Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
Savar, Dhaka 1343 Ma. Zaki
Course Director
700" Foundation Training Course
Mobs: 01727743044
‘e-Mail: meakirhossain‘
DO No. 05.01.2672.263.18.701.19.01 Date: 14 October 2019
Dear Participant,
| would like to take the opportunity to congratulate you for being nominated in the P-70"
Foundation Training Course (FTC) scheduled from 27 October 2019 to 23 April 2020
at Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka.
‘This is also my pleasure to welcome you as one of the participants of the upcoming P-70"
FTC. As you know BPATC is the apex training institute in Bangladesh and you are fortunate
enough for getting the opportunity to participate in the FTC at BPATTC whieh is also known
as the “Centre of Excellence” in the area of training and development. | am confident that
you will find BPATC as an excellent forum of learning and exchanging views. BPATC
provides its participants with knowledge, skill and necessary attitude that you need to
prepare yourself as a dynamic future leader.
You may be aware that FTC is an intensive and rigorous training course to make you
capable to work under huge pressure and stress, Therefore, we expect that you will be
proactive in participating in classroom sessions, teamwork, group-discussions, and group
assignments. This training will also help instill in you a standard level of etiquette, manner
and established norms and values expected while working in public organization. There will
be a two-month long field attachment including several types of sensitivity visits and
orientation programs, Upon successful completion of all the requirements of six-month long
FIC at BPATC, you will receive the certificate of completion.
By tradition, FTC is a residential course and all participants will mandatorily stay at the
dormitory. During the course, you have to attend rigorous training activities throughout
‘weekdays and weekends, beyond office hours, usually in the evening and early in the
morning. Plenty of group works, individual assignments, written examinations,
‘workshops and presentation along with different committee activities will make your time
very effective at BPATC. You will have to interact with team members to complete the
group and individual assignments that will ereate the scope of interaction among the
participants of different cadres. A competent course management team (CMT) will guide
you in all matters related to training and academic responsibilities.
atDuring your stay at BPATC, you have to follow strict rules and regulations. You should
keep in mind that positive attitude, mental readiness, and adaptability to cope with
the trai
ing load and. stress is a precondition to participating in this intensive and
rigorous training course. However, we would advise you not to be worried; rather let us be
confident about your ability, which will contribute, to successful completion of the training
‘course, We are always with you to extend our al out suppor.
Please find herewith the attached General Instructions and Requirements for your necessary
We are looking forward to extending our warm welcome to you at BPATC in the
afternoon on the 26 October 2019.
Best wishes,
(Mad. Zakir Hossain)
Enclosed: General Guideline.
All nominated participants
70!" Foundation Training Course
BPATC, Savar, Dhaka.Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
Savar, Dhaka
P-70" Foundation Training Course
General Instructions and Requirements
Attending the Foundation Training Course of BPATC
|. Nominated participants are requested to register online using the link
by 20 October 2019 to attend the P-70! FTC, The registration portal will be open from
the 14-20 October 2019. Once you submit the duly completed registration form,
immediately an automatic acknowledgment letter will be sent to your e-mail. Please
take the print out of the acknowledgment letter for your convenience and bring
it with you to submit to CMT. In the case of
ny difficulty in registration, please don’t
hesitate to contact IT Professionals Programmer Mr. Mohammad Saiful Islam (Cell-
01737991133), Assistant Programmer Mr. Mohammad Altab Hossain (Cell-
01717316623) and CMT member: Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Deputy Director
(Cell-01554339166), Ms. 1a Akhter, Assistant Director (Cell-01553571 149),
All participants of FTC have to follow the prescribed dress code of BPATC. You
should bring at least two sets of dress for attending training sessions and formal
gatherings as pet following specifications. i will meet your immediate requirements in
attending all formal sessions. (You have to prepare 2/3 more sets of the formal dress
after arrival at BPATC with the help of CMT and Mess Committees).
[Dress Code for Male Participants [Dress Code for Female Participants
1. Pull slip White Shirt (80/20 plain) 2Pes 1 Baby Pink Saree-2 pes (1. cotton+
2, Black full-pant—2 pes. 1 half silk)
3, Black Lounge Suit ~ 1 set 2. Black Blazer—I set
14. At least one pair Oxford Shoe and shocks (Black) | 3. Black ladies shoe
3. However, white Panjabi with black ‘Sherwani’/‘Cott Blazer is allowed 10 wear
considering only religious ground for male trainees. Hijabs or Gown (Burkha)
With black/baby pink colour is allowed for female participants as is deseribed for the
religious purpose.
4. Male participants have to wear black suit during inaugural and closing ceremonies,
‘mess/guest night, organization visits and in other special occasions. Female participant
have to wear saree with black blazer in above-mentioned occasions.
5. You are advised to bring a proper dress for games and physical exercise. The
gtspecifications are like: White tracksuits and a white T-shirt with collar and white keds
and white socks for male participants and white salawar, kamiz, cross dupatia with white
waist beltwhite tracksuits and white keds and white socks for female participants
Please note that you will have to walk 2.2 km long jogging track in the morning and
participate in the different types of games in the evening,
6. PIC is a full residential course. Staying at dormitory is mandatory for all
participants. BPATC will arrange your accommodation and food during your stay at
the Centre. A sufficient number of Mess Committees will be formed to manage FTC
7. The cost incurred for your food during your stay at BPATC will be met from the
training allowance which will be provided to you. If you need a special type of meal in
the religious ground, please share your concern with CMT well ahead.
8. You will be given Tk. 22,000.00 as Kit Allowance for procuring your training dresses
and other taining kits, For meeting your meal charges and other expenditure, you will
be given Tk. 600.00 per day as daily allowance. Taka 75.00 will be deducted from the
daily allowance for meeting the wages of daily basis room-boys.
9. Please bring ten (10) copies of your recent passport size and 4 (four) copies
stamp size coloured photographs for registration and other purposes.
10. Participants are not allowed to keep gold made ornaments or valuable things or a
large amount of money at the dormitory room.
1, All participants are requested to arrive BPATC on 26 October 2019 (Saturday) in the
afternoon by 4:00 pm. If any participant fails to reach BPATC by 4:00 pm. ple
inform CMT immediately. There will be transport facilitis
26 October 2019 to travel to BPATC. A sufficient number of bus
for the FTC participants on
will leave for
BPATC from Shahbag (in front of National Museum) as well as from opposite to the
Airport Railway Station at 2:00 pm, We advise you to avail BPATC’s bus service on
12, On 26 October 2019 after registration, a special briefing will be held at
the BPATC Tennis Ground at 7:00 pm. All participants have to take their seats with
formal attires at the Tennis Ground before 10 minutes of the scheduled time to attend the
briefing session. Dinner will be served after the briefing at the Cafeteria of the Centre.
13, Participants are requested to prepare themselves mentally to stay at BPATC for along period. No leave will be allowed except emergency specified in Evaluation Poli
of BPATC, Heneg, you are advised to sign and submit pay bills of 6 months to your
office for your convenience.
14. FTC is a very rigorous type of training. Morning PT including all types of physical
exercises is compulsory for all participants. For this reason, BPATC discourages
enrolment of female officers with pregnancy as well as the female officers having infant
below | year.
15, BPATC maint
some established norms while walking at corridor. Participants are
requested to keep right side because Faculty Members and participants of other courses
share the same corridor.
16. For your information, limited number of exclusive rooms are available for female
participants having babies in between 1-3 years, There is a day-care center for giving
care to children aged between 1-3 years. Female with infants is allowed to bring one
maid with her. Moreover, participants having babies have to pay extra Tk. 2000.00 per
month for using daycare facilities for infants and additional accommodation facility for
her maid,
17. BPATC has good WiFi and printing facilities for participants. As part of the academic
activity, you have to prepare and present/submit a good number of group reports,
individual assignments, term papers and book review. For this purpose, you need a
laptop for your own. Therefore, you are requested to bring your laptop with you,
18. If you have ATM/VISA Bankcard, please carry it with you, Sonali Bank, PATC
Branch has ATM booth inside the BPATTC campus.
19. We wish you @ wonderful time in @ non-smoking campus of BPATC with your
Fellow participants and hope you will enjoy the greenery and floral beauty of BPATC.
Moreover, successful compl
mn of the course req
es fulfillment of the following
¥ Foundation Training Course is a residential training and the trainees are remained off
from all types of job responsibility. Staying at dormitory is mandatory for all
Y maintaining a strict form of discipline, ethies, norms, and formalities inside and
outside the classroom;
Y wearing a name badge, specified attires and showing respects to core values of
punctually attending all instructional sessions (100%) and other training activities:
entering the ,elassrooms, PT, evening games, and other formal gatherings at
east five minutes before the scheduled time;
participating in Secretariat Attachment and Field Attachment programs and actively
participating in preparing and presenting all specified individual as well as group
timely submitting and presenting *Village Study’ reports, ‘Book Review" reports
and other assignments;
staying compulsorily in the dormitory of the Centre and follow the
rules and regulations thereof;
abstaining from carrying and using of cell phones in academic sessions, formal
functions, mosque, library, and corridor;
participating in all co-curricular activities such as debate, extempore speech,
cultural activities in mess night, ete.;
maintaining stringent discipline; follow the rules of the Centre and code of conduct;
maintaining the originality of prepared report, assignments and review notes;
(please note that all types of written assignments are checked for its level of
originality using ‘turnitin’;
BPATC maintains a highest order of discipline and values. All participants are
requested to observe all established rules and norms of BPATC and demonstrate
punctuality and sincerity in every action, Any case of misconduct will be strictly
handled and concerned participant shall be released immediately from the
training course. There will be no alternative left with BPATC but to write the
authority to. start disciplinary action against the participant in case of major
violation of BPATC rules and norms,
si ial
ess or failure in fulfilling the above requirements will be reflected in the f
evaluation by the course management and in the pen-picture of the participants
which are usually sent to the cadre controlling ministries/divisions to keep it in the
dossier of each trainee.
Md. Zakir Hossain
Course Director
P-70® FTC