Cable Romper Web Pattern FA
Cable Romper Web Pattern FA
Cable Romper Web Pattern FA
MONTHS 3 6 9 12
To Fit Chest cm 40 45 50 53 55
Actual Size cm 42 47 52 55 57
Length (approx) cm 34 38 43 48 53
Sleeve Length
(approx) cm 4 4 4 5 5
(colour 38 Mauve) 2 2 2 3 3
Use only the yarn specified. Other yarns are likely to
produce different results. Quantities are approximate as
they can vary between knitters. Check the ball bands to
ensure all yarn is from the same dye lot.
22 sts and 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st,
using 4mm needles.
To work a tension square, using 4mm needles,
cast on 33 sts. BACK (BEG AT CROTCH) Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to
Work 44 rows stocking st. Cast off loosely. Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 17 (17-21- mark beg of side seams.
Check your tension carefully. 21-25) sts. Work 16 (10-12-10-12) rows.
If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles, if more 1st row – K2, * P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1. BEG SIDE SHAPING –
sts use larger needles. 2nd row – K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in foll
3rd row – Rib 2, * yfwd, K2tog, rib 4 (4-6- 14th (10th-10th-12th-12th) row 1 (2-2-2-2)
6-8), rep from * once, yfwd, K2tog, K1 … 3 times … 49 (53-59-63-65) sts.
SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS buttonholes. Cont until Back measures 23 (26-30-35-39) cm
C4F = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle Work 1 row rib. from beg, working last row on wrong side.
and leave at front of work, K2, then K2 from Change to 4mm needles.
Working in stocking st throughout, work 6 rows. Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every
C4B = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle
SHAPE LEG OPENINGS – foll 4th row 3 (2-1-0-2) times, then in every foll
and leave at back of work, K2, then K2 from
Next row – Cast on 3 (3-3-4-3) sts, work to alt row until 35 (35-37-37-39) sts rem.
cable needle.
last st, inc in last st. Work 1 row.
Rep last row once. DIVIDE FOR BACK OPENING –
Next row – Cast on 3 (4-4-4-4) sts, work to 1st row – K2tog, K15 (15-16-16-17), cast off
last st, inc in last st. one st, knit to last 2 sts, K2tog.
Rep last row 3 times … 41 (45-49-51-53) sts. Cont on these 16 (16-17-17-18) sts for left
Inc one st at each end of next 3 (3-3-5-3) rows, side of opening.
then in every foll alt row until there are 53 (59- Dec one st at raglan edge in foll alt row twice.
65-69-71) sts. Work 1 row.
Work 1 row.
= coloured thread
Join side and sleeve seams from coloured
threads, reversing seam for rolled band on
sleeves. With right side facing, using 3.25mm
needles, knit up 61 (67-69-73-75) sts evenly
around back leg and front leg openings
(including ends of rib bands at crotch).
Work 3 rows rib as for Back, beg with a 2nd row.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Rep on other leg opening.
DO NOT PRESS. Work a Stitched-Chain button
loop on right side of back opening. Sew 3
buttons to crotch and 1 button to back neck.
We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot be responsible for variations in individual work, human error or if yarn other than the recommended Patons yarn is used.
This publication is protected by copyright. Patons Cotton Blend 8 ply is a trade mark of The Australian Yarn Company. Yarn colours shown may vary on screen or when printing this document.