Categories of Exceptionality and Definitions: Purpose of The Standard
Categories of Exceptionality and Definitions: Purpose of The Standard
Categories of Exceptionality and Definitions: Purpose of The Standard
The board has produced a document "Criteria for the Identification and
Placement of Exceptional Students" which lists the ministry's categories and
definitions and describes the ways in which the board's IPRC applies them in
making decisions on identification and placement. This is included.
The revisions to the Categories and Definitions, MOET, January 1999, provide IPRCs
with the range of descriptions to enable students with exceptional learning conditions to
be so identified. This document provides further detail to the categories and definitions
provided by the Ministry, and guides IPRCs in interpreting these categories to make
appropriate identification and placement decisions.
An IPRC may identify students under the following categories and definitions:
1. Behaviour
2. Communication
• Learning Disabled
• Autistic
• Language Impairment
• Speech Impairment
• Hard of Hearing
3. Intellectual
• Gifted
• Mild Intellectual Disability
• Developmental Disability
4. Physical
• Blind-Low Vision
• Physical Disability
5. Multiple
Students are usually identified according to the primary need. Occasionally, a student
meets the criteria for identification for more than one exceptionality. In such cases the
IPRC may identify both exceptionalities. Students identified under any single category of
exceptionality may require placement in more than one special education program.
For example:
A learning disorder characterized by specific behaviour problems over such a period of
time, and to such a marked degree, and of such a nature, as to adversely affect
educational performance and that may be accompanied by one or more of the following:
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the North or South Behaviour IPRC for
identification and placement. Complete Appendix L for IRPC presentation.
• Secondary schools refer students to their own in-school IPRC for identification and
placement. Complete Appendix L for IRPC presentation.
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• The student’s behaviour management plan should be made available to the IPRC.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
a) disturbances in:
rate of educational development
ability to relate to the environment
perception, speech, and language
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the Field Office or Regional Special Programs
IPRC for identification and placement.
• Secondary schools refer students to their own in-school IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• All schools make referrals to the Regional Special Programs IPRC for identification
and placement.
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the Field Office IPRC or their In-School IPRC
for identification and placement.
• Secondary schools refer students to their own in-school IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the Field Office IPRC for identification and
• Secondary schools refer students to their own in-school IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
A learning disorder evident in both academic and social situations that involves one or
more of the processes necessary for the proper use of spoken language or the symbols
of communication, and that is characterized by a condition that:
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the Field Office IPRC or their In-School IPRC
for identification and placement.
• Secondary schools refer students to their own in-school IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to their In-School IPRC for identification and
placement, or to the Field Office IPRC if placement in an Enhanced Learning Class
is being considered. Secondary schools refer students to an IPRC at one of the
Regional Enhanced Learning Centres for identification and placement.
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
a) an ability to profit educationally within a regular class with the aid of considerable
curriculum modification and supportive service;
b) an inability to profit educationally within a regular class because of slow intellectual
c) a potential for academic learning, independent social adjustment and economic self-
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Elementary schools make referrals to the Field Office IPRC or their In-School IPRC
for identification and placement.
• Secondary schools refer students to their In-School IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Schools make referrals to the Regional Special Programs IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Schools make referrals to the Regional Special Programs IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
A condition of partial or total impairment of sight or vision that even with correction
affects educational performance adversely.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Schools make referrals to the Regional Special Programs IPRC for identification and
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
Referral Process
• Relevant and accurate information should be entered into the Special Education
Module so that a meaningful student profile can be used by the IPRC.
• Schools make referrals to the Regional Special Programs IPRC, or the Field Office
IPRC for identification and placement.
• If the student is already Exceptional, the IEP should be made available to the IPRC
for review.
• Parents should always be well informed of the IPRC process, its purpose, and
possible outcomes before proceeding with a referral.
• The IPRC may defer making identification or placement decisions if it feels that more
information is needed.
• Representatives from the referring school will manage the pre-meeting
communication and record-keeping.
NOTE: In Peel, IPRCs may continue to identify students using 2 specific categories and
definitions where appropriate (e.g. Intellectual-Gifted; Behaviour). Only when students’
complex needs include a significant degree of developmental, physical or sensory
impairment would the category Exceptional-Multiple be used.