SINUMERIK 810/840D DIN Programming For Milling: Training Manual Edition 2008.01
SINUMERIK 810/840D DIN Programming For Milling: Training Manual Edition 2008.01
SINUMERIK 810/840D DIN Programming For Milling: Training Manual Edition 2008.01
Training Documentation
Valid for:
Edition 01.2008
Module content
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be familiar with the most important technological aspects
and machine functions.
Programming of the Section 2
technological data
Switching commands Section 3
Programmable pre- Section 4
Section 5
Nr.. Misc.
iary Interpolation para-
Co-ordinate axes Feed Speed Tool func-
com- meter tion
Geometrical data Technological data
The block number is a program-technical assignment, which is not evalu-
ated by the control unit as a command. It is usually programmed to go up
in steps of 10 and serves only the user for better oversight. It has no effect
on the program execution.
The geometrical data include all instructions that clearly define mathemati-
cally the motion of the tool or the axes.
The technological data are used for instance to activate the required tool
and to pre-select the necessary cutting parameters feed rate and spindle
speed. Miscellaneous functions can control for example such things as di-
rection of rotation and auxiliary appliances.
Programming example:
N80 T1;; Roughing tool
N90 M6
N100 G54 F0.2 S180 M4
N110 G00 X20 Y0 Z2 D1
N120 «« «
In order to improve the oversight within a program, commentaries can be
optionally added at the end of a block. These must be preceded by a semi-
colon;; Any characters that follow thereafter will not be taken account of by
the control unit..
Direction of viewing
Block path
Usual preset starting status
spectively does not entirely ensure dimension-wise as to how precisely a cor-
ner point between two positioning blocks is attained.
If an exact stop has been activated in a program, the codes described below
can be used to specify a very precise braking behaviour at the end of blocks.
By this it is possible to determine as to how precisely the programmed corner
point will be attained.
Code G601
The tool motion changes to the next block when the tool has reached the fine
positioning window.
Sharp contour corners result at the programmed destination points.
Code G602
This code can be used to obtain a defined rounding of the programmed con-
tour corners. The block change-over occurs already at the coarse positioning
Block change-over
Destination point of the pro-
grammed path
Actual tool paths depending on
the positioning window
set by means of machine datum.
Please find out the values pre-set on your machine by the machine manufac-
turer from his Operation Manual if you are going to use the described codes.
There is yet another means of influencing the continuous path behaviour by
changing-over to the next positioning block depending on the programmed
path velocity of the tool.
The block change-over is initiated as soon as the control has evaluated the
command speed for all axes to be equal to zero.
Since the physical tool position lags behind the calculated value by a certain
amount, the effect in this case is that the axis changes direction before the
end of the interpolation is reached.
The greater the feed rate, the greater is also the lag of the tool behind the
evaluated value and therefore the rounding radius.
This permits the contour corners to be formed in dependence on the path
Destination point of the pro-
grammed path (Interpolation ends)
Hint: The rounding radius depends on the programmed path velocity as well
as the drive mechanics of the machine.
The codes G601, G602 and G603 are modal.
They can be activated only in conjunction with Exact stop and with G9
or G60 respectively.
Address Meaning
T Tool number
D Cutting edge (Tool data)
F Feed / Feed rate
S Speed / Cutting speed
Path information / departure commands
Instruction Meaning
G9 Exact stop, operative block-by-block
G60 Exact stop, modal function * **
G64 Continuous path control
G601 Change-over when positioning window fine is reached
G602 Change-over when positioning window coarse is reached
G603 Change-over when the interpolation end is reached
G70 Input system in inches
G71 Input system metrical
G94 Linear feed in mm/min *
G95 Feed per revolution in mm **
G96 Constant cutting speed in m/min **
G97 Spindle speed in min-1 *
* Switching-ON status for milling machines
** Switching-ON status for turning machines
Switching information
Instruction Meaning
M00 Programmed Halt
M03 Work spindle ON, clockwise
M04 Work spindle ON, anti-clockwise
M05 Work spindle Stop
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M17 End of sub-program
M30 End of program, jump back to the beginning of program
All instructions (except G9) mentioned above are modal, i.e. they remain
operative until the program calls for an opposed instruction.
Furthermore there are instructions that are operative only block-by-block,
e.g. G9. These are automatically reset by the control unit with the succeed-
ing block.
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to understand the programming planes and also
to specify points in a DIN conforming co-ordinate system.
Programming planes
Section 4
The machine co-ordinate system that derives from this is imperative for the
geometrical description of work pieces, since this then permits the un-
equivocal determination of points in a plane and in space.
Z-Axis: This is parallel to the working spindle or coincides with it. The
positive direction is away from the work piece. In case there is more than
one spindle, one of them will be declared as the main spindle.
X-Axis: This is parallel to the setting-up plane or coincides with it. If the
Z-axis is vertical, the positive X-axis is directed towards the right. If the Z-
axis is horizontal, the positive X-axis is directed towards the left.
Y-Axis: This is at right angles to both the X and Z-axis, such that a
spatial Cartesian co-ordinate system results.
The direction ÄFROM³the work piece ÄTO³ the tool is ÄPLUS³
For the determination of all points within the work space, the control unit
requires a zero point of the co-ordinate system. This has been determined
by the machine manufacturer. All other points have either fixed distances
from the machine zero point or else the distance must be defined.
The machine zero point (M) is determined by the
machine manufacturer and cannot be altered. On mill-
ing machines it usually lies on the work table, while on
turning machines it is on the spindle flange.
The work piece zero point (W) is the origin of the work
piece co-ordinate system. This can be specified by the
programmer and should always be chosen such that the
least calculation work is required to determine points on
the contour given the dimensioning of the drawing. For
turning work it lies mostly on the turning axis and the
right hand planar face.
XMR = Distances from the reference point to the machine zero point. These are
YMR = set by the manufacturer during commissioning and are transferred to the
ZMR = control unit when the reference point is reached.
XMW = These represent distances from the machine zero point to the work piece
YMW = zero point. The work piece zero point must be determined by the opera-
ZMW = tor by scratching or probing and entered into the tool correction memory.
XPF = Distances from the tool carrier reference point to the tool point on the
ZPF = cutting edge or the front face of the milling cutter.
XMF = Distances from the machine zero point to the tool carrier reference point.
ZMF = The distance is determined by the manufacturer and entered into the
control unit.
Continuous path control units can control slides and tool carriers simulta-
neously along 2 or more axes at a programmed feed rate. For this the
speed of the individual drives must be matched to one another. This job
is taken over by the interpolator of the CNC-control unit. This is a soft-
ware program for the evaluation of intermediate positions and speed
conditions of the individual axes such that the slides can follow the pro-
grammed path. As from the 2 ½ D Continuous path control unit the inter-
polation can be switched between the three different planes.
The selection of the plane is effected by means of suitably programmed
XY ± Plane ± programming command G17
The standard plane being used for working with CNC-Turning ma-
chines is G18. With CNC-Milling machines the plane G17 is nor-
mally taken to be the usual programming plane.
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Working through this module will enable you to program linear and circular departure commands both
with absolute and incremental dimensions.
Absolute and
incremental Section 1
dimensioning, Mixed
Rapid traverse motion Section 2
Straight line Section 3
Circular interpolation Section 4
Summary Section 5
P2 50 60
P3 70 20
An example for turning:
(All X values are diameters,
G90 X Z
P1 25 -7.5
P2 40 -15
P3 40 -25
P4 60 -35
Code G90 is usually activated as machine status when switching ON.
It is modally active for all axes simultaneously and can be re-set to incre-
mental dimensioning with G91.
G91 X Y
P1 20 35
P2 30 20
P3 20 -35
An example for turning:
(All dimensions for X are ra-
dius values DIAMOF)
G91 X Z
P1 12.5 -7.5
P2 7.5 -7.5
P3 0 -10
P4 10 -10
Code G91 is modally active for all axes simultaneously and can be re-set
to absolute dimensioning with G90.
straight line
The above programming example re-positions the tool from point P1 to
the point P2.
The following program extract shows the milling of the same slot using
incremental dimensioning: (up to N40 see above.)
N50 G91 G1 Z-14 Infeed along Z by ±14mm,
N60 G1 X-20 Y-30 Z2 Incremental traversing of the axes
N70 G90 Z2 F1000 Retraction with absolute dimensions
N80 G0 Z200
N90 M30
Programming example under G91: Explanation:
N10 G91 Incremental dimensioning,
N40 G0 X=AC(40) Y=AC(48) Z=AC(2) To starting position P1 absolute,
N50 G1 Z-14 Incremental co-ordinate Z,
N60 X=AC(20) Y-30 Z2 Absolute co-ordinate X ,
N70 Z=AC(2) F1000 Absolute co-ordinate Z
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 10 A303
Section 5 Summary
Path information
Instruction Meaning
G90 Co-ordinate input with absolute dimensions
G91 Co-ordinate input with incremental dimensions,
G00 Linear motion with rapid traverse
G01 Straight line interpolation with defined speed
G02 Circular interpolation clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation anti-clockwise
All the above departure commands are modal.
parameter Meaning
I Circle centre co-ordinate in X,
incremental from starting point
J Circle centre co-ordinate in Y,
incremental from starting point
K Circle centre co-ordinate in Z,
incremental from starting point
The interpolation parameters are operative block-by-block.
Mixed programming for co-ordinate input
,&« Incremental dimension input
$&« Absolute dimension input
Instruction Meaning
X=IC(10) Traverse by 10mm in X
Y=AC(20) Traverse to 20mm in Y
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 11 A303
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through the module you will be able to understand the mathematical connections nec-
essary for the programming and to calculate missing contour points.
Trigonometrical func-
Section 3
Exemplary functions
Section 4
Almost all of the contours encountered with the machining of metals
can be reduced to a combination of straights and circular arcs.
In most cases these contour points can be taken directly from the
In some cases, however, the an evaluation of co-ordinates may be
necessary. For these calculations a basic knowledge of the types of
angles, trigonometrical functions and the Pythagoras principle is re-
Types of angles
In the case of oblique work piece contours angles with a definite rela-
tionship to one another result between the contour sections. Depend-
ing on their relative position a differentiation is made between com-
plementary angles, step angles and side angles.
The various sides of the right angled triangle are named specifically.
The longest line opposite the right angle is called the
The two other lines, which form the right angle, are called
The side opposite an angle is called the opposite side
The bounding side of the angle is called the adjacent side
In case of a right angled triangle the missing length of a side can be calcu-
lated if the length of the other two sides is known. For this the Pythagoras
principle is used.
The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the
squares on the other two sides.
c = a2 b2
b = c2 a2
1 Adjacent side
2 Hypotenuse
3 Opposite side ȕ
Į Angle
ȕ Angle
By the use of the various trigonometrical functions all pages and sides can
be determined.
Sine function
sin H GK sin *H
H sin
Cosine function
cos H AK cos *H
H cos
Tangent function
tan AK GK tan * AK
AK tan
P1 M1 P2 P3 P4 M2
X 25 35 40 30
Z -20 -20
Evaluate the missing co-ordinates of the points P1 to P4, as well as
M1 and M2
The values for the spaces shown with a dark background are di-
mensions that can be taken directly from the drawing.
P1 M1 P2 P3 P4 M2
X 25 35 27,929 37,071 40 30
Evaluate the missing co-ordinates of the points P1 to P4, as well as
M1 and M2
The values for the spaces shown with a dark background are di-
mensions that can be taken directly from the drawing.
Since the two sides are equal, all values can be found using the Py-
thagoras principle.
xp2 5 5² / 2 3,5355
zp2 xp2 3,5355
zp4 zp2 * ( 1) 3,5355
xp3 zp3 3,5355
P2x 25 (2 * (5 xp2)) 25 (2 * (5 3,5355)) 27,929
P2z P1z zp2 20 zp2 20 5² / 2 20 3,5355 23,5355
P3x 40 2 * (5 3,5355) 37,071
a (P3x p2x) / 2 (37,071 27,929) / 2 4,571
zp3 a 4,571
P3z P1z zp 2 zp3 20 3,535 4,571 28,1065
P4z P3z zp2 28,1065 3,5355 31,642
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be enabled to use the various zero points within the
working space of a turning machine.
Position of the Section 1
machine zero point
Zero point offset G54 Section 2
Further zero point Section 3
Tool changing point Section 4
Summary Section 5
All axis motions on a CNC-machine tool are referred to the right-hand Car-
tesian co-ordinate system.
The entire path measuring system is initialized by approaching the refer-
ence point with all axes.
At the same time the control unit activates the co-ordinate system at the
machine zero point.
M Machine zero point
This fixed co-ordinate point (origin) is determined by the manufacturer and
cannot be altered by the operator.
It serves as a reference point for the machine co-ordinate system (MCS) of
the machine tool.
Axis denominations:
Planar axis X
Longitudinal axis Z
For reasons of design this machine zero point on turning machines is lo-
cated exactly on the rotational axis on the right hand planar face of the
spindle flange (see image).
Hence this point is not usually employed when machining a work piece.
However, it may be employed in the machining program for the approach
of fixed points that are independent of the work piece.
(see Section 4)
For machining the work piece the work piece co-ordinate system (WCS) is
available on the machine.
This can be freely chosen by the operator depending on the manufacturing
conditions or according to the usual workshop practice.
By this the machine zero point is offset by a defined distance, thus obtain-
ing a work piece zero point that is directly referred to the item to be ma-
W Work piece zero point
Zero point offset Code G54 (modally operative)
With this code the work piece zero point can be defined on the machine.
The following image shows how by programming G54 the position of the
work piece zero point has been shifted to the right hand planar face of the
turned item.
Finished planar face of the
work piece.
(Work piece co-ordinates
along the longitudinal axis are
W negative)
The zero point set on the machine in the jogging mode is activated in the
program with the same code (G54).
By this the co-ordinate origin for the program and the machine zero point
co-ordinate are now identical.
Programming example: Explanation:
N10 G18 G54 ... Plane selection, call-up of the
zero point offset G54
N20 G0 X200 Z300 Approach of the tool changing point
N30 T1;; Roughing tool Call-up of the tool T1
For the efficient production of parts it is often sensible to provide several
work piece zero points.
The control unit manufacturer provides for up to 99 selectable zero point
Hint: Depending on the machine parameters this number can be
set differently. Please refer to the machine manual regarding
the exact number of available zero points.
Further zero point offsets Codes G55, G56 and G57
Codes G505 bis G599
(all stated codes are
modally operative)
The application example indicates the use of yet another zero point lo-
cated on the setting plane of the chuck.
In the picture below the work piece zero point has been transferred with
G55 exactly to the setting plane of the chuck jaws.
In the program this must be activated by means of the code G55.
Setting face of the chuck jaws.
The left hand planar face of the
work piece is already machined.
(All work piece co-ordinates of the
W longitudinal axis must be pro-
grammed in the positive direction)
The use of several zero point offsets can substantially reduce the setting
times particularly in cases of one-off or small series machining.
For example: You could define just once a specific setting point for each
one of your clamping fixtures or else a specific work piece zero point for
various work pieces.
In the program the respective zero point offset depending on the clamping
fixture or the work piece can then be selected.
If an identical work piece is to be machined at a later time, the respective
zero point is immediately available under the same code.
Important: Any zero point offset once defined remains stored in the control
unit until such time as it is newly defined under the same code.
The indexing of the tool turret must always take place at a collision-proof
point within the work space of the turning machine.
For this the tool carrier is generally retracted well back into the positive
range of the work space.
(Please take into account the real traverse ranges of your machine;; the
values used in the example are only exemplary!)
Programming example 1: Explanation:
N10 G18 G54 ...
N20 G0 X300 Z150 Approach of the tool changing point,
N30 T1;; Roughing tool Indexing the turret to position T1
On this basis the tool carrier will traverse to various positions depending
on the active tool length (in X and Z) and the position of the work piece
zero point. (It is always the tool tip that is being positioned.)
Pos. X
Pos. Z
In case the next tool is going to be for instance a long boring bar, the tool
carrier must be re-positioned along the longitudinal axis further away from
the work piece.
Otherwise there might be a danger of collision during the tool change!
On the next page a suggestion for the programming of an independent tool
changing point will be found.
In order to approach a tool changing point that is independent of the length
of the tool and the presently active zero point offset, the following condi-
tions must be programmed.:
Switching OFF of all the active offsets
or manipulations of the co-ordinate system Code SUPA
(operative block-by-
Deactivation of the tool lengths in X and Z Code D0
(modally operative)
Programming example 2: Explanation:
N10 G18 G54 ...
N20 G0 X400 Z500 SUPA D0 Approach of tool changing point in the
MCS, without tool data,
N30 T1;; Roughing tool Indexing the turret to position T1,
N40 D1 Call-up of the tool data for T1
Pos. X
Pos. Z
Since by using the code SUPA any manipulations of the co-ordinate sys-
tem have been de-activated only for the programmed block, they do not
need to be re-activated.
But care must be taken that after each tool change the required cutting
edge must be called up.
Hint: The extent of programming for the approach of the tool
changing point can be reduced if for this purpose a sub-
program is written (see Section 5).
Suggestion of a sub-program for tool changing:
Sub-program name: SUBR100.SPF
N10 G18 G0 X300 Z500 SUPA G40 D0;; Approach of tool changing point
in the turning plane,
zero point offsets OFF,
all tool corrections OFF,
N20 RET;; Return to the main pro-
gram, without interruption of the
feed motion
Explanation of the symbols
M Machine zero point
W Work piece zero point
MCS Machine co-ordinate system
WCS Work piece co-ordinate system
Instruction Meaning
G54 to G57 Call-up of a selectable zero point offset *
G505 to G599 Call-up of further zero point offsets *
(conditionally available)
D0 De-activation of the tool dimensions *
D1± D9 Re-activation of the tool dimensions after the
tool change *
SUPA Switching-OFF of programmable, selectable and
external offsets **
RET End of sub-program, return jump
* Modally operative instruction
** Instruction operative block-by-block
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
This module explains how to construct a part program clearly and functionally correct.
Basic pinciples of Section 1
Program structure of a Section 2
part program
Settings at the start of Section 4
a program
Dimensioning for the X Section 5
Certain principles should be upheld when part programs are being
The program must ensure that an unlimited number of work pieces
can be produced with the quality (tolerances, surface quality, form
and position deviation etc.) as required on the drawing in a minimum
of production time and the least possible material wastage..
It is always the motion of the tool along the drawn ideal contour of
the work piece.
If tolerances are shown, the programming is always referred to the
middle of the tolerance.
Example: 20+0,1 ² programmed value = 20,05.
Precise dimension corrections can be carried out on the machine by
means of the wear correction feature for the tool.
The program should exhibit a clear and concise structure and should
contain commentaries wherever possible to ensure that other users
can comprehend the layout easily at later stages.
The following flow chart represents a possible suggestion for a suitable
structure of the main program.
Program heading
Tool call-up 1
Approaching the
safety level with
the tool
sequence 1
Retraction of the
no yes
Workpiece finished
Approaching the
safety level with
the tool
sequence 2
For the user it may be advantageous to switch on certain settings, that are
to be activated in the part program, already in the program heading. .
If necessary, these modally operative commands can always be re-set by
other commands at any stage during the program .
Programming example: Explanation:
N10 G17 G54 G64 G71 G90 G94 X/Y-plane, 1st ZP-offset,
continuous control, metrical
system, absolute dimensions,
linear feed rate F in mm/min,
N20 «
Suggestion of a program heading for a turning application:
Programming example: Explanation:
N10 G18 G54 G64 G71 G90 G96 Z/X-plane, 1st ZP-offset,
continuous control, metrical
system, absolute dimensions,
constant cutting speed S in m/min,
N20 DIAMON LIMS=3000 Diameter input*, speed limitation
Hint for the speed limitation:
As the tool progresses towards the centre during facing, the spindle speed
evaluated internally in the control unit increases steadily until eventually the
maximum possible spindle speed would be attained.
Depending on the clamping conditions and the size of the work piece a
speed limitation should always be selected for reasons of safety.
* The explanation of the diameter input will be found in Section 5 of this manual.
The following 3 commands determine the co-ordinate statements for the
destination points of the address X when programming departure com-
Diameter programming ON Code DIAMON
Diameter programming OFF Code DIAMOF
Diameter programming for G90,
Radius programming for G91 Code DIAM90
These commands are modally operative.
They remain valid for the program until a block is reached where an oppos-
ing command is programmed or terminated automatically by the end of the
Hint: For turning machines the code DIAMON is normally set as a
switching-ON condition. (Please refer to the machine manual as
to which condition has been implemented by the manufacturer in
case of your machine.)
Representation of the commands for the dimension inputs absolute (G90)
and incremental (G91):
* Switching-ON condition for turning machines
** Switching-ON condition for milling machines
On the following pages the effects of the described codes are shown graphi-
Only the motion of the X-axis is taken is into account for this.
The roughing of the shown work piece is not part of this example.
Effect of the command DIAMON under G90:
N120 Motion to the diameter 60
N100 Motion to the diameter 30
N90 Original position of the tool
Effect of the command DIAMON under G91:
N130 Motion by the diameter 30
N110 Motion by the diameter 30
N90 Original position of the tool
Effect of the command DIAMOF under G90:
N120 Motion to the radius 30
N100 Motion to the radius 15
N90 Original position des Werkzeuges
Effect of the command DIAMOF under G91:
N120 Motion by radius 15
N100 Motion by radius 15
N90 Original position of the tool
Effect of the command DIAM90 under G90:
Programming example : Explanation:
N80 G90 DIAM90;; Absolute dimensions, diameter progr. for G90
N90 G1 X0 Z0;; Original position to diameter 0
N100 X30;; Motion to diameter 30
N110 Z-10
N120 X60;; Motion to diameter 60
N120 Motion to diameter 60
N100 Motion to diameter 30
N90 Original position of the tool
Effect of the command DIAM90 under G91:
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to write a simple milling program taking into ac-
count the radius correction.
Rounding and
chamfering of edges Section 2
Section 4
Exercise 1
Open the editor
Write the following program heading into the editor. Explain the blocks in
the table. While doing this make yourself familiar with the editor. Mark the
zero point on the drawing
N50 G0 x115 y65 z2 Approach of starting point and safety level (P1)
N60 G1 z0
N70 x-35
N80 G0 z2
N90 x115 y15
N100 G1 z0
N110 x-35
N120 G0 z150
N130 x150 y150 M9
Solution see page 12
N70 N50
N110 N90
The instructions G41 or G42 are necessary for the programming of con-
tours. With this the contour shown on the drawing can be described di-
rectly. The value for the milling cutter entered in the tool management is
taken into account. The equidistant path for the cutter centre evaluated by
the control unit is such that the required contour results on the cutter cir-
To enable the control unit to evaluate the correct equidistant path it must
know whether the milling cutter is on the right or the left of the contour.
This is determined by looking in the direction of feed.
Dimensional errors can then be rectified later on by compensation for the
cutter radius.
Before activating the radius compensation a starting point should be cho-
sen that is sufficiently far from the contour. If possible this distance should
be greater than the cutter radius. The starting and end point must be cho-
sen such that no damage to the contour occurs.
In the editor supplement the program commenced on page 2 by the follow-
ing blocks. Specify the contour In the missing blocks.
17 Ä6)³(QGPLOOPP+66
N150 M6
N160 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N170 G0 x-10 y3 z2 S
N180 G1 z-5
N190 G...
N200 1
N210 2
N220 3
N230 4
N240 5
N250 6
N260 7
N270 8
N280 9
N290 10
N300 11
N310 12
N320 13
N330 14
N340 G...
N350 G1 x-10 y12 E
N360 G0 z150
N370 x150 y150 M8
point of contact independently of the starting point.
The function is used predominantly in conjunction with the tool radius cor-
rection, however, this is not compulsory.
G247/ G248
N40 G0 x=P0 y=P0 Positioning for activation of the radius compensation
N50 G41 G247 DISR=2 x=P1 y=P1 Radius compensation activation. Approach with a
quarter circle with radius 2 to position P1. The values
for DISCL, FAD F have not been programmed.
N60 G1 x=P2 Machining the contour.
N110 G1 x=Pn-1 y=Pn-1 Approach of the last contour point
N120 G40 D248 DISR=2 x=Pn y=Pn Radius compensation de-activation by leaving with a
quarter circle of radius 2 to position P0/Pn
G347/ G348
N40 G0 x=P0 y=P0 Positioning for activation of the radius compensation
N50 G41 G347 DISR=2 x=P1 y=P1 Radius compensation activation. Approach with a
quarter circle with radius 2 to position P1. The values
for DISCL, FAD F have not been programmed.
N60 G1 x=P2 Machining the contour..
N110 G1 x=Pn-1 y=Pn-1 Approach of the last contour point
N120 G40 D348 DISR=2 x=Pn y=Pn Radius compensation de-activation by leaving with a
quarter circle of radius 2 to position P0/Pn
progr. contour
G141 Approach from the left and leaving to the left
G142 Approach from the right and leaving to the right
G143 Approach and leaving direction depends on the position of the
starting and end point relative to the tangential direction
DISCL DISCL=... Distance of the end point of the rapid approach
motion from the machining plane
DISCL=AC (...) Statement of the absolute position of the end
point of the rapid approach motion
FAD Geschwindigkeit der langsamen Zustellbewegung
FAD=... der programmierte Wert wirkt entsprechend dem
G-Code der Gruppe 15 (Vorschub;; G93, G94 usw.)
FAD=PM (...) der programmierte Wert wird unabhängig vom
aktiven G-Code der Gruppe 15 als Linearvorschub (wie
G94) interpretiert
Das weiche An± and Abfahren wird im Modul Unterprogrammtechnik beim
Fräsen Examplehaft angewendet.
For the machining of the finished contour the instructions RND, CHR, CHF are to
be used for the radii and the chamfers.
At the programmed intersection be-
tween two straights a radius is
added. The size of this is defined by
At the programmed intersection
between two straights a chamfer is
added. The length of the chamfer
is defined by CHF=9.
At the programmed intersection
between two straights a chamfer is
added. CHR=5 defines the length
of the legs of this chamfer.
Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point x13;; y5.
17 Ä6)³(QGPLOOPP+66
N390 M6
N400 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N410 G0 x6 y-7
N420 G1 z-5
N430 G... Activation of the radius compensation
N440 G1 x13 y3 Traverse close to the contour
1\« 1st contour point
1*[«\«,«M Milling the radius 8 mm
1*«\« Approach of top left contour point and rounding with 2mm to
the subsequent element
1[« Milling the contour corner at the chamfer 4mm
N490 y... Approach of the stating point for the radius 20mm
N500 G [«\«L«M« Milling the radius 20mm
1*«[«\« Approach of the starting point of the pocket and chamfer
1[«\« Approach of the top pocket corner and rounding 4mm
1[«\« Approach of the bottom pocket corner and rounding 4mm
1[«\«« Approach end point of the pocket and chamfer
1\« Approach of starting point with radius7mm
1*«[«\«L«M« Milling the radius 7mm
1*«[ Leaving the contour
1*« De-activation of the radius compensation
1[«\« Retraction of the cutter
1*«]«0 Retraction to the tool changing point, coolant OFF
N610 x150 y150 Traverse to the tool changing point
Angle ANG=
If for a straight only one end point co-ordinate of the plane is known, or in
the case of contours the final end point via several blocks, an angular
statement can be used to completely define the straight path section. The
angle is always referred to the abscissa of the current plane G17 to G19;;
e.g.: in case of G17 to the X-axis. Positive angles are taken to be anti-
G1 x15
G1 x20 ang=-36
G1 x23 ang=-72
Mixed programming:
Absolute and incremental dimensions (G90/G91) you know already for the
programming of contours . These two types can be programmed together
sions within G90. The instruction G90 is modal.
X=ic(10) The cutter moves along the x-axis by 10 mm in the
positive direction.
y=ac(12) The cutter will be positioned on point 12 of the y-axis.
12 4
G90 G91
G1 x12 y25 G1 x=ac(12) y=ac(25)
Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8).
N620 G0 x17.5 y60.5 z2 Positioning above the centre of left upper pocket
1*]«0 Plunging into the pocket and coolant ON
N640 G... Activation of cutter radius compensation
(climb milling)
N650 G1 x12 y60.5 Approach of contour
N660 G1 y... RND=... 1st corner point with rounding to the next element
N670 G1 x=ic(...) Approach of starting point for 55° chamfer
1*[DQJ « Oblique 55°
N690 G1 y... RND=... 2nd corner point with rounding to the next element
N700 G1 x=...(10) RND=... 3rd corner point with rounding to the next element
N710 G... Switching to incremental dimensions
N720 G1 y... RND=... 4th corner point with rounding to the next element
N730 G1 x=ac(...) CHR=... 5th corner point with chamfering to the next element
N740 G1 y=...(...) RND=... 6th corner point with rounding to the next element
N750 G1 x... RND=... 7th corner point with rounding to the next element
N760 G... Switching to absolute dimensions
N770 G1 x... Y... Closing of contour
N780 G... De-activation of cutter radius compensation
N790 G1 x17.5 y60.5 Retraction of the cutter
N800 G0 z150 M9 Leaving the contour and coolant OFF
N810 G0 x... Y... Traverse to tool changing position
N820 M... End of program
Path information / Departure commands
Instruction Meaning
G40 Cutter radius compensation de-activated * **
G41 Cutter radius compensation to left of contour
G42 Cutter radius compensation to right of contour
CHR Chamfering the contour corner by statement of leg
CHF Chamfering the contour corner by statement of
the length of chamfer
RND Rounding the contour corner (radius statement)
ANG Straight with an angle
; LF« Statement of the co-ordinates with incremental
< DF« Statement of the co-ordinates with absolute
* Switching-ON status of milling machines
** Switching-ON status of turning machines
Exercise 1
Open the editor
Write the following program heading into the editor. Explain the blocks in
the table. While doing this make yourself familiar with the editor. Mark the
zero point on the drawing.
N10 G54 G64 G17 Zero point offset, continuous control ON, plane selec-
SOFT tion xy, soft control
N20 T1 Select tool Nr. 1 (PF60 with tool tips)
N30 M6 Load the selected tool
N40 S1000 F200 M3 Speed (rpm), feed (mm/min), rotation clockwise, coolant
M8 D1 ON, activation of first cutting edge
N50 G0 x115 y65 z2 Approach of starting point and safety level (P1)
N60 G1 z0 Infeed to command dimension
N70 x-35 Milling (P2)
N80 G0 z2 Lift-off to safety level
N90 x115 y15 Approach of starting point for 2nd pass (P3)
N100 G1 z0 Infeed to command dimension
N110 x-35 Milling (P4)
N120 G0 z150 Lift-off to tool changing level
N130 x150 y150 M9 Approach tool changing position, coolant OFF
N70 N50
N110 N90
In the editor supplement the program commenced on page 2 by the follow-
ing blocks. Specify the contour In the missing blocks.
17 Ä6)³(QGPLOOPP+66
N150 M6
N160 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N170 G0 x-10 y3 z2 S
N180 G1 z-4
N190 G41
N200 G1 x4 y10 1
N210 y74 2
N220 G2 x6 y76 i2 y0 3
N230 G1 x68 4
N240 y63.5 5
N250 x76 y50 6
N260 y42 7
N270 x64 8
N280 y26 9
N290 x76 10
N300 y12 11
N310 x68 y4 12
N320 x12 13
N330 x0 y16 14
N340 G40
N350 G1 x-10 y12 E
N360 G0 z150
N370 x150 y150 M8
Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point x13;; y5.
17 Ä6)³(QGPLOOPP+66
N390 M6
N400 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N410 G0 x6 y-7 z2 S
N420 G1 z-5
N430 G41 Activation of radius compensation
N440 G1 x13 y3 Approach the contour
N450 y5 1st contour point
N460 G3 x5 y13 i±8 j0 Milling of radius 8
N470 G1 y75 RND=2 Approach upper left contour point and rounding 2mm to the
next element
N480 x67 CHF=4 Milling of corner of contour at chamfer 4mm
N490 y65 Approach starting point for the radius 20mm
N500 G3 x75 y49 i20 j0 Milling of radius 20mm
N510 G1 x75 y43 CHR=1.5 Approach of starting point of pocket and chamfering
N520 x61 y43 RND=4 Approach upper corner of pocket and rounding 4mm
N530 x61 y25 RND=4 Approach lower corner of pocket and rounding 4mm
N540 x75 y25 CHR=1.5 Approach end point of pocket and chamfering
N550 y12 Approach starting point of radius 7mm
N560 G3 x68 y5 i0 j-7 Milling of radius 7mm
N570 G1 x10 Leaving the contour
N580 G40 rDe-activation of radius compensation
N590 x6 y-7 Retraction of cutter
N600 G0 z150 M9 Retraction to tool changing level, coolant OFF
N610 x150 y150 Traverse to tool changing position
Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point x13;; y5.
N620 G0 x17.5 y60.5 z2 Positioning above the centre of left upper pocket
N630 G1 z-3 M8 Plunging into the pocket and coolant ON
N640 G41 Activation of Cutter radius compensation
(climb milling)
N650 G1 x12 y60.5 Approach of the contour
N660 G1 y52 RND=4 1st corner point with rounding to the next element
N670 G1 x=ic(7.8) Approach of starting point for 55° chamfer
N680 G1 x23.8 ang=-55 Oblique 55°
N690 G1 y41 RND=4 2nd corner point with rounding to the next element
N700 G1 x=ic(10) RND=4 3rd corner point with rounding to the next element
N710 G91 Switching to incremental dimensions
N720 G1 y18 RND=4 4th corner point with rounding to the next element
N730 G1 x=ac(23) CHR=1.5 5th corner point with chamfering to the next element
N740 G1 y=ac(69) RND=4 6th corner point with rounding to the next element
N750 G1 x-11 RND=4 7th corner point with rounding to the next element
N760 G90 Switching to absolute dimensions
N770 G1 x12 y60.5 Closing the contour
N780 G40 De-activation of Cutter radius compensation
N790 G1 x17.5 y60.5 Retraction of the cutter
N800 G0 z150 M9 Leaving the contour
N810 G0 x150 y150 Traverse to tool changing position
N820 M30 End of program
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to judge the necessity for sub-routines, to write
sub-routines for contours with soft approach and leaving the contour with cutter radius compensation
and to call these up in a simple milling program.
Section 4
Global sub-routines
These sub-routines can be used for all kinds of work piece programs;;
these must be written keeping in mind the danger of possible collisions.
Both programs using incremental or absolute dimensions can be used.
The machine table is to be positioned at a certain location for tool chang-
ing after the machining has been completed. The co-ordinates can there-
fore be stated with absolute values.
In order to avoid collisions, z must be positioned first of all followed by x/y.
Local sub-routines
Local sub-routines are often used where contours are repeated on the
same work piece. If, for instance, a pocket is to be milled several times on
one work piece, it can be programmed just once and then repeated sev-
eral times. Since the absolute dimension vary, the pocket must be pro-
grammed from a defined starting point, which is then approached in the
main program. From there the pocket is then described with incremental
The contour of a pocket must be milled at 2 different locations.
N40 G90 G0 x20 y20 z2 Approach of the starting point
Below you are asked to programme the pocket as a sub-routine
(Name:UP_Modul31). The sub-routine is to be called up from the main
program (Name: Modul31).
acknowledge with the Softkey OK.
N610 x150 y150
1*«[«\«]«0« With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper left contour and
coolant ON
1«««««S« Call-up of sub-routine for one pass
N640 G1 z1 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
1J[«\«]« With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper right contour
1«««««S Call-up of sub-routine for two passes
1*«]« Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
1*«]«0 Departure in z to the tool changing point and coolant OFF
1*«[«\« Departure in x and y to the tool changing point
10« End of main program
Path information / Departure commands
Instruction Meaning
UP_... P1 Sub-routine call-up with number of repeats
M17 End of sub-routine
N610 x150 y150
N620 G0 x28.8 y50 z1 M8 With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper left contour and
coolant ON
N630 UP_Modul31 p1 Call-up of sub-routine for one pass
N640 G1 z1 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N650 g0 x53.6 y50 z3 With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper right contour
N660 UP_Modul31 p2 Call-up of sub-routine for two passes
N670 G1 z2 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N680 G0 z150 M9 Departure in z to the tool changing point and coolant OFF
N690 G0 x150 y150 Departure in x and y to the tool changing point
N700 M30 End of main program
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this program you will be able to programme a milling program with loops,
jumps and repeats.
Jump instructions,
Program section Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Label denomination
In order to mark up certain sections of the program or to produce a jump
mark it is possible to use labels. These can be called up in the program
by their name.
The name must consist of at least two or a maximum of 8 characters. The
first two characters must always be letters or under-lines. The name must
always be followed by a colon.
N100 ..
N110 BL123: Denomination of a label by the name of BL123
N120 G0 x10..
Parameter usage
In same cases the use of parameters is highly advisable. For instance,
the cutting values for the tools to be used can be assigned to the parame-
ters in the program heading, which can then be used for programming
instead of the cutting values themselves. The parameters are pro-
grammed with the address letter R and a number 1 (R1). Values can be
assigned to these in the sector Parameters as also in the program itself.
;;T1²WSF Dr60
Program heading
R1=200 ;; n for WSF Dr60
R2=30 ;; vf for WSF Dr60
N100 T1 ;; WSF Dr60
N110 m6
N120 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Aassignment of speed and feed by means of R1 and
N130 ...
Parameters can be used within the program for the evaluation of individ-
ual values or by themselves. For reason of the advance evaluation by the
control unit it is possible that undesirable effects on the active parameters
might occur. This can be prevented by using the instruction STOPRE -
The next block will only be executed after the previous block has been
finished. For this STOPRE must be written in a block by itself.
N10 R1=0
N110 BL123:
N120 G0 x10..
N140 STOPRE The control unit waits until block N130 has been completed.
N150 R1=R1+1 Each time the block is run for machining R1 is increased by 1.
N160 EL123:
Jump instructions
Jump instructions can also be used within a program. These permit the
omission of parts of the program or to jump back for repeats. The instruc-
tion GOTOF is used to jump forward, while the GOTOB is used to jump
backward. .
For this a search is carried out for the included label name or the block
number before the jump to this location is carried out.
;;T1²WSF Dr60
R1=200 ;; n for WSF Dr60
R2=30 ;; vf for WSF Dr60
N10 GOTOF N100 Jump to block N100
N20 LB001:
N90 GOTOF N170 Jump to block N100
N100 T1 ;; WSF Dr60
N110 m6
N120 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1
N160 GOTOB LB001 Jump back to lLabel LB001
N170 T4
Program sections between two labels can be repeated any number of
times as specified under the address P. For this the program jumps to the
first stated label name and executes all blocks of the program until the
second label name is reached. If the number of repeats is greater than
one, this procedure will be repeated as often as stated under address P.
;;T1²WSF Dr60
R1=200 ;; n for WSF Dr60
R2=30 ;; vf for WSF Dr60
N10 T1 ;; WSF Dr60
N20 m6
N30 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1
1 N40 G0 z2
N50 LB001:
N50 G1 z=ic(-10)
N90 LE001:
... Jump back to Label LB001 and two
N160 Repeat LB001 LE001 P2 repeats between LB001and LE001
N170 T4
Holes are to be drilled into the milled work piece. These holes are to be
programmed using jumps and parameters.
N690 G0 x150 y150 Traverse to the tool changing point in x and y
N700 R1=... R2=... Set the parameter R1 (drilling and counter depth) and R2 (feed rate)
to zero
17 Ä1&-FHQWUHGULOO³ Request NC-centre drill Ø larger 12mm (for simulation SF10)
N720 M6 Load NC-centre drill
15 «5 Specify depth for centring and feed rate
N740 S1000 F=... M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for centring
N750 Repeat ... ... p1 Execute program between the Labels LB001 and LE001 once
17 Ä63%³ Request drill diameter 8mm (for simulation SF8)
1« Load drill
1« Advance evaluation Stop
N780 ...=8+(8*1/3) ...=50 Specify depth for centring and countering in R1 and feed rate in R2
N790 S800 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for the drill
N800 R...=8+(8*1/3) Specify depth for drilling (1/3 drill point)
N810 ... LB001 LE001 p1 Execute the program between the Labels once
N820 G0 Z150 Retraction in Z-direction
N830 X150 Y150 Retraction in X and Y-direction
N840 M30 End of program
1« Specify label denomination LB001
N860 G... X... Y... Z... Traverse to 1st drilling position
N870 GOTOF ... Jump to block N920
N880 LB002: Specify label denomination LB002
N890 G... X... Y... Z... Traverse to 2nd drilling position
15HSHDW11« Execute blocks N920 to N940
1« Specify label denomination LE001
N920 G1 z=... F=... Drill at feed rate
N930 G4 S2 Dwell after reaching the drilling depth for smoothing
N940 G1 z... F=... With double the feed rate move to z2
1« Jump back to Label LB002
REPEAT Repeats the section between the labels for the pro-
grammed number of times.
Repeat LB002 LE002 P2
The use of block numbers as destination mark is not
advisable. if the block number changes, there will be
no automatic correction.
G4 Dwell
G4 S2 Dwell for 2 revolutions
G4 F2 Dwell for 2 seconds
Holes are to be drilled into the milled work piece. These holes are to be
programmed using jumps and parameters.
N690 G0 x150 y150 Traverse to the tool changing point in x and y
N700 R1=0 R2=0 Set the parameter R1 (drilling and counter depth) and R2 (feed rate)
to zero
17 Ä1&-$QERKUHU³ Request NC-centre drill Ø larger 12mm (for simulation SF10)
N720 M6 Load NC-centre drill
N730 R1=-5 R2=100 Specify depth for centring and feed rate
N740 S1000 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for centring
N750 Repeat LB001 LE001 p1 Execute program between the Labels LB001 and LE001 once
17 Ä63%PP³ Request drill diameter 8mm (for simulation SF8)
N770 M6 Load drill
N775 STOPRE Advance evaluation Stop
N780 R1=8+(8*1/3) R2=50 Specify depth for centring and countering in R1 and feed rate in R2
N790 S800 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for the drill
N800 R1=8+(8*1/3) Specify depth for drilling (1/3 drill point)
N810 Repeat LB001 LE001 p1 Execute the program between the labels once
N820 G0 Z150 Retraction in Z-direction
N830 X150 Y150 Retraction in X and Y-direction
N840 M30 End of program
N850 LB001: Specify label denomination LB001
N860 G0 x25 y25 z2 Traverse to 1st drilling position
N870 GOTOF N920 Jump to block N920
N880 LB002: Specify label denomination LB002
N890 G0 x50 y25 z2 Traverse to 2nd drilling position
N900 Repeat N920 N940 Execute blocks N920 to N940
N910 LE001: Specify label denomination LE001
N920 G1 z=R1 F=R2 Drill at feed rate
N930 G4 S2 Dwell after reaching the drilling depth for smoothing
N940 G1 z2 F=R2*2 With double the feed rate move to z2
N950 GOTOB LB002 Jump back to Label LB002
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to programme circular and rectangular pockets
using DIN-commands.
Finishing allowance
Programming of circular pockets
Programming of rectangular pockets
Finishing allowance
Section 1
Section 4
Section 5
It is often necessary to provide a finishing allowance when machining con-
tours and tolerance dimensions, especially if the tools were only preset. In
this case it is possible to take a measurement after the first machining fol-
lowed by a second pass permitting the tool to be corrected accordingly.
There are several possibilities for machining with a finishing allowance. For
instance, the tool radius can be theoretically increased by means of the
wear correction feature.
wear = 0
Real radius
Wear = 1
Das finishing allowance kann auch durch die Verwendung des Befehls
W e r t v o n O F F N s o m i t i m m e r d a n n w e n n d i e
Schneidenradiuskompensation aktiv ist der Wert von OFFN dem Radius
zugeschlagen. Damit lässt sich das finishing allowance im Programm
Realer Radius
**[«\« **[«\«
[«\ [«\«
/ N300 OFFN=1
N400 OFFN=0
The circular pockets shown below are to be programmed using DIN-
commands. This can also be achieved by means of cycles. This means of
carried out with a milling cutter of 12 mm diameter.
Course work 1
Course work 2
The circular pocket with a diameter of 22mm is to be milled. After the
straight plunge into the pocket, it is to be milled with a circular motion leav-
ing 0.5 mm finishing allowance for subsequent finishing.
N10 G55 G64 G17 Soft Zero point offset 55, plane xy, ...
17 Ä6)³ Call up tool SF12
N30 M6 Change tool
N40 S1300 F230 M3 M8 Select speed and feed, start spindle and coolant ON
N50 G0 X60 y20 z2 Positioning 2mm above the 1st circular pocket
N60 G1 z-3,8 Straight line plunging into the circular pocket, finishing
allowance 0,2mm
/N70 OFFN=0,25 Detrermine finishing allowance at edge in the deletion block
N80 R1=... Specify circular pocket radius
N90 CT1: Choose label for the circular pocket
N100 G41 G247 Disr=1 x=ic(R1) Approach of pocket edge with a quarter circle, radius 1
N110 G3 x=(ic0) I=ic(r1*-1) Milling the circular pocket counter-clockwise
N120 G1 G... G248 x60 y20 Disr=1 Leave edge with a quarter circle and de-activation of cutter
radius compensation
N130 CT1E: Choose label for end of circular pocket
N140 G0 z2 OFFN=0 Retraction with rapid traverse in Z from pocket
Solution see page 9
Course work 3
The rectangular pocket of length 25mm, width 20mm is to be milled. After
the straight line plunge into the pocket, it is to be milled counter-clockwise,
leaving a finishing allowance of 0.5mm for subsequent finishing.
N150 G0 X... Y... Positioning above the middle of the pocket
N160 R11=... R12=... R13=... Specification of the length (R11), the width (R12) and radius (R13)
N170 G1 z-3,8 Straight line infeed into pocket leaving finishing allowance 0,2mm
...N180 OFFN=... Determine finishing allowance of 0,25 in the deletion block
N190 RT1: Choose label for rectangular pocket
N200 G41 G... DISR=0,5 Y=ic(R12/2) Approach pocket edge with quarter circle, radius 1
N210 G1 x=ic(R11/2*(-1)) RND=R13
N220 y=ic(R12*(-1)) RND=R13
N230 x=R11 RND=R13 Machining of pocket
1\ LF«51'
N250 x=ic(R11/2*(-1))
N260 G40 G248 DISR=0,5 y=ic(R12/2*(-1))
N270 RT1E: Choose label for the end of the rectangular pocket
N280 OFFN=... Set finishing allowance to zero
N290 G0 Z2 Retraction in Z
Course work 4
Load the milling cutter SF8 and programme the roughing of the second
circular- and rectangular pocket.
Path information / Departure commands
Instruction Meaning
OFFN ... Evaluation of an equidistant path - e.g. in order to
leave a finishing allowance
OFFN=0 De-activation of the evaluated equidistant path
1« Specification of a deletion block
This block will not be executed if deletion blocks
are de-activated.
N10 G55 G64 G17 Soft Zero point offset 55, plane xy, ...
17 Ä6)³ Call up tool SF12
N30 M6 Change tool
N40 S1300 F230 M3 M8 Select speed and feed, start spindle and coolant ON
N50 G0 X60 y20 z2 Positioning 2mm above the 1st circular pocket
N60 G1 z-3,8 Straight line plunging into the circular pocket, finishing
allowance 0,2mm
/N70 OFFN=0,25 Determine finishing allowance at edge in the deletion block
N80 R1=11 Specify circular pocket radius
N90 CT1: Choose label for the circular pocket
N100 G41 G247 Disr=1 x=ic(R1)Approach of pocket edge with a quarter circle, radius 1
N110 G3 x=(ic0) I=ic(r1*-1) Milling the circular pocket counter-clockwise
N120 G1 G40 G248 x60 y20 Disr=1 Leave edge with a quarter circle
N130 CT1E: Choose label for end of circular pocket
N140 G0 z2 OFFN=0 Retraction with rapid traverse in Z from pocket
Course work 3
The rectangular pocket of length 25mm, width 20mm is to be milled. After
the straight line plunge into the pocket, it is to be milled counter-clockwise,
leaving a finishing allowance of 0.5mm for subsequent finishing.
N150 G0 X20 Y15 Positioning above the middle of the pocket
N160 R11=25 R12=20 R13=8 Specification of the length (R11), the width (R12) and radius (R13)
N170 G1 z-3,8 Straight line infeed into pocket leaving finishing allowance 0,2mm
/N180 OFFN=0,25 Determine finishing allowance
N190 RT1: Choose label for rectangular pocket
N200 G41 G247 DISR=0,5 Y=ic(R12/2) Approach pocket edge with quarter circle, radius 1
N210 G1 x=ic(R11/2*(-1)) RND=R13
N220 y=ic(R12*(-1)) RND=R13
N230 x=R11 RND=R13 Machining of pocket
N240 y=ic(R12) RND=R13
N250 x=ic(R11/2*(-1))
N260 G40 G248 DISR=0,5 y=ic(R12/2*(-1))
N270 RT1E: Choose label for the end of the rectangular pocket
N280 OFFN=0 Set finishing allowance to zero
N290 G0 Z2 Retraction in Z
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 10 A313
Section 4 Solution of Exercise
Course work 4
Load the milling cutter SF8 and programme the roughing of the second
circular- and rectangular pocket.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 11 A313
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through the module you will know the commands for Mirroring, Offset, Rotating and
Scaling of contours.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
General introduction
The commands in this module are known as frames (calculation instruc-
tions). They can influence, cancel or condition each other. In our example
a known contour, which is described in a sub-program, is to be milled in
various positions and sizes.
For this the zero point at the starting point of the contour of the sub-
program must be rotated. In order to be able to rotate the program about
the starting point of the sub-program, this point must be the zero point. Our
work piece zero point (G54) lies in the middle of the work piece.
The zero point can be offset in the programmed axes by means of these com-
mands. The command TRANS clears all active frames. ATRANS (adaptive offset)
generates the active frames.
For instance in case of multiple settings of work pieces the zero point can be off-
set and the main program executed repeatedly.
In the following example the zero point is to be transformed to the starting
point of the left hand contour.
Course work 1
Set up a new file by the name of Modul34.mpf
Course work 2
Programme the lines for milling the surface. Take into account that the
zero point lies in the middle. The milling cutter (PF60) has a diameter of
60mm, the work piece measures 80x80mm.
Course work 3
Load a milling cutter SF8, offset the zero point to the starting point of the contour
and position the tool at this location.
The co-ordinate sytem can be rotated by means of the command ROT or
AROT. The counter-clockwise rotation id taken to be positve. The positive
X-axis represents the zero-degree position.
There are two ways of programming.
Variant 1
Rotation about an axis
AROT X.. Y.. Z..
AROT z=90
X+ Y+
The zero point has been rotated by 90° about the Z-axis.
Variant 2
Rotation of the active plane
The active plane has been rotated by 90° about the Z-axis.
The command ROT resets the co-ordinate system and all other active
frames back to the original status.
Course work 4
Rotate the co-ordinate system by the required amount about the now valid
zero point. Enter the work piece with the cutter at feed rate by 3mm. After
that start the sub-program. Now un-select all frames.
With the command MIRROR or AMIRROR the co-ordinate system can be
mirrored about the programmed axis or axes. In such a case the pro-
grammed co-ordinates are mirrored about the axis or axes by their sign.
Variant 1
Mirroring an axis
Variant 2
Mirroring several axes
The command MIRROR resets the co-ordinate system and all other
active frames back to the original status.
Course work 5
Mirror the work piece about the X-axis. Offset the zero point to the starting point of
the contour and there rotate the co-ordinate system. Take into account the posi-
tion of the positive X-axis.
In some cases the Scaling of contour elements is quite sensible. The exist-
ing contours can be scaled up or down by a given factor.
The factor is defined following the command Scale for each individual axis.
When programming with ASCALE the calculations are always referred to
the presently valid co-ordinate system. With the command Scale the val-
ues of the active zero point offset are taken as a basis. All presently active
offsets, mirrorings, scalings and transformations (frames) are cancelled.
If no value follows the command scale SCALE all frames are cancelled.
The same applies to the command M30.
The value programmed under SCALE represents a factor. If this is >1 an
enlargement takes place, in case of values <1 diminished. Care must be
taken that radii are also affected. This can possibly lead to errors..
Variant 1
Scaling of an axis
All X-values are multiplied by 1.5.
Variant 2
Scaling of several axes
ASCALE X=1x1.5 Y=1x1.5
The scaling factor can also be calculated in the program by entering
the formula.
Course work 6
Scale the X and Y-axis. Let the control unit calculate the respective factor.
Plunge into the work piece by 3mm and cal up the sub-program
UP_Modul31. Traverse to the tool changing point. Terminate the main pro-
The scaling factor (Sf) is calculated from the formula:
Dimension of command geometry 32.55
Sf 1,1625
Dimension of actual geometry 28
AROT X.. Y.. Z..
RPL=.. Additive programmable rotation as referred to the presently
valid, selected or programmed zero point
X..... Y..... Z..... Rotation angle in space: - Geometry axis that is being rotated
RPL= ..... Rotation angle in a plane: - angle by which the co-ordinate system
Is rotated - (plane previously selected with G17 to G19)
ROT De-activation of programmable rotation, previously programmed
frames are cleared
SCALE X... Y... Z... Absolute programmable enlarging or diminishing (scaling), as referred
to the presently valid, with G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected
work piece zero point
ASCALE X... Y... Z... Additive programmable enlarging or diminishing (scaling) as referred
with G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected work piece zero point
AMIRROR X...Y...Z... Additive programmable mirroring as referred to the presently
valid, selected or programmed zero point
X..... Y..... Z..... Co-ordinate axis, in which the signs are changed,
(the value for X / Y or Z can be freely selected - e.g. X0 / Y0 / Z0)
In the following example the zero point is to be transformed to the starting
point of the left hand contour.
Course work 1
Set up a new file by the name of Modul34.mpf
Course work 2
Programme the lines for milling the surface. Take into account that the
zero point lies in the middle. The milling cutter (PF60) has a diameter of
60mm, the work piece measures 80x80mm.
Course work 3
Load a milling cutter SF8, offset the zero point to the starting point of the contour
and position the tool at this location.
With the command ROT or AROT the co-ordinate system can be rotated.
In this case the anti-clockwise direction is positive. The positive X-axis is
taken to be the zero position.
For this there are two ways of programming.
Variant 1
Rotation about an axis
AROT X.. Y.. Z..
AROT z=90
X+ Y+
The zero point was rotated by 90° about the Z-axis.
Variant 2
Rotation about the active plane
The active plane has been rotated by 90° about the Z-axis.
The command ROT resets the co-ordinate system and all other active
frames back to the original status.
Course work 4
Rotate the co-ordinate system by the required amount about the now valid zero
point. Plunge the milling cutter into the work piece by 3mm with feed rate. After
that start the sub-program. After that de-activate all frames.
N190 Arot z-20 or (Arot RPL-20) Rotate the co-ordinate system
N200 g1 z-3 Plunge into the contour
N210 UP_Modul31 Call up sub-program UP_Modul31
N220 G0 z2 Retraction to 2mm above the work piece
N230 Trans or (Rot) De-activate all frames
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 10 A314
Section 3 Solution Mirroring
With the command MIRROR or AMIRROR the co-ordinate system can be
mirrored about the programmed axis/axes. The co-ordinates programmed
hereafter will be mirrored about the axis/axes by changing the sign.
Variant 1
Mirroring einer axis
Variant 2
Mirroring mehrer axisn
The command MIRROR resets the co-ordinate system and all other active
frames back to the original status.
Course work 5
Mirror the work piece about the X-axis. Offset the zero point to the starting point of
the contour and there rotate the co-ordinate system. Take into account the posi-
tion of the positive X-axis.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 11 A314
Section 4 Scaling
Course work 6
Scale the X and Y-axis. Let the control unit calculate the respective factor.
Plunge into the work piece by 3mm and cal up the sub-program
UP_Modul31. Traverse to the tool changing point. Terminate the main pro-
The scaling factor (Sf) is calculated from the formula:
Dimension of command geometry 32.55
Sf 1,1625
Dimension of actual geometry 28
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 12 A314
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to programme with cycles.
Many standard machining jobs can be carried out with cyces. This applies
for example to face-milling, the milling of slots and pockets or drilling of
work pieces. The available cycles vary from machine to machine. Further-
more, the layout of the individual cycle depends on the respective cycle
status (version).
The cycles used on the Sinumerik all have the same layout. Hence it is
relatively easy to understand the functions and explanations. Graphics of-
ten provide useful support to this end.
The available cycles for the required sequence (boring, milling) can eas-
ily be found by means of the horizontal Softkeys.
The cycles available for the selected sequence are then shown for se-
lection by means of the vertical Softkeys.
The parameters used in all cycles will be explained briefly below.
The retraction plane should be chosen such that a lateral departure is pos-
sible without danger of collision. This must be borne in mind particularly in
the case of complex set-ups.
If a face has just been milled at Z±3 and holes are now to be drilled into
this face, the reference plane can be specified at ±3.
The control unit traverses the tool to this point with rapid traverse and then
switches to the programmed feed rate. The safety distance is incremental
relative to the reference plane.
The depth is programmed as an absolute dimension referred to the work
piece zero point.
In some of the input masks there is often a possibility of choosing the type
of machining. The possible values are already provided. These can be
The cycles listed here are but a small selection.
Hole positions with circular or rectangular ar-
Will be explained later
Provides the possibility to carry out pro-
grammed cycles again
Planar milling of work pieces
Milling along a programmed path that is
defined in a sub-program.
Rectangular or circular pockets
Milling of slots
Milling a spigot
Further cycles
Provides the possibility to carry out pro-
grammed cycles again
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to add the parameter values to cycles comforta-
bly with the support of the editor.
General aspects Section 1
regarding cycles
Selection in the editor Section 2
Input mask and Section 3
Call-up in a program Section 4
Why the necessity of cycles?
The manufacturer of the control unit has provided a number of cycles for
certain, often recurring technological sequences on CNC-machines.
Assuming a complex contour pocket were to be milled or items were being
turned with a number of back-cuts and the entire sequence were to be pro-
grammed with G-codes.
Quite apart from the extremely high programming effort the alteration of
certain dimensions might well mean that the whole NC-program would
have to be newly created.
Cycles simplify the programming significantly and provide over and
above this a great number of technological variations for the machin-
ing of work pieces.
The technological steps are already programmed into these efficient and
productive programs. The necessary mathematical co-ordinate values, the
technological data and variations are supplied to the control by means of
Example: Layout of a drilling cycle:
Programming: CYCLE82 (RTP, RFP, SDIS, DP, DTP)
Retraction plane
Reference plane
Safety level
Final drilling depth
The programmer simply has to provide these parameters together
with the specific work piece values for programming.
The input of the parameter values into the program can be carried out ei-
ther via the input mask for cycle support or directly in the NC-block.
When the editor is opened, the whole pallet of the cycles implemented in
the control unit is at your disposal.
The cycles are sub-divided into the technologies drilling, Milling and Turn-
The horizontal Softkeys lead to the respective technology.
For further explanation of the general dealing with cycles the cycle
The vertical Softkey strip shown in the image below appears after pressing
ditional functions provided.
Drilling of low-depth holes and reaming.
For deep holes with the options chip breaking and swarf
Drilling patterns for holes in line, on a grid, pitch circle,
any positions and repeat of position.
Hint: Depending on the software version and cycle availability of
your control unit the assignment to the various keys can be
After selection of the cycle the editor opens an input mask for the safe pro-
gramming of the necessary parameters:
Optional Softkeys
Name of the cycle Description of the current
Parameter with input
field alongside
For leaving the input
Return to the upper level Start of the help screen
of the editor
Hints for parameter input:
The input of a numerical value must always be acknowledged with
the Enter key. A full stop must be used as decimal point.
For certain parameters either absolute oder incremental co-ordinate
between the two possibilities.
The more important parameters of a machining cycle are described below
using the example CYCLE82.
rapid traverse feed
A graphical help depiction is shown permanently to back up the displayed
parameter description.
Parameter description
Retraction plane RTP
This serves as a safety plane for the approach of the first and any
further machining position. With this any possible collision with
clamps and other parts of the work piece, which extend above the
machining plane, is avoided.
Reference plane RFP
Work piece plane on which the machining commences.
Safety distance SDIS
Safety distance above the reference plane. The control unit auto-
matically locates this in the opposite direction to the drilling direction.
(please do not enter a directional sign!)
Final drilling depth DP
The input can be either as an absolute dimension relative to the work
piece zero point or incremental from the reference plane.
Dwell DTB
Dwell period in seconds for tool relief and cleaning up at the bottom
of the hole.
The values of any parameters not required for a particular machining se-
or else the values can be deleted.
After specifying the parameter values return to the editor by pressing the
Block N140 shows a completely parametered drilling cycle.
Alteration of the parameter values
In order to change any parameters, position the cursor in the block of the
The graphics together with the input mask appear once more showing the
parameters already programmed. These can now be changed as neces-
Obviously it is also possible to edit the parameter values directly in the NC-
block without using the mask.
In this case it is most important to ensure the correct sequence and that
the values are properly separated by correctly placed kommas.
Hint: If the inputs are changed by direct editing, the possibility to
revert to the mask is lost.
Before a cycle is started, the tool must be activated and located in a safe
position such as to prevent a collision during approach to the work piece.
Important: After the cycle has been completed, the tool will be back
in that position which it had before the cycle was called
When carrying out the cycle, the control differentiates in case of a drilling
cycle between a once-only and multiple call-up.
Once-only call-up
If only one hole is to be drilled, the tool must be traversed to the required
drilling position in the active plane (X and Y in case of vertical milling ma-
chines) before the cycle is called up.
The co-ordinates for the infeed axis (Z-axis) are always stated in the cy-
cle. A preceding approach is not necessary.
If several holes are to be drilled with the same tool, a modal call-up of the
drilling cycle is advisable.
Multiple call-up
As in all other cases when using a cycle, the prime requisite before starting
the cycle is that the activated tool is located at a safe, collision-free posi-
However, it is not necessary to approach the co-ordinates of any drilling
position;; the cycle always expects the position statements directly after it
has been called up.
By pressing this key (see page 4) the cycle is acti-
vated modally.
The positions can be stated with the Code G0.
For pitch circles or systematically spaced holes the control unit provides an
effective means for the input using positioning cycles.
These can be accessed by means of the key shown alongside (see page
The code MCALL should be seen as a switch. It renders the cycle call-up
modal (block N190).
Directly after stating the positions for drilling, the multiple call-up must be
switched OFF again with the same code (block N230).
If this is omitted the ensuing running of the program can pos-
sibly be disrupted considerably.
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to programme drilled holes using cycles.
Modal call-up
Section 2
Drilling patterns
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Further explanations:
DAM Degression, reduction of the ensuing drilling depths,
(every further drilling depth is reduced by this value)
DTP Dwell at the intermediate drilling depth in seconds or
FRF Correction factor for the feed rate programmed with F
specially for the first drilling depth
Machining Technology for chip breaking or chip clearance
Axis Axis, which is parallel to the hole. (Z=3rd geo-axis)
MDEP Minimum drilling depth if the actual drilling depth has be
come too small due to the degression.
VRT Retraction distance for chip breaking
DTD Dwell for cleaning at the final depth in seconds or
Chamfer diameter
The shown work piece is to be drilled in the course of this work piece.
As a first step the hole at x-20 y-20 is drilled. For this the hole must be centred
deep enough to attain the chamfering diameter followed by drilling the hole. In the
the deep hole drilling cycle CYCLE83. Here all parameters
necessary for the machining can be set. For this open the %Modul36.mpf
N10 G54 G64 G17 Soft
program Modul36.mpf and supplement the program. N20 T="PF60"
N30 M6
N40 S1000 F200 M3 M8 D1
N50 G0 x115 y65 z2
N60 G1 z0
N70 x-35
N80 G0 z200
N90 T="ZB12"
The CYCLE82 can also
N100 M6
be used for reaming.
N110 S1200 F150 M3 M8 D1
N120 G0 x-20 y-20
N130 CYCLE82(2,0,1,-4.25,,1)
N140 T="SPB8"
N150 M6
N160 S1200 F150 M3 M8 D1
N170 G0 x-20 y-20
8* 4
/ 20
N180 CYCLE83(2,0,1,-30,,-10,,1,0,,1,1,3,3,,-1,1)
N190 G0 Z200
- 30
9x 8
In the deep hole drilling cycle the following values have been programmed (see
page 3). Please answer the posed questions.
To which position does the machine traverse at rapid traverse rate?
Where does the face to be drilled commence?
Up to which Z value (abs) does the machine plunge into the work piece for the first
Up to which Z-dimension (abs) does the machine drill in the first step?
How deep is the second drilling depth?
How many chip clearing processes are there? State the depths (abs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
In order to machine similar holes with just one cycle definition, the modal call-up is
With the modal call-up a range is defined in which the type of machining and the
associated hole positions are described. This range starts with an MCALL and
finishes with a second MCALL. If these hole positions are to be used again for a
later machining sequence, they can be called up again with a label denomination.
N100 MCALL CYCLE82(:::) Open the modal range, state the
« machining parameters for centring
N110 POS001: Specify label denomination
1*[«\« Drilling positions
N150 MCALL Close the range MCALL
N160 POS001E: Specify label denomination
N200 MCALL CYCLE83(:::) Open the modal range, state the
machining parameters for drilling
N210 REPEAT POS001 POS001E Repeat drilling position
In the following the holes on the pitch circle are to be defined in a Label by means
of polar co-ordinates and centered 3.25mm deep. For this insert the program
section after line 130.
N200 MCALL CYCLE82(2,0,1,-3.25,,1) Open the modal range and specify machining with
CYCLE 82 festlegen
N210 POS001: Specify label denomination POS001
N220 G111 x-20 y... Specify POL for polar the co-ordinates to be the centre
of the circular pocket
N230 G0 ap=... rp=... Specify polar co-ordinates for the 1st hole
N240 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10
N250 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10 Explanation see solution Summary page 10
N260 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10
N270 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10 Incremental advance for 7 further holes
N280 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10
N290 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10
N300 G0 ap=ic(...) rp=10
N310 ... Terminate modal range
1« Specify label denomination POS001E
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
Cycles are available for a circular and rectangular pattern for the programming of
standard drilling pattern.
work piece are now to be centred.
N340 POS002:
N350 CYCLE801(-11,-45,180,9,9,3,3)
Result of the cycle programming
Drilling the holes in the hole grid and the central bore of the pitch circle
N380 T="SPB8" Call-up of drill
1« Load drill
N400 S1200 F150 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data
N410 MCALL CYCLE83(2,0,1,-20,,-10,,1,0,,1,1,3,3,,-1,1) Using the deep hole drilling cycle
machine the hole grid in modal
1«««««««««« call up the label range for hole
Drilling der holes im pitch circle
N440 T="SPB5" Call-up of drill
N450 M6 Load drill
N460 S1900 F120 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data
1«««&<&/(«-10,,1,0,,1,1,3,3,,-1,1) Define deep hole drilling cycle for pitch
1«««««««««« Call up the drilling positions by means
of the label
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
As for the drilling cycle the machining parameters must be specified. The cycle
can be used with and without a compensating chuck. The direction of rotation at
the cycle start determines whether a left or right hand thread is being cut. The
pitch can be defined for standard threads by stating the size of thread. For other
threads the actual value of the pitch can be entered.
DP The final depth has been chosen to be ±12. The
lead is 2mm.
DTP A dwell may be programmed at the end of the
SDAC States a direction of rotation at the end of the
Axis States the geo-axis on which machining takes
Selection Specifies the direction of rotation for tapping
Table The thread can be selected
No input = programming of the pitch
PIT Determines the pitch
POSS If the lead is is to be at a certain angle, it can be
defined here
SST Spindle speed for tapping
SST1 Spindle speed for retraction
Infeed If during thread cutting the chips are to be cleared,
several infeed depths can be specified.
Finally the threads M6 are to be tapped now. For the description of the tapping
positions the pitch circle is to be used.
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
When programming drilling patterns (e.g. holes on a pitch circle) the polar co-ordinate system is often
used. This often saves extensive calculation effort that would be necessary if the centres of the holes
were to be programmed in Cartesian co-ordinates.
The plane polar co-ordinate system consist of an origin, the pole of the plane and a number of rays
from the pole outwards (polar axes). A point can thus be defined explicitly by means of the radius vec-
tor and the polar angle.
G111 in x
Pol X
G111 in y
Cycles Explanation
&<&/(« Drilling without chip clearance, centring, reaming
&<&/(« Deep hole drilling (chip clearance or chip
&<&/(« Tapping
&<&/(« Drilling pattern holes in line or hole grid
+2/(6« Drilling pattern pitch circle
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 10 A317
Section 6 Summary
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 11 A317
Section 1 Solution for Deep hole drilling
In the deep hole drilling cycle the following values have been programmed (see
page 3). Please answer the posed questions.
To which position does the machine traverse at rapid traverse rate?
X -20 Y -20 Z 2
Where does the face to be drilled commence?
Z 0
Up to which Z value (abs) does the machine plunge into the work piece for the first
Z 1
Up to which Z-dimension (abs) does the machine drill in the first step?
Z -10
How deep is the second drilling depth?
How many chip clearing processes are there? State the depths (abs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-9 -19 -27 -30
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 12 A317
Section 2 Solution for Modal call-up
In order to machine similar holes with just one cycle definition, the modal call-up is
With the modal call-up a range is defined in which the type of machining and the
associated hole positions are described. This range starts with an MCALL and
finishes with a second MCALL. If these hole positions are to be used again for a
later machining sequence, they can be called up again with a label denomination.
N100 MCALL CYCLE82(:::) Open the modal range, state the
« machining parameters for centring
N110 POS001: Specify label denomination
1*[«\« Drilling positions
N150 MCALL Close the range MCALL
N160 POS001E: Specify label denomination
N200 MCALL CYCLE83(:::) Open the modal range, state the
machining parameters for drilling
N210 REPEAT POS001 POS001E Repeat drilling position
In the following the holes on the pitch circle are to be defined in a Label by means
of polar co-ordinates and centred 3.25mm deep. For this insert the program sec-
tion after line 130.
N200 MCALL CYCLE82(2,0,1,-3.25,,1) Open the modal range and specify machining with
N210 POS001: Specify label denomination POS001
N220 G111 x-20 y-20 Specify POL for polar the co-ordinates to be the centre
of the circular pocket
N230 G0 ap=20 rp=10 Specify polar co-ordinates for the 1st hole
N240 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N250 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N260 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N270 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10 Incremental advance for 7 further holes
N280 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N290 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N300 G0 ap=ic(45) rp=10
N310 MCALL Terminate modal range
N320 POS001E: Specify label denomination POS001E
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 13 A317
Section 3 Solution for Drilling patterns
Drilling the holes in the hole grid and the central bore of the pitch circle
N380 T="SPB8" Call-up of drill
N390 M6 Load drill
N400 S1200 F150 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data
N410 MCALL CYCLE83(2,0,1,-20,,-10,,1,0,,1,1,3,3,,-1,1) Using the deep hole drilling cycle
machine the hole grid in modal
N420 REPEAT POS002 ENDLABEL Call up the label range for hole
N430 MCALL Terminate the modal range
Drilling the holes on the pitch circle
N440 T="SPB5" Call-up of drill
N450 M6 Load drill
N460 S1900 F120 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data
N470 MCALL CYCLE83(2,0,1,-20,,-10,,1,0,,1,1,3,3,,-1,1) Define deep hole drilling cycle for pitch
N480 REPEAT POS001 POS001E Call up the drilling positions by means
of the label
8* 4
/ 20
- 30
9x 8
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 14 A317
Section 4 Solution for Tapping
Finally the threads M6 are to be tapped now. For the description of the tapping
positions the pitch circle is to be used.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 15 A317
1 Brief description
Aim of the module:
Having worked through this module you will be able to use the most important operating aspects of
the control unit and to set up a part program.
Operation sector
Machine Section 1
Operation sector Section 2
Operation sector Section 3
Summary Section 4
The control unit can be switched ON and OFF in a variety of ways. That
depends largely on the overall configuration of the individual machine.
Here the recommendations of the manufacturer must be observed under
all circumstances.
Of the large amount of information displayed on the screen in the opera-
1 Mode-of-operation Automatic
2 Name of the selected part program
3 Display of the present tool positions in the available axes
4 Statements regarding the master spindle
5 Display of the current NC-program block
6 NC-display Feed
7 Active tool
8 Horizontal Softkey strip
9 Vertical Softkey strip
By pressing the respective Softkey the functions currently shown on the
screen are called up.
Displayed in the operation sector 'Machine' is the execution of the part pro-
grams and the operation of the plant in the manual mode (e.g. setting up).
SINUMERIK 802D sl Training, Operation and Service Page 2 A340
Section 2 Operation sector Parameter
By pressing the shown key the operation sector
'Parameters' will be accessed.
In this range the operator can edit the necessary data for the execution of
The following data are of foremost importance here:
Tool compensation
Definition of tools and editing the tool correction data
Value assignment for the R-parameters that can be freely used in the
Setting data
Setting of certain pre-selections on the machine:
e.g. limitation of the geometrical working range, spindle data, data for
the manual operation (jogging data), protection ranges etc.
Zero point offset
Input or correction of the work piece zero point offsets
The operation sector 'Program' contains the whole process of program editing
and management:
Overview of the programs already available
Defining, copying, re-naming or clearing of data files
Editing and alteration of the programs
Loading or unloading the programs into the control unit
Meaning of the file extensions:
.WPD Program listing (Work Piece Directory)
.MPF Main program (Main Program File)
.SPF Sub-program (Sub Program File)
.INI Initialisation file
Using the cursor keys permits you to navigate up and down
amongst the files.
The key 'Input' (Enter) has the following functions:
- Opening and closing a directory (WPD)
- Opening the programs (e.g. MPF and SPF)
- Acknowledgement of the inputs and line advance in the
The following notes describe the sequence for editing a part program in the
operation sector 'Program':
display screen will appear.
Enter the required name MOTOR for the directory, select the data extension
Enter here the program name PLEUEL and acknowledge after your choice
and OK.
The program editor of the control unit is available for the input of the codes
or cycles.
With this Softkey the editor will be closed and the
program will be stored automatically.
All basic functions of the control unit are accessible to the machine operator
via the operation surface. They are combined in the Operation sectors.
When using the plant the product instructions by the manufacturer must be
Basic functions Operation sectors
Manual operation of the
setting-up mode,
execution of part pro-
Tool correction,
zero point offsets,
setting data
Program editing,
program management
Entering and reading-
out of programs and
Alarm messages,
service messages
Matching of the NC-
data to the machine,
system setting-up