Distalizacion Molares

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Original Article

Biomechanics of a Distal Jet Appliance

Theoretical Considerations and In Vitro Analysis of Force Systems

Gero S. M. Kinzingera; Peter R. Diedrichb

Objective: To analyze the forces and moments acting in the first molar region, induced by the
Distal Jet appliance for maxillary molar distalization.
Materials and Methods: Over a working section of 3 mm with reactivation of the loaded spring
systems, the force systems of three laboratory-fabricated appliances of identical design were
analyzed with a 3D metering device.
Results: The force systems registered in vitro exhibited complex biomechanics. Regular reacti-
vation of the loaded coils resulted in consistent distalizing forces and uprighting moments, in forces
and moments toward buccal as well as slightly intrusive forces, and mesial-inwardly rotating mo-
ments. In the sagittal dimension, the Distal Jet appliance allows almost translatory molar distali-
zation. Accordingly, applying uprighting activation is not necessary for treatment. Because of the
application of the force palatal to the center of resistance of the molars, the teeth experience
undesired mesial-palatal and distal-facial rotation.
Conclusions: The Distal Jet appliance allows almost translatory distal molar movement, and
uprighting activation is not necessary for treatment. The force applied palatal to the center of
resistance of the molars produces an undesired mesial-palatal and distal-facial rotation. Regular
intraoral coil spring reactivation is needed.
KEY WORDS: Distal Jet; Molar distalization; Force-moment measurements

INTRODUCTION ond premolars. A bayonet wire is inserted into the lin-

gual sheath of each first molar band and the free end
Compliance-dependent appliances (headgear, re- is inserted into the tubes, much like a piston. A nickel-
movable plate appliances) were traditionally used for titanium open-coil spring and an activation collar are
upper molar distalization. For over a decade, various placed around each tube. Compressing the coil spring
innovative appliances have been described that are generates a distally directed force. The activation col-
worn only intraorally, are placed to remain fixed tem- lar is retracted and the mesial setscrew in each collar
porarily, and make treatment success independent of is locked onto the tube to maintain the force. The ac-
patient compliance. tive components have to be placed palatally. Ideally,
One of these appliances is the Distal Jet (American they result in lines of force running close to the center
Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis).1–3 The Distal Jet con- of resistance of the molars. As opposed to the cervical
sists of a bilateral piston and tube arrangement, with headgear with which molar distalization can be
the tube embedded in an acrylic Nance button in the achieved only as a combination of dental crown tipping
palate, supported by attachments on the first or sec- with subsequent root uprighting, the biomechanics of
the appliance should, in theory, allow translatory molar
Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University distalization.
of Aachen RWTH, Aachen, Germany. The aim of this study was to investigate the suit-
Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics, University ability of the Distal Jet for translatory distalization of
of Aachen RWTH, Aachen, Germany.
the upper molars. To do so, in vitro analysis of the
Corresponding author: Priv.-Doz. Dr Gero Kinzinger, Depart-
ment of Orthodontics, University of Aachen RWTH, Pauwelsstr. forces and moments exercised on the first molars was
30, D-52074 Aachen, Germany performed. Based on the results of the series of mea-
(e-mail: gkinzinger@ukaachen.de) surements, the efficiency of regular intraoral reactiva-
Accepted: August 2007. Submitted: June 2007. tion of the loaded compression springs is discussed
 2008 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, along with the potential necessity to preactivate the
Inc. appliance (uprighting activation, toe-in bend).

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008 676 DOI: 10.2319/061807-285.1


At the start of the measurement series, the 3D sen-

sor was connected to the sheath element of the spe-
cial bracket using a clamping device and was then
maintained in this position relative to the molar with a
retainer. The measurement sensor at the heart of the
metering device simultaneously sensed six compo-
nents (3 forces and 3 moments) within a range of up
to 10 N and 100 N mm with a resolution of 0.05 N and
0.1 N mm. The signals obtained from the meter were
digitized by the data retrieval unit and then forces and
moments were computed based on the calibration ma-
trix. The values were subsequently processed on a
portable metering computer. Three Distal Jet applianc-
es each were constructed in the dental laboratory.
The loaded coil systems of the Distal Jet appliances
were rigidly fixed to the artificial maxilla by two pre-
molar bands and a screw at a median location, which
simulated an orthodontic implant. The forces that the
preactivated loaded spring systems exercised on the
first molars were measured. Measurements were per-
formed in all three spatial dimensions along a 3 mm
distalization section by taking measurements every 0.5
mm. By reactivating the load of the compression
springs, the distalization force of 200 cN was kept con-
sistent over the entire length of distalization. Additional
treatment-related preactivations (uprighting activation,
toe-in bend) were not performed. Each Distal Jet ap-
pliance was registered four times on each side, ie, the
appliance type was measured 24 times overall.
The components tooth, band, and palatal sheath
were regarded as rigid. Because the midpoint of the
Figure 1. In vitro measurement: artificial jaw as anchorage unit and system of coordinates of the sensor and the point
electrothermodynamic molars, rigidly fixed Distal Jet appliance, cou-
where the force of the loaded coil systems is applied
pled force-moment sensor. Distal Jet design: bilateral piston and
tube arrangement, tube embedded in an acrylic Nance button, sup- to the palatal sheath of the molar band are not iden-
ported by attachments on the first premolars; a bayonet wire inserted tical, values were recalculated to match the midpoint
into the lingual sheath of each first molar band, the free end inserted of the palatal sheath using a conversion chart. It has
into the tubes; a clamp-spring assembly around the tube, exerting a to be noted that the dental arch of the artificial maxilla
distal force on the first molar.
ended at the six-year molars. Therefore, since the de-
sign did not include second and third molars, the
MATERIALS AND METHODS movement occurred free of any interference from dis-
tally neighboring teeth. The reactive forces and mo-
In Vitro Measurement
ments on the anchorage setup were not registered.
The test setup comprised the following components: The data from the measuring series were registered
artificial maxilla of pressurized polymer with 10 rigidly and stored by the data readout unit. To facilitate inter-
fixed teeth as the anchorage unit, two electrothermo- pretation of the results and for biomechanical analysis,
dynamic molars,4 electronic measuring unit for thermal the system of coordinates and the conventions gov-
control and regulation,4 sensor unit with a force-mo- erning signs were selected in accordance with the rec-
ment sensor, analog/digital converter, and data read- ommendations of Burstone and Koenig.8 All mesially
out unit (Figure 1).5–7 To perform the measurements, or buccally directed and extruding forces and all mo-
prefabricated orthodontic metal bands were fitted to ments inducing mesial-inwardly rotating and buccally
the molars, and a special bracket (Dentaurum, Isprin- rotating movements of the tooth crown and uprighting
gen, Germany) was laser-attached to each of the of the root are preceded by a positive sign. All con-
bands. Applying a defined voltage to the electrother- trary, distally, or lingually directed and intrusive forces
modynamic molars warmed them and liquefied the and moments inducing mesial-outwardly rotating or
Kerr wax in their immediate vicinity. palatally rotating crown movements are given a neg-

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008


Figure 2. Distalization force Fz (means). Figure 4. Vertical force Fy (means).

Figure 3. Sagittal tipping moment Mx (means). Figure 5. Buccally/palatally acting moment Mz (means).

ative sign. The x-axis shows tooth movements in the

transverse, the y-axis in the vertical, and the z-axis in
the sagittal plane.

Statistical Analysis
The arithmetic means and the standard deviations
were determined for each variable of the forces and
moments. Measuring series designed for calibration of
the sensor system have shown that the total error of
electrical measurement was ⬍2%.5

Details on in vitro measurement are shown in Fig-
Figure 6. Transverse force Fx (means).
ures 2 through 7 and Table 1. In the course of the
series of measurements, the distalization force Fz was
consistently kept at 200 cN by regular reactivation of The vertical force Fy amounts to ⫺21 cN at start and,
the loaded compression coils. The moment Mx acting accordingly, has an intrusive effect. It remains relative-
in the sagittal plane causes the molar to upright with ly stable until a distalization length of 1 mm is com-
initially high values of a mean 1718 cN mm which drop pleted, and then drops consistently to approximate
to 572 cN mm over the distalization length of 3 mm. zero. The moment Mz causes a steadily increasing

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008


arch in the spongy alveoli. In the sagittal plane, the

line of force which is a result of the application of the
force ⫺FD should ideally run through the center of re-
sistance of the first molar (Figure 8A). An anatomic
advantage in this respect is patients with a deep pal-
ate. No uprighting activation is necessary, which
means that the corresponding vertical forces and mo-
ments exercised on the anchorage setup are nonex-
The distalization force ⫺FD is counter-acted by a
force FA in the opposite direction that should be ab-
sorbed by the anchorage design as far as possible, in
order to avoid undesired side effects (mesial move-
ment of the anchorage teeth).
Figure 7. Mesially/distally acting moment My (means). The distalization force ⫺FD is applied in the horizon-
tal dimension at the palatal sheath of the molar band.
This results in a mesiopalatal and distobuccal torque
buccal coronal torque. The force Fx applied in the MR being exercised on the molars, which is the product
transverse dimension initially amounts to 97 cN and of the force ⫺FD multiplied by the vertical distance
acts toward buccal. When the loaded springs are re- from the center of resistance of the molar (Figure 8B).
activated, the force values remain almost constant. Under the influence of the moment MR, the molar ex-
The molars experience a mesially rotating moment My periences a therapeutically undesired mesial-inwardly
decreasing in the course of distalization (initially 700 and distal-outwardly rotation in the course of distali-
cN mm; after 3 mm, 200 cN mm). zation.
In theory, this effect can be compensated by making
DISCUSSION the application of a counter-moment part of the treat-
Distal molar movement should ideally be translatory, ment. A toe-in bend incorporated directly into the wing
since histologic and clinical studies, just as finite ele- of the arc section generates a moment ⫺Mti acting me-
ment analyses, have shown that bodily tooth move- siobuccally and distopalatally on the first molar and
ments compromise the hard tissue less than tipping counter-acting the mesiopalatal and distobuccal mo-
movements because of the more balanced distribution ment MR. At the same time, however, the moment ⫺Mti
of force application across the surface.9–16 It has yet to acts onto the bayonet wire itself and causes friction in
be seen if the biomechanics of the Distal Jet allows the guide tube of the appliance (Figure 8C). This effect
bodily, translatory movement of the molars toward dis- was verified on the cast and by the in vitro measure-
tal and if supporting treatment measures (uprighting ments. The result is adhesion from tilting that substan-
activation, toe-in bend) have to be taken. tially reduces distalization force and would hamper the
One of the decisive factors of optimum effectiveness distal movement of the tooth in clinical application.
of the Distal Jet is its accurate construction in the den- Although it is therapeutically desirable, the incorpo-
tal laboratory: in every quadrant, the loaded coil sys- ration of a toe-in bend should be avoided. Based on
tems have to be adjusted individually and three-di- the appliance-specific biomechanics, it can be as-
mensionally according to the position of the dental sumed that the first molar experiences a slight mesial-

Table 1. Forces and Moments Measured in Vitro at the Distal Jet Appliancea
0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3
Forces (F), cN / Moments M, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
Fx (transversal force) 24 97 51 104 60 106 71 104 70 113 66 103 59 101 64
My (mesially/distally acting
moment) 24 700 1305 614 1049 367 976 425 910 611 1212 490 1014 200 898
Fy (vertical force) 24 ⫺21 17 ⫺22 14 ⫺24 19 ⫺16 19 ⫺10 22 ⫺3 22 ⫺1 18
Mz (buccally/palatally acting
moment) 24 ⫺95 226 ⫺22 232 83 314 151 321 294 397 317 350 358 430
Fz (distalization force) 24 ⫺201 2 ⫺201 2 ⫺202 1 ⫺201 1 ⫺201 1 ⫺200 2 ⫺200 1
Mx (sagittal tipping moment) 24 1718 366 1395 440 1309 570 997 516 769 619 524 643 572 504
N indicates number of measurements; M, mean; SD, standard deviation.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008


inwardly and distal-outwardly rotation in the course of

Results obtained from the in vitro measurements
confirm the theoretical assumptions on the biome-
chanics. Over a distalization length of 3 mm, the dis-
talization force Fz remained consistent thanks to reg-
ular reactivation of the loaded coil systems. In the sag-
ittal plane, the combination of the consistently applied
distal force of 200 cN plus a mesial inclining moment
Mx allows an almost bodily movement of the tooth with
uprighting effects for the dental root.
In the vertical dimension, a slightly intrusive force is
acting at first, but consistently reduces in the course
of the distalization. In parallel, the molar experiences
buccal rotation. In the transverse plane, a consistent
force toward buccal and a mesial rotating moment
cause a combination of a buccal movement and a
therapeutically undesired mesial-inwardly rotation of
the six-year molar.
Clinical studies on the Distal Jet that are available
today17–20 have confirmed the mesial-inwardly rotation
of the molars, but have also shown, as opposed to the
results of the in vitro analysis, that in the sagittal plane
the six-year molars experience slight distal tipping of
the tooth crown rather than root uprighting.
Regarding appliance construction, the location of
the center of resistance, the orientation of the distal-
izing force, the anatomy of the palate, and the position
of the germs of the maxillary second molars are all
variables that influence molar tipping during distaliza-
tion. The effects of these factors may explain the var-
iation in results described in previous clinical studies
on the Distal Jet.
However, the extent of distal tipping as reported in
the clinical studies is very small. Therefore, uprighting
activation is not needed during treatment. A potential
analogy to the toe-in bend was verified in vitro and
was found to occur insofar as the bayonet wire creates
friction in the guiding tube. This hampers the distali-
zation just as the toe-in. Rather, clinical practice
should aim to perform an overcorrection distalizing the
molars to a super Class I relationship, in order for them
to be mesially uprighted to neutroclusion during the
final stage of treatment. Subsequent to the Distal Jet
treatment, molar derotation should be performed with
an appropriate appliance, such as a transpalatal arch
or a bihelix.

Figure 8. Biomechanic approximations of the force systems acting

in the horizontal and the sagittal dimensions. (A) Distalization of the
first molar under the influence of the loaded coil system in the sag-
ittal plane. (B) Distalization of the first molar under the influence of
the loaded coil system in the horizontal plane. (C) Effects of a toe-
in bend in the horizontal plane.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008


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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 78, No 4, 2008

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