Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasional Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kinerja Karyawan
Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasional Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kinerja Karyawan
Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasional Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kinerja Karyawan
Abstract: Human resources (HR) plays an important role for the success of a company. The
purpose of this study was to assess the effect of organizational justice on the motivation and
performance of employees. The study was conducted at PT. Tunas Jaya Sanur engaged in the
construction of buildings with a sample of 136 employees were taken using proportionate random
sampling technique. Companies must be supported with good human resource and quality to
maintain the viability of the company. Analysis techniques used in this study is partial least square
(PLS). The results showed that organizational justice and significant positive effect on motivation.
Organizational justice is also positive and significant impact on performance. the motivation to
have a positive effect on performance. The results of this study prove that, the better the perceived
organizational justice by employees, motivation and performance will also increase. Similarly, the
higher the motivation for good organizational justice the higher the performance of employees.
The results are consistent with the theory that employees get organizational justice will increase
the motivation and high performance in the completion of their duties. The practical implications
of this research can be considered firm or management in making decisions or making policies -
policies related to organizational justice in order to improve the motivation and performance of
Ukuran Sampel
No. Jabatan Karyawan
1 Bagian Keuangan dan Administrasi 99 22
2 Site Manajer Proyek 104 25
3 Logistik 191 43
4 Pelaksana Sipil dan Arsitektur 200 46
Total 594 136
Sumber: Data Primer, diolah 2016.
1. Usia
a. ≤ 25 Tahun 9 7
b. 26 – 35 Tahun 43 32
c. 36 – 45 Tahun 48 35
d. ≥ 46 Tahun 36 26
Jumlah 136 100
2. Jenis Kelamin
a. Laki-Laki 120 88
b. Perempuan 16 12
Jumlah 136 100
3. Pendidikan
a. SD 4 3
b. SMP 10 7
c. SMA / SMK / SMEA 68 50
d. Diploma 1 1
e. S1 53 39
Jumlah 136 100
4. Masa Kerja
1 – 5 Tahun 69 51
6 – 10 Tahun 55 40
11 – 15 Tahun 10 7
16 – 20 Tahun 2 2
Jumlah 136 100
Sumber: Data primer, diolah 2016.
No Rentang Interpretasi
rata-ratai skor Keadilan Organisasional Motivasi
& Kinerja
1. 1,00 – 1,80 Sangat Buruk Sangat Rendah
2. 1,81 – 2,61 Buruk Rendah
3. 2,62 – 3,42 Sedang Cukup
4. 3,43 – 4,23 Baik Tinggi
5. 4,24 – 5,00 Sangat Baik Sangat Tinggi
B. Motivasi
Motivasi Berprestasi 0.785 12.975 Signifikan
Motivasi Kekuasaan 0.843 24.367 Signifikan
Motivasi Berafiliasi 0.866 24.702 Signifikan
C. Kinerja
Memecahkan masalah 0.746 14.033 Signifikan
Tanggung jawab 0.602 8.418 Signifikan
Wewenang - wewenang 0.664 10.454 Signifikan
Kemampuan bekerjasama 0.559 6.245 Signifikan
Mengambil keputusan 0.739 13.207 Signifikan
Pekerjaan tepat waktu 0.750 17.360 Signifikan
Pekerjaan diselesaikan 0.670 11.144 Signifikan
dengan baik
Bekerja dengan cepat 0.616 10.458 Signifikan
Sumber: data primer, diolah 2016
Variabel AVE Akar AVE Keadilan Motivasi
Keadilan 0.643 0.802 1 0.393 0.570
Motivasi 0.692 0.832 1 0.571
Kinerja 0.451 0.672 1
Sumber: Hasil perhitungan data penelitian
Y1.1 Y1.3
H1 (Y1) H3 Y2.2
Keadilan Kinerja
Organisasional (Y2) Y2.5
X1 X3
X2 Y2.8
Tabel 7
Result for Inner Model
Original Sample T Statistics (|O/ Keterangan
Pengaruh (O) STERR|)
Keadilan organisasional -> Motivasi 0.394 3.594 Signifikan