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Proposed as One of the Requirements to Achieve a Bachelor Degree
International ICT Business Study Program
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Proposed as One of the Requirements to Achieve a Bachelor Degree
International ICT Business Study Program
Written by:





With this I, Budi Arya Kresnadana, stated that the thesis with the title “The Effect
of Training Towards Employee Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at Jakarta" is
really my own masterpiece. I did not plagiarize except through the in accordance
with the applicable scholarly ethics. I am willing to bear the risk/sanctions
imposed on me when found violations of ethics knowledge in my thesis.

Bandung, May 2020

Budi arya kresnadana


Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who gave me great
chances to finish this proposal entitled “The Effect of Training Towards
Employee Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at Jakarta” in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor International ICT
Business, Telkom University, Bandung.
In completing this proposal, the author earned guidance, suggestions, and
big motivations from many parties. Therefore, the author would like to deliver the
appreciation to:
1. My parents for the continuous support.

2. Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary S.S,M.Pd. as the author’s academic supervisor who
always help, support and give guidance to conduct the research. Thank you for all
the knowledge, experiences, times, and patience.

3. My class, International ICT Business MB-40-INT-02 Batch 8 2016, thank you

for the friendship, thank you for the happniness, and thank you for everything in
this past 3 years.

4. All of my friends in International ICT Business Batch 8 2016 friends who

continuously help and give me support by sharing knowledge.

5. All people in my college life who I cannot mention here one by one.

The author apologizes if there are mistake found in this research. The author
hopes the research findings can be used as learning materials for better research in
the future.

Bandung, May 2020

Budi Arya Kresnadana


With this as Telkom University civitas academica, who sign below:

Name: Budi Arya Kresnadana
NIM: 1401164437
Study Program: International ICT Business
Faculty: Faculty of Economy and Business
Type: Mini Thesis

For the development of knowledge, approve to give Telkom University Non-

Exclusive Royalty Free Right behalf of my mini thesis with title:

With device existed (if necessary). With the non-exclusive royalty free right
Telkom University have a right to save, media transform, manage in database,
maintain, and publish my mini thesis as long as put out my name as the writer and
the author.
Thus, the statement I make with truly.

Bandung, May 2020

Budi Arya Kresnadana



Human Resources (HR) is one of the critical assets in the company.

Cleaning service company have goals and objectives to be able to obtain
maximum profit and high-quality human resources. Therefore, human resources
play the most important and potential role for the success of a company
considering that human resources are determinants of working activities in
planning, organising and decision making. To realise it all, one of the efforts that
can be made by the company to improve the quality of cleaner is by conducting
The purpose of this study was to determine how the training and
performance of cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah in the employee's perception and
to determine the effect of the training provided by PT. Avia Jaya Indah on the
cleaner's performance.
This research is a quantitative study involving 296 respondents as a
sample. The method of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires that
use a 5-point Likert scale. The statistical analysis technique performed is
descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis for hypothesis testing
using SPSS for Windows v.26 for processing data.
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that simultaneous
training has a significant influence on employee performance. Training variables
have an effect of 50.8%, while the remaining 49.2% is explained by other
variables not used in this study.
From the results of the research obtained, we recommend that training
through Method sub-variables and trainees be increased again because these sub-
variables have a significant influence on Employee Performance. Company must
concentrate on varied training so that participants increase and match the training
Keyword: Keywords: training, employee performance.

Table of Contents

APPROVAL PAGE..............................................................................................................ii
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY...............................................................................iii
DECLARATION ACADEMIC APPROVAL PAGE...........................................................v
Table of
LIST OF FIGURE...............................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Object Overview....................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 History of PT. Avia Jaya Indah............................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Vision and Mission.................................................................................................. 2
1.1.3 Company Logo, Company Name, and Company Location............................2
1.1.4 Kind of Service......................................................................................................... 3
1.1.5 Top Management Organization Structure...................................................4
1.2 Research Background............................................................................................. 4
1.3 Problem Formulation............................................................................................. 12
1.4 Research Question................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Research Objective.................................................................................................. 13
1.6 Research Benefit...................................................................................................... 13
1.6.1 Theoretical Aspect............................................................................................... 13
1.6.2 Practical aspect..................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................15
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...................................................................................15
2.1 Theories...................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Human Resource Management........................................................................ 15
2.1.2 Performance.......................................................................................................... 17
2.1.3 Training................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.4 Correlation of Training and performance....................................................27

2.3 Theoretical Framework......................................................................................... 30
2.4 Hypothesis.................................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER III....................................................................................................................32
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................32
3.1 Type of Research...................................................................................................... 32
3.2 Population and Sample.......................................................................................... 32
3.2.1 Population.............................................................................................................. 32
3.2.2 Sampling Method.................................................................................................. 33
3.2.3 Size or Amount of Sampling.............................................................................. 33
3.3 Operational and Variable Measurement..........................................................33
3.3.1 Operational Variable........................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Measurement Scale.............................................................................................. 35
3.4 Research Stage.......................................................................................................... 37
3.5 Data Collection.......................................................................................................... 37
3.5.1 Type of Data........................................................................................................... 37
3.5.2 Technique of Data Collection............................................................................ 38
3.6 Data Analysis............................................................................................................ 39
3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis............................................................................................ 39
3.6.2 Succesive Interval Method................................................................................. 41
3.6.3 Classic Assumption Test..................................................................................... 42
3.6.4 Simple Linear Regression Analysis................................................................. 43
3.7 Hypothetical Test..................................................................................................... 44
3.7.1 The Significant Test (t-Test).............................................................................. 44
3.7.2 Determination Coefficient (r 2)........................................................................ 45
3.8 Validity and Reliability Test................................................................................. 45
3.8.1 Validity..................................................................................................................... 45
3.8.2 Reliability................................................................................................................ 48
CHAPTER IV.....................................................................................................................50
RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION....................................................................50
4.1 Characteristics of Respondent............................................................................. 50
4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondent by Gender.....................................................50
4.1.2 Characteristics of Respondent by Age............................................................51
4.1.3 Characteristics of Respondent by Last Education......................................51
4.1.4 Description of Respondent’s Perception.......................................................52

4.2 Research Result........................................................................................................ 53
4.2.1 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Objectives).........................53
4.2.2 Respondent’s Answers to Training (Quality of Coach).............................55
4.2.3 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Materials)..........................57
4.2.4 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Method)..............................58
4.2.5 Respondent’s Answers to Training (Training Participant).....................60
4.2.6 Respondent’s Answers to Training................................................................. 61
4.2.7 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Quality)........................................63
4.2.8 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Quantity).....................................65
4.2.9 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Time)............................................66
4.2.10 Respondent’s Answers to Performance (Emphasis fee)........................68
4.2.11 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Surveillance)............................70
4.2.12 Respondent’s Answers to Performance (Employee Relationship).....71
4.2.13 Respondent’s Answers to Performance......................................................73
4.3 Method of Successive Interval.............................................................................. 74
4.4 Test of Classical Assumption................................................................................ 74
4.4.1 Normality Test....................................................................................................... 74
4.4.2 Heteroscedasticity Test...................................................................................... 76
4.4.3 Simple Linear Regression Test......................................................................... 77
4.4.4 Correlation Coefficient........................................................................................ 78
4.4.5 Hypothesis Testing............................................................................................... 79
4.4.6 Coefficient of Determination............................................................................. 80
4.5 Research Result Discussion.................................................................................. 81
CHAPTER IV.....................................................................................................................84
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...............................................................................84
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 84
5.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................. 85
Reference........................................................................................................................... 87

Figure 1.1 ISO Certificate 14001:2015.........................................................1

Figure 4.1 Respondent’s Answer Based on Gender.....................................50

Figure 4.2 Respondent’s Answer Based on Age...........................................51
Figure 4.3 Respondent’s Answer Based on Last Education........................52
Figure 4.4 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Objectives............55
Figure 4.5 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quality of Coach.................56
Figure 4.6 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Materials.............58
Figure 4.7 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Method................59
Figure 4.8 Continuum Line of Sub Variables Training Participant...........61
Figure 4.9 Continuum Line of Training Variable........................................62
Figure 4.10 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quality...............................64
Figure 4.11 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quantity............................66
Figure 4.12 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Time...................................67
Figure 4.13 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Emphasis Fee....................69
Figure 4.14 Continuum Line of Sub-variables Surveillance.......................71
Figure 4.15 Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Employee Relationship....73
Figure 4.16 Continuum Line of Performace Variable.................................74
Figure 4.17 K-S Normality Test.....................................................................75
Figure 4.18 p-p Normality Test Plot..............................................................76
Figure 4.19 Heteroscedasticity Scatterplot Test...........................................77
Figure 4.20 Simple Linear Resgression Test.................................................77
Figure 4.21 Correlation Coefficient Analysis................................................78
Figure 4.22 Partial Test result (t-Test)..........................................................80

Figure 4.23 Determination Coefficient Analysis...........................................80


Table 1.2 Pilot Study Questionnaires
Table 1.3 Employee Performance Criteria
Table 1.4 Recapitulation of Cleaner Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah
Jakarta 2018 - 2019
Table 3.1 Operational Table

Table 3.3 Criteria Test Score..........................................................................40

Table 3.4 Guidliness for granting correlation coefficient............................44
Table 3.5 Training Validity Test....................................................................47
Table 3.6 Performance Validity Test.............................................................47
Table 3.7 Training Reliability Test................................................................48
Table 3.8 Performance Reliability Test.........................................................49
Table 4.1 Category Score................................................................................53
Table 4.2 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Training Objectives....53
Table 4.3 Respondent’s Answer to Sub Variables Qualty of Coach...........55
Table 4.4 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Training Materials.......57
Table 4.5 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Training Method..........58
Table 4.6 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Training Participant....60
Table 4.7 Total Respondent’s Answer to Training Variable.......................61
Table 4.8 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Quality.........................63
Table 4.9 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Quantity.......................65
Table 4.10 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Time...........................66
Table 4.11 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-variables Emphasis fee...............68
Table 4.12 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-variables Surveillance................70
Table 4.13 Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Employee
Table 4.14 Total Respondent’s Answer to Performance Variable..............73
Table 4.15 Coefficient Correlation Interpretation Table............................79



1.1 Research Object Overview

1.1.1 History of PT. Avia Jaya Indah

PT. Avia Jaya Indah was established on February 8 th 1984, with the first
project handled is Cleaning Service at Terminal 1 and 2 Soekarno-Hatta
International Airport, on that time Soekarno Hatta International Airport is one of
the biggest national projects, because of that only few expert in cleaning sector get
this job. The year 1985 to develop businesses with handle cleaning aircraft
(Aircraft Cleaning) for all Airlines in the handle by PT JAS until now. PT. Avia
Jaya Indah developed over 25 years by serving job Cleaning Service is spread in
several cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Tasikmalaya,
Tangerang, Bogor, Pekanbaru, Duri, Dumai, and Balikpapan. PT. Avia Jaya Indah
also give priority to aspects of Health Safety Environment & security aspect and
for HSE has been implemented since the year 2004. PT. Avia Jaya Indah has been
certified ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, and 18001:2007.
Figure 1.1
ISO Certificate 14001:2015


1.1.2 Vision and Mission
To develop the business, PT. Avia Jaya Indah have the Vision and
Mission, there are the vision and mission of PT. Avia Jaya Indah:
Make PT. Avia Jaya Indah trusted and the best in service, and the
performance of the company as well as supported by the availability of
quality skilled and professional human resources.
a. Encourage the creation of a work environment that is clean and hygienic
b. Encouraging the optimal work ethic through the comfort of work.
c. Encourage the creation of employment in the environment around the
d. Improve the expertise and labour welfare surroundings around.

1.1.3 Company Logo, Company Name, and Company Location

Figure 1.2
PT. Avia Jaya Indah Logo

Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah

PT. Avia Jaya Indah is a company that operate in cleaning industry, PT.
Avia Jaya Indah cleaning service cater to the commercial and building industry
and aviation industry. The headquarter is in Husein Sastranegara street,
Perumahan Taman Mahkota 16 - 17.

1.1.4 Kind of Service
Until now PT.Avia Jaya Indah serve kind of cleaning service as requested
by client. PT. Avia Jaya Indah provides a variety of service to many specific
manufacturing facilities, universities, schools, government facilities, malls,
airports, airlines and also landscape industry. Among others service the
building and office cleaning and airport cleaning is the mainstay or superior
service. Because the experience that already good, and also the cleaners that
already trained well. For another client that want another kind of service there
are also another service that already explain above which also have a great
performance and result.

Figure 1.3
Building and Office Cleaning Work

Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah

Figure 1.4
Airline Exterior Cleaning Work

Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah

1.1.5 Top Management Organization Structure

PT. Avia Jaya Indah have an organization structure, the commissioners

supervised the board of director that lead by Ir. Hj. Nana Aviantina. Board of
directors supervised managers, and the managers supervised directly to head of
department, supervisor and cleaners.

Figure 1.5
Top Management Organization Structure

Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah

1.2 Research Background

Human resource is the most important aspect to a company because
employee can call as a long-term investment to a company that execute and
operate in the field. Company that have big amount of capital and machine
resource for instance cannot give the maximum result if they do not support by
human resource that have good performance. In today’s era a company that have
an effective and efficient work activities is a requirement. The increasingly
competition make many companies realize the importance of having a good
human resource quality to push the performance of the company and achieve the
company mission and goals. In the face of globalization era, human resources and

technology is one of the requirements that cannot be separated. This situation
makes some of work industry being a company specialization, such as cleaning
service industry.
Cleaning Industry company is a business that move in cleaning service
with the responsibilities of building maintenance, treatment, and care, working
toward cleanliness of building and seeking the comfort atmosphere for the client.
Cleaning according to Dr. Michael Berry writing on the online article CiriScience
cleaning is the management process used to achieve the clean condition. Cleaning
is a fundamental environmental management process of putting unwanted matter
in its proper place. Cleaning includes personal hygiene, housekeeping,
maintenance and restoration. Effective cleaning is the process of extracting and
removing unwanted matter to the greatest or optimum extent to reduce exposures
to the unwanted matter and thereby eliminate or reduce the probability of adverse
effects for humans, Valuable materials, and the natural environment. (“Science”,
para 19-20).
PT. Avia Jaya Indah is a business that move in Cleaning Industry that
provides indoor and outdoor cleaning. According to Republic Indonesia
Government law Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 number 66 2014 about environment
healthy chapter 1 (General Provision) verse 1 talk about the control, protection
and standardization of healthy environment such as workplace buildings and real
estate, and also in chapter 1 verse 8 say that standard quality of health
environment and health requirements is judged from water, land, air, facility and
buildings. (Undang undang dasar no 66 2014 healthy environment).
Based on above explanation, PT. Avia Jaya Indah is copes to achieve
company mission and goals by increasing the cleaner ability and pay attention to
the employee performance and motivation by providing training program.
Training arises as an alternative to the academic education that gives students the
opportunity to acquire the necessary competencies for the time when they will
develop themselves within the business environment (Marinescu, Toma 2013).
Employee performance issues are often a problem with each company.
Reaching performance to the highest level becomes more and more a challenge,

given the continuous development of the companies and the continuous increase
of the market standards (Vosloban 2012). This was also experienced by PT. Avia
Jaya Indah. Based on preliminary research, researchers are involved in identifying the
performance by doing data at PT. Avia Jaya Indah in October 2019 was obtained
information that there was an decrease in cleaner’s performance in 2018 and 2019, on
reduction of performance in the capacity of a cleaner’s duties as a work attitude, a
correct performance of service, and quality of service. The progress of the work has
been trained due to Training such as:
Table 1.1
List of Cleaner Training in 2018-2019
NO. Training for Cleaner Participants Total
Specialized Training General Training
1 Technical Course English Course
2 Basic Cleaning Work Ethics Cleaner in 296 Cleaner
3 Advanced Cleaning Service Excellent PT. Avia Jaya
4 HSE/FSWP Training Indah
Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah
Based on table above, the training program that provide by PT. Avia Jaya
Indah for cleaning workers are general and advanced training. The general
training program is include the understanding of general skills that needed as an
additional value for the cleaning workers. There are 3 types of general training
that provide by PT. Avia Jaya Indah. English course is the training to increase the
cleaner english skill, by giving the material and test to the cleaner. Work ethics is
the understanding of training that instruct on how to behave in the company and
during the cleaning activity. Service excellent is the training with the aim and
goals to increase the cleaner sensitivity of detail in the cleaning activity to have an
excellent result. The specialized training is include the understanding of service
that provides by PT. Avia Jaya Indah, the ability to use the cleaning machine,
cleaning tutorial and also to give the best service as requested by client. There are
4 types of specialized training that provide by the PT. Avia Jaya Indah. Technical
course is training that educate the cleaner how to use the cleaning machine
properly. Basic cleaning is the understanding of basic cleaning skill, which means

the cleaning activity that not using the big cleaning machine such as mop, glass
cleaner, vacuum cleaner and etc. Advanced cleaning is the training that educates
the cleaner on how to use the big cleaning machine correctly. HSE/FSWP is a
training of safety procedure that runs in PT. Avia Jaya Indah to always reduce the
accident risk on the cleaning activity. The attribute that obligate for the cleaner
there are helmet, safety glasses, boot and special uniform. The training activities
duration held for 2 days straight for general and specialized training that provide
by the company when the team supervisor propose the training to the company.
To see how the training activity in the company, researchers conducted a
Pilot Study in the form of a questionnaire that was directly distributed to several
cleaner in PT Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta. A pilot study is often performed to test the
feasibility of techniques, methods, questionnaires, and interviews and how they
function together in a particular context; it can also reveal ethical and practical
issues that could hamper the main study in Doody & Doody(in Fraser et. al 2018)
Respondents in this small study amounted to 30 cleaner who were randomly
selected at the PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta, where there is an application of
training involving the whole dimensions that include Training Objective, Quality
of Coach, Training Materials, Training Method, and Training Participants. The
statement in this questionnaire has four choices, namely SD: Strongly Disagree,
D: Disagree, A: Agree, SA: Strongly Agree, the results of this small study are
summed up then averaged. From the distribution of the questionnaire, the
following results were obtained:
Table 1.2
Pilot Study Questionnaires
No Question SD D A SA
1 I feel training helps in developing 0% 0% 73.3% 26.7%
knowledge and ability to work
2 I feel after taking the training, I 0% 0% 83.3% 16.7%
understand how to contribute to the
company's goals
3 I feel the instructor mastered the 0% 10% 86.7% 3.3%
material when delivered in the

4 I feel the training material is based 0% 0% 90% 10%
on employee needs
5 I feel fully understand the method 0% 0% 90% 10%
use in training program
6 I feel the method used during 0% 0% 86.7% 3.3%
training has relevance to the work
7 I feel the trainees are selected based 0% 6.7% 83.3% 10%
on certain standards
Average 0% 2.4% 84.7% 11.4%
Source : data Process by researcher
Based on the results of the questionnaire’s unstructural interview in a
small study that researchers have done to see cleaner training, from a few
questions have the result that an average of 11.4% responded answer strongly
agree and 84.7% responded answer agree. But the average response to the
respondents’ disagree is, at 2.4%.
In each year, every employee has a work target that must be achieved. To
measure employee performance, PT. Avia Jaya Indah assesses based on individual
work values. Performance appraisal on companies using the KPI (Key
Performance Indicator) method. Performance appraisal based on KPI (key
performance Indicator) and Competency (behavior) shows the level of accuracy
better in terms of aspects of reliability, relevance, sensitivity and ease (Mayasari
et al, 2012). With the performance produced by employees at the company, the
company will conduct a performance appraisal of its employees conducted every
quarter and then averaged in each year. This assessment relating to the assessment
of individual employees in which employees will be observed the achievement of
their performance results, whether the achievement of their work from 2018 to
2019 has increased based on target assessments are has been set. And the
performance target set by PT. Avia Jaya Indah is 85%.
As for the performance performed by employees, the company can evaluate
employee performance, so the criteria for evaluating the performance of cleaners in
PT. Avia Jaya Indah are presented in the following table:
Table 1.3

Employee Performance Criteria
Range Value % The Value of Achievement Description
>80 P1 Very Good
≥70-<80 P2 Good
≥60-<70 P3 Quite
≥50-<60 P4 Bad
<50 P5 Very Bad
Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah
The performance from 2018 to 2019 which shows the work results of cleaner.
The characteristics of individuals that characterize one person with another person are
different because each has different potential and needs. Therefore management is
required to understand individual behavior in harmony with organization goals. Based
on the table of criteria for evaluating cleaner performance, the following are the
results of the cleaner performance evaluation in the PT.Avia Jaya Indah from 2018 to
Table 1.4
Recapitulation of Cleaner Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta
2018 - 2019
2018 Percentage 2019 Percentage
Total Total
(%) (%)
Very 0 0% 0 0%
Good (P1)
Good (P2) 152 50% 146 49%
Quite (P3) 124 42% 115 39%
Bad 25 8% 35 12%
Very Bad 0 0% 0 0%
Number of 301 100% 296 100%
Source: PT.Avia Jaya Indah
Based on the table 1.4 cleaner performance assessment, the following
presented cleaner performance assessment chart on figure 1.6

Figure 1.6
Recapitulation the Cleaner Performance PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta

2018 -

50% 49% 2019


10% 8%
0% 0% 0% 0%
2018 2019

Very Good (P1) Good (P2) Quite (P3) Bad (P4)

Very Bad (P5)

Source: PT. Avia Jaya Indah

Based on figure 1.6 above, explained the cleaner's performance from 2018
to 2019. In 2018, the number of cleaners in the very good category was 0.00%,
good 50.00%, quite 42.00%, bad 8.00% , and very bad 0.00%. Then in 2019 there
was a decrease, the number of cleaners in the very good category was still 0.00%,
good 49%%, quite 39%%, bad 12.00%, and very bad 0.00%. Based on the picture
above, it can be concluded that from 2018 to 2019 there were a decrease on the
cleaners performance and there were tight score between good and quite
performane. So It can be concluded that there are fluctuations in the achievement
of cleaners performance results from 2018 to 2019. From the recapitulation of
cleaners performance appraisal, PT.Avia Jaya Indah do not want fluctuations in
performance; the company expects cleaners performance to increase from year to
Based on recapitulation the cleaner performance assessment above, here are
the details of a cleaner’s performance:
Figure 1.7






2018 2019

Percentage of Cleaner Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta 2018 - 2019
Source: PT. Avia Jaya Indah
Based on the figure 1.7 above, percentage of cleaner performance in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah can be seen that from 2018 to 2019 shows an decrease of 0.40%.
On the 2018 chart, the performance percentage shows 76.70%. Then in 2019, the
percentage of performance has increased, which is to 76.30%. According to a
statement from the person in charge of cleaner training Mrs. Endah Setyowati,
cleaners in the PT. Avia Jaya Indah still not mastered to applied the Training
material, so they can only reach 76.30% and have not been able to reach the
company’s target of 80%.
The above description has been revealed that employees work Training is
one of the factors affecting the cleaner’s performance at PT. Avia Jaya Indah.
When a cleaners bringing improvement progress to the company, the advantage will
be achieved by both sides, for a cleaners to be successful as well as the opportunity to
meet the needs of their own, while for the company is a means to the growth and
development of the company itself in providing service to client. It is incumbent on
training and development professionals to design, implement, and evaluate the
effectiveness of their programs in reducing disputes in workplace performance
(Truitt 2012).

Cleaning workers are one of the most critical resources in carrying out the
services of a cleaning industry company; cleaning workers are required to have
advanced cleaning abilities, good communication, technical and work ethics. The
characteristics of cleaning workers who always determine the strength of work are
motivation, knowledge, work skills, innovative values, and dedication to their
In order for the development of human resources, the cleaning workers
need the training to keep them working well, as well as the expectation of the
company. to achieve the cleaning industry company objectives is depends on the
attention to the human resources, and the cleaning industry company needs to
observe the ability of their cleaning workers.
Based on the description, the writer is interested in examining the
relationship between training programs with cleaning workers performance by



1.3 Problem Formulation

The problem of human resources is a challenge for the successful company
that depend on the quality of its human resources. If the human resource in the
company can have well performance, then the company can be running
effectively. Similarly, with PT. Avia Jaya Indah in operating daily operations of
PT. Avia Jaya Indah still confront several challenges and obstacles, layoffs, and
cleaning workers performance, that does not achieve the company target that will
affect customer satisfaction of the service. That situation still cannot achieve the
vision of PT. Avia Jaya Indah itself that is being the trusted and the best in service
of Cleaning services that always priorities customer satisfaction.

1.4 Research Question

Based on the background, the research question of the problem in this research
is as follows:

a. How is the training of cleaning workers at PT. Avia Jaya Indah?
b. How is the performance of cleaning workers at PT. Avia Jaya Indah?
c. How the training effect on the cleaning workers performance at PT. Avia
Jaya Indah?

1.5 Research Objective

This research has several purposes to examine:
a. To find out what and how much is the training to cleaning workers at PT.
Avia Jaya Indah.
b. To find out how is the performance of cleaning workers at PT. Avia Jaya

c. To find out how is the effect of the training to the cleaning workers
performance at PT. Avia Jaya Indah.

1.6 Research Benefit

1.6.1 Theoretical Aspect

a. Author
This paper is a requirement in Research Methodology subject of
International ICT Business.
b. Educational Institution
This research will give the information for students to understand
about the effect of human resource performance toward company
improvement factors.
c. Writer
The writer can also have a benefit from this paper on how to
understand the company. In the future writer could make a deeper
and better analysis of this paper and implement this to everyone
who needs it.

1.6.2 Practical aspect

a. This research could give benefit to company to increase the job
performance and customer satisfaction.

b. This research can give benefit to the company if the training affects
cleaning workers performance.
1.7 Systematically Writing
In this chapter contains the background of the issues that reveal the
phenomenon of the impact of training programs on employee performance,
the reasons for the selection of topics, and the reasons for selection of
research sites. Furthermore, this section also describes the formulation of
problems, objectives and research and systematics writing.
In this chapter contains descriptions of literature review theories underlie
and support problem-solving, the frame of thought, research hypotheses,
and scope of research.
In this chapter contains a description of research methods, namely the type
of research, operational variables, research stages, population, and
samples. Types and techniques of data collection, measurement scale,
validity, and reliability test, and data analysis.
In this chapter will be explained about the results of research and
discussion of the characteristics of respondents, research results, and
discussion of research results.
In this chapter is explained about the conclusions of the results of research
that is accompanied by recommendations/suggestions for the companies



2.1 Theories

2.1.1 Human Resource Management

a. Definition of Human Resource Management

According to Kasmir (2016: 06), human resource management is a
human management process, through planning, recruitment, selection,
Training, development, compensation, career, safety and health and
maintaining industrial relations until termination of employment in order to
achieve company goals and increase the welfare of stakeholders.
According to Hasibuan (2013) human resource management is the
science and art of governing the relationship and the role of labour in order
to effectively and efficiently help accomplishing the objectives of the
company, its employees and the community.
Conclusions from the description of the management of human resources
according to the experts above, human resource management is a science
that explains how to manage, develop, and improve the performance of an
employee in order to achieve the company goals that have been set.
b. Role and Function of Human Resource Management
According to Hasibuan (2013) said that human resources management
functions include planning, organizing, direction, control, procurement,
development, compensation, integration, maintenance, discipline, and
1) Planning
Labour planning effectively and efficiently help to meet the needs of
companies in helping the realization of goals. The planning is done by
setting the staffing program. Staffing program includes organizing,
direction, control, procurement, development, compensation, integration,

maintenance, discipline, and termination of employees. A good staffing
program will help achieve the objectives of the company, employees and
the community.
2) Organizing
Organizing activities for all employees by assigning the Division of
labour, labour relations, delegation of authority, integration, and
coordination in the organization charts. The organization is simply a tool
to achieve a goal with a good organization will help materialize the goal
3) Briefing
Directs all activities of employees, to cooperate and work effectively
and efficiently in assisting the company's goal, employees and the
community. The briefing was conducted by assigning subordinate
leadership in order to work on all his duties well.
4) Control
Activity control all employees in order to keep the company's
regulations and is working according to plan. If there are irregularities or
errors, corrective actions and held completion plan. Control employees
include attendance, discipline, behaviour, cooperation, implementation of
the work, the environmental situation and keeping a job.
5) Procurement
Withdrawal process, selection, placement, orientation, and induction to
get employees in accordance with the needs of the company. Good
procurement will help materialize the goal.
6) Development
The process of improving technical skills, conceptual, theoretical, and
employee morale through education and training. Education and training
must be given in accordance with the needs of the work of the present nor
the future.
7) Compensation

Granting direct retribution and indirectly, either in the form of money
or goods, to employees in services rendered to the company. The principle
of compensation is fair and decent. Fair means in accordance with the
work achievement, while decent interpreted can meet the primary needs
and based on the rule of minimum wage limits based on internal and
external consistency.
8) Integrating
Activities for unifying the corporate interests with the needs of
employees, so that created a matching cooperation and mutual benefit. The
company gained profit, employees can meet the needs of the results of his
work. Integration is crucial and difficult in the MSDM, because unifying
the two flips.
9) Maintenance
Activities to maintain or improve the condition of the physical, mental,
and employee’s loyalty, so that they remain willing to cooperate until
retirement. Good maintenance is done by the welfare programs based on
the needs of employees as well as largely bound to the internal and
external consistency.
10) Discipline
It is the function of human resources management the most important
and the key to accomplishing the goal. Because without good discipline
difficult to materialize the goal of maximum. Discipline is an activity of
awareness and desire to comply with the company regulations and social
11) Termination
Disconnecting the work of someone from a company. The dismissal
was caused by the desire, the desire of the company employees,
employment contract ends, pensions, and other causes.

2.1.2 Performance
a. Performance definition

According to Kasmir (2016: 182), performance is the result of work and
work behavior that has achieved in completing the tasks and responsibilities
given in a given period. According to Robbins in (Kasmir, 2016: 183),
performance is a function of the interaction between ability or ability (A),
motivation (M), and opportunity or opportunity (O); that is performance = f
(A x M x O), meaning performance is a function of ability, motivation, and
The definition of performance is related to the responsibility of
individuals or organizations in carrying out what is the authority and
responsibility given to them, and an overview of the level of achievement of
an activity/program/policy in realizing the goals, objectives, mission, vision
and organization.
Based on the presentation of the above performance, it can conclude that
performance is a work that can be achieved by a person or group of people
within a specified period according to their authority and responsibility to
achieve organizational goals.
b. Factors on Performance
According to Kasmir (2016: 186), there are factors that can affect
performance achievement, as follows:
1) Ability and Expertise, is the ability or skill that a person has in
doing a job. The more people have good abilities and expertise, the better
the work will be done according to what has been set. This means that
employees who have better abilities and expertise will give good
performance and vice versa. Thus the ability and expertise have a
considerable influence on one's performance.
2) Knowledge, which is known to work on something. Someone who
knows his job well will produce a good performance and vice versa. It can
conclude that knowledge about the work will significantly affect
3) Work Plan, is a design work that will facilitate the achievement of
goals. It means that if a job has a good design, it will make it easier for

someone to carry out the work correctly and correctly and vice versa. The
conclusion is the design work can affect someone's performance.
4) Personality, which is a person's personality or character that
someone has. Everyone has a different character and personality from each
other. Someone who has a personality or a good character will be able to
complete the work responsibly to produce a good performance.
5) Work Motivation, which is the encouragement for someone to do
work. If someone has a strong urge from outside and inside him, then that
person will be aroused to do his job correctly. In the end encouragement or
stimulation in someone will produce the performance.
6) Leadership is a person's behaviour in leading, managing and
governing his subordinates to work on the tasks and responsibilities charged
to an individual or group.
7) Leadership Style, is the attitude of a leader in facing or governing
his subordinates.
8) Organizational Culture, namely habits or norms that apply and are
owned by an organization. These habits or norms regulate things that are
valid and accepted in general and must be obeyed by all members of the
relevant organization.
9) Job Satisfaction is the feeling of being happy, happy or likes
someone before and after doing a job. Feeling that is happy or not happy
someone at a job will have an impact on its performance.
10) Work Environment is a situation or condition around the location
of work where the work environment can be in the form of rooms, layouts,
advice, and infrastructure as well as working relationships with co-workers.
11) Loyalty is an attitude of employee loyalty to keep contributing to
the company where he works. This loyalty is shown by good performance
even though the company's condition is not good.
12) Commitment, namely compliance of employees to carry out
company policies or regulations in carrying out their duties. Commitment
can also be interpreted in the form of employee compliance with the

promises that have been made. Or in other words, commitment is
compliance to carry out agreed decisions.
c. Performance Appraisal
According to Fahmi(2016:203) Performance assessment is a breakdown
made to the management of the company both employees and managers
who have been doing their job. And according to Robert L. Mathis & John
H. Jacksons (in Fahmi, 2016) performance assessment is the process of
evaluating how well employees are doing their work when compared to a
standard set, and then communicating the information. The assessment will
then be a meaningful input material in assessing the performance and further
on-going improvement can be made.
d. Performance appraisal objective
As for the purpose of performance appraisal of employees according to
Rivai and Basri (2015:52) are:
1) Running a review of the top performing employees in the past.
2) Obtain data in sync with the facts and systematic in determining the
value of a job.
3) Identifying the capabilities of the organization.
4) Analyse the ability of employees individually.
5) Compile target in the future.
6) See performance accomplishments.
7) Obtaining justice in the system of administering wages and salaries are
applied on the organization.
8) Obtain the data for the determination of the structure of the giving of the
wages and salaries that correspond to the implementation in General.
9) Assist the management in carrying out measurements and more accurate
control over costs used by the company.
10) Allows management of live negotiating rationally and objectively with
the unions or directly to employees.
11) Design thinking frameworks and standards in conducting a review that is
conducted periodically on a system granting wages and salaries.

12) Directs the management so that being objective in treating employees in
accordance with the principles of the organization.
13) Be guide organizations in doing promotion, mutation, move the quality
and improvement of employees.
14) Clarify the duties, functions, authorities and responsibilities and also
work on units of the organization. This is in accordance with the rules
and run a good run will provide benefits to organizations in particular to
avoid overlapping on granting/programs/activities in the organization.
15) Minimize employees complain that result in the employee being resign.
With the presence of employee assessment then the employees will feel
cared for and valued in every performance.
16) Conduct an alignment performance assessment to business movement
makes the organization especially non-profit organizations always
corresponds to the purpose of the effort.
17) Identify what training is needed by the employees.
d. Performance Appraisal Dimension
According to Kashmir (2016: 208) to measure the performance of
employees can use multiple dimensions regarding the performance; quality,
quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, the need for supervision and personal
relationships. This indicator will become a benchmark in measuring
employee performance. The explanations of each of the dimensions above are
as follows:
1. Quality
Performance measurement was done by looking at the quality
(quality) of the work produced through a particular process. In other
words, quality is a degree to which the process or the result of the
completion of activity close to the point of perfection.

2. Quantity
To measure the performance can also be done with a view of the
quantity produced by someone. In other words, the quantity of

production can be show produced in the form of units of currency,
some units, or the number of cycles completed activities.
3. Time
For certain types of work given a time limit in completing work. If
abuse or do not meet the time requirements, then it can be considered
performance less well, and vice versa.
4. Emphasis Fees
Costs incurred for each activity the company has budgeted before
the activity execute. It means that with the budgeted cost already is as
a reference in order to not exceed budget. If expenses exceed the
budget that set it would be a waste, so its performance less well regard
and vice versa.
5. Surveillance
Almost all types of jobs need to perform and requires careful
monitoring of work in progress. The ever-changing circumstances of
the situation become either good or otherwise. Therefore, any work
activity requires careful monitoring so as not to deviate from
predetermined. With supervision, every job will produce good
6. Employee Relationship
The performance assessment is associated with the cooperation or
harmony among employees and between leaders. This relationship is
often also referred to as interpersonal relations. In this connection, it
measures whether an employee can develop mutual respect, goodwill,
and cooperation between employees one employee to another.

2.1.3 Training
a. Training Definition
Hasibuan (2013: 69), says that Training is a business improve employee
technical, theoretical, conceptual and moral abilities by the needs of work or
position through education and Training.

Bella in (Hasibuan, 2013: 70), says that education and Training are the
same as the development which is a process of improving both technical and
managerial work skills.
According to Sedarmayanti (2014: 198), Training is a tool that endeavors
to be more active in the active service of the less-active employee, reducing
the negative impact caused by lack of education, limited experience, or lack
of confidence that employees have.
Training according to Gary Dessler (2009) is the process of teaching new
employees or existing now, the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.
Training is one of the efforts in improving the quality of human resources in
the world of work. Employees, whether new or already working need to
attend training because of the demands of the job can be changed due to the
change of working environment, and strategy.
Based on the Training sense of the experts in the above, it may be
concluded that Training is an activity made by the company to an employee
that goals to improve the skills that would be useful to support employee
work and that would be the result of the performance of the company.
b. Kind of Training
Every education and training that will be held must always be pay
attention to the extent of education and training patterns that are held can
guarantee an effective learning process. According to Widodo (2015: 86),
types of training commonly carried out in intermediate organizations other:
a). On-the-job training
b). Internship (apprenticeship)
c). Off-the-job training
d). Training in real similar places (vestibule training)
e). Job simulation
c. Purpose and Benefit of Training
1) The Purpose
According to Kasmir (2016: 131), that the conditions of various
employees in a company must be adjusted with the aim of participating in

Training. Training provided to standardize as much as possible the
abilities and mind set of employees towards the company. Therefore, it is
necessary to provide material, Training methods and instructors who can
accommodate the objectives of the Training itself. The following are some
of the goals the company wants to achieve in providing Training:
a) Add new knowledge
Training provided by the company will add new knowledge. With
increasing knowledge of employees, it will indirectly change their
behavior at work.
b) Sharpen employee skills
The ability of employees who were initially not optimal, after
Training is expected to be optimal. Alternatively, in other words,
employeeees who.
2) The Benefits
According to Suparyadi (2015) the benefits of training are:
1. Increase independence
Employees who master knowledge and have skills in the field the work
will be more independent and require little help superiors to carry out their
2. Increase motivation
The motivation of employees who are trained according to their field of
work will increase. That was caused by two things, namely, first, that by
mastering the knowledge and skills to carry out their work, then they
become more confident and confident in being able to carry it out well.
Second, the trainer gives awareness to employees that itself becomes a part
and its contribution is needed by the organization, so they feel valued by
the organization.
3. Foster a sense of belonging
A sense of being recognized for its existence and contribution is greatly
needed by organization and its understanding of organizational goals

obtained during training can foster a sense of responsibility every
employee to the future and the existence of the organization.
4. Reducing employee discharge
Employees who have knowledge and skills in the field his work will feel
comfortable working. Comfort at work caused by the existence of a sense
of valued or recognized existence and its contribution by the company.
5. Increase company profits
Well-trained employees will be able to produce goods and or services that
can satisfy the customer, so this can be encourage customers to be loyal or
loyal and will do repurchases even recommend others to consume or use
goods or services as they are. With thus it is very possible that sales will be
more, so profit the company can increase.
d. Methods of Training
According to Priansa (2014: 192), if employees are often rotated, then
Training for these employees becomes essential always to do. Some
Training methods that are often used in Training include:
1) Direct Work Practices (On The Job Training)
This system is the most widely used Training method. This system
assigns tasks to the leadership to directly train their employees.
Therefore, the success of the Training is very dependent on the
leadership's ability to provide Training. Training has a psychological
effect on employees because employees are directly involved in work.
Because it is run in the actual workplace, this method is divided into
two, namely:
a) Formal
The leader appoints a senior employee to carry out the work.
Next, the trainees did the work as what the senior employee did.
b) Informal
The leader instructs the trainees to pay attention to other people
who are doing the work; then they are told to practice it. The
advantage of this method is that the trainees are directly

involved in daily operational work, while the bad is that the
activities are often not invoked (not systematic) and less
effective, especially if the instructor
2) Vestibule
Vestibule is a form of Training where the Training is not from the
leadership of the employee, but a particular trainer (trainer specialist).
Through the experiment, a duplicate of the material, tools, and actual
conditions encountered in work was made. One form of the vestibule is
a simulation.
3) Apprenticeship
This apprenticeship system is used for jobs that require relatively high
skills. This apprenticeship program can combine on-the-job Training
with experience, as well as instructions in the classroom in specific
knowledge according to the objectives of the company's needs.
4) Expertise Course (Special Course)
It is a form of employee Training that is more like education. Courses
are usually held to meet the interests of employees in various fields of
work, such as English language courses, accounting, management,
leadership, and so forth. These courses are usually made in the form of
learning programs, where trainees can learn on their own and adjust
their learning speed according to their abilities.and those appointed to
provide Training are inexperienced
e. Training Dimension
There are several dimensions and indicators in training as will described by
Mangkunegara (2011:44), the training indicators that is as follows:
1. Training Objective
Training is a method used by every company in developing knowledge and
skills for its employees. This is done by the company so that employees can
work hand in hand in achieving company goals.
2. Coach Quality
Coach professionalism and mastery of the material is a must. This is because
employees are company tools that require skills.

3. Training Materials
Each training carried out has a variety of material presented according to their
needs and work. It must be adjusted to the goal so that it is easy to understand
so that it runs efficiently and effectively.
4. Training Methods
Every employee has strengths and weaknesses; this is human considering that
there is no perfect human being. So the organization must be smart in
selecting and monitoring what methods are by the level of ability of
employees. Organizations must be able to see what things are needed by
employees in order to improve their skills and knowledge. Because the age
level of the employees who become trainees must be different, so it must be
adjusted to make it easier for trainees.
5. Training Participant
This component is quite essential but is often ignored by the Training
implementation team. The phenomenon that occurs is employees who are not
competent in the material presented, but due to lack of Training participants
or because of the delay in information about the Training to be held, the
requirements for participants are also neglected.
The requirements that are obtain by what has been set, the trainees will get
many benefits after attending the Training. Meanwhile, if the requirements for
participants are neglected, the Training they follow will not produce maximum
results. This problem will have an impact on the progress of the company.

2.1.4 Correlation of Training and performance

The performance of employees in working to achieve the objectives of the
company are influenced by various factors internally, one of which is through the
training and development of employees, where through the program expected
companies can maintain potential and qualified employees.
According to Gary Dessler (2009) training is the process of teaching new
employees or existing now, the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.
Training is one of the efforts in improving the quality of human resources in the
world of work. Employees, whether new or already working need to attend

training because of the demands of the job can be changed due to the change of
working environment, strategy, etc.
Kasmir (2016: 198) has expressed his opinion that the purpose of Training
is to improve employees' performance to become better. Similarly, the
development of employees has an essential meaning for employees to add to
knowledge and expertise.
2.2 Literature Review

NO. Author Title Variables Similarities Differentiation

1 Hughey,A.W., & Designing effective Training and Describes the Discusses the
Mussnug,K.J. employee training Strategy elements of a critical role of the
(1997). Designing programmes. successful training manager
effective employee employee training in implementing a
training program. Explains training program,
programmes. the distinction as well as
between training important
and education considerations
when developing a
training plan.

2 Ibrahim, R., The effect of soft skills Soft Skills, The authors study The authors
Boerhannoeddin, and training Training the trends of investigate the
A., & Bakare, K. methodology on Methodology research in training effect of soft skill
K. (2017). employee performance and and work acquisition and the
Performance performance in training
organizations that methodology
focus on the adopted on
acquisition of employee work
technical or “hard performance.
skills” for
employee training
and evaluating
work performance.

3 Aidah, Nassazi. Effects of Training on Training and The purpose of this The goals of the
(2013). Employee Performance. Performance thesis was to study is to analyse
Evidence of Uganda. evaluate the effects the training
of training on program existence
employee and method

4 Sahinidis, A. G., & Employee perceived Training, Analysis between Correlation
Bouris, J. (2008). training effectiveness Attitude, Training and between the
relationship to Motivation, Performance for employee
employee attitudes. and Job higher working perceived training
satisfaction performance effectiveness and
their commitment,
job satisfaction
and motivation.

5 Surbaini, K. N. Training Effectiveness Training and The author want to There is no

(2018). and Employee performance know either significant
Performance in A training differentiation
Malaysian Government- effectiveness can between the
Linked Company. surely improve journal and the
employee researcher mini
performance or not. thesis from the
purpose, method
and the application
used to calculate
the test

6 Nur,I.F. (2015). Influence the Training and The Author want to There is no
effectiveness of training Performance analyse training significant
on performance of effectiveness have differentiation
employees (case study an effect on between the
on Employee employee journal and the
Compliance Division & performance or not. researcher mini
Development PT. thesis from the
Beautiful Tips Pulp & purpose, method
Paper Mill Attack Tbk.) and the application
used to calculate
the test

7 Sadewi, I. S., Alini The influence of Training and This study aims to There is no
Gilang. (2018). Training on Performance determine the significant
performance of Effect of Training differentiation
employees on the case on Employee between the
study of coffee and Performance in the journal and the
Bread Stalls Gempol Case Study of researcher mini
Anjis Bandung. Gempol Bread thesis from the
Shop and Anjis purpose, method
Coffee Bandung. and the application
Using quantitative used to calculate
methods and simple the test
linear regression
analysis calculation


8 Rustiana, A. The Effectiveness of Reaction, The author analyses The author uses
(2010). Employee Training for Learning level, the training different variable
Performance and Behaviour effectivity using of research
Enhancement. Changing level same method and (Reaction, learning
after training application test level, behaviour
changing level
after training)

9 Pratama, A. N., The influence of job Training, The Authors want The authors have
Yuliani Rachma training and motivation Motivation, to analyse training more variable to
Putri. (2012). of the employees on and effectiveness have test (motivation)
performance Parts Sales Performance an effect on
PT.Astragraphia Tbk.. employee

10 Richardo, J. The Influence of Job Training. The Authors want The authors have
(2015). Training and Motivation, to analyse training more variable to
Motivation On and effectiveness have test (motivation)
Performance Of Performance an effect on
Employees Of PT employee
Prudential Branch MRT performance.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Every company wants employees to have well performance on finishing the
job that given. Moreover, in the globalization era, each company is required to
increase its competitive value so the company can be competed in the
competition. In this situation ability to manage human resources is reliable in
order to achieve the mission and goals of the company.
According to Tohardi (2002:12) Human resource management is all the
potential that exists in the human mind, energy, skills, emotion, and so on that can
be used either for itself or for organizations or companies.
The training program render how to drive a person passion in order to work
harder by giving all of the ability, spirit and skills to achieve the company mission
and goals. The human resource is the biggest factor that can make the company to
achieve the goals. Moreover, the only measurement that can represent the

achievement of a company is the performance of the employee that work
According to Mondy (2008:212) suggests that training and development is
influenced by several factors such as top management Support, the commitment
of Specialists and Generalists, technology advances, the complexity of the
Organization, learning style, and the functions of the Source Other Human
Resources. In this research, it will be used a theory that will be related to the
problems that will be analyse. To analyse the understanding will be use the theory
of Tohardi (2002:12).
Performance is a working manifestation performed by the employee that
shows an employee quality to finish a job. Because of that, performance is usually
used as the employee assessment and as an indicator in achieving company
mission and goals.
Performance was the result of work quality and quantity can be accomplished
by an employee in the appearance of duties in accordance with the responsibilities
According to Rivai and Basri(2015:50) performance is the result or the
person's overall success rate during a certain period in carrying out the task
compared to a range of possibilities, such as a standard work, targets or goals or
criteria have been determined It first agreed upon together.
According to this, the writer used the research framework as follows.
Research Framework Model


1) Training Objective 1) Quality

2) Coach Quality 2) Quantity
3) Training Materials 3) Time
4) Training Method 4) Emphasis Fees
5) Training Participant 5) Surveillance
6) Employee Relationship
(2011:44) Kasmir

2.4 Hypothesis
Based on the theoretical framework above, then the writer encapsulated a
hypothesis as follow:
“Training effected the performance of the cleaner in PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta”.



3.1 Type of Research

The research method used in this study is quantitative method.
According to Kasiram (2008) quantitative research is a research method that uses
process data in the form of numbers as a means of analyzing and reviewing
research, concentrating on what is already in meticulous. From the description and
definition of quantitative research according to the above, it can be concluded that
quantitative research is research that use numbers in the process of calculation and
research analysis results. Members in this type of research was acquired in by
determining the population and sample.
The type of research used is descriptive research. According to Darmawan
(2014: 37), descriptive research it seeks to explain the problem solving that is now
based on existing data, then used to analyse and interpret. Meanwhile, to see the
relationship between the variables studied, this study belongs to the causal
research design (causation). In descriptive research, researchers only describe the
characteristics or functions of a variable or several variables in a situation.
Whereas causal research according to Indrawati (2015: 117) explains that
causal type research is research carried out if you want to describe the causes of a
problem (both carried out through experimentation and non-experimentation).
According to Sugiyono (2017: 19), Quantitative research in looking at the
relationship of variables to the object under study is more of a cause and effect
(causal), so that in his research there are independent and dependent variables.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

According to Sugiyono (2017: 80), the population is a generalization area

consisting of:
Object/subject that has certain qualities and characteristics that will be
determined by the researcher to be studied and conclusions are drawn. The
population in this study were all 296 trained cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at

3.2.2 Sampling Method

According to Sugiyono (2017: 116) sample is a part of the number and

characteristic of the population. The type of sampling use is non probability
sampling, which according to Sugiyono (2017: 120) tehniques to remove samples
that don’t provide an opportunity for every agent or member of the population to
be selected as samples, with a type of positive purposive sampling is a specially
considered sample picking technique. This research was conducted on the
technique of sampling by using saturated sampling this is done because members
of the population i.e. the employees at PT. Avia Jaya Indah in Jakarta have
suitable amount for the sampling type and to generalize with small change of

3.2.3 Size or Amount of Sampling

The sample size (number of respondents) in this study amounted to 296

3.3 Operational and Variable Measurement

3.3.1 Operational Variable

According to Sugiyono (2017: 38), the research variable is that everything in
the form of whatever is determined by the researcher to be studied so that
information obtained about it, then the conclusions are drawn. Variables can be in
the form of specific attributes or activities, such as organizational structure,
delegation model, attitude, job description, motivation, leadership, work

discipline, and policy. Variables are said because they have variations, so if the
researcher chooses a research variable, then there must be variations. In this study
there are two types of variables, namely:
a) Independent Variable (X)
According to Sugiyono (2017: 39), this variable refers to as a stimulus
variable, predictor, antecedent. In Indonesian it is often referred to as an
independent variable. Independent variables are variables that influence
or are the cause of changes or the emergence of a dependent variable.
The independent variable in this study is training.
b) Dependent Variable (Y)
According to Sugiyono (2017: 39), this variable refers to an output,
criteria, following variables. In Indonesian it is often called dependent
variable. Dependent variables are variables that are affected or
become a result because there are independent variables. The
dependent variable in this study is the performance of employees.
Based on the description above, then Table 3.1 below is to clarify the
operational variables of this study:
Operational Table
Table 3.1

Variable Dimension Indicator Scale
The development of 1-3 Ordinal
knowledge and skill
Training Cooperation to
Objective accomplish the 4 Ordinal
purpose of the
Training (X) organization
(2011:44) Coach Quality 5-6 Ordinal
Mastering the material

Training 7 Ordinal
According to the need
Easy to understand 8 Ordinal
Training Quality of method 9 Ordinal

Easy to follow 10 Ordinal
11 Ordinal
Training Meet the requirements
Participant Clear Information 12 Ordinal

13-14 Ordinal
The ability of work
Quality The ability to work
within the company's 15-16 Ordinal
Amount on the job
given 17 Ordinal
18 Ordinal
The corporate targets
Job finish on time 19 Ordinal
Efficient use of work 20-21 Ordinal
Perdormance (Y) time
Kasmir (2016:208)
The use of corporate
with efficient 22 Ordinal

Emphasis Fees

The use of resources 23 Ordinal

office is efficient

Surveillance Ability to complete 24 Ordinal

unsupervised task
The ability to work 25 Ordinal
with the group
Relationship The ability to socialize
26 Ordinal
with other employees

Source: Mangkunegara (2011), Kasmir (2016)

3.3.2 Measurement Scale

According to Sugiyono (2017: 92) in quantitative research, researchers will
use instruments to collect data. The research instrument was used to measure the
value of the variables under study. Thus, the number of instruments to be used for
research will depend on the number of variables studied. Because the research

instrument will be used to take measurements with the aim of producing accurate
quantitative data, then each instrument must have a scale.
According to Sugiyono (2017: 92), the measurement scale is an agreement
that is used as a reference to determine the short length of the interval that is in the
measuring instrument, so that the measuring instrument when used in
measurements will produce quantitative data. The scale of the instrument used in
this study is the Likert scale.
According to Sugiyono (2017: 93), the Likert scale is used to measure
attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people regarding
social phenomena. With scale Likert, the variable to be measured describe as a
variable indicator. Then the indicator is used as a starting point for arranging
instrument items which can be in the form of statements or questions. Answers
from each instrument item using the Likert scale have gradations from very agree
to disagree strongly.

Table 3.2
Design of The Questionaires

Level of Need Number

Strongly 1
Disagree 2
Quite Agree 3
Agree 4
Strongly Agree 5
Source : Sugiyono (2017:94)

3.4 Research Stage
Figure 3.1

Source: modification Sugiyono (2011:28)

3.5 Data Collection

3.5.1 Type of Data
The types and sources of data by obtaining it, among others:
a. Primary data
According to Sugiyono (2017: 137) According to Sugiyono (2017:
137) explains that primary data sources are data sources that directly

provide data to data collectors. The primary data in this study were the
results of unstructured interviews conducted by researchers
questionnaires to cleaners at PT. Avia Jaya Indah.

b. Secondary Data
According to Sugiyono (2017: 137), secondary data sources are
sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors, for example
through other people or documents. Sources of data in this study are the
literature derived from books, the internet, research results, and other
sources of information that are considered relevant to the topic of

3.5.2 Technique of Data Collection

According to Sugiyono (2017: 137), data collection can do in various
settings and various ways. When viewed from the settings, data can be collected
in natural settings (natural settings), in the laboratory with the experimental
method. When viewed from the data source, data collection can use primary
sources and secondary sources. The method of data collection in this study is a
questionnaire and observation.
a. Questionnaire
According to Sugiyono (2016: 199) said that the questionnaire is a
technique of data collection conducted by giving a set of questions or
written statements to the respondent to answer. The questionnaire is an
efficient data collection technique if the researcher knows for sure the
variables to be measured and knows what can expect from the
respondents. The primary data used in this study is a questionnaire that
will be answered by all 296 trained cleaner at PT. Avia Jaya Indah as
respondents in this study.
b. Observation (observation)

According to Sugiyono (2017: 145) Observation as a data collection
technique that has specific characteristics when compared with other
techniques, namely interviews and questionnaires.
Interviews and questionnaires always communicate with people. So
observation is not limited to people, but also other natural objects. In this
study, data from researchers conducted field observations to observe
related variables examined in this study, namely employee motivation
and performance.

3.6 Data Analysis

According to Sugiyono (2017: 147), data analysis is a process of searching for
and systematically compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and
documentation by organizing data into categories, describing into units,
synthesizing, arranging into patterns, choose which ones are important and which
will be learned, and make conclusions so that easily understood by themselves
and others.

3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis

According to Sugiyono (2017: 147) explains that descriptive statistics are
statistics that function to describe or give an overview of objects studied through
sample data or population as they are, without doing analysis and making
conclusions that apply to the public. In this study, the authors used descriptive
analysis to get the percentage of cleaner at PT. Avia Jaya Indah performance so
that there would be an effect of training on the performance of cleaner in PT.Avia
Jaya Indah.
This study used a questionnaire to find out the influence of training on
performance of employees at PT. Avia Jaya Indah. Each question in the
questionnaires accompanied with five answer options are (strongly agree, quite
agree, agree, Disagree, and strongly disagree) that must be chosen by the
respondent. Then the authors draw up assessment criteria for each question based
on the percentage of the results with the following steps:

a. The cumulative value is the sum of each question that is an answer from the
b. Percentage of the cumulative value of the item is divided by the value of the
frequency and then multiplied by 100%.
c. The number of respondents was 296 people, with the largest measuring
scale rating is 5 (five) and the smallest measurement scale is 1 (one), then
So that is obtained:
1. The largest total value = 296 x 5 = 1480.
2. The smallest total value = 296 x 1 = 296.
a. Determine the value of percentages:
1. Largest percentage rate = x100%= 100%
2. Smallest percentage rate = x100%= 20%
b. The distance between the largest percentage and the smallest percentage.
Largest percentage rate−smallest percentage rate
1) Range Value =
Total amount of point

If the range scale is divided by five scale measurements, then there is a 16%
chance of the interval. Criteria test scores can be seen on the following table
Table 3.3
Criteria test score
Source: data process by researcher
No Percentage Credit Score
1 20% - 36% Very Not Good
To 2 >36% - 52% Not Good see
3 >52% - 68% Good Enough
4 >68% - 84% Good
5 >84% - 100% Very Good
from the criteria of the interpretation of the scores each variable can see on the
continuum like the picture below.

The continuity line of interpretation of the test score

The calculation of the total score for each variable is as follows:

a) Total score = (Number of respondents strongly agree x 5) + (Number of

respondents agree x 4) + (Number of respondents quite agree x 3) + (Number of

respondents disagree x 2) + (Number of respondents strongly disagree x 1).
b) Ideal score = (Assumed all respondents answered strongly agree) x
(Number of respondents or total score)
Ideal Score
c) Category classification (%) = x100%
Total Score

3.6.2 Succesive Interval Method

The scale of the measurement used on this study instrument is the ordinal
scale with a Likert scale which is the answer made of the most agree to disagree.
To do this research, the author uses a Successive Internal Method.
According to Riduwan and Kuncoro (2014:30) is as follows:

c) First, note each item in the respondent's answer from the questionnaire
d) Determine several people who get a score of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from each
question in the questionnaire called frequency.
e) Each frequency is divided by the number of respondents and the result is
called proportion.
f) Determine the value of cumulative proportions by summing the value of
proportions in sequence in percolomous scores.

g) Use the Normal Distribution Table, calculate the Z value of the table for
each cumulative proportion obtained.
h) Determine the high-density value for each value of Z obtained (using the
Table of High Density)
i) Determine the scale value using the formula:
( Density lower limit )−(Density upper limit )
j) NS =
( area below upper limit )−(area below lower limit )
k) Determine the transformation value Y0 with the formula:


3.6.3 Classic Assumption Test

According to Indrawati (2015: 189), before using multiple linear regression
analysis, researchers must carry out classical assumption tests first before testing
hypotheses, such as the Normality Test and Heteroscedasticity Test. According to
Kurniawan (2014: 156), the classic assumption test is a statistical requirement that
must be fulfilled in multiple linear regression based on the ordinary least square
a. Normality Test
According to Indrawati (2015: 189), the normality test for this data is
needed because the results of the static test (t-test or f test) will be presented
into the parameters in the population. Because the data in the population has
a normal distribution, the data in the sample (unusually small samples) must
have a normal distribution too. Whereas according to Kurniawan (2014:
156), the normality test is to see whether the residual value is normally
distributed or not. A good regression model is to have a residual value that
is normally distributed. So the normality test is not done on each variable
but the residual value. The normality test can be done by the histogram,
normal test P Plot, Skewness, and Kurtosis or Kolmogorov Smirnov test.

b. Heteroscedasticity Test
According to Indrawati (2015: 191), the heteroscedasticity test is to see
whether there are inequalities in the variance of the variable residuals to
other variables. A good regression model does not occur heteroscedasticity.
According to Kurniawan (2014: 158), the detection of heteroscedasticity can
be done by the scatter plot method by plotting the value of ZPRED
(predictive value) with SPRED (residual value). A good model is obtained if
there are no specific patterns on the graph, such as gathering in the middle,
narrowing then widening or otherwise widening then narrowing.

3.6.4 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

According to Indrawati (2015: 191), linear regression analysis is an
analysis used to determine the effect of independent / independent variables
on the dependent variable. Linear equations can predict the value of the
dependent variable / bound by the change of independent / free variables. If
using one independent variable, it is called a simple linear regression
analysis. In this study, there is only one independent variable, namely
training only, therefore this study uses simple linear regression analysis.
Simple linear regression analysis in this study is shown in the equation

Y = a + BX

Y = The dependent variable (Peformence)
X = The independent variable (Training)
α = Numbers constancy Y if X = 0
b = Regression coefficients that indicate the number of increase or
decrease in the dependent variable are based on the independent variable.
Correlation coefficient analysis is used to show the closeness of a variable,
degree or strength of correlation between variables, namely the

relationship between Training variables and employee performance.
According to Sugiyono (2016: 12), the guidelines for interpreting
correlation coefficients are as follows:
Table 3.4
Guidelines for granting correlation coefficient
Coefficient interval Relationship level
0.00-0.199 Very Low
0.20-0.399 Low
0.40-0.599 Medium
0.60-0.799 Strong
0.80-1.000 Very Strong

3.7 Hypothetical Test

According to Sugiyono (2017:159), a hypothesis can be interpreted as a
procedure that will result in a decision, a decision of acceptance or denial of the
hypothesis. The hypothesis is defined as a temporary answer to the formula for
research problems. The truth of the hypothesis must be proven through the
collected data. This study uses the t test (t Test) to test the hypothesis.

3.7.1 The Significant Test (t-Test)

The t-test is used to find out how the independent variables affect the
dependent variable. So the hypothesis is:
H0: Training did not significantly influence the performance of PT. Avia Jaya
Indah Cleaner.
H1: Training significantly influences the performance of PT.Avia Jaya Indah
The t-test is a test method in statistics that is used to test the influence of
motivation variables as independent variables on performance variables as
dependent variables. The usefulness of this t-test is to test whether the training
variable (X) influences the performance of the Cleaner on PT.Avia Jaya Indah,
using the formula (Sugiyono, 2017: 223):

r √n−2
√1−r 2

Description :
r = Coefficient regression
n= The number of respondents
t = Hypothetical test

In this study the basis of a cleaner performance in determining a hypothesis is

based on T-test:
1. If statistic –t table t count t table, then H0 receive H1ignore.
2. If statistic t count -t table, then H0 ignore H1receive.

3.7.2 Determination Coefficient (r 2)

According to Sugiyono (2017: 294) explain that the coefficient of
determination is used to be able to see how much the level of influence between
the independent variables on the dependent variable. The formula for finding the
coefficient of determination (r 2 ) is as follows:

KD = r 2 x 100%

KD = Coefficient Determination Value
r 2
= Coefficient Determination Value

3.8 Validity and Reliability Test

3.8.1 Validity
According to Sugiyono (2017: 176) explains that the validity test is used to
determine the feasibility of the items in a questionnaire in defining a variable. In
this question generally supports a particular variable group. The validity should be
used on every question at the validity test. In measuring the validity, researchers
use a Pearson Product Moment correlation that helps to determine the degree of

relationship between the independent variable and related variable. The formula is
as follows:
r =n ¿ ¿

r = The coefficient validity of the question grain in question
n = Correspondent
X = The score acquired subject from the entire item
Y = The total score acquired from all the item
Σ X = Number of scores in distribution
Σ𝑋 = The number of aquares each X.
Σ𝑌 = Number of scores in distribution Y
Σ𝑌2 = The number of squares each Y
The test of validity aims to measure valid or not question items. The validity
test criteria are as follows:
1. If r counts > r table the instrument or items the question is valid.

2. If r counts ≤ r table then the instrument or item question items are

otherwise valid.
The decision of the validity of the item is as follows: Peer-reviewed
question items state if rcounts > rtable. Peer-reviewed question items say they are
not valid if rcounts ≤ rtable. The validity test is based on the initial 30
questionnaires and decorated with an SPPS software with a 5% (α=0,05) trust
rate. A questionnaire is said to be valid if the value of a coefficient correlation of a
Product Moment is higher than the value of the coefficient correlation of the
Product Moment table is 0.329, meaning r is to be valid if r > 0.329 Sugiyono
(2017: 178). To find the count of value researchers used SPSS program assistance
for a Windows version of 23. Check the validity of output results at this table:

Table 3.5
Training Validity Test
Variable Item rcounts rtable Description
Training P1 0.468 0.329 Valid
P2 0.358 0.329 Valid
P3 0.403 0.329 Valid
P4 0.620 0.329 Valid
P5 0.626 0.329 Valid
P6 0.559 0.329 Valid
P7 0.415 0.329 Valid
P8 0.373 0.329 Valid
P9 0.335 0.329 Valid
P10 0.393 0.329 Valid
P11 0.476 0.329 Valid
P12 0.502 0.329 Valid
Source: data process by researcher
Based on table 3.4 it can be seen that from 12 items that meet the validity criteria. So
in this study, no statements were missing. Because all statements are valid statements.

Table 3.6
Performance Validity Test
Variable Items rcounts rtable Description
Performance P13 0.578 0.329 Valid
P14 0.353 0.329 Valid
P15 0.721 0.329 Valid
P16 0.574 0.329 Valid
P17 0.519 0.329 Valid
P18 0.767 0.329 Valid
P19 0.552 0.329 Valid
P20 0.468 0.329 Valid
P21 0.482 0.329 Valid
P22 0.572 0.329 Valid
P23 0.625 0.329 Valid
P24 0.392 0.329 Valid
P25 0.798 0.329 Valid
P26 0.749 0.329 Valid
Source: data process by researcher
Based on table 3.5 it can be seen that from 14 items that meet the validity criteria. So
in this study, no statements are missing. Because all statements are valid statements.

3.8.2 Reliability
According to Sugiyono (2017: 186) explains that reliability is a measure of
the stability and consistency of respondents in answering things related to
constructs of questions which are dimensions of a variable and arranged in the
form of a questionnaire. Reliability test can be carried out together on all
questions. If the Alpha value > 0.60 then it is reliable. To search for Alpha
researchers used the SPSS for Windows v23. A reliability test with output
prepared results can be seen at the following tables:
Table 3.7
Training Reliability Test

Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Description

Training 0.832 Reliable
Source: data process by researcher
Based on Table 3.6 above shows that the questionnaire in this study, namely the
Training questionnaire was resulted good or reliable because the value of
Cronbach's Alpha from this item is more significant than (>) 0.60.

Table 3.8
Performance Reliability Test
Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Description
Performance 0.890 Reliable
Source: data process by researcher
Based on Table 3.7 above shows that the questionnaire in this study, namely the
employee performance was resulted good or reliable because the value of
Cronbach's Alpha from the item was more significant than (>) 0.60.



4.1 Characteristics of Respondent

This study describes a Descriptive Analysis of Training on cleaner
performance in PT.Avia Jaya Indah. The population in this study were all cleaners
in PT. Avia Jaya Indah who participated in the Training with a total sample of 296
cleaners. To provide an information of the respondent characteristics, the
following is a description of the results of the data collected regarding the sex,
age, and the last education.

4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondent by Gender
An information of the gender in this study was collected, the data as
Respondent’s answers are as follows:
Figure 4.1
Profile of Respondent by Gender

Male Female



Source: data process by the researcher

Based on the table above, it is known that the majority of respondents were
male who reached 87,00% and only 13,00% were female.

4.1.2 Characteristics of Respondent by Age

An information of the age in this study was collected, the data as
Respondent’s answers are as follows:
Figure 4.2
Profile of Respondent by Age

<30 30-40 41-50 >50




Source: data process by the researcher
Based on the table above, it is known that out of 296 respondents, there
were 33% who were <30 years old, 34% aged 30-40 years, 27% who were 41-50
years old and 6% who >50 years old.

4.1.3 Characteristics of Respondent by Last Education

An information of the last education in this study was collected, the data as
Respondent’s answers are as follows:

Figure 4.3
Profile of Respondent by Last Education

Last education
Bachelor SHS
JHS Elementary

Source: data process by the researcher
Based on the table above, it is known that out of 296 respondents, there
were 5 % who had the last bachelor education, 78% who had the last senior high
school education, 16% who had the last junior high school education, and 1% who
had the last elementary school education.

4.1.4 Description of Respondent’s Perception

The description of the respondent's data can be used to help the discussion
easier, through the description of the respondent's data, it can be known how the
condition of each indicator variable is being studied. To make it easier to interpret
the variables being studied, categorization of the respondent's score was carried
out. The principle of categorization is based on the weight of the score by looking
for interval distances from each category based on the number of the highest and
lowest scales, resulting in the following classification.

Table 4.1
Category Scores
No Percentage Criteria Score
1 20% - 36% Very Not Good
2 >36% - 52% Not Good
3 >52% - 68% Quite Good
4 >68% - 84% Good
5 >84% - 100% Very Good
Source: data process by the researcher

4.2 Research Result

This study objective is to determine the effect of applying the Training at the

PT. Avia Jaya Indah to its cleaning performance carried out on 296 cleaner
samples. The following will be explained about the data from respondents
obtained from the answers to the questionnaires that have been distributed.

4.2.1 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Objectives)

The following is Table 4.2 which contains the results of the questionnaire
data for the sub-variables of the Training Objectives.

Table 4.2
Respondent Answer to Sub-Variables Training Objectives
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score
1 Training 0 10 147 99 40 296 1057 1480
improved 0% 3.4% 49.7 33.4% 13.5 100% 71.41
the skills % % %
in work
2 Training 0 3 131 130 32 296 1079 1480
0% 1% 44.3 43.9% 10.8 100% 72.90
% % %
in work
3 Training 0 17 127 130 22 296 1045 1480
assist to
0% 5.7% 42.9 43.9% 7.4% 100% 70.60
help the
% %
4 Training 1 13 119 132 31 296 1067 1480
helped to
0.3 4.4% 40.2 44.6% 10.5 100% 72.09

success % % % %
with client
Total Score 4248 5920
Percentage 71.75%
Source: data is process by researcher
Based on Table 4.2 above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number two, with a percentage of 72,90%
associated with work knowledge. From these figures, it can be concluded that the
sub-variables of the Training objectives have been felt well by employees while
the lowest score is in item number three with a percentage of 70,60% regarding
assistant to work problem. The score found in item number three is the lowest
score in the sub-variables of the Training objectives. However, it is still classified
as a good category.
Overall from the average score obtained, respondents' answers indicate that
Training through the sub-variables of the Training objectives at PT Avia Jaya
Indah is included in the good category. This can be proven in Figure 4.4 below,
which shows that the respondent's answers to the sub-variables of the Training
objectives and targets is included in the good category, which is 71.75%.
Figure 4.4
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Objectives
20% 32% 52% 68% 84% 100%
Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good


Source: data process by the researcher

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the four items is
5920. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 4248 or 71.75%
of the ideal score of 5920. Thus, the sub-variables of the target and Training
objectives are in the good category.

4.2.2 Respondent’s Answers to Training (Quality of Coach)
The following is Table 4.3 which contains the results of the questionnaire
data for the sub-variables of the Quality of Coach.

Table 4.3
Respondent Answer to Sub-Variables Quality of Coach

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal

Score Score
5 The 0 23 139 107 27 296 1026 1480
0% 7.8% 47% 36.1% 9.1% 100% 69.32
coach %
6 The 0 15 136 123 22 296 1040 1480
coach 0% 5.1% 45.9% 41.6% 7.4% 100% 70.27
the skill
for work
Total Score 2066 2960

Percentage 69.79
Source: data process by researcher
Based on Table 4.3 above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number six, with a percentage of 70,27% which is
related to coach mastered the work skill. From these figures, it can be concluded
that the sub-variables of the Quality of coach have been felt well by employees
while the lowest score is in item number five with a percentage of 69.32%
regarding to the coach mastered the working tools. The score found in item

number five is the lowest score in the sub-variables of the Quality of coach.
However, it is still classified as a good category.
Overall from the average score obtained, respondents' answers indicate that
Training through the sub-variables of the Quality of coach at PT Avia Jaya Indah
is included in the good category. This can be proven in Figure 4.5 below, which
shows that the respondent's answers to the sub-variables of the Quality of coach is
included in the good category, which is 69.79%.
Figure 4.5
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quality of Coach

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Very Good

Good Good

Source: data process by researcher

4.2.3 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Materials)

The following is Table 4.4 which contains the results of the questionnaire
data for the sub-variables of the Training Materials.
Table 4.4
Respondent Answer to Sub-Variables Training Materials
N Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
o Score Scor
7 The material 2 30 113 128 23 296 1028 1480
of the training
match up with 0.7 10.1 38.2 43.2 7.8% 100 69.45
trainee % % % % % %

8 The material 0 14 123 103 56 296 1089 1480
of the training
0% 4.7% 41.6 34.8 18.9 100 73.58
% % % % %
Total Score 2117 2960
Percentage 71.51
Source: data process by researcher
Based on Table 4.4 above it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' responses is in item number eight, with a percentage of 73.58%,
which is related to Training materials understandable. From these figures, it can
be concluded that the material sub-variables have been felt well by cleaners in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number seven with a percentage
of 69.45% regarding Trainee expectation to the material. The score found in item
number seven is the lowest score in the material sub-variable. However, it is still
classified as a good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, respondents' answers indicate
that Training through the material sub-variable in PT. Avia Jaya Indah is included
in the good category. This can be proven in the following Figure 4.6 which shows
that the respondent's answer to the material sub-variables was included in the
good category, which was 71.51%.
Figure 4.6
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Materials

20% 36% 52% 68% 84%

Source: data process by researcher
Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good


Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 2117 or 71.51%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables training materials is in the good

4.2.4 Respondent’s Answer to Training (Training Method)

The following is Table 4.5 which contains the results of the questionnaire
data for the sub-variables of the Training Methods
Table 4.5
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Training Method
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score
9 Various 3 21 117 125 30 296 1046 1480
are used 1% 7.1% 39.5 41.2% 10.1% 100% 70.67%
in the %
10 The 3 22 130 128 13 296 1041 1480
used by
the 1% 7.4% 43.9 43.2% 4.4% 100% 70.33%

company %

Total Score 2087 2960
Percentage 70.05
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number nine, with a percentage of 70.67%, which

is related to various method and techniques. From these figures, it can be
concluded that the method sub-variables have been felt well by cleaners in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number ten with a percentage of
70.33% regarding the Training method effectiveness. The score in item number
ten is the lowest score in the method sub-variable. However, it is still classified as
a good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers
indicate that Training through the sub-variable method in PT. Avia Jaya Indah is
included in the good category. This can be proven in Figure 4.7 below which
shows that the respondent's response to the material sub-variables was included in
the good category, which was 70.05%.
Figure 4.7
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Methods
20% 36% 52% 68% 84%

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good



Source: data process by researcher
Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 2087 or 70.05%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables training methods is in the good

4.2.5 Respondent’s Answers to Training (Training Participant)

The following is Table 4.6 which contains the results of the questionnaire
data for the sub-variables of the Training Participant
Table 4.6
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Training Participant

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score
11 Participant 0 22 138 121 15 296 1017 1480
fulfilled the
0% 7.4% 46.6% 40.9% 5.1% 100% 68.71%
12 Information 0 15 143 126 12 296 1023 1480
about the
training 0% 5.1% 48.3% 42.6% 4.1% 100% 69.12%
Total Score 2040 2960
Percentage 68.91
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number twelve, with a percentage of 69.12%
related to the information about the training. From these figures, it can be
concluded that the participant sub-variables have been felt well by cleaners in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number eleven with a
percentage of 68.71% regarding the description of the requirements for Training.
The score found in item number eleven is the lowest score in the participant sub-
variable. However, it is still classified as a good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers
indicated that Training through the sub-variables of participants in PT. Avia Jaya
Indah was included in the good category. This can be proven in the following
Figure 4.8, which shows that the respondent's answer to the material sub-variables
was included in the good category, which was 68.91%.

Figure 4.8
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Training Participants

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher
Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 2040 or 68.91%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables training participant is in the
good category.

4.2.6 Respondent’s Answers to Training

The following is Table 4.7 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Participant in Training Variables.
Table 4.7

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good



Total Participant’s Answers in Training

Sub-Variable Total Score Ideal Score Percentage
Training Objectives 4248 5920 71.75%
Quality of Coach 2066 2960 69.79%
Training Materials 2117 2960 71.51%
Training Methods 2087 2960 70.05%
Training Participant 2040 2960 68.91%
Total 12558 17760 70.40%
Source: data process by researcher
The table above illustrates the responses of respondents regarding Training.
Based on the results of the processing presented in the table above, it can be seen
that the total score of the Training is 12558.
Figure 4.9
Training Variable Continuum Line

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher
Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to 12 statements is
17750. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 12558 or
70.40% of the ideal score is 17750. Thus, the Training variable is in the good

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Very

Good Good Good


4.2.7 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Quality)

The following is Table 4.8 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Quality sub-variables:
Table 4.8
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Quality
N Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
o Score Scor
13 Training 2 23 130 111 30 296 1032 1480
help to
increase 0.7 7.8% 43.9 37.5 10.1 100 69.72
productivit % % % % % %

14 Training 2 24 130 114 26 296 1026 1480
help me to
quality of 0.7 8.1% 43.9 38.5 8.8% 100 69.32
work % % % % %
15 Training 5 29 137 103 22 296 996 1480
help to
enhance the
1.7 9.8% 46.3 34.8 7.4% 100 67.29
use of
% % % % %
16 Training 6 31 134 103 22 296 992 1480
help to
enhance the
2% 10.5 45.3 34.8 7.4% 100 67.02
use of
% % % % %
Total Score 4046 5920
Percentage 68.33
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number thirteen, with a percentage of 69.72%
related to productivity enhancement. From these figures, it can be concluded that
the quality sub-variables have been felt well by cleaners in the PT. Avia Jaya
Indah while the lowest score is in item number sixteen with a percentage of
67.02% regarding the description of operational safety use. The score found in
item number sixteen is the lowest score in the quality sub-variable. However, it is
still classified as a good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of quality in PT. Avia Jaya Indah was

included in the good category. This can be proven in the following Figure 4.10,
which shows that the respondent's response to the quality sub-variables was
included in the good category, which was 68.33%.
Figure 4.10
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quality

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the four items is
5920. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 4046 or 68.33%
of the ideal score of 5920. Thus, the sub-variables training participant is in the
good category.

4.2.8 Very Not Not Good Quite Good Very Good

Good Good


Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Quantity)

The following is Table 4.9 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Quantity sub-variables.
Table 4,9
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Quantity
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score

17 Training help 8 36 116 107 29 296 1001 1480
work quantity 2.7% 12.2% 39.2% 36.1% 9.8% 100% 67.63%
18 Training help 9 43 109 117 18 296 980 1480
to complete
the target
3% 14.5% 36,8% 39.5% 6.1% 100% 66.21%
given by the
Total Score 1981 2960
Percentage 66.92%
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number seventeen, with a percentage of 67,63%
related to the work quantity improvement. From these figures, it can be concluded
that the quantity sub-variables have been felt quite well by cleaners in PT. Avia
Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number eighteen with a percentage of
66,21% regarding the company target completion. The score found in item
number eighteen is the lowest score in the quantity sub-variable. However, it is
still classified as a quite good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of quantity in PT. Avia Jaya Indah
was included in the quite good category. This can be proven in the following
Figure 4.11, which shows that the respondent's answer to the quantity sub-
variables was included in the quite good category, which was 66.92%.
Figure 4.11
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Quantity

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Very Not Very Good Quite Good Very Good

Good Good


Source: data Process by researcher

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 1981 or 66.92%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables quantity is in the quite good

4.2.9 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Time)

The following is Table 4.10 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Time sub-variables:
Table 4.10
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Time
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score
19 Training 6 36 115 124 15 296 994 1480
help to
finish the 2% 12.2% 38.9% 41.9% 5.1% 100% 67.16%
job on time
20 Training 27 69 118 75 7 296 854 1480
9.1% 23.3% 39.9% 25.3% 2.4% 100% 57.70%
21 Training 43 61 113 75 4 296 842 1480
14.5% 20.6% 38.2% 25.3% 1.4% 100% 55.67%
Total Score 2690 4440
Percentage 60.17%
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number nineteen, with a percentage of 67.16%
related to finish the job on time. From these figures, it can be concluded that the
time sub-variables have been felt quite well by cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah

while the lowest score is in item number twenty-one with a percentage of 55,67%
regarding employee absenteeism. The score found in item number twenty-one is
the lowest score in the time sub-variable. However, it is still classified as a quite
good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of time in PT. Avia Jaya Indah was
included in the quite good category. This can be proven in the following Figure
4.12, which shows that the respondent's response to the time sub-variables was
included in the quite good category, which was 60.17%.
Figure 4.12
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Time

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the three items is
4440. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 2690 or 60.17%
of the ideal score of 4440. Thus, the sub-variables quantity is in the quite good
Very Not Not Good Quite Good Very Good
Good Good



4.2.10 Respondent’s Answers to Performance (Emphasis fee)
The following is Table 4.11 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for emphasis fees sub-variables:
Table 4.11
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variables Emphasis Fee
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score
22 The 8 31 157 87 13 296 954 1480
for 2.7 10.5% 53% 29.4% 4.4% 100 64.45
employee % % %
training is
23 Training 2 39 158 91 6 296 1035 1480
0.7 13.2% 53.4 30.7% 2% 100 69.93
help reduce
% % % %
Total Score 1989 2960
Percentage 67.19%
Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number twenty-three, with a percentage of 69,93%
related to the material resources reduction. From these figures, it can be concluded
that the emphasis fees sub-variables have been felt quite well by cleaners in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number twenty-two with a
percentage of 64.45% regarding the description of the training expenditure. The
score found in item number twenty-two is the lowest score in the fees sub-
variable. However, it is still classified as a quite good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of emphasis fees in PT. Avia Jaya
Indah was included in quite good category. This can be proven in the following
Figure 4.13, which shows that the respondent's response to the fees sub-variables
was included in quite good category, which was 67,19%.

Figure 4.13
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Emphasis Fee

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher
Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good


Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 1989 or 67.19%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables quantity is in the quite good

4.2.11 Respondent’s Answer to Performance (Surveillance)

The following is Table 4.12 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Surveillance sub-variables:
Table 4.12
Respondent’s Answers to Sub-Variable Surveillance
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
Score Score

24 Training 8 59 121 100 8 296 929 1480
help to
frequency 2.7% 19.9% 40.9% 33.6% 2.7% 100% 62.77%
Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good
Total Score 929 1480
Percentage 62.77%

Source: data process by researcher

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the score of respondents'
answers is in item number twenty-four, with a percentage of 62.77% related to the
employee supervision. From these figures, it can be concluded that the surveillance
sub-variables have been felt quite well by cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah. The
score found in item number twenty-four in the surveillance sub-variable. However,
it is still classified as a quite good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of surveillance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah
was included in the quite good category. This can be proven in the following Figure
4.14, which shows that the respondent's answer to the surveillance sub-variables
was included in the quite good category, which was 62.77%.

Figure 4.14
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Surveillance

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Source: data process by researcher

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the one item is
1480. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 929 or 62.77% of
the ideal score of 1480. Thus, the sub-variables quantity is in the quite good

4.2.12 Respondent’s Answers to Performance (Employee Relationship)

The following is Table 4.13 which contains data from the questionnaire
results for Employee Relationship sub-variables:

Table 4.13
Respondent’s Answer to Sub-Variable Employee Relationship
N Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Ideal
o Score Scor
25 Training 17 59 122 84 14 897 296 1480
bring good
5.7% 19.9 41.2 28.4 4.7 60.60% 100%
team work
% % % %
26 Training 48 42 130 70 6 832 296 1480
increase a
relationshi 16.2 14.2 43.9 23.6 2% 56..21 100%
p between % % % % %
Total Score 1729 2960
Percentage 58.40

Source: data process by researcher
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the highest score of
respondents' answers is in item number twenty-five, with a percentage of 60,60%
related to the work with groups. From these figures, it can be concluded that the
employee relationship sub-variables have been felt quite well by cleaners in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah while the lowest score is in item number twenty-six with a
percentage of 56.21% regarding the description of the have a quite good
relationship with boss and other cleaners. The score found in item number twenty-
six is the lowest score in the employee relationship sub-variable. However, it is still
classified as a quite good category.
Overall, from the average score obtained, the respondent's answers indicated
that performance through the sub-variables of employee relationship in PT. Avia
Jaya Indah was included in the quite good category. This can be proven in the
following Figure 4.15, which shows that the respondent's answers to the employee
performance sub-variables was included in the quite good category, which was

Figure 4.15
Continuum Line of Sub-Variables Employee Relationship

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Very Good
Good Good

Source: data process by researcher
Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to the two items is
2960. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 1729 or 58.40%
of the ideal score of 2960. Thus, the sub-variables quantity is in the quite good

4.2.13 Respondent’s Answers to Performance

Table 4.14
Respondent’s Answers to Performance

Sub-Variable Total Score Ideal Score Percentage

Quality 4046 5920 68.33%
Quantity 1981 2960 66.92%
Time 2690 4440 60.17%
Emphasis fee 1989 2960 67.19%
Surveillance 929 1480 62.77%
Employee Relationship 1729 2960 58.40%
Total 13364 20720 63.96%
Source: data process by researcher

The table above illustrates the responses of respondents regarding Training.

Based on the results of the processing presented in the table above, it can be seen
that the total score of the Training is 13364.

Figure 4.16
Performance Variable Continuum Line

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Very Not Not Good Quite Good Good Very Good


Source: data process by researcher
Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to 14 statements is
20720. From the calculations in
the table show the value obtained
13364 or 63.96% of the ideal
score is 20720. Thus, the
performance variable is in the
quite good category.

4.3 Method of Successive

The scale used in this
study still uses a ordinal scale. To
process data using statistical analysis, the data that was initially obtained in the
ordinal scale needs to be changed first into interval scale data using the method of
successive interval (MSI), interval scale data is a minimum requirement in
statistical analysis. Data transformation was done using the help of MSI in
Microsoft Excel 2016 software.

4.4 Test of Classical Assumption

The classic assumption test used is the normality test and heteroscedasticity
test as follows.

4.4.1 Normality Test

One of the conditions that must be met in regression analysis is data and
regression models with a normal distribution. Data analysis with the help of SPSS
26 for Windows computer program. Basic decision making based on probability. If
the probability is> 0.05, the research data is normally distributed. The results of the
complete normality test can be seen in the following figure:
Figure 4.17
K-S Normality Test

Source: data process by researcher

From the table in the asymp line. Sig obtained the significance value of the
Unstandardized Residual variable of 0.200, where the significance value is more
than 0.05, which means that Ho is accepted or the data from each variable is
normally distributed.
Besides using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the analysis of normal data is
also supported by the Plot of Regression Standardized Residual. If the graph
obtained from SPSS 26 for windows output turns out the points approach the
diagonal line, it can be concluded that the regression model is normally
distributed. More details on the results of the normality test can be seen in the
following graph:

Figure 4.18
P-P Normality Test Plot

Source: data process by researcher

Seen from the graph above, the points approach the diagonal line, which
means that the regression model is normally distributed.

4.4.2 Heteroscedasticity Test

Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether variance from residual
inequality occurs, one observation to another observation. To find out the
symptoms of heteroscedasticity carried out by observing scatterplot charts through
SPSS 26 for Windows, models that are free of heteroscedasticity have scatterplot
graphs with diffuse dots. More details on the scatter plot pattern from the
calculation results are shown below:

Figure 4.19

Heteroscedasticity Scatterplot Test
Source: data process by researcher

From the scatterplots, the graph shows that the points spread randomly and
spread both above and below the number 0 on the Y-axis. It can be concluded that
there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model so that a decent regression
model is used to predict the dependent variable based on the input of the
independent variable.

4.4.3 Simple Linear Regression Test

By using SPSS 26 for Windows, the results of simple linear regression
analysis are obtained as follows:
Figure 4.20
Simple Linear Regression Analysis Test
Source: data process by researcher

Based on the output of SPSS 26 above, the value of a (Constant) is obtained
at 2.835, and the value of b (Regression Coefficient) is 1.002. Thus a simple linear
regression equation can be formed as follows:
Y '= 2,835 + 1,002X
The values a and b in the above equation can be interpreted as follows:
1. a = 2,835, which means: if Training is constant or there are no changes,
then Performance will be worth 2,835.
2. b = 1.002, which means: if training increases, then Performance will
increase by 1.002.

4.4.4 Correlation Coefficient

To find out the strength or weakness of the relationship between the
independent variable (Training) and the dependent variable (Performance), the
researcher uses the Pearson correlation coefficient. The equation of the Pearson
correlation coefficient is as follows:
N Σ XY −( Σ X )( Σ Y )
√ ( N Σ X )−( ( Σ X ) √ N Σ Y −( ΣY ) )
2 2 2 2

The results of the measurement of the effect of Training on Performance can

be seen through the figure below:
Figure 4.21
Correlation Coefficient Analysis

results of the

correlation above, the meaning of the r value will be consulted with the
interpretation table of the r value as follows:
Table 4.15
Coefficient Correlation Interpretation Table

Coefficient Interval Level of Relationship

0.80-1.000 Very Strong

0.60-0.799 Strong

0.40-0.599 Quite Strong

0.20-0.399 Low

0.00-0.199 Very Low

Source: data process by researcher

From the results of calculations that have been done, obtained the correlation
coefficient between the variable Training (X) to Performance (Y) of r = 0.713.
Based on the interpretation table of the correlation coefficient, the results of the
correlation are in the interval 0.60 – 0.799, so this means there is a relationship
that is "Strong".

4.4.5 Hypothesis Testing

Partial hypothesis testing is intended to test the effect of independent
variables, namely Training (X) on Performance (Y). The results of calculations
assisted by SPSS 26 for Windows can be seen through the following figure:

Figure 4.22
Partial Test Result (t-test)

Source: data process by researcher

Based on the table above, it is known that there is a significant influence

between the Training (X) variable on Performance (Y) from the obtained t count
which is equal to 17.414 higher than the number of t table which is 1.650
(17.414>1.650 ) and the significant value obtained is 0.000 less than 0.05 (0,000

4.4.6 Coefficient of Determination

To find the size of the contribution or the role of the variable Training on
Performance used coefficient of determination (Kd). To find the coefficient of
determination (Kd), use the following formula:
Kd=r 2 x 100 %
The size of the contribution or role of the variable Training on Performance
can be seen through the following figure:
Figure 4.23

Determination Coefficient Analysis

Source: data process by researcher

The results of R Square = 0.508 means that the Training variable can be
explained by the Performance variable of 50.8% which is obtained from 0.508 x
100%, meaning that Training is influenced by Performance variables of 50.8%
while 49.2% is influenced by other factors not examined in this research.

4.5 Research Result Discussion

Based on the answers of respondents for this research called “The Effect of
Training Towards Employee Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at Jakarta”,
below are the simple explanation of the result:
a. From the respondent’s answers for the Training, it can be seen that the
average of the Training section is 70.40%. Based on the calculation and the
continuum line, it is concluded that from overall answers of the respondents,
the training given by PT. Avia Jaya Indah is good. The highest score in this
section is item number 8 with actual score of 1089 or 73.58% which indicate
that the training material is understandable. The lowest score in this section is
item number 11 with actual score of 1017 or 68.71% which about the result of
the participant fulfilled the training requirements.
Hasibuan (2013: 69), says that Training is a business improve employee
technical, theoretical, conceptual and moral abilities by the needs of work or
position through education and Training.
b. From the respondents answer for the Performance, it can be seen the
average of the Performance section is 63.96%. Based on the calculation and the
continuum line it is concluded that from overall answers of the respondents, the
cleaner’s performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah is quite good. The highest score

in this section is item number 23 with actual score of 1035 or 69.93% which
indicate that training help reduce company material wastage. The lowest score
in this section is item number 21 with actual score 842 or 55.67% which is
about training reduce employee absenteeism.
According to Rivai (2015:12) performance is the result or level of overall
success in a given period in carrying out the task compared to various
possibilities such as the standard of work, target or target or criteria
predetermined and agreed.
c. From normality test, the result is the data are normally distributed because
the significance is more than 0,05.
A data forms a normal distribution if the amount of data above and below
the mean is the same. The normal distribution is an infinite bell-shaped curve
that extends infinitely in both positive and negative directions, Janie (2012:35).
d. From the simple linear regression, the equation is Y= 2,835 + 1.002X. The
value of 2,835 which means; if training is constant or there are no changes,
then performance will be worth 2,835. And the value of 1,002 which means; if
training increases, then performance will increase by 1,002.
In Somantri (2011:243), it is stated that simple linear regression aims to
study the linear relationship between the two variables. While in Sugiyono
(2016:261), it is stated that simple regression is based on functional or causal
relationships of one independent variable with one dependent variable.
From the explanation above simple linear regression is a relationship
between two variables based on functional or causal relationship.
e. From the t-Test, significant influence between the Training (X) variable on
Performance (Y) from the obtained tcount which is equal to 17.414 higher than
the number of ttable which is 1.650 (17.414>1.650) and the significant value
obtained is 0.000 less than 0.05 (0,000 <0,05).
According to the Ghozali (2012:98) a different T-test test is used to test how
far the influence of the independent variables used in this study individually in
explaining the dependent variables partially

f. From the correlation coefficient, the correlation coefficient between the
variable Training (X) to Performance (Y) of r = 0.713. Based on the
interpretation table of the correlation coefficient, the results of the correlation
are in the interval 0.60 – 0.799, so this means there is a relationship that is
Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to measure the magnitude
of a linear relationship between two or more variables. The purpose of
correlation analysis is to find out whether there are relationships between two
variables or not, and if there is a relationship, what is the direction of the
relationship and how great the relationship is, Rahmi [CITATION Aul16 \n
\t \l 1033 ].
g. From the coefficient of determination, the results of R Square = 0.508
means that the Training variable can be explained by the Performance variable
of 50.8% which is obtained from 0.508 x 100%, meaning that Training is
influenced Performance variables of 50.8% while 49.2% is influenced by other
factors not examined in this research.
According to Ghozali [CITATION Ima12 \p 97 \n \t \l 1033 ], the
coefficient of determination R2 is a tool to measure how far the ability of the
model in explaining the variation of independent variables. The coefficient of
determination is between zero or one. A small value of R2 means that the
ability of the dependent variables is minimal. Moreover, conversely, if a value
close to 1 means the independent variables provide almost all the information
needed to predict the dependent variables.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on all of the research and result from the previous chapter to the
cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at Jakarta can be conclude, as follows:
1. From the respondent’s response for the training program, it can be
seen that training given by PT. Avia Jaya Indah is on good category or
70.40% based on the calculation and the research from the responses.
From research the training in PT. Avia Jaya Indah can be conclude is
understandable for the cleaner.
2. The cleaner’s performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah based on the
respondent’s response is on quite good category or 63.96% but have
an opposite result with the training result. From the previous chapter,
pilot study, and questionnaires the survey result is different with the
reality on the cleaner working performance. Due to the questionnaires
result show the cleaner agree with the training held by the company is
good, but there is a degradation of performance from the cleaners in
2018-2019 that conclude the training held by the company not enough
adequate to increase the cleaners performance only considered enough
by the cleaners but not in the reality.
3. From the research and calculation test can be seen that training and
performance have “Strong” relationship and link to each other.

Although the performance result from the company data have an
opposite result with the questionnaires result. The training have an
influenced to the performance variables by 50.8% but the
differentiation cause is there is another factor that affect the cleaner’s
performance by 42.2% according to the analysis but can be seen also
that performance worth value 2,835 is can be build up by 1,002 value
if the training is upgrade or increase.

5.2 Suggestion

Base on The Research in the previous chapter, there are some suggestion
to PT. Avia Jaya Indah, as follows:
1. From the result already discuss above PT. Avia Jaya Indah should
consider regarding the quality of the training coach, such as how to operate the
working tools, operational safety and the working skill by making coach selection
process. The process will be held by the company to filter the coach quality by
several level. The first level, motivation and basic skill to test the coach attitude
while sharing the knowledge and experience in the training, and the basic skill test
to measure the coach basic cleaning skill and compared with the company
standard. Second, is theory test to measure the coach knowledge about cleaning
industry insight. The last level is the advanced cleaning test, to measure the coach
cleaning skill and knowledge using specialized tool (Floor Polisher, Gondola,
Vacuum Cleaner, Carry Caddy, Scrubber Machine and other tools) in by theory
and practical. After the training activity complete the training participant must fill
the feedback to company for coach assessment while trained in the training
2. From the research in previous chapter PT. Avia Jaya Indah also should
consider regarding the material of the training not fit with the employee
expectation. The researcher makes a suggestion for the company to make material
variety combine from the company and the coach. The suggested training material
from the researcher is divided into three type, first is the theory material as the
foundation knowledge for the participant to understand the basic cleaning

knowledge. The second is team builder and games contain with cleaning material,
to enhance the participant team work, relation with other, creativity and to make 2
ways interaction to make the participant easy to interpret the material. The last
stage is the project training, the company provide indoor and outdoor facility for
practice the participant theory, skill and to have real working experience in the
3. From the data result already discuss above PT. Avia Jaya Indah should
consider regarding the training requirements and training information by making
PT. Avia Jaya Indah Employee Portal. The portal is an application for company
stored the employee statistical data and useful information that can be access by
the employee to see the training and company event schedule, working record,
performance statistics, allowances, employment necessity (leaves, permission,
resign, reward, absent and others) and for the company to make ease for review
the employee working performance to adjust within company standard, which
have to held more training or give a bonus for good employee performance.

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I. Respondent Identity
1. Name:
2. Gender:
3. Age:
4. Last education:

In this section, Mr/Mrs is asked check mark (√) In one of the answer in the
column available.

Symbol Category Value

SA Strongly Agree 5
A Agree 4
QA Quite Agree 3
D Disagree 2
SD Strongly Degree 1

II. Training Questionnaires (X)

No Question SD D QA A SA

Training Objective
1 Training improves your skills
2 Training improves your knowledge
3 Training programs assist me to
solve problems
4 Training helped to ensure success
with client satisfaction
Quality of coach
5 The coach has mastered the
working tools
6 The coach has mastered the
working skills

Training Materials
7 The material of training match up
with trainee expectation
8 The material of training is
Training methods
9 Various methods and techniques
are used in training process
10 The method of training used by the
organization is effective
Training Participant
11 Participant fulfilled the
12 Information about the training are

III. Questionnaires of Performance

No Question SD D QA A SA
13 Training helps to increase
14 Training helped to enhance high
quality of service
15 Training helps to enhance the use
of working tools
16 Training helps to enhance the use
of operational safety
17 Training helped me to improve
work quantity
18 Training helped to complete target
given by the company
19 Training help to finish my job
20 Training reduces lateness
21 Training reduce absenteeism
Emphasis fee
22 The expenditure for employee
training is enough
23 Training helps me to decrease
material wastage
24 Training helped me to reduce

frequency of supervision
Employee Relationship
25 Training brings strong team work
26 I have a good relationship with my


Budi Arya Kresnadana, Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary,SS., M.Pd.2
S1 International ICT Business, Economic and
Business Faculty Telkom University

Human Resources (HR) is one of the critical assets in the company.
Cleaning service company have goals and objectives to be able to obtain
maximum profit and high-quality human resources. Therefore, human resources
play the most important and potential role for the success of a company
considering that human resources are determinants of working activities in
planning, organising and decision making. To realise it all, one of the efforts that
can be made by the company to improve the quality of cleaner is by conducting
The purpose of this study was to determine how the training and
performance of cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah in the employee's perception and
to determine the effect of the training provided by PT. Avia Jaya Indah on the
cleaner's performance.
This research is a quantitative study involving 296 respondents as a
sample. The method of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires that
use a 5-point Likert scale. The statistical analysis technique performed is
descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis for hypothesis testing
using SPSS for Windows v.26 for processing data.
Keyword: Keywords: training, employee performance.

1. Introduction
Human resource is the most important aspect to a company because
employee can call as a long-term investment to a company that execute and
operate in the field. Company that have big amount of capital and machine
resource for instance cannot give the maximum result if they do not support by
human resource that have good performance. In today’s era a company that have
an effective and efficient work activities is a requirement. The increasingly
competition make many companies realize the importance of having a good
human resource quality to push the performance of the company and achieve the
company mission and goals. In the face of globalization era, human resources

and technology is one of the requirements that cannot be separated. This
situation makes some of work industry being a company specialization, such as
cleaning service industry.
Cleaning Industry Company is a business that move in cleaning
maintenance that provides indoor and outdoor cleaning. According to Republic
Indonesia Government law Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 number 66 2014 about
environment healthy chapter 1 (General Provision) verse 1 talk about the control,
protection and standardization of healthy environment such as workplace
buildings and real estate, and also in chapter 1 verse 8 say that standard quality
of health environment and health requirements is judged from water, land, air,
facility and buildings. (Undang undang dasar no 66 2014 healthy environment).
Cleaning workers are one of the most critical resources in carrying out the
services of a cleaning industry company; cleaning workers are required to have
advanced cleaning abilities, good communication, technical and work ethics.
The characteristics of cleaning workers who always determine the strength of
work are motivation, knowledge, work skills, innovative values, and dedication
to their works.
Training is good for the organization, the goal of training is to improve
labor productivity because of its lack of skills, knowledge, and employment. The
training can be done with every employee in the company but, more than it can
do with operational employees
Figure 1.1
Percentage of Cleaner Performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah Jakarta 2018-
76.80% 76.70%
76.40% 76.30%
2018 2019

Source: Internal Data PT. Avia Jaya Indah

Based on the figure 1.7 above, percentage of cleaner performance in PT.
Avia Jaya Indah can be seen that from 2018 to 2019 shows an decrease of
0.40%. On the 2018 chart, the performance percentage shows 76.70%. Then in
2019, the percentage of performance has increased, which is to 76.30%.
According to a statement from the person in charge of cleaner training Mrs.
Endah Setyowati, cleaners in the PT. Avia Jaya Indah still not mastered to
applied the Training material, so they can only reach 76.30% and have not been
able to reach the company’s target of 80%.
The above description has been revealed that employees work Training is
one of the factors affecting the cleaner’s performance at PT. Avia Jaya Indah.
When a cleaners bringing improvement progress to the company, the advantage

will be achieved by both sides, for a cleaners to be successful as well as the
opportunity to meet the needs of their own, while for the company is a means to
the growth and development of the company itself in providing service to client.
Based on the description, the writer is interested in examining the relationship
between training programs with cleaning workers performance by titles “ THE
2. Literature Review and Methodology
2.1 Human Resource Management
According to Kasmir (2016: 06), human resource management is a human
management process, through planning, recruitment, selection, Training,
development, compensation, career, safety and health and maintaining industrial
relations until termination of employment in order to achieve company goals and
increase the welfare of stakeholders.
2.2 Performance
According to Kasmir (2016: 182), performance is the result of work and
work behavior that has achieved in completing the tasks and responsibilities
given in a given period.
2.3 Performance Appraisal Dimension
This indicator will become a benchmark in measuring employee
performance. The explanations of each of the dimensions above are as follows:
a. Quality
Performance measurement was done by looking at the quality (quality) of
the work produced through a particular process.
b. Quantity
To measure the performance can also be done with a view of the quantity
produced by someone.
c. Time
For certain types of work given a time limit in completing work.
d. Emphasis Fees
Costs incurred for each activity the company has budgeted before the
activity execute.
e. Supervision
With supervision, every job will produce good performance.
f. Employee Relationship
The performance assessment is associated with the cooperation or
harmony among employees and between leaders.
2.4 Training
Hasibuan (2013: 69), says that Training is a business improve employee
technical, theoretical, conceptual and moral abilities by the needs of work or
position through education and Training.
2.5 Training Dimension
There are several dimensions and indicators in training as will described
by Mangkunegara (2011:44), the training indicators that is as follows:
a. Training Objectives

Training is a method used by every company in developing knowledge
and skills for its employees.
b. Quality of Coach
Coach professionalism and mastery of the material is a must. This is
because employees are company tools that require skills.
c. Training Materials
Each Training carried out has a variety of material presented according
to their needs and work.
d. Training Methods
The organization must be smart in selecting and monitoring what
methods are by the level of ability of employees.
e. Training Participants
This component is quite essential but is often ignored by the Training
implementation team. Training to be held, the requirements for
participants are also neglected.
2.6 Relationship between Performance and Training
The performance of employees in working to achieve the objectives of the
company are influenced by various factors internally, one of which is through
the training and development of employees, where through the program expected
companies can maintain potential and qualified employees.
2.7 Research Framework
Figure 2.1
Research Framework


Aim and target training Quality

The quality of coach trainer Quantity
Training materials Time
The training methods Emphasis on expense
Trainee 6. Surveillance
Mangkunegara Employee relationship

(2011: 44)
Kasmir (2016: 208)

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Population and Sample
The population in this study were all 296 cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya
Indah. Writer use non-probability sampling techniques to remove samples that
don’t provide an opportunity for every agent or member of the population to be
selected as samples, with a type of positive purposive sampling is a specially
considered sample picking technique Sugiyono (2017: 120).

a. Classic Assumptions Test
1) Normality Test
The normality test for this data is needed because the results of the
static test (t-test or f test) will be presented into the parameters in the
2) The heteroscedasticity test is to see whether there are inequalities in
the variance of the variable residuals to other variables.
b. Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Linear regression analysis is an analysis used to determine the effect of
independent / independent variables on the dependent variable.
c. Hypothetical Test
1) Determination Coefficient (R2)
The coefficient of determination is used to be able to see how
much the level of influence between the independent variables on the
dependent variable. The formula for finding the coefficient of
determination (R2) is as follows [8]:
KD = 𝒓𝟐 x 100%
KD = Coefficient Determination
Value r2 = Coefficient Determination Value

The coefficient of determination is 0≤ r 2 ≤ 1 if the coefficient of

determination gets smaller or near zero means that the independent
variable does not affect the dependent variable at all. If the coefficient
of determination gets bigger or closer to one, it can be said that the
independent variable affects the dependent variable.
d. Significant t-Test
The t-test is used to find out how the independent variables affect the
dependent variable. So, the hypothesis is:
H0: Training did not significantly affect the performance of PT. Avia Jaya Indah
H1: Training significantly affect the performance of PT. Avia Jaya Indah

The t-test is a test method in statistics that is used to test the effect of
Training variables as independent variables on performance variables as
dependent variables. The usefulness of this t-test is to test whether the Training
variable (X) affect the performance of the Cleaner in PT. Avia Jaya Indah, using
the formula Sugiyono (2017: 223)
𝑟√𝑛 − 2
√1 − 𝑟2
Description :
r = Coefficient regression
n = The number of respondents t = Hypothetical test

In this study the basis of a cleaner’s performance in determining a hypothesis is
based on T-test:
a) If statistic –t table ≤ t count ≤ t table, then 𝐻0 receive 𝐻1ignore.
b) If statistic t count ≤ -t table, then 𝐻0 ignore 𝐻1receive.

4. Research Result
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
Table 4.1
Total Respondent’s Answer to Training Variables
Sub-Variable Total Score Ideal Score Percentage
Training 4248 5920 71.75%
Quality of 2066 2960 69.79%
Training 2117 2960 71.51%
Training 2087 2960 70.05%
Training 2040 2960 68.91%
Total 12558 17760 70.40%

Figure 4.1
Training Variable Continuum Line

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

Very Not Quite Good Very
Not Good Good Good

Ideally, the expected score for the respondent's answer to 12 statements is

17750. From the calculation in the table shows the value obtained 12558 or
70.40% of the ideal score is 17750. Thus, the Training variable is in the good
Table 4.2
Total Respondent’s Answer to Performance Variables

Sub-Variables Total Score Ideal Score Percentage

Quality 4046 5920 68.33%

Quantity 1981 2960 66.92%
Time 2690 4440 60.17%
Emphasis Fee 1989 2960 67.19%
Surveillance 929 1480 62.77%
Employee Very 1729
Not Quite 2960
Good Very 58.40%
Relationship Not Good Good Good
Total Good 13364 20720 63.96%
Figure 4.2

Performance Variable Continuum Line

20% 36% 52% 68% 84% 100%

The table above illustrates the responses of respondents regarding Training.

Based on the results of the
processing presented in the
table above, it can be seen that
the total score of the Training is

4.2 Test of Classical


a. Normality Test

Figure 4.3

K-S Normality Test

From the
table in the asymp
line. Sig obtained

significance value of the Unstandardized Residual variable of 0.200, where the

significance value is more than 0.05, which means that Ho is accepted or the data
from each variable is normally distributed.

b. Heteroscedasticity Test
Figure 4.4

Heteroscedasticity Scatterplot Test

From the scatterplots, the graph shows that the points spread randomly and
spread both above and below the number 0 on the Y-axis. It can be concluded that
there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model so that a decent regression
model is used to predict the dependent variable based on the input of the
independent variable.

c. Simple Linear Regression Test

Figure 4.5

Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Based on the output

of SPSS 26 above, the
value of a (Constant) is obtained at 2.835, and the value of b (Regression
Coefficient) is 1.002. Thus a simple linear regression equation can be formed as
Y '= 2,835 + 1,002X
The values a and b in the above equation can be interpreted as follows:
a = 2,835, which means: if Training is constant or there are no changes,
then Performance will be worth 2,835.
b = 1.002, which means: if training increases, then Performance will
increase by 1.002.

4.3 Correlation Coefficient Test

Figure 4.6

Correlation Coefficient Test

From the results of calculations that have been done, obtained the correlation
coefficient between the variable Training (X) to Performance (Y) of r = 0.713.
Based on the interpretation table of the correlation coefficient, the results of the
correlation are in the interval 0.60 – 0.799, so this means there is a relationship
that is "Strong".

4.4 Hypothetical Testing

Figure 4.7

Partial t-Test

Based on the table above, it is known that there is a significant influence

between the Training (X) variable on Performance (Y) from the obtained t count
which is equal to 17.414 higher than the number of t table which is 1.650
(17.414>1.650 ) and the significant value obtained is 0.000 less than 0.05 (0,000

4.5 Coefficient of Determination

Figure 4.8

Coefficient of Determination Test

The results of
R Square = 0.508
means that the
Training variable
can be explained
by the Performance variable of 50.8% which is obtained from 0.508 x 100%,
meaning that Training is influenced by Performance variables of 50.8% while
49.2% is influenced by other factors not examined in this research.

5. Conclusion

Based on all of the research and result from the previous chapter to the
cleaners in PT. Avia Jaya Indah at Jakarta can be conclude, as follows:
1. From the respondent’s response for the training program, it can be seen
that training given by PT. Avia Jaya Indah is on good category or 70.40%
based on the calculation and the research from the responses. From research
the training in PT. Avia Jaya Indah can be conclude is understandable for the
2. The cleaner’s performance in PT. Avia Jaya Indah based on the
respondent’s response is on quite good category or 63.96% but have an
opposite result with the training result. From the previous chapter, pilot study,
and questionnaires the survey result is different with the reality on the cleaner
working performance. Due to the questionnaires result show the cleaner agree
with the training held by the company is good, but there is a degradation of
performance from the cleaners in 2018-2019 that conclude the training held
by the company not enough adequate to increase the cleaners performance
only considered enough by the cleaners but not in the reality.
3. From the research and calculation test can be seen that training and
performance have “Strong” relationship and link to each other. Although the
performance result from the company data have an opposite result with the
questionnaires result. The training have an influenced to the performance
variables by 50.8% but the differentiation cause is there is another factor that
affect the cleaner’s performance by 42.2% according to the analysis but can
be seen also that performance worth value 2,835 is can be build up by 1,002
value if the training is upgrade or increase.


[1] Hasibuan. (2013). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Bumi

[2]Kasmir. (2016). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Teori dan
Praktik). Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3] Mangkunegara, A. (2011). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Bandung: Rosda.
[4]Indrawati. (2015). Metode Penelitian Manajemen dan Bisnis. Bandung:
PT. Refika Aditama.
[5]Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.
Bandung: Alfabeta.


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