Distalizacion Molares
Distalizacion Molares
Distalizacion Molares
Objective: To analyze the forces and moments acting in the first molar region, induced by the
Distal Jet appliance for maxillary molar distalization.
Materials and Methods: Over a working section of 3 mm with reactivation of the loaded spring
systems, the force systems of three laboratory-fabricated appliances of identical design were
analyzed with a 3D metering device.
Results: The force systems registered in vitro exhibited complex biomechanics. Regular reacti-
vation of the loaded coils resulted in consistent distalizing forces and uprighting moments, in forces
and moments toward buccal as well as slightly intrusive forces, and mesial-inwardly rotating mo-
ments. In the sagittal dimension, the Distal Jet appliance allows almost translatory molar distali-
zation. Accordingly, applying uprighting activation is not necessary for treatment. Because of the
application of the force palatal to the center of resistance of the molars, the teeth experience
undesired mesial-palatal and distal-facial rotation.
Conclusions: The Distal Jet appliance allows almost translatory distal molar movement, and
uprighting activation is not necessary for treatment. The force applied palatal to the center of
resistance of the molars produces an undesired mesial-palatal and distal-facial rotation. Regular
intraoral coil spring reactivation is needed.
KEY WORDS: Distal Jet; Molar distalization; Force-moment measurements
Figure 3. Sagittal tipping moment Mx (means). Figure 5. Buccally/palatally acting moment Mz (means).
Statistical Analysis
The arithmetic means and the standard deviations
were determined for each variable of the forces and
moments. Measuring series designed for calibration of
the sensor system have shown that the total error of
electrical measurement was ⬍2%.5
Details on in vitro measurement are shown in Fig-
Figure 6. Transverse force Fx (means).
ures 2 through 7 and Table 1. In the course of the
series of measurements, the distalization force Fz was
consistently kept at 200 cN by regular reactivation of The vertical force Fy amounts to ⫺21 cN at start and,
the loaded compression coils. The moment Mx acting accordingly, has an intrusive effect. It remains relative-
in the sagittal plane causes the molar to upright with ly stable until a distalization length of 1 mm is com-
initially high values of a mean 1718 cN mm which drop pleted, and then drops consistently to approximate
to 572 cN mm over the distalization length of 3 mm. zero. The moment Mz causes a steadily increasing
Table 1. Forces and Moments Measured in Vitro at the Distal Jet Appliancea
0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3
Forces (F), cN / Moments M, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
Fx (transversal force) 24 97 51 104 60 106 71 104 70 113 66 103 59 101 64
My (mesially/distally acting
moment) 24 700 1305 614 1049 367 976 425 910 611 1212 490 1014 200 898
Fy (vertical force) 24 ⫺21 17 ⫺22 14 ⫺24 19 ⫺16 19 ⫺10 22 ⫺3 22 ⫺1 18
Mz (buccally/palatally acting
moment) 24 ⫺95 226 ⫺22 232 83 314 151 321 294 397 317 350 358 430
Fz (distalization force) 24 ⫺201 2 ⫺201 2 ⫺202 1 ⫺201 1 ⫺201 1 ⫺200 2 ⫺200 1
Mx (sagittal tipping moment) 24 1718 366 1395 440 1309 570 997 516 769 619 524 643 572 504
N indicates number of measurements; M, mean; SD, standard deviation.
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