Structure: AND Stratigraphy of Avs Field, Java Sea

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© IPA, 2006 - 15th Annual Convention Proceedings, 1986

Fifteenth Annual Convention, October 1986


Roberto Fainstein*
Hem Pramono*

ABSTRACT west Java. This paper describes a newly discovered oil field
The Thousand Islands area of the Northwest Java Sea in this trend.
has recently been the site of several important oil discoveri- The AVS Field is situated in the Thousand Islands Trend
es. Two fields, Bima and Karmila. are now producing and of the Northwest Java Sea within the PERTAMINA-ARII
several more are in the delineation stage, anlong them the contract area (Fig. 3,). It lies on the easternmost part of the
AA, AVS, AU and AV-Kartini Fields. All of these fields are Sunda Basin, on the downthrown side of the Thousand
associated with the Thousand Islands Fault System. The Islands Fault. This major basement fault separates the Sunda
Thousand Islands Fault is a major basement fault. down- Basin from the Seribu Platform (Fig. 2 ; Fig. 3). The main
thrown to the west, which separates the Sr~ndaRasin from field dong this trend is Binla Field with estimated re-
the Seribu Platform in the Northwest Java Sea. coverable reserves of 100 MMBO, mainly from carbonates
This paper investigates the structure and stratigraphy of of the Lower Miocene Batu Raja Formation. Bima Field is
the AVS Field which is characterized by multiple channel located on the Seribu Platform and its discovery has
sand reservoirs of the Oligocene Talang Akar Formation. prompted rejuvenation of exploration efforts in the area.
Pay zones consist of two distinct Talang Akar facies, one The AVS Field is located between the AV-Kartini and AU
fluvial/upper deltaic and the other transitional/lower fields to the north and the AA Field to the south (Fig. 2;
deltaic. These two reservoir facies are laterally correlated Fig. 3). The AA, AV-Kartini and AU oil fields are also new
by well-logs. Although pay zones may have a stratigraphic discoveries, which are still being delineated.
control, oil is encountered on structural roll-overs confined Drilling in the AVS area began in 1982 with exploratory
laterally by synthetic growth faults of the Thousand well AVS-1. This well flowed in excess of 8500 BPD of
Islands Fault System. The interpretation of conventional water-free oil from two sand reservoirs of the Oligocene
seismic reflection sections identifies the faults and struc- Talang Akar Formation, the AVS 54 and the AVS 62 zones,
tural highs of the field. Stratigraphic features, however. with total net pay of 95 feet. This result led to the drilling
are better seen on non-attenuated seismic reflection sec- of three delineation wells. The AVS2 well, which was drill-
tions. Oil accumulates on the structural highs after mig- ed two hundred feet downdip t o the south, encountered an
rating from deeper zones in the Sunda Basin. There is no AVS 54 zone saturated with gas and oil. The AVS3 updip
communication among the multiple reservoir zones be- delineation well, found new pay zones in addition t o those
cause of the effective sealing provided by interbedded discovered by AVS-1. The AVS4 well was drilled t o further
shales. delineate the field southwards. This well found hyqdro-
There are about twenty different oil bearing reservoirs carbons in the AVS-60 and AVS-62 zones and suggested
in the AVS Field. Computations of net pay from these reserves in excess of 20 MMBO for the field. A platform
zones indicate recoverable reserves in excess of twenty was installed at the original AVS-2 well location(Fig. 3),
million barrels. and four development wells have successfully been drilled.
Several additional delineation and development wells are
INTRODUCTION planned t o accurately define the limits of the field.
The foreland basins of Indonesia have been intensely
explored during the last two decades. These basins, which DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING
are located behind the volcanic islands arc (Fig. I), pro- Following the drilling of the discovery well, detailed
vide most of Indonesia's oil production and reserves seismic reflection work was carried out over the AVS area
(Fletcher and Soeparjadi, 1976). Yet, despite the explora- during 1983 and 1984. Seismic lines were shot according
tory effort, these areas are still far from being fully mature to a tight grid pattern to facilitate structural and strati-
and new exploration plays are available. Off Northwest graphic studies. Acquisition and processing of seiqrnic lines
Java the foreland basins are filled with Cenozoic sediments, involved trade-off options between seismic resolution and
mostly of Oligocene and Miocene age, and are underlain by signal t o noise ratio optimization. The struc ural fabric of
metamorphosed granite basement. A promising trend J
the AVS area was defined on the basis of these seismic data
associated with basement relief has emerged recently, at set. Furthermore, selected data were reprocessed in 1986
the transition zone between two foreland basins off North- to enable detailed stratigraphic correlations through the
* Arco Indonesia study of non-attenuated seismic phase sections.
Studies of well data involved processing of Schlumberger thrown side of the fault. These pay zones are associated
well log tapes of resistivity, gamma ray, density, neutron with deltaic sands of the Oligocene Talang Akar Formation.
and sonic readings. Lithology, pores;+;-s and hydrocarbon In the AVS and AV-Kartini areas, sands are interbedded
saturations were determined and hydrocarbon zones were with coal and shale deposits of fluvio-lacustrine origin. Oil
correlated laterally into detailed stratigraphic and structural is also found in basal Talang Akar sands on the upthrown
cross-sections. side of the fault in the Bima, AA and AU Fields.
Displacements of Talang Akar beds in the Thousand
REGIONAL GEOLOGY Islands Fault reach more than 4000 feet close to the Bima
The Indonesian archipelago (Fig. 1) contains outer-arc, Field. Near the AVS area, typical displacements are bet-
intra-arc and back-arc basins. Back-arc basins are also com- ween 200 and 1000 feet. The fault strikes either north-
monly referred t o as foreland basins. south or northeast-southwest and dips towards the west
Two of the foreland basins off Java are the Sunda Basin (Fig. 3 ; Fig. 4). Basement fault plane dip into the Sunda
and the adjacent Seribu Platform, located in the Northwest Basin is close to 40 degrees. Smaller normal faults associated
Java Sea (Fig. 2). Sunda Basin extends from offshore Java with the main fault also dip towards the west, and strike
west to offshore Sumatra. The Seribu Platform is a major predominantly in two directions: northwest-southeast and
horst block between the Sunda Basin and Ardjuna Basin t o northeast-southwest (Fig. 3 , Fig. 4). The main direction of
the east (Fig. 2). These foreland basins have existed since tensile stress is east-west (Fig. 4). The configuration of the
the end of the Cretaceous when their basement topography principal stress axes explains the dominant north-south
was established (Fletcher and Soeparjadi, 1976, Ben- characteristic of the fault system. This is true not only
Avraham, 1973 Katili, 1980). During the Cenozoic, for the Thousand Islands area but for most of the North-
abundant sediments were supplied to the forelands from west Java Sea. It would appear that compressive stresses
emergent land masses that resulted from active subduction associated with the Java Trench and with the Island Arc
of the Indian Plate off Java and Sumatra. did not affect the forelands.
The Thousand Islands Trend runs in a nearly north-
south direction and forms the western boundary of the STRATIGRAPHY
Seribu Platform (Fig. 2). The trend extends into the Sunda Clastic sediments of the Sunda Basin overly an Upper
Basin through a steep basemen1 fault scarp dipping towards Cretaceous metamorphic basement. The first marine trans-
the west. Sediment thicknesses of the Talang Akar Forma- gression occurred about 30 m.y .b.p. during the Oligocene,
tion increase into the basin forming a wedge on top of the when paralic sediments of the Talang Akar Formation were
basement slope. laid down over basement. At the eastern edge of the basin,
Extensional synthetic fault assemblages are associated the Thousand Islands Fault normally displaces basement
with the main basement fault. Synthetic faults, mostly and separates the Sunda Basin proper from the Seribu
low angle listric growth faults, parallel the main basement Platform. This basement growth fault dissects the entire
fault. Minor antithetic faults further define horst and sedimentary section. Basin fill during the Oligocene consists
graben blocks within the main extensional tilted fault blocks mostly of regressive quartz-sand, claystone and coal
(Fig. 3). The Thousand Islands Fault is Oligocene in age. sequences (Fig. 5).
Its downthrown side has been filled by regressive clastic Total Talang Akar section in the deeper parts of Sunda
deltaic sequences, which yielded excellent source and re- Basin exceeds 8500 feet (Ardila, 1983). Near the eastern
servoir rocks after diagenesis. These deposits were laterally edge of the basin the section thins over the basement scarp.
confined by growth faults of the Thousand Islands System. Overlying these clastics there are Miocene carbonates of the
The Thousand Islands Trend is, therefore, a system of Batu Raja Formation, which were laid down during a
normal, synthetic growth faults and the main fault of the transgressive phase. Regressive clastic sediments were de-
trend is the Thousand Island Fault. Oligocene and Early posited again above the Batu Raja as the Gumai and Air
Miocene strata displacements along this fault increase to- Benakat Formations and more recently as the Plio-Pleis-
wards the south. The fault dies out north of the AV area tocene Cisubuh Formation (Fig. 5).
(Fig. 3). In the AVS Field area, rion-marine Talang Akar facies
It appears that a relationship exists between the magni- were first deposited in the Oligocene (Fig. 5). This interval
tude of the fault throw and the type of oil play. Where reflects a fluvial-upper deltaic depositional environment
fault throws are greater, pay zones are associated with in which the deeper sandstone reservoirs are encountered.
shallow marine carbonates of the Early Miocene Batu Raja Individual sandstone reservoirs have a maximum thickness
Formation. These hydrocarbon zones are generally situated of 30 feet and are interbedded with shales and siltstones.
on the upthrown side of the fault, as in Birna, AA, and Typically, these reservoirs have porosities ranging from
Duma Fields. Carbonate porosity in these fields was created 10-15% with grain sizes fining upwards. Some thin coals
by leaching of micrite followed by rapid subsidence and are also present in this facies. To the east, the entire section
burial, with contemporaneous oil migration and emplace- comprising this facies assemblage is juxtaposed against the
ment. This series of events did not occur on the down- basement fault, providing an excellent seal for hydrocarbon
thrown side of the fault where micrite is extensively pre- entrapment.
served and the Batu Raja Formation is fairly tight. Another non-marine Talang Akar deltaic facies tract
However, where the fault throws are smaller, pay zones overlies the sequence described above and consists of inter-
are deeper and are generally encountered on the down- calated coal seams, shales and sandstone beds. The wides-
pread coal seam distribution suggests that swampy con- Correlation of well-logs was performed at true vertical
ditions prevailed over the area. Two of these coal seams depth (T.V.D.), meaning that stratigraphic thicknesses
spread over the AV-Kartini area to the north and to the AU shown in Fig. 6 are vertically correct but lateral relation-
area on the upthrown side of the Thousand Islands Fault ships are not established.
(Fig. 2). In the AVS area nine coal seams correlate from
well t o well. This deltaic facies consists of active channel
sand, point bar and crevasse splay sands, which make
up distinct reservoir types (Fig. 5). Lateral sand develop- Four maps illustrate the structural fabric in the AVS
ment is irregular and abrupt facies changes over very short area: a) The top of the Deltaic Talang Akar Sequence
distances are common. Sand porosity varies from 20 to (Fig. 8), b) Top of the AVS-54 sand reservoirs (Fig. 91,
35% indicating excellent reservoirs. Coals and dark shales c) Top of the AVS-62 sand reservoirs (Fig. 10) and d) Top
provide the hydrocarbon source. Basernel~t (Fig. 11). In addition, an isopach map of the
As marine transgression occurred, transitional and ma- Deltaic Talang Akar shows reniarkable thickening on the
rine sedirnenfs of the Talang Akar Formation were deposit- downthrown side of Thousand Islands Fault (Fig. 12).
As previously stated, the top of the Deltaic Talang Akar
ed. They comprise lighter color shales with limestone
Formation is a coal bed. This horizon is an excellent seismic
stringers. The transitional nature of this facies is clearly
reflection marker. Mapping this bed and horizons beiow it
seen on a north-south cross section through the AVS Field
reveals the extensional nature of fault blocks associated
(Fig. 6).
with the Thousand Islands Fault (Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10).
As transgression proceeded through Late Oligocene and
The nor~nalfaults follow the basement morphology (e.g.,
Early Miocene, the amount of clastics derived from land
Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15, Fig. 16 and Fig. 17). They are
became insignificant, and conditions for marine carbonate
synthetic listric growth faults which often attain low angles
(Batu Raja Fm) deposition prevailed. Over basin highs,
in the Talang Akar Formation.
the Batu Raja (Lower Cibulakan) developed as reef com-
Hydrocarbon traps are associated with rollover anticlines
plexes. However, in the AVS area, a deeper water open
laterally confined by the faults. Rollovers are clearly
marine Batu Raja facies prevails. In the AVS wells this
illustrated on the seismic records at the top of the coal
facies consists of marls and tight limestones.
marker and at the the AVS-54 and AVS-62 reservoir levels
The next regressive phase brought new influx of clastic (Fig. 13, Fig. 14 and Fig. 15). Between the top of the coal
debris that inhibited further carbonate deposition. Thick, marker and the AVS-54 sand reservoir there are three
marine, shelf sandstone bodies which coarsen upwards were additional coal beds interbedded with shales (Fig. 14).
deposited across the AVS Field and correspond to the The AVS-54 sands occur below the fourth coal bed and are
MassiveIMain sands (Upper Cibulakan). Cessation of sand- structurally controlled. However, the erratic nature of the
stone deposition was caused by another transgressive pulse sand distribution stratigraphically constrains reservoir thick-
which deposited shale and claystone sediments throughout nesses. The same interpretation is given t o the AVS-62
the basin. Limestone stringers are present in several strati- sands (Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15, Fig. 16 and Fig. 17).
graphic horizons. The Basement and the basement fault plane also provide
Slowly, conditions favouring marine carbonate de- good seismic signatures (e.g., Fig. 15, Fig. 17, see Fig. 11).
position (Parigi Fm) returned and thin limestone beds were The remarkable contrast of basement topographies on the
deposited in open marine deep water conditions. These upthrown and downthrown sides of the Thousand Islands
deposits are blanketed by the overlying Cisubuh Claystone Fault, is illustrated in Fig. 11. On the Seribu Platform
Formation, which also has some minor sandstone intercala- (upthrown side) basement dips gently northwards; in the
tions. Sunda Basin (downthrown side) basement dips sharply
There are more than twenty productive sand reservoirs towards the west.
in the AVS Field. The most productive pay zones are the Only one exploratory well, A V S I , did not penetrate
informally designated AVS-54, AVS57, AVS-60 and AVS- basement. All other wells reached basement west of the
62 zones. These zones are readily correlated using gamma Thousand Islands Fault except for AVSA-5. This well
ray, resistivity and sonic well log curves (Fig. 6), and they tested the section east of the fault and encountered new
may also be seen on seismic records. The top of AVS-54 basal pay zones AVS-68 and AVS-69 (AV-68 and AV-69).
and AVS62 sand reservoirs can be structurally mapped. These sand bodies cannot be correlated across the fault.
Stratigraphic correlation of sand channels however is better The basement fault plane is remarkably uniform with a
achieved by the interpretation of unconventional seismic westward dip of about 40 degrees (e.g., Fig. 11, Fig. 13,
reflection sections in which lateral continuity is enhanced Fig. 15, Fig. 17). As the fault proceeds upwards through
(Fig. 7). These seismic sections, processed for the cosine of the sedimentary strata this angle becomes steeper.
instantaneous phase, are essentially non-attenuated, Fault patterns on structural maps at the top of the coal
normalized amplitude seismic displays. Multiple reservoir marker (Fig. 8), top of AVS-54 zone (Fig. 9) and top of
sands, indistinguishable as events on normal seismic sec- AVS-62 reservoirs (Fig. 10) are quite similar. More detail
tions, may then be followed laterally. is seen on the top of the deltaic sequence (Fig. 8) simply
A coal bed at the top of the Deltaic Talang Akar se- because of the excellent reflectivity of the first coal.
quence is an excellent seismic marker (Fig. 7). Below it Fault blocks are also cut by minor antithetic faults with
there are ten additional coal beds. Coal 2 is the best marker throws smaller than 30 feet (which are not always detec-
on well logs and therefore was chosen as a datum (Fig. 6). table by seismic). The presence of these faults was deter-
nli~ied by well correlations and confirmed by dipmeter ~narkersidentify lateral changes in facies from sand t o shale,
logs. Antithetic faults also appear t o seal and trap hydro- enabling correct lateral correlatioil of rese~voirs(see Fig. 6).
carbons. Fluid contacts in the reservoirs are not necessari- Reservoir facies are recognized tlirougJi ganima ray logs.
ly the same across the faults. At tlle A V S 5 4 level (Fig. 9), Gamma ray curve diapes are good indicators of vertical
where the AVSA-3 and AVSA-5 are separated b y a fault. grain size distribution. Tlze AVS54, AVS57. AVS-60 and
tlle AVSA-3 well has gas/oil contact 130 deeper than AVS-62 sands were tentatively identified as point bars
AVSA-5. Pernleability barriers may also account for fluid within a meandering stream channel. Sidewall cores taken
contact discrepancies. for AVS-7 and AVSA-1 have silty sands and clays in the
The southern boundary of the AVS Field is being further upper part of the AVS-57 sand suggesting a swale deposit
ilet'ined at present by the AVSA-6 delineation well. This on the flank of a point bar ridge. At AVS-3 well the same
well reaches an untested hol-st block (Fig. 8: Fig. 9 ; Fig. 16; AVS-57 interval has very poor porosity. This tight rock
t*'ig. 17). Since hydrocarbolls nligrated from Sunda Basin interval niay result fro111 fine-grain sedimentation during
dcpocenters, it was expected that oil would have been overbank flow across the flood plain in an abandoned
trapped on the downthrown side of the southern fault channel segnicnt (Bet-g. 1968). In the AVS-4 wcll, the
before spilling over to the main upthrowti AVS block. gamma ray curve and sidewall cores of the AVS-57 interval
I n the AVSA-6 well. AVS-54 shaled out and AVS-67 was indicates an uniform, firre gl-ained and clean sandstone with
wet: however, the well encountered new deeper sands. im- good sol-ting and porosity, suggesting again that this sand
pregnated with oil (Fig. 10. Fig. 17). At present. an ex- type niay be part of a point bar. The sand isopaclt inap of
pIor3tory tail is designed t o test deeper roll-over stl-uct~ires AVS-57 I-escrvoislevel denionstrates the lateral distribution
in tlic Talang Akar sections (Fig. 16). H o r i ~ o n sbeneatll of the fluvial sands (Fig. 1 Cl).
present T.D. are sinlilar to AVS-69 (t:ig. 18). This is a
poten tially significant discovery. tilore over ~ C C ~ I I S the
lithology of AVSA-6 well differs fro111 other AVS wells RESERVE ESTIMATES
with thicker coals and sllalcs in tlle Deltaic E i I ; ~ ~ Akar.
~g Original oil in place in the AVS field is estimated now t o
be 60 MMBO. This e v a l u a t i o ~excludes ~ delineation wells of
RESERVOIRS the southern part of tlie field and also a possible extension
of the field northwards. Therefore, possible reserves nray
Tile ~nultiplcsandstone resel-voirs of the AVS Field are
exceed 100 MMBO. Recoverable priniary reservcs utilizing a
independent oil accumulations. Effective sealing of re-
recovery factor of 359 exceeds 70 MMBO.
ser\,oirs is accon~plisliedby the interbedded shales. It would
Conlputation nletllods for estiniating the reserves involv-
appcar that oil was gel~eratcdin Sunda Basin depocenters
ed tlie co~lstructionand analysis of' ~ i c toil isopacli niaps.
(Molina. 1085, see Fig. 3). and that uligrat ion wlts acconl-
Over twenty isopacli ~iiapswere generated. one for eacli
plisl~ed either tllro~~gll tlie Tliousatid lslands Fault System
individual I-eservoir ;.one. In these struct~irallybased Inaps.
or 1~)~drodynamically tlirough sandstone acluifers.
volumes of oil saturated sand bodies are comptltcd from a
Geochemical a ~ ~ a l y s eofs samples froll; AVS-7 well also
/era line base (OW('/LIO - oil water contact/lowcst inter-
su:ygest proximal niigratioti. In this well, shale sa~ilplcs
preted oil) up to the /era updip oil o r , ii'no gas is present,
close to the AVS-54 and A V S 6 2 reservoirs contai~iorganic
to tlie top of the structure (e.g. Fig. 7 0 ; Fig. 71 ).
nlatter which is thermally niature and oil prone.
Volunletric calculatio~lsin acre-fi are converted to stock
Oils from AVS wells have I l i h wax content (in excess
tank I,arrels oi' oil taking into acco~rrltrock and Illlid para-
of 10%) pointing to source organic ~ n a t t e rof terrestrial
~ n c t e r sand tlie I - C C O V C I - ~filctor. Also, stratigrapl~ictliinning
origin. Crudes are light, wit11 AVS-54 oil having an average
and tliiche~iingot' sand lenses were accounted fbr by sand
API gravity of 3 2 (specific gravity. 8 6 g/cc) and AVS-07
distribution niaps based on our channel sand models
having an average API gravity of 3 7 (specific gravity .83
(Fis. 19). Tlie ricller oil sands arc AVS-54. AVS-57, AVS-
g/cc). Crudes are generally sweet.
60 and AVS-62. A net oil isopaclt niap fi)r the AVS-67
Reservoir porosities of the AVS area typically range
sand is illustrated on Fig. 2 I .
from 18 t o 35%. The sandstone reservoirs are herein asso-
ciated wit11 two main depositional environliiel~ts:
a) transitio~lallower delta plain, and b) upper delta plain.
Reservoirs of tlie tra~zsitionallower delta nlain facies are CONCLUSIONS
interbedded with coal seanis whereas reservoirs associated Sediments of the AVS area of' the Nortliwcst Java Sea
with upper delta plain environments are not interbedded accu~nulatedcontinuously during the Cenozoic period ovcr
with coals. Coals therefore, were used as indicators of a major basement fault scarp that connects the eastern
depositional environment (Horne et al., 1978). In the AVS edge of the Sunda Basin to the Seribu Platform. The AVS
Field, A V S 5 4 t o AVS-62 sand facies are transitional lower oil field is situated within extensional fault blocks restricted
delta plain. Deeper sand pays like AVS-65 and AVS-66 are updip by the fault scarp.
upper delta plain facies. Structurally, the AVS Field is defined by gentle rollover
Coal beds in the AVS Field are relatively thick, (up t o anticlines located between syntlletic fault blocks. The ~ n u l -
38') and widespread. From the top of the deltaic sequence tiple, independent, oil reservoirs are also stratigraphically
to the A V S 6 2 sands there are eleven correlatable coal controlled. Seismic data and well logs assist in the lateral
beds. Lateral continuity of coals can be used to identify definition of the reservoirs.
interbcddcd sands between wells. In this fadiion tlle coal Source rocks, reservoirs and seals are ill tlre Oligocene
Talang Akar Formation. The deltaic sequence of this forma- Molina. J., 1985. "Petloleum Geocllt~nlst~y of the Sunda
tion comprises repeated alternations of coals, clays, shales. Basin", Proceedings of the Indonesian Pet~oleunlAssocia-
sands and sandstones. This sequence is regressive and basinal tion, Fourteenth Annual Convention, v.2. p. 143-179.
progradation is contemporaneous with growth fault de-
velopment. Reservoirs are composed of channel sands of
two distinct facies: a) transitional lower delta plain and LIST OF FIGURES
b) upper delta plain. There are over twenty independent
resewoirs in the field. Best reservoirs are AVS54, AVS57, Figure 1 : Regional Geological Map of Western Indonesia
AVS-60 and AVS-62 sands, all of which are fluvial sands of with main tectonic features: a) Java - Sumatra
transitional lower. delta plain facies. Tlench, b) Forearc Basins, c) Volcanic Islands
Sealing is accomplished either by faults or by lateral Arc and d) Foreland Basins. The Seribu
change of facies. Shales between sands effectively preclude (Thousand Island) Area of No~tliwestJava Sea
vertical communication pathways among reservoirs. Source is located in tlle forelands (modified from Ha-
rocks are shales and coals of the transitional lower delta milton. 1979).
plain facies and possibly shales of the upper deltaic Figure 2 : Geograpllical position o f the AVS Field within
sequence. the foreland basins of the Northwest Java Sea.
Recoverable reserves of the AVS Field are currently Along the Thousand Islands Fault System other
estimated at twenty million barrels. Successful delineation fields discovered recently are Karmila and AV-
drilling could lead to a substantial upward revision of this Kartini in the Sunda Basin and Binia, Duma,
estimate. AA and AU on the Seribu Platform.
Figure 3 : Regional tectonic framework of the area sur-
rounding Thousand Islands Trend and position
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of oil fields in it. Further west other oil fields
of the Sunda Basin are indicated. Contour in-
We are thankful to the management of Atlantic Richfield terval between normal faults in 100 ms. In
Indonesia Inc. who encouraged publication of this manus- the Bima and Duma areas contours represent
cript. The paper profited from the review of G.E. Richards, the top of Batu Raja Formation whereas in the
W.K. Keag, D.E. Pedersen. H.C. Olander, C.W. Bradshaw, remaining portion of the rnap contours are on
and R.W. Thomas. Many discussions with ARII geologists the top of the deltaic sequence of Talang Akar
and petroleuin engineers helped in preparing the manuscript Format ion.
and we are particularly appreciative to S.C. Moradi. N.C.
Figure 4 : a) Typical dip section associated with the
Orthwein, C.H. Wu, S.W. Prior and M. Camara. Formal
Thousand Islands Fault, in the AVS area,
review of the manuscript was conducted by Messrs. P.V. with directions of main stress axes.
Newman, S. Mitra and C.R. Ossian of headquarters staff. b) Strain-ellipse diagram of fault patterns give
We also express our gratitude to Mr. Badrul Munir and the fault orientations and directions of motion.
entire drafting department of ARII for the careful work in
Figure 5 : a) Stratigraphic column of AVS area as des-
preparation of the illustrations. Yanti Hasnawati and
cribed by wells of the AVS Field.
Eleonore Beemster patiently typed the manuscript.
b) Comparative stratigraphy of Seribu Platform,
AVS Field area and Sunda Basin.
REFERENCES Figure 6 : AVS area well log correlations of the pay zones
Ardila, L.E., 1983, "The Krisna High. Its Geologic Settlng on the Deltaic Talang Akar Forination. Log
and Related Hydrocarbon Accumulations", Seapex curves are gamma-ray (GR) and resistivity (ILD).
Proceedings, Volume VI, p. 10-23. Figure 7 : Seismic section 3814-SD83 across northern part
Ben-Avrahani, Z., 1973, "Structural Franiework of the of the field. This display of the cosine of instan-
Sunda Shelf and Vicinity", Woods Hole Oceanographic taneous phase, enhances lateral continuity and
lnst~tutionPh.D. Dissertation, 263pp. helps identify the stratigraphic features, such as
Berg. R.R., 1968, "Point-Bar Origin of Fall River Sandstone the AVS-57 channel and the AU-68 basal sand.
Rcselvoirs, Northeastern Wyoming", AAPG Bulletin, Figure 8 : Structural time map of the top of Deltaic Talang
v.52, no. 12, p. 21 16-2122. Akar sequence. This coal marker is an excellent
Fletcher, G.L. and Soeparjadi, R.A., 1976, "Indonesia's seismic reflect~nghorizon.
Tertiary Basins - The Land of Plenty", Offshore Figure 9 : Structural depth map of the AVS-54 sand re-
Southeast Asia Conference, paper no. 8, 65pp. servoir. Pay zones are downdip from the
Ilamilton, W., 1979, "Tectonics of the Indonesian Region", Thousand Islands Fault. Directional traces of
Geological Survey Professional Paper 1078, U.S. Govern- wells drilled from the AVSA platform and posi-
ment Printing Office, 345pp. tion of AVS-54 h o r i ~ o nin each well are shown.
Horne, J.C., Ferm, J.C., Caruccio, F.T. and Baganz, B.P., Gas-oil contact line (GOC) and lowest inter-
1978, Depositional Models in Coal Exploration and Mine preted oil line (LIO) are shown.
Planning in the Appalachian Region", AAPG Bulletin, Figure 10: Depth map of the AVS-62 sand reservoir.
v. 62, no. 12, p. 2379-241 1. Structural highs are confined by synthetic fault
Katili, J.A., 1980, "Geotectonics of Indonesia", Directorate blocks on the downthrown side of the Thousand
General of Mines, Jakarta, Indonesia, 345pp. Islands Fault. GOC and LIO lines are also shown
together with pay zone intersections of well line are registered.
traces. Figure 15: Seismic section 381 6-SD83 shows reverse drag
Figure 11 : Basement configuration around the AVS Field on the downthrown side of faults. Projected
area. Fault plane of Thousand Islands Fault has directions of exploration (AVS1) and develop-
a dip of approximately 40 degrees. ment (AVS A-1) directional wells are shown
AVSA-5 well encountered basal sand pays together with vertical position of the develop-
onlapping basement. Contour interval is 10 ms ment platform.
upthrown of fault plane and 50 ms at fault Figure 16: Seismic section 3567-SD83 along southern
plane. part of the AVS Field. Very low angle synrhe-
Figure 12: Isopach map between top Talang Akar Deltaic tic fault blocks follow orientation of basement
sequence and basement. This map shows se- topography. Minor anthitetic fault is of higher
diment thickness increasing dramatically on the angle. Again, positions of wells are illustrated.
downthrown side of the Thousand Islands Figure 17: Seismic section 3822-SD83 along southernmost
Fault, which is shown at Talang Akar and portion of the field. Delineation well AVSA-6
Basement levels. was drilled downdip over small horst block.
~ i ~ u 13
r e: Seismic interpretation of line 3561 -SD83. Figure 18: Structural time-map of AVS-69 sands near T.D.
This line shows angle changes with depth of the of AVSA-6 well. Roll-over closure has an area
Thousand Islands Fault, the synthetic growth of almost 30O'acres.
faults associated with the main fiult and struc- Figure 19: Channel sand model of AVS-57 pay zone. This
tural rollovers confined in between faults. model is derived from well logs and accounts
Projected directions of wells drilled are shown for the point-bar, swale and abandoned channel
relative to the line. (oxbow lake) sedimentation.
Figure 14: Seismic line 3814-SD83 illustrates the listric Figure 20: Sand isopach map of the AVS-62 reservoir.
character of faults. Block faulting follows Contour interval is 10 foot. Position and thick-
orientation of basement bedding plane. Fault ness of AVS-62 sands within directional trace
block rotations and weaving chanpel sands of the wells are depicted.
accounts for complex seismic signature below Figure 21 : Net oil pay isopach map of the AVS62 sand
top Deltaic Talang Akar marker. Projected including recoverable oil per well.
directions of platform and wells relative to the
C.I. : to0 ms.



@ li; : ( NEUTRAL)




S.a bottom
Thousand tslad ltme butld-ups ( shell sand,
and c w a l r u h k )

~ u adt sea bottom. grading

downward 10 fl(umbon and s o f t

stringers and carbonate nodules

present Pielstocenr Peat and
coarse alluvium just below sea

Miocene Offshore nwlttc Claystone similar to Cisubuh.
S f d 3 bc(oa1t.d wlth Interbedded predominantly
a c r o s s 0 ShdlO* very tine-medlum grained glouco-
eprant~nentdSw nitle sands, common limestone

Lower ( Upper- .like present

Jovo S e a
stringers associated with s a n d -
Cibulakan )

Tight t h i n limestone stringers

~ l g h colored
t shale / cloy
Channel, polnt bar, crevasse sonda
Dark color seams

retaceous FAULT PLANE I Uetamorphic rack-chlorite schist




1 2452 BCW
3198 MCFPD






CI : 10 ms.

0-5308 ( A V S A - 5 1 o

AVSA-L L.I.O-54%'
AVSA-5 0.0.~-5279' G O C - 5 2 7 9 ' f A -~51



AVS- 2 : HIW - 6414'

AVS -3 : LTO - 6 2 7 2 '
LIO - 6 2 7 7 ' UPPER
- 6 2 9 5 ' LOWER
AVS- 4 : LIO - 6 3 9 2 ' UNTESTED
AVSA-I : GOC - 6178'
LIO - 6217 ' AR-1
AVS-I 1 2209 371 92 294 3/4
AVSA-3 1 1699 3 4 5 82 410 1/2



TOP WS 62-

F I G U R E :10

F I G U R E :11

F I G U R E 12
F I G U R E : 15


0 0

0 d



S/~*CHK,W)IC I 4 7 7 ? S l ,
24 WPO, 61.5- API



(b) F I G U R E : 19



F I G U R E : 20

- 6277'u~PER
- 6295' LOWER

LI0 - 6392' UNTESTED

AVSA- I GOC - 6178'
LIO - 6217'
LIO-6392' (AVS- AVS 62 SAND
AVS-1 1 2209 37.1 9 2 294 3/4 3 4 9
AVSA-3 1 1692 34.5 82 410 1/2 5 6 8


LIO. -6392 '(AVS-41




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