This positive difference between the average of the marks of the subjects and the mark of the
assessment of the project, in favor of the latter, indicates that the project method favors the fulfilment
of the Behavioral Learning Objective 1 from SDG 12—“The learner is able to plan, implement and
evaluate consumption-related activities using existing sustainability criteria” [5] (p. 34), through
multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary work performed in different subjects. It is worth recalling
that the competencies of the coordinated subjects developed on subject specific competencies (SSC)
35, 39, 40, and 43 of the curricula of the Degree in Early Childhood Education through the following
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 18 of 25
learning objectives of the SDGs [5] (p. 34): (1) Socio-emotional Learning Objective 3 of SDG 12—The
learner is able to differentiate between needs and wants and to reflect on his/her own individual
consumer behavior in light of the needs of the natural world, other people, cultures and countries,
and future generations; (2) Socio-emotional Learning Objective 2 of SDG 12—The learner (in our
case future pre-primary teachers) is able to encourage others to engage in sustainable practices in
education and production; and (3) Socio-emotional Learning Objective 1 of SDG 12—The learner is
able to communicate the need for sustainable practices in production and consumption.
After answering the two research questions, Table 12 below offers a view of the global data
of the research, showing the relationship and the difference between the sustainability competency
(resulting from the pre and post-test highlighted in grey in the table) and the competency in education
for sustainability per student (resulting from the training of the subjects and subsequent design of
projects on sustainable food). The scores presented between the pre and post-test show that 69% of
the students improved in the sustainability competency, which is also observed through the results
obtained in the Wilcoxon test. Thus, the training program carried out between the two tests to work
on ESD through the four subjects to develop a global project favored the development of sustainability
competencies at the same time.
The results of the table show the interrelation between the sustainability competencies and
the competencies in education for sustainability. In this respect, it should be remembered that
the sustainability competency, assessed in the pre and post-test, integrates the core sustainability
competencies of the CRUE [9] including cognitive learning objective 5 SDG 4 and behavioral learning
objective 1 SDG 12 [5]. In addition, the competency in education for sustainability (assessment of the
projects) promotes responsibility for professional development through the degree specific competency
DSC 7: analyze, reflect on, and develop points of view on the profession and competency as a teacher,
and the same behavioral learning objective 1 SDG 12, which consists in planning, implementing and
evaluating consumption-related activities using existing sustainability criteria [5] (p. 34).
The results obtained show that the project method performed by the students has enabled them
as future teachers to carry out actions related to achieving the SDGs in early childhood classrooms [5].
To reach this outcome, the educational method performed reflects the principles of active
pedagogy as outlined in SDG 4, through the project method. We note that “the most appropriate
way to accomplish in-depth learning is to achieve the involvement, effort and personal work of
the student” [51] (p. 75). This author also emphasises the importance of the project method and
recommends increasing its use in the university classroom. Likewise, the multidisciplinary and
transdisciplinary work of the teachers who coordinated the subjects involved in the study is a key
element, though not widely used, in the methodological renovation of higher education systems the
EHEA aims for [2].
According to García, Junyent, and Fonolleda [52] assessing professional competencies in education
for sustainability is complex and although there are recent studies that offer tools in this regard [43,53],
there is still a lack of research that allows assessing the existence of changes or improvements in the
professional knowledge of university students [54,55].
The scientific contribution of this article lies in providing assessment tools and evidence of the
suitability of the project method as a global learning methodology coordinated among several didactic
subjects to promote sustainability competency and competency in education for sustainability. Those
instruments consist of training programs including appropriate educational models to develop both
types of competencies [44]. In the case of students who will soon teach the citizens of the future,
faculties of education have the duty and responsibility to ensure training that allows them to meet the
objectives of sustainable development. It is for this reason that the present study presents this research
as a sample of the complementarity between the sustainability competencies and those in education
for sustainability.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 19 of 25
Table 10. Results of the assessment of the competency in ESD in groups (Instrument 2).
Table 11. Results of the assessment of the competency in education for sustainable development (ESD)–at the individual level.
Table 12. Results of the assessment of the sustainability competency (SC) and the competency in education for sustainable development (ESD).
Training teachers for the education of future generations is key to achieve the objectives of SDG 4
based on ensuring inclusive, equitable quality education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities
for all [5], integrating the competencies for sustainability in higher education programs [25]. The project
method uses scientific procedures that favor competency-based learning and not only knowledge
transfer. According to Lambrechts and Van Petegem [35] and Jickling and Wals [14], competency-based
higher education should allow the use of active teaching and learning methodologies in which the
mental activity of the student to build knowledge is key. This mental activity implies the use of
skills related to reflective thinking, critical thinking and decision-making. Those skills are necessary
to develop scientific competency, and they offer the students a critical view of sustainability at an
individual and professional level.
The research questions in this study, namely, (1) does planning projects on sustainable food related
to SDG 4 and SDG 12 improve future teachers’ sustainability competencies? (2) Does the design and
implementation of global didactic projects improve future teachers’ competencies in education for
sustainability? Both obtained affirmative answers.
Within the framework of this research and using the related instruments, the analysis of the
students’ results in the assessments statistically shows they improved the sustainability competencies
and those in education for sustainability.
The empirical study presented here provides evidence on the contribution made by education for
sustainability, through the project method, combining knowledge, know-how, knowing how to be, and
how to live with others [18]. It may be confirmed that the improvement in sustainability competencies
and in education for sustainability, shown in the entire group, implies, as determined by the definition
of the competency that students have improved with respect to knowing, knowing how to do and
knowing how to be. It also presents evidence on the sustainability competencies of future teachers at
an individual level.
According to UNESCO [5], sustainable development begins with education. The need to provide
quality education to the greatest number of people is present in all the new goals proposed. The
purpose of education must be that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in
a world where change is constant and learning never stops. In order to adapt to a constantly changing
world, core competencies, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, etc. need to
be developed that favor sustainable development. The relation between the competencies is that
they are all core competencies that enable lifelong learning. If all learners need and deserve learning
opportunities to thrive as tomorrow’s leaders, workers, and citizens, we ask ourselves how we can
train those future leaders without taking sustainability into account. Sustainability is key to train
people to be able to face the challenges of the future and respect lifestyles in line with the environment
and social justice.
As Fernández, Fuertes, and Albareda conclude [32], curricular sustainability involves not only
including environmental content in initial teacher training, but also requires a paradigm shift in
educational processes. This change also implies effectively integrating core sustainability competencies.
In this study the core competencies of the CRUE [9] were used in combination with the specific
competencies of the degree and of the different subjects [46–49] and with learning objectives from
SDGs 4 and 12 [5].
Although this study was carried out with a limited sample, the results and discussion allow us to
suggest a potential line of work to jointly develop the competency in education for sustainability and
the sustainability competency from a holistic approach using the project method in higher education.
To sum up, this research shows that by developing competencies in education for sustainability
through the project method, the participating students improved their individual sustainability
competencies. After checking the literature, we believe our study provides evidence on the work
carried out regarding sustainability competencies in the professionalization of future Early Childhood
Education teachers.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 767 23 of 25
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F., M.G.-M. and M.F.-L.; methodology, M.T.F.-C.,
M.C.B.-F. and M.G.-M.; validation, M.T.F.-C. and M.C.B.-F.; formal analysis, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F., M.G.-M. and
M.F.-L.; investigation, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F. and M.G.-M.; resources, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F., M.G.-M. and M.F.-L.; data
curation, M.T.F.-C. and M.C.B.-F.; writing—original draft preparation, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F., M.G.-M. and M.F.-L.;
writing—review and editing, M.T.F.-C. and M.C.B.-F.; visualization, M.T.F.-C.; supervision, M.T.F.-C.; project
administration, M.T.F.-C. and M.C.B.-F.; funding acquisition, M.T.F.-C., M.C.B.-F., M.G.-M. and M.F.-L.
Funding: This research was funded by the government of Catalonia and AGAUR in the call for the ARMIF 2015
project “Global plan of integrating mathematical, scientific and linguistic competencies in pre-service teacher
training” (ref. 2015 ARMIF 00044) and the call for the ARMIF 2017 project “Work-linked training: a space for
research and the construction of professional knowledge” (ref. 2017 ARMIF 00001].
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Ann Swinnen for her feedback and comments and also gratefully
acknowledge the support of the Integral Research Group on Sustainability and Education (SEI in Spanish) of the
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2017 SGR 119).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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