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Evaluation of force systems from a “free-end”

force system
Barbara Lisniewska-Machorowska,a James Cannon,b Stephen Williams,c and Hans-Peter Bantleond
Katowice, Poland, Clermont, Georgia, and Wiener Neustadt and Vienna, Austria

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical characteristics of a V-bend
wire configuration in a free-end system, ie, with 1 end mounted in an orthodontic tube and the other loosely
ligated to a bracket. The effects of V-bend position and size, wire dimension, method of ligation, and the
inclusion of a second wire in the system were examined. Methods: Samples of various wire configurations
were mounted in a bench testing machine to measure moments and forces at both ends in a standardized
configuration resembling a 2-premolar extraction clinical case incorporating a special bracket with a second,
frictionless slot. The position of the V-bend was altered in 1.0-mm intervals. Results: Moments were created
at the posterior end, resulting in intrusive forces anteriorly that induced moments on the anterior block. The
sizes of the moments and forces were increased in connection with posterior positioning of the V-bend,
increase in the wire dimension and the V-bend sizes, although they were reduced and stabilized by the
inclusion of a second nickel-titanium wire. The double wire system created clinically revelant moments and
forces. Conclusions: The V-bend in a free-end system can create variable moments and forces that can be
used clinically in intrusion and space-closing procedures but should be measured and monitored closely.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;133:791.e1-791.e10)

n efficient orthodontic appliance causes a 3-di- dated into units), authors have reported the develop-
mensional controlled tooth movement with all ment of moments by means of V-bends7,8 and de-
parts of the tooth moving in a direction prede- scribed how, if an angled piece of wire is placed
termined by the treatment goal.1 Expressed biome- between 2 brackets, moments are created on both teeth.
chanically, orthodontic movement is the result of the If, however, the wire is placed in 1 bracket only and
combination of force vectors determining direction and ligated loosely to the other bracket (ie, not inserted into
moments that result in rotational movements of the the slot of the bracket), an alternative biomechanical
teeth in all planes.2,3 These often act as antitipping system is created: a free-end force system, whereby
moments in connection with forces used for space moments are created only at 1 end of the system. The
closure or anchorage preparation. The nature of the resulting imbalance in moments creates forces, at both
tooth movement—parallel movement or tipping—is the ends of the system, equally and oppositely directed.
result of the ratio between these 2 factors, the moment- The invention of a twin wire system, based on a
to-force (M/F) ratio.4 specially developed bracket (Cannon Ultra, Orthodon-
In the edgewise technique, the creation of moments tic Design and Production Inc [OPD], Vista, Calif)
is facilitated by the engagement of a rectangular wire in (Fig 1), with the traditional edgewise slot supplemented
the bracket slot (torque). Because of the limitations of by a gingivally placed interactive slot, combines a
this system, techniques have been developed so that continuous “universal auxiliary” wire (usually 0.018-in
additional moments can be added with auxiliary wires5 nickel-titanium) with a “vertical stabilization wire,”
and by the activation of certain springs.6 basically a steel wire with a V-bend, to create a moment
In an experimental simulation of the M/F system system. The latter wire, empirically determined, should
acting between 2 teeth (or 2 groups of teeth consoli- be 0.018-in stainless steel, and a V-bend of 25° is
Head, Department of Orthodontics, Medical University Silesian, Katowice, recommended (Fig 2, C). The V-bend should be cen-
Private practice, Clermont, Georgia.
tered between the first and second premolars, placed
Private practice, Wiener Neustadt, Austria. distally into a buccal tube on the first molar, and ligated
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University Dental School, Vienna, loosely in the interactive slot of the brackets, creating a
Reprint requests to: Stephen Williams, Hauptplatz 29, 2700 Wiener Neustadt,
free-end force system and therefore vertical forces.9
Austria; e-mail, williams@cnet.at. The purpose of this study was to investigate
Submitted, August 2007; revised and accepted, November 2007. experimentally the moment and force systems cre-
Copyright © 2008 by the American Association of Orthodontists. ated by a disassociated biomechanical configuration,
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2007.11.022 based on the Cannon Ultra bracket system. The
791.e2 Lisniewska-Machorowska et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 2008

Fig 1. Lateral view of the Cannon Ultra bracket with the

steel archwire held in the interactive slot by the steel

experimental procedure was intended to investigate

the following.
1. The size of the vertical forces and moments at the
anterior and posterior positions (corresponding to Fig 2. A, Bench testing machine used in this study.
the incisors and buccal anchorage units) by using a A and B are the posterior sensors, and C is the
anterior sensor. B, Detail showing simulated anterior
standard 0.018-in vertical stabilization wire of
arch section with brackets soldered to the supporting
stainless steel with a 25° V-bend. The effect of wire; C, detail showing the V-bend.
altering the position of the V-bend relative to the
posterior block should also be evaluated.
2. The effect of altering the size of the V-bend on the program measuring to an accuracy of 0.1 mm. The
moments and forces created. posterior centers could be raised and lowered in relation
3. The effect of altering the diameter of the active to the anterior centers and the anteroposterior distance
wire. between the centers A, B, and C could be altered
4. The effect of altering the method of ligation on the electronically. The software especially developed for
parameters measured. the machinery enabled the measurement and numerical
5. The effect of the universal auxiliary wire (twin-wire display of forces to 0.1 cN and moments to 0.1 cN
system) on the parameters measured. millimeter.
To simulate 6 anterior teeth (canines and incisors),
MATERIAL AND METHODS 6 brackets were soldered on 1.1-mm hardened steel
The experimental procedure comprised the bench wire (Fig 2, B), in a configuration resembling brackets
testing of the steel archwire (vertical stabilization) with on anterior maxillary teeth. This bar was soldered to a
the built-in V-bend, placed between 2 sections, repre- pin that in turn was connected to the anterior sensor
senting the anterior and posterior sections of an orth- (C). The distance of the bar to the pin was set at 3.5
odontic space-closing system, assuming that a premolar mm, representing a typical distance of incisor brackets
was extracted bilaterally. A purpose-built bench testing to the center of resistance of an anterior group of
machine (Fig 2, A) was used, and 3 sensors at A, B, and maxillary teeth described by Vanden Bulcke et al.10,11
C were used to measure both forces and moments at A typical V-bend section to be investigated was
these points. The relative position of the 3 sensors was mounted in the bench testing machine in Figure 2, C. A
adjustable with a computer-aided built-in mechanical hardened 0.018-in steel wire was prepared with a
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Lisniewska-Machorowska et al 791.e3
Volume 133, Number 6

V-bend angulation of 25°, which was controlled very In the first, the vertical stabilization wire was
precisely with a template (insert in Fig 3, A). The ligated to all 6 brackets: from maxillary canine to
posterior segment consisted of a special double molar canine and, in the second. ligated only at the central
tube of the type used with the Cannon Ultra system and incisors.
a bracket of the special Cannon Ultra type at a position 5. In the final part of the study, we considered the
corresponding to the second premolar. effect of placement of the universal auxiliary
Before the placement of the wire and the experi- wire (100 g nickel-titanium, Sentalloy, GAC) in
mental measurement of moments and forces, the mea- the standard edgewise slot, as recommended in the
suring system was calibrated to zero. The wire was instruction manual.9 For this part of the study, record-
mounted as in Figure 2, B, and engaged anteriorly by ings were made with an 0.018-in stainless steel wire
means of elastic ligatures in the interactive slot of all 6 with a 25° V-bend (standard wire).
anterior Ultra brackets. The V-bends were placed 4.0
All readings in every configuration were repeated,
mm mesially of the brackets on the posterior section,
and the averages of the first and second readings were
corresponding to the mesiodistal midpoint on the (ex-
used in the statistical analysis of the results.
tracted) first premolars. Since our aim was to evaluate
All results were entered manually in an Excel
the force system derived from this vertical stabilization
(version 6.0, Microsoft, Redmond, Wash) file, and
wire, no arch was placed in the standard edgewise slot
calculations and graphic representations of the results
with the exception of 1 in the final stage of the
were made with this program.
Moments and forces were measured at the 3 sen-
sors, initially in the position described above (position RESULTS
0.0), and the posterior segment was subsequently The results of the experiment are shown in Figures
moved closer to the anterior censor, in 3 stages of 1.0 3 through 7. The results will be reviewed in the order of
mm (0 to ⫺3.0 mm in Figs 3-7). The machine was then the stages of the investigation stated in the introduction.
reset to the original configuration, and the simulated The moments and forces created as a result of the
anterior section (sensor C) was pulled anteriorly, away V-bend in a free-end force system situation with a
from A and B, in increments of 1.0 mm to a maximum standard wire are shown in Figure 3. In the “zero
of 3.0 mm. This standard series of measurements was position,” the posterior moment was on average
performed for each wire. Since the results for A and B 1598.80 cN millimeter, resulting in a vertical force of
were almost identical, the average of the readings of the 191.30 cN intrusively on the anterior section and
2 sides was used. The entire procedure was carried out extrusively on the posterior section. (In a state of
at room temperature. equilibrium, the force on the posterior section is always
Based on this standard series of readings, the equal and opposite to the force on the anterior section;
following stages of the experiment were performed. for the sake of brevity, only the force acting on the
anterior section will be described.) The vertical force
1. The first part of the experiment was intended to again created an anterior moment of 1532.80 cN
investigate the properties of the standard wire: an millimeter. As the V-bend was brought closer to the
0.018-in stainless steel wire with a 25° V-bend over posterior segment, the size of the posterior moment
the range of distances described previously. increased to 2226.70 cN millimeter, increasing the vertical
2. To evaluate the effect of variation in the size of force to a maximum of 312.03 cN and the anterior
V-bend, the procedure was repeated with V-bend moment to 3277.70 cN millimeter. The opposite was seen
angulations of 25° (standard), 20°, and 30°. when the anterior segment was pulled away from the
3. The effect of variation of the dimension and type of posterior segment in 1.0-mm intervals; the posterior mo-
wire was investigated by using 3 wires: an 0.018-in ment fell to 1070.60 cN millimeter, with a decrease in
hardened steel wire (standard wire), an 0.018-in vertical force to 96.59 cN and an anterior moment of
Australian wire (A.J. Wilcock, Whittlesea, Victo- 561.50 cN millimeter.
ria, Australia), and a 0.016-in Australian wire (A.J. For the effect of variation in the angulation of the
Wilcock). These 3 types of wire were all shaped V-bend on the sizes of the vertical forces and moments
with a 25° V-bend and tested through the standard involved, the results are shown in Figure 4. It can be
series of positions. seen that the greater the V-bend, the greater the
4. Since it was thought that the method of ligation of moment. In the zero position at the 25° V-bend, an
the active wire to the anterior section could be average moment of 1598.80 cN millimeter was re-
important, 2 experimental situations were created. corded, which was reduced to 1328.50 cN millimeter
791.e4 Lisniewska-Machorowska et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 2008

Fig 3. A, Vertical forces with standard wire with variable V-bend position relative to the posterior
segment (standard procedure); B, moment anteriorly and posteriorly with variable V-bend position
relative to the posterior segment (standard procedure).

with the V-bend at 20° and increased to 1778.40 cN moment steel, 1532.80 cN millimeter; Australian wire,
millimeter with a 30° V-bend. Figure 4 shows clearly 151.70 cN millimeter). Comparing 2 slightly different
the resulting changes in vertical forces (at 30°, a dimensions (0.016 and 0.018 in) of a similar material, it
maximum of 402.70 cN; at 20°, a maximum of 231.06 can be seen that, even for this small change in dimen-
cN) and corresponding anterior moments (at 30°, a sion, a clear mechanical difference can be measured.
maximum of 3731.40 cN millimeter; at 20°, a maxi- The posterior moments (average) in the zero position
mum of 2414.30 cN millimeter). are reduced from 1193.50 cN to 727.65 cN millimeter
The effect of variation in wire dimension is shown with a difference in the force range in the thicker
in Figure 5. The results show clearly that the thicker dimension from 55.49 to 239.43 cN, whereas in the
(stiffer) the wire, the greater the forces and moments. thinner dimension the range was 32.91 to 143.00 cN.
Comparing the steel wire (hardened steel, 0.018 in) The parallelism of the lines in Figure 5, A, demonstrates
with the same dimension of Australian wire, both that the difference is clear irrespective of the position of
moments and forces seem to be lower in the Australian the V-bend.
wire (posterior moment steel, 1598.80 cN millimeter; The results of the 2 methods of ligation are shown
Australian wire, 193.50 cN millimeter; vertical force in Figure 6. Ligating the vertical stabilization wire at
steel, 191.30 cN; Australian wire, 128.45 cN; anterior the incisors alone, making the free length of wire
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Lisniewska-Machorowska et al 791.e5
Volume 133, Number 6

Fig 4. A, Vertical forces with variable V-bend size during standard procedure; B, moments
anteriorly and posteriorly with variable V-bend size during standard procedure.

effectively longer, reduced the moment and force lev- from 1598.80 to 1076.11 cN millimeter, with a reduc-
els. The posterior moments in the zero position were tion of the vertical force from 191.30 to 72.43 cN. The
1118.70 cN millimeter when the wire was ligated at the variation in moments and forces as a result of the
central incisors and 1254.15 cN millimeter when li- anteroposterior adjustment of V-bend position was
gated to all brackets. The vertical force created in the negligible.
zero position when only the central incisors were
ligated was 96.95 cN, but this increased to 152.30 cN
when ligated to all teeth. Variations in moments and DISCUSSION
forces related to the position of the V-bend relative to Orthodontic movement of single teeth or tooth
the posterior segment showed the same pattern as groups is based on the establishment of an optimal M/F
described previously. ratio,4 which is related to the concept of the center of
The final topic was the effect of a light nickel- resistance.12 Orthodontic forces, being usually applied
titanium wire in the main edgewise slot as suggested by at the bracket at a distance from the center of resistance,
the manufacturer.9 The results showed clearly reduc- give rise to tipping moments which must be counter-
tion and stabilizing of both moments and forces (Fig 7). acted by moments generated in the appliance itself.
For the standard 0.018-in wire with a 25° V-bend in the The relevance of the M/F ratio is clear in cases
zero position, the posterior moments were reduced requiring space closure, often after extraction, when
791.e6 Lisniewska-Machorowska et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 5. A, Vertical forces observed with active wires of variable wire dimension and type during
standard procedure; B, moments observed with active wires of variable wire dimension and type
during standard procedure.

high moments prevent tooth tipping and assist in On the experimental level it has been demonstrated
controlling the anchorage units.13 that moments and forces created when a straight wire
In the edgewise system and the many techniques was placed in brackets angulated in relation to each
derived from it, torque moments are generated by the other were directly related to the angle formed between
activation of rectangular wire in a well-fitting slot. bracket slot and wire.17 At the same time, it was shown
Alternatively, closing loops, among which the T-loop is that when the sum of the moments at the 2 brackets
well documented, have been designed to create mo- (which could also represent 2 consolidated groups of
ments, both in connection with the original shape teeth) was not zero, forces would be created (the law of
(residual moment) and their activation (activation mo- static equilibrium). A similar force system is created if
ments).14,15 Despite their careful construction, experi- a V-bend is placed between 2 parallel teeth or a step is
ments have shown that these springs can rarely create placed in the wire.7 In these cases, the size of the
M/F ratios large enough for parallel tooth movement, moment depends on the angulation of the V-bend, or
and the performance of these springs is poor at large step, and the relative sizes of the moments at the 2 ends
activations.13,16 In most cases, moments are created of the system depend on the centering of the V-bend, or
with vertical forces that must be controlled if unwanted step, between the centers of resistance of the 2 teeth.
extrusion of tooth groups is to be avoided. These findings and principles also apply to the T-loop.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Lisniewska-Machorowska et al 791.e7
Volume 133, Number 6

Fig 6. A, Vertical forces during standard procedure related to method of ligation; B, moments
observed during standard procedure related to method of ligation.

The majority of experiments on V-bends consider be created that can be used with anterior tooth retrac-
the situation where the wire is placed in brackets at tion or to create an anterior anchorage unit. To this end,
either end of the system creating a moment and force the Ultra system has an 0.018-in Australian wire with a
system at each end. If the wire is inserted into the 25° V-bend, acting in a separate, frictionless (interac-
bracket only at 1 end of the system and simply bound tive) slot. Although basically simple, the biomechanical
to the bracket (a loose joint such as a ligature wire), a system uses the sophisticated biomechanical principles
so-called free-end force system with a moment at only of the V-bend. The aim of this article was to test
1 end of the system is created, and, since the sum of the experimentally the properties of this clinical setup,
moments at both ends is not zero, forces are created. confirming the nature and direction of the forces and
This mechanism forms the basis of the intrusion system moments created, quantifying the forces and moments,
(base arch) described by Burstone.18 as well as evaluating the effects of modification of the
The double-slot bracket in the Ultra system facili- dimensions of the wire and the V-bend and the posi-
tates the creation of a free-end moment and force tioning of the V-bend relative to the posterior teeth.
system, where the forces acting on the anterior teeth The bench testing machine was the same as used in
will be in an intrusive direction. Since this force vector other studies of this type, and the experimental setup with
is anterior to the center of resistance of the incisors or brackets wire and ligation was made to resemble a typical
the anterior tooth group, a palatal tipping moment will clinical situation in a 2-premolar-extraction patient with
791.e8 Lisniewska-Machorowska et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 2008

Fig 7. A, Vertical forces during standard procedure when 0.018-in steel interactive wire was
combined with 0.018 ⫻ 0.025-in nickel-titanium wire; B, moments observed during standard
procedure when 0.018-in steel interactive wire was combined with 0.018 ⫻ 0.025-in nickel-titanium

spaces to be closed. Since the anterior teeth (brackets) relative to the anchorage section. These findings corrob-
were connected by stiff wire, they should be considered orate those of Kuhlberg and Burstone14 for the T-loop and
biomechanically as consolidated (ie, 1 tooth), thus Faulkner et al6 for the stepped straight wire. Posterior
simplifying the interpretation of the results. A repro- moments increased as the V-bend approximated the pos-
ducibility study showed that, although there was some terior section, which, in a clinical situation, would imply
variation in double determination readings, the method that, as incisors are retracted, posterior anchorage is
itself was suitable to demonstrate the factors intended.19 increased and intrusive forces on the incisors increase.
The first stage of the study confirmed the hypothesis Force levels were reduced to approximately 60% over the
that the creation of moments in a 2-ended free-end force 6-mm anteroposterior distance through which the standard
system would lead to the creation of intrusion forces on experimental procedure was run, although they were
the anterior section (balanced by extrusion forces on the always relatively high compared with recommended clin-
posterior section). The vertical forces were well in excess ical values. The actual size of the posterior-directed
of the values normally accepted for clinical incisor intru- moments at what would be the anchorage section clini-
sion (15-20 g per tooth),18 but both moments and forces cally compared favorably with those suggested by Romeo
were sensitive to changes in position of the V-bend and Burstone.20
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Lisniewska-Machorowska et al 791.e9
Volume 133, Number 6

The angulation of the V-bend played an important itself well to the creation of an optimal M/F system though
role; both moment and force sizes demonstrated clear intraoral measurement of moments and forces, the mea-
increases as the V-bend activation was increased (20°- surement of which can be recommended. Although the
25°-30°). The increase in posterior moments was ac- center of resistance applies to any tooth or teeth in
companied by a modest increase in vertical forces and connection with orthodontic therapy, the exact location of
anterior moments. The differences resulting from the this point is not possible, and tooth movement, even with
change in V-bend angulation were less significant as a well-calibrated biomechanical system, must always be
the anteroposterior distance increased; not only did the monitored carefully.
position of the V-bend to the posterior section change,
but also the effective length of the wire was altered. CONCLUSIONS
This implies that clinically the V-bend should be placed We demonstrated that a V-bend wire when inserted
farther distally where molar anchorage needs to be into an orthodontic tube at 1 end only will create
reinforced, although the resulting increase in intrusive moments at that end and vertical forces at the other.
forces on the incisors must be remembered. The sizes of the moments and the vertical forces are
The effect of wire stiffness expressed as the diam- increased when the angle of the V-bend or the thickness
eter was likewise clear; the thicker wire created greater of the wire is increased, or the V-bend is placed closer
moments and forces, and a relatively small change in to the orthodontic tube. In a simulated orthodontic
diameter (eg, from 0.016 to 0.018 in) resulted in virtual situation, the vertical forces, because they were not
doubling of the force and moments. The 0.018-in through the center of resistance of the anterior group,
stainless steel wire gave rise to greater forces and will create moments that can be used to create optimal
moments than the Australian wire, which is otherwise M/F ratios for space closure and anchorage preparation.
remarkable for its resilience; this is probably due to the
special hardened quality of the steel.
The method of ligation (to all 6 anterior brackets or
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